Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 88 Big and Small Fireworks Team of 2?

Chapter 88 Big and small firework duo?
"Thank you for your breakfast, are you on the number?" Chu Yunxiu sent a message.

Yi Tianming replied: "OK."


Today is a good day, at least for Lanxi Pavilion, because they managed 10 wild bosses last week, ranking first among all guilds.

There are 4 more than the second Zhongcaotang, which made Chunyi happy for a while.

copy door,

Lan Qiaochunxue stood in front of a group of 17 people. Among them, the highest level was 67, and the lowest level was 65. They were all newcomers to the Realm of Gods.

Level 65 can complete the challenge of the God's Domain, and he can be regarded as a folk master. Back then, Lanqiao Chunxue only stepped into the God's Domain at level 60. Now he is one of the five masters of Lanxi Pavilion.

This shows the strength of these new players

Therefore, these 17 new players are naturally highly valued by Mr. Chunyi. In the future, there is a high probability that they will be included in the elite group to participate in the important task of robbing the boss of the wild map, so he asked Lan Qiao to take them. Brush up the level.

"Captain Lanqiao, please give me instructions." The swordsman with the highest rank among the 17 people stepped forward and said.

Lan Qiao scanned around, and his lips moved slightly: "Hiss... If you book 20 people, there are still two less..."

Just when Lan Qiao was about to ask Mr. Chun Yi for two more people, a crisp male voice caught his attention.
"Captain Lanqiao, add the two of us!"

"Huh? Is there anyone else?" Lan Qiao turned his camera and saw two players walking towards this side, one was a fighter and the other was an elemental mage.

"That's right, let's add two more. It's just for the 20 people." Xiao Yanhua said, the level on her head is 63, which is the same as that of Big Firework.

"You two, aren't you joking?" Lan Qiao also has a good temper. If someone else came, he might just scold him directly.
This level 65 dungeon, you two level 63 dungeons came here to join in the fun, isn't this purely causing trouble!
"Although we are currently short of people, but your level is too low, it will slow you down." Lan Qiao has already said very euphemistically, "Besides, the two of you are not from our Lanxi Pavilion, right?"

"It's easy to handle." Zhanfa Dayanhua waved his spear, and then Lanqiao received a message,
[Guild reminder: Big Firework applied to join Lanxi Pavilion]
Lan Qiao was stunned for a while, this action was really fast, so he added it as soon as he said it...

"Wait, I'll add one too." Little Firework followed suit,
[Guild reminder: Little Firework applied to join Lanxi Pavilion]
Just when Lan Qiao was about to refuse, suddenly the discussion of the group of new players behind him slipped into his ears,

"Big Fireworks, Little Fireworks... Hey, why do I feel like I've seen these two names before?"

"Remember, there is a new guild in God's Domain called Fireworks! Could their names be the undercover agents sent by Fireworks?"

These words opened up Lanqiao's memory. From this point of view, these two ids are indeed not simple.
"Are you two members of the Fireworks Guild?" Lan Qiao asked, turning around.

Da Yanhua smiled and said, "If I answer yes, will that allow us to join the team?"

Lan Qiaochunxue thought for a moment, then turned her finger to "Agree",

[Guild reminder: Big Firework and Little Firework have successfully joined Lanxi Pavilion]
"Try the reality of the two of you first." Lan Qiao said in his heart, he waved his hand, "Okay, enter the dungeon, go in and listen to my instructions."

"Yes, Captain Blue Bridge!"


Entering the dungeon, it was normal at the beginning, there were some mobs jumping out, these new players can easily solve it,

The big and small firework duo followed behind the team and played very easily. The monsters were wiped out before they reached them. The two of them were no different from paddling.
"Can you only paddle?" Lan Qiao has been secretly watching the two of them, but he didn't test out their real strength, but it can be seen that they are quite good at paddling.

Lan Qiao has a good temper, but he will not allow this kind of paddling to happen in the team,
Therefore, when a wave of mobs were refreshed, he intentionally left out a few mobs to the back. The number was not many, but since this is a level 65 book, the damage of level 63 characters is not high, and it will be difficult to fight.

"Let's see if you're still planning." Lan Qiao was going to help the two of them when they couldn't, but he didn't expect that what happened next would refresh his seriousness.
The two of them had a tacit understanding like professional players. Through subtle cooperation, the monsters were dealt with in a few clicks. The efficiency was no worse than that of other players, and even almost caught up with the level 70 own monster spawning speed.

"Really, this efficiency..."

At this time, Lan Qiao didn't know that the two in front of him were really professional players.

Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu in front of the screen laughed in tacit understanding. They were chatting on their mobile phones while playing games.

Chu Yunxiu: Why are you paddling?

Yi Tianming: [Laughing expression] Aren't you too, why work hard when you can be lazy.

Chu Yunxiu: Hehe!
In the following dungeons, the big and small Fireworks were still silently paddling behind the team, but Lan Qiao didn't make things difficult for them anymore.

The strength of these two people has been tested in the previous wave. Lan Qiao was thinking about how to introduce these two people to Mr. Chun Yi after finishing the book.

Judging from the strength just now, they have no problem joining the elite group, and they can even be a small group leader.

Lan Qiao walked in the front of the team, his thoughts drifted away from the dungeon, and he didn't notice that a small crack had opened in the ground under his feet.
A giant spider sprang out from inside, and a cold green light appeared from the legs of the eight spiders.

Fortunately, Lan Qiao didn't react slowly, and jumped back to avoid the fatal blow.
Hidden bosses!

This word appeared in Lan Qiao's mind reflexively.

"Everyone be on alert!" Lan Qiao just said, but he didn't expect that a milky white thing suddenly spewed out from the giant spider's mouth.
Lan Qiao raised his sword to split the white thing, but the moment he touched it, his weapon was instantly covered by the white thing, and fell to the ground with a bang.


The giant spider also had a mouthful of milky white stuff, Lan Qiao couldn't dodge it in time, his whole body was tightly wrapped in this layer of white, stuck to the ground and unable to move,

The giant spider approached step by step, and the ground made loud noises. It stared at the prey in front of it with bright eyes.
Now Lanqiao can't move anymore, so I can only hope for the teammates behind me,

However, this group of new players seemed to have not adapted to the style of the Domain of Gods, and they were slow to react for a second or two.
"Quick, rescue the captain!"

"Come on!"

"The priest adds blood!"


"Wait! Don't come here yet!" Lan Qiao just reminded him, but he didn't think it was still a step too late.
These 17 players rushed forward in a hurry. They thought that the large number of people was an advantage, but they didn't want to directly trigger the passive skills of the giant spider:
When there are more than [-] players in the field, it will automatically spray out poisonous spider webs and instantly trap them!
As soon as this group of players rushed forward, they were trapped on the ground one by one by the milky white things.
Of the seventeen people, there were only two left in an instant, a priest and a sharpshooter, and the others were all firmly glued to the ground.

"It's over." Lan Qiao's eyes were filled with despair, how could these two people defeat the boss in front of him?


But then there was a good news. This milky white spider web seemed to have a time limit. Lan Qiao used his strength and found that the restraint on his body was much smaller. It is estimated that after waiting for another 2 minutes, he might be able to break free.
But the bad news is that this spider is very smart and knows how to pick the leader to kill.

The giant spider stepped in front of Lan Qiao in two steps, and was about to kill him with one bite.


Lan Qiao was already in despair, suddenly, the giant spider stopped,
Taking a closer look, it turned out that a battle spear had picked up its lower abdomen, and the figure of the big firework also appeared at this time.
"Little spider, do you want to hurt me, Captain Lanqiao?"

(End of this chapter)

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