Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 625 The finals are here!

Arena match.

The arena match worth 2 points was given to Zhou Zekai, Chu Yunxiu and Tian Sen.

The Japanese team on the opposite side obviously didn't want to let go of these two points. After all, they were already 0:3 behind. If they lost these two points in the arena match, they would enter the final team match with a score of 0:5. This pair It's obviously not good for their morale.

Therefore, the Japanese team also sent three extremely powerful players in the arena. It seemed that they were well prepared for this and wanted to get 2 points in the arena.

It's a pity that today everyone in the Chinese team is as good as a chicken. The three players in the first three singles matches performed very well, and the same is true for the three players in the group match. Zhou Zekai even performed a one-on-one challenge at the last moment. Two, it directly ended the game.

5:0! !
This score entering the team competition will undoubtedly bring great morale to the Chinese team.

The fans of the Chinese team at the scene started a new round of cheers. They seemed to have seen the 10:0 score before waving to them.

Soon, the team competition begins.

The Chinese team sent a lineup of Yi Tianming, Chu Yunxiu, Wang Jiexi, Zhou Zekai, Zhang Xinjie, and sixth man Fang Rui.

In fact, so far in the World Invitational Tournament, in terms of team, the Chinese team does not have a relatively fixed lineup. It is not that the lineup is difficult to choose, but because there are so many good players in the team, Ye Xiu is not sure which one. A set of lineups can be fixed, and he can only choose different lineups to fight according to different opponents, so that the characteristics of the players can be maximized.

The biggest feature of the lineup Ye Xiu chose today is that it is both offensive and defensive, and can adapt to various emergencies on the field.

Because in the pre-match research, the biggest feature of the Japanese team is offense. They like to play fast-paced offense, especially at the beginning. They often have five people heading directly towards the middle of the map, and then attack regardless of everything. This style of play is also called a rush start.

Therefore, the special arrangement for this is to let Zhang Xinjie be the commander of this game, which means that the Chinese team mainly plays a defensive counterattack tactic in this game.

Of course, this does not mean that the Chinese team can only play defensive counterattacks. At the right time, Zhang Xinjie will also lead the team to attack. Attackers such as Zhou Zekai and Yi Tianming will be his toughest weapons.

After the game started, as expected by Ye Xiu, the Japanese team pressed forward with an army of five people at the beginning, approaching the middle of the map. However, the precautions taken by the Chinese team were textbook-level. Zhang Xinjie did not blindly defend. The five members of the Chinese team rushed to a position on the right side of the middle of the map. This position would not only have a large-scale frontal relationship with the opponent, but also allow the opponent to know a general position of the Chinese team.

Naturally, the Japanese team wanted to grab an opening. They discovered the positions of the Chinese team's five players, and then quickly launched an attack without hesitation.

This plays right into the hands of the Chinese team.

Afterwards, the five members of the Japanese team continued to move deeper into the temptation of the Chinese team.

You know, this map is the map selected by the Chinese team. The Chinese team has made all preparations. In the lower right corner of the map, the Chinese team has already formulated a defensive counterattack plan during pre-match training. As long as the opponent Once entering the area here, the Chinese team's counterattack can quickly take shape.

However, as they walked, the Japanese team discovered something was wrong. After all, the team that could get to this point was not stupid. If they followed the Chinese team into the unknown area, they knew it would be very dangerous.

Before the Japanese team could fully enter the area prepared by the Chinese team, they began to retreat, as if they smelled a dangerous factor in the attack.

In this way, the Chinese team launched plan B.


Zhou Zekai rushed out with a shot of Cloud Piercer, using his personal ability to forcefully clear the Japanese team's defense line that wanted to retreat.

That's right, that's the literal meaning. He used his own strength to wash away the opponent's defense line, and then retreated completely.

Of course, this was also when the opponent wanted to retreat but also wanted to attack, so he caught the opponent off guard.

Can this be tolerated?
The Japanese team really put up with it, and they are worthy of being ninjas.

However, this wave of attacks also paved the way for the Japanese team's subsequent mistakes.

After that, the Japanese team's opponent was in the middle of the map, and they didn't want to be led around like this.

Their idea is good, but it will still be very difficult to implement it.

Because, after all, they are not familiar with this map, so what if they retreat to the middle of the map? Then I am still not familiar with the specific situation of the middle road of the map, and I have to go through some exploration before I can adapt to it.

What the Chinese team captured was this information gap.

In fact, once the Japanese team starts to retreat, it means that they have given up their usual offensive start routine. After all, they usually attack hard at the beginning, but now that they have retreated, it means that they have deviated from their previous style of play. , the coordination between team members is likely to cause errors.

The Chinese team took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and attack, quickly attacking the Japanese team's defense line.

The effect is remarkable!

Luo Hua Lang Ji, Wang Buliu Xing, and Yi Qian Chuan Yun were like three sharp knives, severely cutting through the Japanese team's defense line.

Even before the five members of the Japanese team could completely retreat to the middle of the map, the formation was already scattered.

And there seems to be some problems with the communication within their team. Some people think that since they have retreated, they must retreat to a safe position before they can stop. However, some people think that the formation has been scattered now. If they continue to retreat, the consequences will be disastrous. , it would be better to launch a counterattack on the spot.

As we all know, if teammates on the team have disagreements during the game, the consequences will be very serious.

The Japanese team soon tasted the bitter pill.

Their defense soon became completely loose, and the subsequent games were a one-sided massacre. The Japanese team did not even have a chance to unite their defense again, thus completely ruining the game.


This team match ended very quickly, taking 11 minutes and 23 seconds, which is the fastest team match in the current World Invitational Tournament.

After a brief silence, all the fans of the Chinese team quickly burst into thunderous applause.

"Come on Team China!! Long live Team China!!!"

10:0! "A wonderful game, a great game. I think tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for fans of the Chinese team. This game is really exciting." Li Yibo exclaimed.

"Yeah, what does the score of 10:0 mean?" Pan Lin chuckled, and everyone can understand the content behind it.

As long as we get one more point from the Chinese team, we will be able to advance to the finals.

1 point, which is really good. The Chinese team only needs to win one single match, and does not need to play in the subsequent group matches or team matches, to advance to the finals, and as expected, it should be the first. A team that advances to the finals will have the right to choose whether to play host before guest or guest first.

"Then today's game comes to an end. Let's meet again in the second round a week later."



Post-match interview.

"First of all, congratulations to the Chinese team for winning a big victory. This is the first 10:0 in the knockout round. There is no doubt that this is a great game. Secondly, coach Ye, did you cast any spell before the game? The players of the Chinese team performed very well on the field today," a reporter asked first.

Ye Xiu smiled slightly: "There is no magic spell, our players are just performing normally. But when facing special opponents, our players will have a certain mental bonus, so they can enter the state faster."

"I see!"

Afterwards, the reporters asked a few more irrelevant questions. It’s not that they couldn’t ask tricky questions, but because the Chinese team’s performance in this game was understandable. questions to pass the time.

After the post-match interview, the Chinese team returned to the temporary base provided by Baihua. In the evening, they attended a banquet specially provided by Baihua Club, and then officially ended all matters today.

In the next few days, the Chinese team still maintained normal training. They did not relax because of their 10:0 lead in the first round. Instead, they still maintained a very cautious attitude. A proud enemy will be defeated. This idiom is understood by everyone.

At the same time, the Chinese team's vision is far more than simply defeating the Japanese team. Defeating the Japanese team is only one of the necessary processes to enter the finals. If it only regards defeating the Japanese team as the ultimate goal, then the Chinese team is likely to be punished. This may result in the loss of the final championship.

However, people in China obviously did not make such low-level mistakes. They were still preparing for daily training. Not only did they not neglect the training of these few days, but they cherished the free time.

Because of the big score in the first round, you only play against them and don’t need to spend too much time preparing for the showdown with the Japanese team. You can spend more time on the finals. In this way, they They had nearly a week more preparation time than their opponents in the finals.

This can become the secret recipe for the Chinese team to win the finals.

Time flies so fast, and the reputation of Autumn Tiger seems to be gradually weakening. When autumn first entered, the weather was still very hot, and the streets were full of people wearing short-sleeved shorts. As the season progresses, everyone They also gradually put on some thin sweatshirts and jackets, and the Chinese team players also put on a set of jackets provided by the Honor headquarters. After all, they still have to do a good job of keeping warm. If the game is delayed because of catching a cold, it will really outweigh the gains.

The main color of the jacket is Chinese red, and the rest is also mixed with black and white and other colors. Of course, the overall appearance is still online. After all, it is the uniform used by the national team. If it does not look good, it must be The national team will not foot the bill. Not to mention cutting corners, if cutting corners can be dragged to the national team, then I'm afraid it will be checked.


Soon, it was time for the second leg of the semifinals.

Although the Chinese team had taken a big lead in the first round, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Chinese fans. Tickets for this round were still hard to get, even though Baihua officials temporarily arranged some mobile seats at the scene. In response to fans' requests, many fans still complained about not getting tickets.

In this regard, Baihua Club is also deeply helpless. They have no choice but to do their best.

However, the fans of the Japanese team on the other side were not so enthusiastic. The number of their fans seated for this game dropped by 90% compared to the first round.

Of course, they should know that there is no hope for this game, so as not to waste a ticket money.

Soon, the players from the two teams entered the field. The morale of the Chinese team players was naturally high. They had no pressure on today's game. In a ten-minute game, they only needed to score one point to defeat their opponent. How does this sound? It's all an easy thing.

How could the Japanese players on the other side have such high morale? Their faces were downcast, and they had no arrogance in the first round, replaced by helplessness.

The final result of this game was as expected. The Chinese team ended the game directly in the first single match. The Japanese team originally wanted to struggle. They arranged their core players in the first single match. In the match, it was a pity that the Chinese team made the same choice. Yi Tianming appeared in the first single match, and then he was crushed in the match.

"1:0! The game is over. Congratulations to the Chinese team for entering the finals! They have already touched the championship trophy of this World Invitational Tournament with one hand!" Li Yibo exclaimed, announcing the end of the game.

Returning to the player's seat, Yi Tianming turned his wrist and said: "This opponent is still quite capable."

"Haha, you are so humble." Ye Xiu said.

"By the way, what should we do next?" Su Mucheng suddenly asked.

"Shouldn't the game be over and then go back to rest?" Huang Shaotian replied in confusion.

"Logically speaking, it should be like this, but it seems a little bad. After all, the audience here has bought tickets. Isn't it a little bit to just watch a single match and end it like this..." Su Mucheng said .

The other players looked at each other and felt that this made sense.

The price of this game is no different from that of a normal game, but the content is significantly reduced. A ticket of several hundred yuan costs only one single match, which is really a bit high.

"Then how about... let's play a match? Let's treat it as public training." Ye Xiu suggested.

"Okay, but I suggest Coach Ye also participate." Yi Tianming said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Lao Ye, you must participate." Huang Shaotian immediately raised his hands in agreement.

Ye Xiu said helplessly with a sad face: "No, I'm the coach, why do I still need to train?"


(End of this chapter)

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