Chapter 143 Strange Rong Tongtian Ju

"Next, please look at the second auction item."

Afterwards, Xuanshuang handed over the first auction item to Dai Tian, ​​and introduced the second auction item to everyone.

I saw Xuanshuang raised his right hand slightly, and a ray of golden light suddenly bloomed.

A huge chrysanthemum, the chrysanthemum is a magnificent purple, strangely, every petal of the chrysanthemum looks fluffy and extraordinarily cute.

The whole chrysanthemum is integrated into one body, but there is no fragrance overflowing. The stamen in the center is more than half a foot higher than the petals, and the top of the stamen shines with a faint golden brilliance.

This is the Qirong Tongtianju that Lu Yun got in the lottery before, which is a top-level fairy herb.

It can be said that each of the five auction items that Lu Yun took out this time can be quite precious.

Lu Yun naturally thought about taking out the strange velvet celestial chrysanthemum this time.

He believed that if Chrysanthemum Douluo saw this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, he would never turn a blind eye to it, so he tried his best to auction it off.

"This is the same type of fairy grass as the Nine Hearts Profound Grass, Qiluo Tulip, which we auctioned in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before, and it has very powerful effects."

"Extraordinary Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum is a neutral celestial herb. It can be eaten to move the limbs, and the blood can flow through the eight veins. It can practice the indestructible body of the vajra."

Xuanshuang introduced the specific effects of this strange velvet chrysanthemum.

After the soul masters present heard this powerful effect, everyone showed excitement.

This Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum should have such a powerful effect as described in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, which can greatly increase the strength of the body.

"Another function of the celestial chrysanthemum is similar to the fairy grass that was auctioned before. It can greatly increase the soul power of a soul master. Of course, the lower the soul master's level of soul power, the more powerful the chrysanthemum is. Get the most out of it.”

"Therefore, the first auction price of this strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum is [-] soul crystals!"

Afterwards, Xuanshuang immediately announced the price of the first auction of this strange velvet Babel chrysanthemum.

As soon as this price appeared, the soul masters present fell into fierce competition.

They didn't have a chance with the Qiluo tulip before, but they didn't want to miss this strange velvet chrysanthemum.

In any case, it must be auctioned off.


The box where the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is located.

"Fengzhi, isn't this Strange Velvet Tongtian Ju Douluo's martial soul? Why did his martial soul become a fairy herb?"

At this moment, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo naturally saw this Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum, and felt very familiar, isn't it the Wuhun of Chrysanthemum Douluo from Wuhun Palace?
Why does his martial spirit have an identical top-level fairy grass in reality, Qi Rong Tong Tian Chrysanthemum.

This surprised Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, it was hard to believe what they saw.

"I didn't expect that, after all, the Qirong Tongtianju martial spirit is a top-level martial spirit, and as a fairy herbal medicine, its effect is also very heaven-defying."

"I believe that Chrysanthemum Douluo will not turn a blind eye to this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, and no matter what, Ju Douluo must not let Ju Douluo take down this fairy grass."

"If Chrysanthemum Douluo gets it, then Chrysanthemum Douluo's strength will increase greatly, and it will be another powerful threat to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi nodded lightly, expressing his doubts.

But soon he ignored this matter, and wanted to win this strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum from the hands of Wuhundian.

"That's right, Ju Douluo's soul power level has reached level 95. If he is allowed to take this strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum that is exactly the same as his spirit, he may get unexpected gains, and his strength will even be further improved."

Sword Douluo at the side nodded lightly, agreeing with Ning Fengzhi's idea, and also did not want Ju Douluo to take down this Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

Inside the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, most of the titled Douluo powerhouses recognized this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum as Ju Douluo's martial soul.

Everyone knows the strength of Chrysanthemum Douluo's martial soul, so they are full of curiosity about this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, and want to auction it off to strengthen their strength.

In this way, the top forces acquiesced in their hearts, and planned to do their best to auction off this strange velvet chrysanthemum.

Compared to other boxes, it was relatively calm, but at this moment in the box where the Wuhundian was located, the atmosphere became really tense.

Chrysanthemum Douluo looked at the Qirong Tongtian Ju in front of Xuanshuang with a shocked face, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

"It's actually the Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum. I didn't expect to see another Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum besides my Wuhun in my lifetime."

Chrysanthemum Douluo raised his hands slightly forward, through the air, as if he was stroking the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum in front of Xuanshuang.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's eyes were full of longing, he originally thought that the only one in the Douluo Continent was his Wuhun, the strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

Unexpectedly, in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, I saw the second Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum. How could this not surprise Ju Douluo?
At this time, Ju Douluo made up his mind that no one should compete with him for this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

How can this kind of rare and top-notch chrysanthemum be used for consumption? It must be stored and cared for carefully.

Chrysanthemum Douluo will never allow other soul masters to take this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

It is impossible to take away this strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum under his nose.

"Your Majesty the Pope, no matter what, I will take down this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum."

Ju Douluo said to Bibi Dong with a solemn expression, his tone full of certainty.

"Okay, but you have to be prepared mentally, the competition for this chrysanthemum will be unprecedentedly fierce, and due to the anti-natural effect of the previous Qiluo tulip, the competition for this chrysanthemum is no exception. "

Bibi Dong didn't say anything, rather agreeing with Ju Douluo's thoughts.

She was very curious that the fairy grass that was brought out in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion this time turned out to be Qi Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

If Chrysanthemum Douluo took this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, his strength would definitely increase greatly.

For Wuhundian to dominate the Douluo Continent, there are indescribable benefits, and for this treasure, Bibi Dong is also very happy to help Ju Douluo take it down.

This process is obviously a little difficult, I hope Ju Douluo can make a mental preparation in advance.

This time she intends to compete for the last auction item, perhaps not too many soul crystals, to help Ju Douluo.

Chrysanthemum Douluo should have accumulated a lot of soul crystals after such a long period of condensing.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!"

After hearing that Bibi Dong agreed, Ju Douluo said with a surprised expression.

Counting the soul crystals he owns, even if he goes all out to lose his fortune, he still wants to take down this strange velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum.

If he missed this Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum, he might never have a chance to get a second one in the future.

No one knows whether the Xingdou Auction Pavilion will take out the Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum in the future?

He has experienced these few auctions, and there are almost no repeated auction items.

So far, only three types of grass jelly have appeared, and he dare not bet on whether the Xingdou Auction Pavilion will also have the Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum.

He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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