Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 613 The key substitution

"Zhou Zekai exploded!"

As he finished speaking, he saw Yi Gun Chuan Yun as if he were in no man's land, shuttling back and forth in front of the Brazilian team's judo and qigong masters. His figure was so agile that his opponents had no way of doing anything to him.

At the same time, bullets poured out from the revolvers of the two guns. Random and rapid fire became his extremely sharp offensive method at this moment. Countless bullets poured out, spraying bursts of blood on the two opponents.

"Attention! This is a shot through the clouds!" prompts quickly appeared in the Brazilian team.

"Oh!! Zhou Zekai is awesome! Zhou Zekai is powerful!!"

"Come on! Come on, Chinese team!"

"come on, come on, come on!!!"

The Chinese fans at the scene instantly burst into exclamations. Zhou Zekai's performance was really understandable. He almost broke the situation by himself. The player's personal ability is particularly important at this time. Although there are often conflicts between teams. Cooperation can achieve twice the result with half the effort, but in some difficult situations, the player's personal ability can have unexpected effects.

And often players' wonderful performances based on their personal abilities can win bursts of screams and cheers at the scene.

The Brazilian team was also a little surprised by this sudden situation. Before the game, they focused most of their attention on Yi Tianming, but they did not study Zhou Zekai deeply, so at this moment, this person who they did not pay much attention to suddenly played. A wave of explosive performance surprised everyone in the Brazilian team.

That is to say, taking advantage of the stunned moment of the Brazilian team members, Soxar activated a key control skill-the restraint technique!

The purple ball of light flew towards Rivaldo's character and hit! !
The fans of the Chinese team at the scene cheered again. Are they about to start a counterattack? They seem to have seen the victory scene of the Chinese team's counterattack. This situation is not uncommon in domestic leagues. When the team is facing adversity, a special player relies on his personal ability to forcefully open up the situation, and then other teammates They all received morale boosts, launched strong rebuttals, and finally won the game.

But... the direction of the next game did not develop according to the script imagined by the fans of the Chinese team.

After Soksar handed over a key control, he did not order his teammates to press in, but continued to retreat.

On the other side, after Yiqiang Chuanyun forcibly tore out the cracks by himself, he did not hesitate to fight, but quickly evacuated and joined the large army.

Soon, the five members of the Chinese team gathered again and quickly withdrew towards other areas.

"It seems that the Chinese team is waiting for a better time." Pan Lin said,
"Yes, the game has returned to calm at this moment, and the rhythm of the game has slowed down again. This is the rhythm that the Chinese team hopes for. They have to play in the rhythm that they are good at to achieve better results." Li Yibo said.

Faced with the sudden retreat of the Chinese team, the Brazilian team did not dare to force the attack. After all, their formation was somewhat scattered by the previous shot of Cloud Piercer. It is not that they cannot force the attack now, but if they choose this, their The overall situation will definitely become more loose. By then, if the Chinese team counterattacks, it will be difficult for the Brazilian team to parry.

Therefore, in order to maintain stability, Rivaldo gave instructions on the team channel: "No need to chase, just get into formation first."

The pace of the game completely slowed down.

Fast and slow are often just a matter of thought.

After all, it is the knockout round. Neither team dares to play too aggressively. Although the Brazilian team now has a certain advantage in terms of overall health, they do not dare to play too aggressively. After all, they are facing a strong enemy like the Chinese team. , the Brazilian team knows the strength of this opponent, and if they are not careful, they may fall into a headwind.

Soon, the five members of the Brazilian team gathered again and began to move again according to the formation they had arranged before the game.

However, the five members of the Chinese team retreated while looking for substitution points on this map.

Yi Tianming was placed in the sixth man's position. He knew without thinking that this was a strange move to catch his opponent by surprise.

If it can occupy this map point, the Chinese team will be able to gain a considerable advantage.

Soon, the Chinese team found the substitution point.

However, the Brazilian team has already arranged a scout here——


He immediately provided the news to his teammates on the team channel: "They are coming."

"Okay, we have taken our position and will report the situation at any time." Rivaldo said.


The five members of the Chinese team quickly entered the substitution point, while the remaining four members of the Brazilian team also quietly moved closer to this area.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out again. A total of ten starting players from both teams are present, and the substitution area is in a gravel field. If a team battle starts here...

"Oh? Suddenly I noticed some subtle changes in the Chinese team's tactics today." Li Yibo said.

"Well... Ye Yu Shengfan did not wander away, but he always followed the team to fight in team fights. This was rarely seen in previous games, whether it was in the national team game or in the club Blue Rain game, Ye Yu Shengfan usually stays away from the main force and catches them by surprise. "Pan Lin continued: "But today, he just followed the main force and did not go out for a walk."

"What's the purpose of this?"

“We don’t know yet, maybe it’s a secret tactic of the Chinese team!”

After the words fell, the five members of the Brazilian team appeared directly. They surrounded the five members of the Chinese team in the gravel field.

But...if it's five-on-five, it's hard to say who's bagging who. After all, both sides have equal numbers. The Brazilian team will definitely not dare to attack rashly. In the firefight just now, they already know the power of the sharpshooter on the opposite side, so they are cautious now. A lot.

"Pay attention to this sharpshooter." Rivaldo reminded again on the team channel.

After all, the two cloud catchers are now cooling down, and they have no good way to restrain the long-range professions in the opponent's formation. This is also a particularly obvious shortcoming of the Brazilian team's lineup.

Therefore, what the Brazilian team has to do now is to form an encirclement of the five of them for injustice, organize it into a dense network, and then the network continues to tighten, with the purpose of trapping all five of the Chinese team inside, and then again Go on the offensive.

If we attack blindly now, the Brazilian team will easily be pulled away by Shot Through the Clouds. So they kept getting closer, but not very fast.

However, this purpose is too obvious for a master tactician like Yu Wenzhou.

"Hit!" Yu Wenzhou gave the order immediately and decisively. "Kill, kill, kill! Kill, kill, kill!!" This time, the first one to rush out was not Cloud Piercer, but Ye Yushengfan, who should be in the roaming position.

"Oh? Did the Chinese team let Ye Yusheng bother to launch a frontal attack? Isn't this a bit aggressive?" Pan Lin said doubtfully, "I don't know if this is the team's established tactic or Huang Shaotian's personal whim. I Personally, I feel this is a bit unreasonable.”

Li Yibo also nodded thoughtfully, "I think the problem the Chinese team is facing now is how to replace Luohua Langshan on the field. If there can be an extra powerful attacker on the front, then what will the Chinese team do?" Many of the problems we face will be solved.”

"Who should I replace? Zhou Zekai?" This was the answer that Pan Lin immediately thought of. After all, he was the only long-range attacker in the field, so asking him to replace the melee Luo Hua Luoshang seemed to be a very correct choice. .

However, the match on the court did not allow the two of them to discuss it much.

The remaining four members of the Chinese team quickly launched a counterattack and rushed out in four different directions.


Yes, the tactic displayed by the Chinese team is to break through. They know that if they are strangled by the five melee professions on this gravel field, the outcome will be unimaginable, so they have to break through directly before the opponent's encirclement is completely formed. go out! !
The Brazilian team quickly came up with a response strategy. The five of them quickly tightened the encirclement, trying to resist the five who broke through.

"Three-stage slash!" Huang Shaotian said, but his actual action was a falling silver blade, catching Kaka off guard. Originally, after the latter saw the words "three-stage slash", he was still thinking about who it was. He was so stupid that he reported moves while fighting, but he didn't expect his opponent to give him a blow in the head. He did the opposite, and caught him off guard with a falling silver blade.

After the falling silver blade, came the real three-stage slash. The combination of these two skills directly helped Ye Yushengfan get out of the way, and he successfully broke through! !
"Oh! Player Huang Shaotian also showed off his personal abilities." Pan Lin chuckled.

Li Yibo, who was standing next to him, also smiled, "It seems that someone in the international community across from me doesn't quite understand our Mr. Huang's style!"

The audience at the scene also laughed. No one from the domestic league would be fooled by Huang Shaotian. However, the person opposite him was a foreigner. He had never played against Huang Shaotian and lacked experience in dealing with people with diabetes, so he ate it. A big loss.


In other places, the Chinese team's breakout work did not go too smoothly.

Soxar was forcibly detained by Rivaldo, and his breakout work seemed to be at a loss. However, this could not be blamed on Yu Wenzhou. After all, it was difficult for him, a warlock, to break out without helpers.


Sun Xiang successfully broke through, but his breakout journey was not as smooth as Huang Shaotian's.

Zhou Zekai also successfully broke through. At the same time, after breaking through, Yiyiyunchuan used his advantage of hand length to help Soksar on the other side break through.


The Brazilian team quickly turned its attention to Soxar, after all, he is the only character who has not succeeded in breaking through.

But soon, the Brazilian team members suddenly realized that something was wrong. They didn't wake up until they counted the number of opponents left on the field.

etc! One person is missing!
Who is missing?
Rivaldo's eyes quickly scanned, and he finally had the answer——

The stone does not turn! ! !
It turned out that while everyone was busy breaking out, Shi Bujuan came to the substitution point quietly, and before that, no one noticed him.

The Chinese team actually wants to replace the pastor!
Everyone in the Brazilian team was stunned for a moment. This was a style of play they had never seen in their country. After all, in their understanding, the priest was the key to the entire team. Even the Brazilian team, which was so dedicated to the melee profession, did not dare to No priest.

And the Chinese team...replaced the pastor? ?
Just when the Brazilian team was confused, Rivaldo noticed: "Quick! Interrupt!!"

I saw that Shi Buzuan actually appeared in the substitution formation, and it was only a few seconds away from the success of the substitution.

Although Rivaldo could not judge the true intention of the Chinese team at the first time, he subconsciously realized that the opponent had bad intentions, so he immediately ordered his teammates to interrupt Shi Buzhuan's substitution process. .

But... the shortcomings of the Brazilian team's lineup have been completely exposed at this moment. They have no long-range attackers. When facing this sudden situation, they seem a little powerless. Just like if they had a gun class now, You can easily interrupt Shi Buzhuan's substitutions.

But, they didn't.

Coincidentally, Kaka's character is located closest to Shi Bu Zhuan.

Kaka also immediately executed this order, because his subconscious also told himself that the Chinese team's move was likely to affect the direction of the next game.

Just a little bit closer!
Just when Kaka was about to attack Shi Buhuan, Shi Buhuan's figure completely turned into nothingness, and finally turned into dots of starlight and dissipated in the arena.

Substitution successful! !
Kaka smashed the table angrily, and he felt a little regretful. If he had reacted a little faster just now, maybe the situation would have been changed.

At the same time, this fear of facing an unexpected and unknown situation suddenly swept through his heart.

He was thinking, what would happen if the Brazilian team lost the game because of this substitution?

But...the war situation seemed to not allow him to think too much.

The stone ended without turning around, and instead it was a mess that the Brazilian team had studied for a long time.

Before the game, the Brazilian team made a lot of tactical arrangements for this role and explained it in a very targeted manner. At the same time, they were also confident that they could contain the messy performance on the field.

But...the Brazilian team doesn't want to encounter Luohua Chaos now! !
Because they discovered an extremely embarrassing point, that is, they and the Chinese team just exchanged positions.

The Chinese team was surrounded by the Brazilian team just now, but now three members of the Chinese team have successfully broken through. In other words, the outside is now controlled by the Chinese team.

At the same time, Luohua Langshan and Soxar appeared in the inner circle of the Brazilian team, and formed a formation with the other three Chinese team members, both inside and outside! !

Following Yu Wenzhou's order, the five members of the Chinese team launched the final attack without hesitation.

The next moment, one skill after another was like a violent storm, hitting the Brazilian team characters.

Luo Hua Chaos was like a no-man's land, one person jumped into the middle of the five members of the Brazilian team!
(End of this chapter)

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