Chapter 100 Finale Auction

After receiving the specific order, Xuanshuang suddenly disappeared in place when she heard what Lu Yun wanted her to do, and reappeared in a box.

"4000 soul crystals."

Xuanshuang's voice changed, calling out the specific price.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun nodded in satisfaction, intending to trick Tang San.

Lu Yun naturally knew the number of soul crystals Tang San and the others possessed, and their little tricks couldn't be hidden from his eyes in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

Lu Yun intends to ask Xuanshuang to make a bid, trying to get rid of the soul crystal in Tang San's pocket completely.

He believed that Tang San would definitely use all their net worth to auction this car.

Tang San was very interested in hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, and this car was also very mysterious and rare. I believe that with Tang San's personality, he would never let him miss it.

This is where Lu Yun's grasp lies.

Just like that, time was fleeting, with Xuanshuang's joining, Tang San became urgent.

This price is infinitely close to all the soul crystals they brought.

"Why don't we just give up, after all, the price is almost more than all the soul crystals on us."

At this moment, Dai Mubai on the side fell into hesitation, then turned to ask Tang San and the others, deciding to give up this competition.

"No, this car must be taken down!"

After Tang San heard these words, he disagreed, after all he was very proficient in hidden weapons.

This thing in front of him confuses him, so no matter what price he pays, Tang San will auction off this car to study how to make this car.


The rest of the people also fell into hesitation, wondering if they should agree with Tang San's decision?

In their opinion, this price is really outrageous.

"It's okay, even if I bid this time, I will return the soul crystals you paid for in the future."

Tang San saw everyone's hesitation, and said aloud.

"Forget it, these soul crystals are considered to be our support for you, but you have to make a plan. The final transaction price of this car is likely to far exceed our budget."

Finally, Dai Mubai sighed leisurely, intending to hand over all the soul crystals to Tang San for disposal.

"Thank you!"

Tang San thanked everyone after hearing everyone's agreement.

Staring at the car in front of him with bright eyes, he raised the wooden sign in his hand and called out the price.

"4300 soul crystals!"

After Lu Yun saw the series of reactions from Tang San and the others, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared on his face.

As expected!
With Tang San's character, how could he give up this car?

Immediately, Xuanshuang continued to increase the price, trying to squeeze out the soul crystals on Tang San's body completely.

"4800 soul crystals!"

After receiving Lu Yun's order, Xuanshuang directly raised the price to 4800 soul crystals.

After hearing this price, Tang San showed a look of embarrassment, the total number of soul crystals on them was only 4900 soul crystals.

What if that person continues to raise the price?
After some thinking, Tang San gritted his teeth, decided to take a gamble, and directly called out 4900 soul crystals, which were also all the soul crystals on him.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Xuanshuang did not continue to increase the price, and immediately left the box.

"4900 soul crystals once."

"4900 soul crystals twice."

"4900 soul crystals three times."

"Since no one continues to increase the price, this car will be auctioned by the NO.18 wooden brand."

Lu Yun announced the final ownership of the car, and immediately handed over the money and delivery to Tang San.

Lu Yun knew very well that the reason why Tang San auctioned off this car at all costs was simply to study the specific structure.

However, Tang San's thinking was really too naive, this car has been systematically remodeled, it's completely integrated, it can't be disassembled at all.

If the car is forcibly disassembled by external force, it will destroy itself and cannot be assembled together again.

Regarding this situation, Lu Yun didn't tell Tang San, but let him think about it carefully.

If he really dismantled the car, not only would he lose nearly five thousand soul crystals, but even the car would eventually be scrapped.

Lu Yun was looking forward to Tang San's expression very much, but unfortunately, he couldn't see this scene.

Next, the auction will continue, and the second auction item is the service puppet drawn by Lu Yun last time.

Take out an auction. After all, such things are not too precious, but they are rare and can handle some daily things.

This puppet was also won by a small force after fierce competition.

The third auction item is a god-bestowed spirit ring, but the limit of this god-bestowed spirit ring is much weaker than the god-bestowed spirit rings brought out in previous auctions.

The limit of this god-given spirit ring can only reach the 5-year level.

Even so, this god-bestowed spirit ring is still a heaven-defying treasure. After all, a god-bestowed spirit ring can bring a soul master the most suitable soul skills.

No matter how you think about it, it's not a loss, and you don't have to worry about the threat of hunting soul beasts.

A 5-year-level soul beast cannot be successfully hunted and killed by ordinary soul masters.

The price of this god bestowed soul ring also soared all the way, and finally Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall bid [-] soul crystals and auctioned it off.

The fourth auction item is a 1-year-old spirit bone.

As for this soul bone, Lu Yun didn't need it at all, so he put it up for auction.

If nothing else, this spirit bone also fell into fierce competition.

In the end, the Landian Tyrannosaurus family spent [-] soul crystals to take this rare ten thousand year soul bone.

This soul bone contains a trace of dragon blood. It can be said that this soul bone is very suitable for soul masters with dragon martial souls. This soul bone deserves to belong to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

The rest of the forces wanted to compete, but the price was too high, so they had no choice but to give up.

There are other reasons for the rest of the top forces to give up this ten thousand year soul bone. After all, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has such a deep foundation, and the age of the soul bones that will be taken out in the future will definitely be higher than this.

This made the other top forces less crazily competitive.

In this way, the first four auction items have ended, and it is the last auction item of this small auction.

The last auction item is very precious, it is time for Lu Yun to start his huge plan, take the opportunity to collect a large number of soul crystals, and turn them into auction sites.

"First of all, let's look at the finale of our small auction. It can even be said that the finale of this time is not much weaker than the previous large finale."

"The last auction item is a unique existence. I hope that all your forces can seize this opportunity. If you miss it, it will be difficult for you to meet it in the future."

Suddenly, a calm smile appeared on Lu Yun's face, and he didn't say what the final auction item was in the first place!
For the finale lot, it adds a bit of mystery.

As soon as the words fell, the top powerhouses present all cheered up.

The Xingdou Auction Pavilion boasted so much, this time the finale auction item was actually so much more precious than the previous few times.

How can this not shock the top forces?

The finale auction items in the previous few times were all the top existences in Douluo Continent, so everyone was full of anticipation for the last finale auction item.

"Before the finale auction, I will introduce to you a secret realm in our Star Dou Auction Pavilion. The degree of mystery in it will definitely surprise all of you."

Lu Yun said in a soft voice, a gray ball appeared in a trance in his right hand.

This is the secret realm of chaos that Lu Yun has evolved into. He threw the ball forward.

In an instant, this sphere was suspended in the very center of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Under the action of Lu Yun's power, the ball began to grow slowly, and finally it was completely suspended in front of everyone's eyes.

With a big wave of Lu Yun's hand, the gray mist surrounding the ball immediately dissipated.

Seeing the scene in the ball, everyone showed horror on their faces.

The scene here is extremely similar to the Star Dou Forest in Douluo Continent.

Even if they only saw this scene, they could still feel that it was full of strong soul power, no less than the soul power of Douluo Dalu.

"what is this?"

"Why is there a forest in this sphere? Overall, it seems to be real."

"Is this the secret realm of chaos that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is talking about? I don't know what is so magical about it?"


When the scene in the ball appeared before everyone's eyes, everyone's face showed a puzzled expression.

I wonder what the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is trying to do?

They had never seen such a miraculous thing before, so their eyes fell on Lu Yun, wanting to hear his next explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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