Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 7 reappears!Blooming Blood Scene!

Chapter 7 reappears!Blooming Blood Scene!
Just when Wang Jiexi wanted to forcefully replace Blossoming Chaos without hesitation, the priest in the team issued three exclamation points,

Cordyceps:! ! !
Fang Shiqian is a player who has a good view of the overall situation and has personal abilities. In team competitions, he does not even need the special protection of his teammates in many cases. He can effectively protect himself by relying on his own operation and positioning.

This liberated the hands of the other four members of Tiny Herb to a large extent. With such a dual-job proficient priest controlling the game, the Tiny Herb team reached the top of the league in the fifth season and reached the finals in the sixth season. But something unexpected happened...

And now in the seventh season, Tiny Herb with Fang Shiqian made it to the finals again!It is bound to win the second crown!
But at this moment, even Fang Shiqian didn't have time to type, so he could only type three exclamation marks in the channel,

what does this mean?
Means the situation is really urgent!
On the other side of the battlefield, the three of Baihua were able to form an offensive against the four of Tiny Herb, which surprised Wang Jiexi.

Now there are two paths before Wang Jiexi,

5. Forcefully kill Blossoming Chaos, and then go to support teammates to form a short-term 3v[-] situation,
Two, give up forcefully killing Blossoming Chaos, and protect your own priest, Cordyceps sinensis.

As the captain, Wang Jiexi was the core of Team Tiny Herb. At this moment, he didn't hesitate at all. He threw down a handful of dispersing powder and was about to turn around and leave.

Would Blossoming Chaos let him go so easily?

Turn on the berserk, hard-wired the negative effects of this dispersing powder, and at the same time, Bengshan hit his hands, intending to kill Wang Buliuxing,

But he seems to have missed the distance issue,
In an instant, Wang Buliuxing had already flown four or five body distances away, and the attack range of Blossoming Chaos couldn't reach him at all.

This is exactly what the sentence says,
"It's so beautiful, but I can't hit it!"

Is this really true?

From the start to now, Blossoming Chaos hasn't used the skills engraved on the weapon, in order to catch the opponent by surprise,
Opportunity is now!
Even thrust!
Blossoming Chaos immediately teleported several units forward, and the Mountain Collapsing Strike also landed on Wang Buliuxing's head,
"It's really tough." Wang Jiexi muttered, his hand speed soared to 500+, and he manipulated the character to dodge sideways, but he still suffered 5% damage and a short-term stiff effect.

Heavy blows, reverse slashes, dashing stabs...

Blossoming Chaos used all compulsory control skills, and Wang Buliuxing's blood bar dropped all the way, being hit to 10% of his blood volume by a wave!
As soon as Blossoming Chaos' offensive stopped, Wang Buliuxing seized the opportunity to get out of control, and then the lava flask blocked the movement, and the star ray made up for the damage.
Wang Jiexi changed his tactics, or in other words, he was forced to change.

With 10% of his health now, even if he rushes to the battlefield to support his teammates, it won't be of much use. Instead, he may be directly taken away by the opponent.

So he chose to take advantage of the cooling time of Blossoming Chaos' skills, and take them away in one wave.
As for Priest Baihua next to him, don't worry about it!
Blossoming Chaos fell, and Yi Tianming became the first person to fall in this team battle, and his last sentence on the team channel was: Don't save me.

After solving this problem, Wang Buliuxing just turned around when he received bad news.
The picture of Cordyceps sinensis is grayed out!
Wang Jiexi posted on the channel: "??"

But the result from there is still: danger!
Wang Jiexi didn't stop for a moment, turned around and attacked Baihua's priest. His own priest had already fallen, and now the only way to save the situation was to kill the opposing priest as well.

According to conventional thinking, Priest Baihua should run away and drag his teammates to rescue him.

But Baihua has come to this point by relying on a single core, it is definitely not only conventional thinking,

Angel Wings!

A pair of silver-white wings grew from the back of Priest Baihua, and then his body flew into the air,

At the same time, the moment the silver-white wings bloomed, the priest held a golden flame in his hand. From Wang Buliuxing's perspective, it was difficult to spot this flame.

When Wang Buliuxing approached, Priest Baihua's holy fire was successfully released. Once it hits, Wang Buliuxing's skills will be sealed within three seconds and he will suffer certain damage!
Can it hit?



Seeing the tricks, Wang Jiexi showed his hole card, the skill inscribed on this extinct star is teleportation!

Wang Buliuxing directly dodged the sacred fire,
Seeing that the holy fire was emptied and the extinct star was about to hit his head, Priest Baihua still didn't panic, he took a step back,
He sent the flame in the palm of his left hand to Wang Buliuxing's body!

Holy fire!

The holy fire is inscribed on the weapon of Priest Baihua!This is beyond everyone's expectations!
Wang Buliuxing was hit, and this time he had no choice but to cool down all his skills, and his health began to decline.

3 second...2 seconds...1 seconds...

At the moment when Wang Buliuxing's seal was released, a shock bomb slid over unexpectedly,
It was Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, he rushed over at the last second, and at the same time brought a bunch of grenades and bullets,
Wang Buliuxing was killed in battle, and it was less than a minute before Tiny Herb Priest Cordyceps was killed in battle!

It turned out that the "danger" on Tiny Herb's channel just now wasn't about something happening there, but a reminder to Wang Jiexi that Dazzling Hundred Blossoms has passed!

After being killed, Wang Jiexi also understood that Hundred Blossoms used the substitution method, but instead of letting the priest do the routine, Tang Hao's hooligans replaced the assassin Ji Leng.
In this way, even though Tiny Herb had one more player on the battlefield over there, he quickly fell into a disadvantage against the Hundred Blossoms style of play, because not only did they have to beware of the elusive assassins, but also a magician who would drop a few of them from time to time. skill harassment,
Four hit three, but was restrained.

In the end, the pastor Cordyceps sinensis was taken away by Ji Leng's fatal blow, and under the cover of the Hundred Flowers style of play, Ji Leng was not killed in battle, and the residual blood escaped!
Then, as everyone knows, Luohualangcao died in battle, Baihua's sixth man, Tang Hao, came on the stage, but he didn't come to save his priest, but went straight to the battlefield, buying time for Dazzling Hundred Blossoms,

Pastor Baihua trapped Wang Jiexi with two sacred fires, and Dazzling Hundred Flowers came back to take away the crippled Wang Buliuxing, and Tiny Herb's backbone fell.

On the field, Tiny Herb had four people left, without a priest, and the captain also fell down.

There are five people left in Baihua, including the pastor and the team leader.

The result was already predictable, the four members of Tiny Herb fell down one after another without command or treatment. Although Liu Xiaobie, a rookie, boldly jumped out to command the game at the last moment, the other three of Tiny Herb's spirits were gone, and they could not escape in the end. defeat,
On Baihua's side, Dazzling Baihua and the pastor stood at the end. Dazzling Baihua blew the gunpowder smoke, as if seeing the scene of the champion.

In the team competition, Hundred Blossoms wins!
8: 2!

All flowers win!

Looking at the cheering Baihuafen outside, Wang Jiexi leaned on the player's chair with a slightly gloomy expression, thinking about the scene of the competition in his mind,
Which part of Tiny Herb went wrong in this team match?
In the beginning, he held off Luohualangchao and Dazzling Hundred Blossoms on the opposite side without losing the wind, but Tiny Herb still had the upper hand at this time.
Until... the time when Wang Buliuxing forced Blossoming Chaos back,
Wang Jiexi suddenly realized that it was more like his opponent holding him back than he was forcing back Huahuachao!
Because it was during this time that Bai Hua Dazzling ran to the other side of the battlefield to cooperate with the assassins, and took away Tiny Herb Priest Cordyceps sinensis,
As soon as the pastor was threatened, Wang Jiexi naturally went to support him, and the role of Blossoming Chaos was manifested. He used his personal ability to hold back Wang Buliuxing and greatly lowered the bloodline!
The final result was that, under the interference of Blossoming Chaos throughout, Wang Buliuxing collapsed after being crippled, and the priest on the other side of the battlefield was also successfully attacked, and finally the whole line collapsed.

As for the bright spots, there are many people in Hundred Blossoms in this competition!
Zhang Jiale's Hundred Blossoms style of play gave the assassin a cover and took away the Cordyceps sinensis; the two sacred fires of Priest Baihua forcibly held back Wang Buliuxing...

But to talk about the biggest shining point, Wang Jiexi thinks it has to be Yi Tianming's Blossoming Chaos, from the star tactics at the beginning, to the one-on-three, and then to the single-handed on-the-spot,
To be able to perform like this for the first time on the court, the performance can be called almost perfect!

"Yi Tianming..." Wang Jiexi murmured the name.

"Captain Wang, it's time to go out." Fang Shiqian came over to remind him that Tiny Herb's people were already standing at the door waiting for him.

"Well, it's time to go out." Wang Jiexi got up, and the six people from Baihua were already standing in a row outside.
Wang Jiexi led the team to send blessings to the opponents. On the court, they are opponents, but off the court they are friends. All professional players know this very well.
Players from both sides shook hands and said hello in turn.

"Good job." "Thank you..."

"Good job." "Thank you..."

"You played very well." When passing by Yi Tianming's place, Wang Jiexi stopped, "It really surprises me that a rookie can play like this."

"Thank you." Yi Tianming responded with a smile.

"Do you want to consider coming to Tiny Herb? The starting position next season." Wang Jiexi said.

"No." Yi Tianming immediately refused, of course he knew that this was just a temptation from his opponent.

"Think about it." Wang Jiexi patted him on the shoulder, and there was a sudden voice,
"Wang Jiexi! Big Eye Wang! There's only one round left in the match, so you dare to poach someone in front of me!" Zhang Jiale jumped out and shouted.

Wang Jiexi was not angry when he was called Wang Dayan, he turned around and led the team away, waving to the fans present,
The game was lost, but the fans present were all true love. People came all the way to watch the game. It would be impolite to put on a bad face if they lost.

Wang Jiexi is a mature leader, he is very clear about this.

Tiny Herb fans are also responding to the players on the field,
"Come on, Tiny Herb! We will win the next round!"

"Come on, Master Jiexi, we will always support you!"

"Thank you!" Wang Jiexi smiled and nodded, then returned to the player's bench, the next step was to return to the hotel to resume the match.

"Team Wang, the reporter is here to ask questions, post-match interview..." The staff cast a questioning look.

"Push it away." Wang Jiexi waited for Tiny Herb's group to pack up their things, and left first.

And most of the venues are still the voice of Hundred Flowers,

"Hundred flowers must win! Hundred flowers champion!"

8:2, this score means that as long as Baihua scores another three points in the next game, the game can end early and win the seventh season glory championship!

After the game, the first person to be interviewed was Yi Tianming,

In fact, the reporters wanted to interview the members of the failed Tiny Herb team, but they were told that the whole Tiny Herb team refused to interview them, so they turned their attention back to Baihua.

Originally, I wanted to interview star player Zhang Jiale, but he also refused.
The reason is simple: Captain Renweicao also refused, so why can't I, Captain Hundred Blossoms, refuse?

In fact, it is still a word, lazy.

"Excuse me, contestant Yi Tianming, what do you think of this match?"

Yi Tianming's attractive face was exposed under the camera, "Well, I think the opponent played well, but we are even better!"

Kind words!Full of courtesy!

The reporter looked at Zhang Jiale who was in the distance, and found that there was a strong smirk on his face, and it was obvious that he taught it!It's fine if you don't accept interviews yourself, but you actually teach bad newcomers how to deal with interviews!
"Then, what do you think about the next round of duel?" The reporter followed closely.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiale couldn't sit still. Normally, an interview can be done in one sentence. He asked this question twice in a row, and he had never taught Yi Tianming about this question himself. This is the most important thing!
If a newcomer accidentally says something wrong in an interview, it may affect his career!
If a rising star like Yi Tianming falls because of this, then he, the captain, will blame himself to death.

"Damn it! Treat a newcomer like this!" Zhang Jiale wanted to rush over and tear these unscrupulous reporters to pieces!
But he didn't expect Yi Tianming's speech to surprise him for a moment.
"Next round... don't worry, we still have a secret weapon that we haven't used yet!"

"Secret weapon? Can you tell me about it?" The reporter became interested when he heard it, and the camera snapped at his face.

Yi Tianming had put on a serious expression: "Yes, are you sure you want to hear it?"

"Of course! Of course!"

Yi Tianming showed a mysterious smile to the camera: "The secret weapon is... the scene of flowers and blood!"

 Grandpas of the audience, this chapter is a big chapter of nearly 4000 words!
  in conclusion,
  The first round of the final is over, first of all congratulations to Baihua,

  Then let us look forward to the performance of the two teams in the second round!

  (If you have any opinions, you can speak more in the comment area. If you think the pace is fast or slow or the game is procrastinating, you can say it. The author must humbly listen to the valuable opinions of readers!)
(End of this chapter)

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