Chapter 15
The three of Bibi Dong released their spirits one after another, intending to use their spirit skills to attack the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

However, the two 10-year-old soul beasts didn't move in any way, they just glanced at Bibi Dong and the three of them lightly, with a pressure that couldn't be ignored flashing in their eyes.

The three of Bibi Dong felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and they were at a critical moment.


Suddenly, a gust of endless icy air drifted over, interrupting the plans of the two sides to attack.

I saw a woman walking out from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, it was Xuanshuang.

At this time, Xuanshuang's eyes were extremely cold, and he gave Bibidong and the three of them a faint look: "This is the residence of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, no soul masters are allowed to fight, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy!"

Xuanshuang's murderous tone reached the ears of Bibi Dong and the other three, causing Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to shudder uncontrollably.

What an amazing chill!

However, Bibi Dong didn't get angry because of this, she stared at Xuanshuang tightly with her pitch-black pupils, with an extremely serious expression on her face.

Ju Douluo at the side couldn't help losing his temper immediately when he heard this defiant words, and shouted towards Xuanshuang in front: "Presumptuous, you dare to talk to the Pope like that, are you impatient? "

Chrysanthemum Douluo said it directly without using his brain.

However, Ghost Douluo didn't react at all, but there was a monstrous anger in his eyes, obviously agreeing with Ju Douluo's words.

Xuanshuang's words just now were too presumptuous. After all, they are also the supreme titled Douluo powerhouses in the Wuhun Hall, how could they be looked down upon by a woman?


After hearing this sentence, Xuanshuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and wisps of frost power emerged from his right hand, releasing a destructive icy air, directly freezing a few meters around in an instant.

"Wait a minute, this time it's our Wuhundian who didn't think carefully, please forgive me!"

Bibi Dong felt this infinite cold power, her eyelids twitched suddenly, and a deadly sense of crisis suddenly appeared in her heart.

Seeing this situation, Bibi Dong didn't dare to be careless at all, and quickly gave Ju Douluo a look, telling him to stop what he said, and at the same time calming Xuanshuang's temper.

If the staff of Wuhundian saw this scene, they would definitely turn pale with fright, Bibi Dong's temper said nothing.

Sitting in the supreme position of the Wuhun Hall, the coercion carried by him makes weak soul masters dare not look directly at him.

It's hard to imagine that Bibi Dong would say such words today, even when she said these words, she still couldn't turn a blind eye to her noble aura.

"This... Your Majesty the Pope..."

When Ju Douluo heard Bibi Dong's words, his face was full of disbelief, how could it become like this?

Before he could continue speaking, Bibi Dong directly interrupted his next words.

She gave him a warning look, telling him not to act rashly.

After receiving this instruction, Ju Douluo finally came to his senses, and after looking at the serious expressions of Bibi Dong and Ghost Douluo, he began to observe Xuanshuang in front of him.

Not knowing what he sensed, Ju Douluo felt panic in his heart.

The body retreated unconsciously, and at this moment he really felt the earth-shattering power in Xuanshuang's body.

This woman must be an extremely powerful Titled Douluo, whose final soul power level is higher than that of him and Ghost Douluo.

He actually sensed a deadly sense of crisis from Xuanshuang's body, that is to say, the woman in front of him has the ability to kill him.

This made Ju Douluo startled, and he didn't dare to speak again.

Seeing this situation, Xuanshuang nodded slightly.

"These two 10-year-old soul beasts were captured by our Pavilion Master, and they are specially guarding the gate of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. You don't need to pay too much attention to it!"

Seeing the eyes of Bibi Dong and the others, Xuanshuang solemnly stared at the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape not far away, so she explained aloud, so that they don't need to make a fuss.

These two soul beasts now belong to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, without their permission, naturally there will be no accidents.

"What, these two 10-year-old soul beasts were captured by your pavilion master!"

Hearing this, Ju Douluo screamed in a soft voice, which made Xuanshuang not far away frowned.

Originally, he planned to continue asking, but after seeing Xuanshuang's expression, he immediately became dumb and closed his mouth tightly.

He didn't dare to provoke the woman in front of him, who was covered in frost. If he was not careful, he might freeze into an ice sculpture.

Xuanshuang didn't continue to explain to Bibidong and the others, and then led a few people slowly towards the direction of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

It's not long before the auction starts.

Just like that, Bibi Dong and the three followed Xuanshuang's footsteps into the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Bibi Dong's heart was extremely restless.

The reason why she didn't make a move just now is because Xuanshuang's strength is extremely strong.

Although she is not as good as she was in her heyday, she is not far behind. In addition, due to other reasons, she cannot use all her strength, so she had to say what she just said.

On the other hand, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has a mysterious Limit Douluo expert, whose strength is far stronger than her!
For such a strong person, she dare not neglect easily, and the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is too mysterious.

Just the appearance of these two titled Douluo level powerhouses deserves such treatment from the Spirit Hall?
What surprised Bibi Dong the most was the two 10-year-old soul beast kings in the Star Dou Great Forest, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

She was actually captured by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion as a soul beast to guard the gate, which made her dare not even think about it.

For the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to reach such a level, it must have absolute strength, so that the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape had to submit.

Bibi Dong was even more curious about the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, full of mystery.

The most important purpose of her coming to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is to find out the real strength of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Whether it will pose a threat to Wuhundian, all of this must be investigated clearly, otherwise her future plans will be difficult to implement.

(End of this chapter)

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