Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 606 Battle, Brazil! !

In less than three minutes, Luohua Langji and Yiye Zhiqiu destroyed the England team's defense. In the end, Zhang Xinjie didn't even use defensive counterattack tactics, and the game was over.

8: 2!

The score was fixed at this moment.

All the fans of the England team were speechless. This just proves the saying, how excited you are before the game, how uncomfortable you will be after the game.

"Oh! What a wonderful game! Congratulations to the Chinese team for their big win. They will enter the knockout rounds ranked first in the group, while England will be ranked second in the group." Li Yibo in the studio was extremely excited, and Pan Lin was also smiling.

First in the group, this ranking was hard-won and was not determined until the final round of the group stage.

Harley Quinn and a group of England players walked out of the war room, thanked the audience, and went to the press conference.

The Chinese team celebrated for a while in the player stands before going to be interviewed.

This is an unspoken rule. Usually the loser goes to be interviewed first, and then the winner.


Click, click, click… click, click…!
Hundreds of cameras were shooting at the Chinese team, and the white flashlights stung people's eyes. Fortunately, the Chinese players were experienced players, so they were able to face a small post-game interview with ease. of.

The photo session is over, and the next step is the question-asking session.

As we all know, it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain. There is also a saying in the glory circle that one would rather offend villains than reporters.

Because the questions sometimes asked by reporters are so tricky that it’s hard for you to answer them. Yes is not good, and no is not good either. If you don’t say yes, it will be magnified infinitely, and then it will be thrown into the Honor Forum with all the answers cut off. Otherwise, it might have a very bad impact on your career.

The first question thrown by the reporter here was very tricky.

"First of all, congratulations to China for winning a victory and entering the knockout rounds as the first in the group." A fat reporter said politely at first, and then got straight to the point:

"Captain Yu Wenzhou and coach Ye Xiu, what do you think of the next knockout round? In other words, which opponent do you hope to meet in the first round?"

On the surface, this sounds like nothing wrong. It's just a very simple question about the knockout rounds. But if you think about it carefully, there is a lot of secrets inside.

Who do you want to face in the first round of the knockout round? In other words, aren't you just not afraid of this opponent? You have to give a bad answer. If you answer a question about the German team, other media will report it in a generalized manner. They may even tell you that the Chinese team members do not respect the German team and want to send the German team out in the first round of the knockout round. Game!

Yu Wenzhou adjusted the position of the microphone very calmly, and then said with a smile: "We are not afraid of any opponent, and at the same time we respect every opponent. I believe that in the Chinese arena, both sides will contribute a very exciting game!"

A very simple answer, but it left reporters unable to find any fault.

Seeing that the fat reporter didn't get the answer he wanted to hear, he had no choice but to sit down.

Then another female reporter stood up and asked: "Excuse me...in the team competition just now, why was the Chinese team able to win very easily? You must know that the England team has 5 wins and 4 loss in the past 1 team competitions. record. And in the first round match between the Chinese team and the English team, it was not easy for the Chinese team to win.”

Regarding this question, Ye Xiu answered directly: "The opponent performed very well, but it is obvious that our players are in better condition."

After hearing this, all the reporters present were silent.

It’s really because this sentence is so official!
You can hear this sentence in many, many post-game interviews. It has basically become a formula, so what happens to the opponent... First praise the opponent, and then say that we performed better. In this way, the question sent back, and No harm to the opponent's face.

After speaking, Ye Xiu motioned for the next reporter to ask questions, but he half-leaned back on his chair with an indifferent expression and said nothing more.

In response to the question just now, Ye Xiu actually wanted to say, "The opponent's tactics were wrong," but in the end he did not tell the truth. After all, these reporters were too good at generalizing. Even Ye Bu was not ashamed. Willing to deal with too much.

Subsequently, the reporters asked a few more innocuous questions, and the Chinese team players answered them one by one.

Seeing that the time was almost up, the chief press officer immediately announced: "Today's post-game interview ends here. Thank you to the Chinese team players and all reporters!"

Immediately, the Chinese team players entered the player channel under the leadership of Ye Xiu.

"Hey, the group stage is finally over." Huang Shaotian put his hands on the pillow and sighed as he walked.

"Guess who our first opponent is in the knockout round?" Li Xuan suddenly asked.

"It's hard to say...the probability is 1/7." Ye Xiu shook his head, not wanting to guess.

"Bet on a pack of cigarettes."

"Team Brazil." Ye Xiu blurted out. When he heard the word "cigarette", he couldn't walk instantly.

"Hahaha! Li Xuan, you are just doing what you want, but it really works!" Huang Shaotian burst into laughter.

"Then I'll bet on the Korean team." Yu Wenzhou said.

"I bet on Russia..."


"Haha." Ye Xiu turned his back at this moment, "I will be the dealer. If you guess it right, each of you will buy me a pack. If you guess wrong, I will give you a pack each."


"Lao Ye is going to bleed heavily!"




Chinese team players gathered in the conference room, waiting for the final draw results.

In the TV that has been turned on, Honor Chairman Feng Xianjun is in front of a large table. On the table are two small balls. Inside these two small balls are the first and second teams of each group.
He drew two small balls.

They are the German team and the England team.

"I'm going!!!" Huang Shaotian jumped up when he saw the result.

It wasn't because he was familiar with these two teams, but because he guessed the German team, and now it seems that he was obviously wrong.

"Haha, I told you a long time ago, guess the Brazilian team with me." Ye Xiu chuckled.

Then, two more balls were drawn out.

One of them is clearly the Chinese team.

Everyone kept their spirits up and waited for Feng Xianjun to open another ball.

"No, this guy Lao Ye must have guessed it right." Huang Shaotian secretly glanced at Ye Xiu next to him and said in his heart.

The others also held their breath, waiting for Feng Xianjun to announce the results. A pack of cigarettes was not expensive, but they all preferred the feeling of guessing correctly.

Seeing Feng Xianjun's hands about to open the small ball, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

At this moment, the painting style changed suddenly,
The original Feng Xianjun also became Yi Tianming.

"Huh? What's going on?" Huang Shaotian was confused, but when he saw the three big letters of KFC, he understood everything instantly.

Isn’t this the advertisement that Yi Tianming endorsed last year?

"Holy crap, isn't it? An advertisement pops up at such a tense and exciting moment!!" Huang Shaotian was dizzy.

The other professional players also shook their heads and looked at Yi Tianming.

Yi Tianming waved his hands hurriedly: "Hey, this has nothing to do with me. It was all arranged by the advertiser. I don't know about it. I'm only responsible for shooting the commercial." "Tsk tsk tsk tsk! You are the culprit." Huang Shaotian threw dirty water on him.

Other team members also followed suit.

Only Chu Yunxiu followed Yi Tianming firmly, and the couple jointly resisted the "verbal and written criticism" of others.

"Why, the couple are together! Damn it, this is all nonsense." Huang Shaotian covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly at him. The other team members also showed disdainful expressions.

At this moment, the camera shifted to Feng Xianjun again, and he slowly opened the ball.

——Brazil team! !
"I'll go, I'll go, I'll go! Lao Ye, are you cheating? Why did you guess all this? The probability is 1/7!!" Huang Shaotian looked at the answer in disbelief, and then looked at him in confusion Ye Xiu refused to believe that Ye Xiu had guessed it right.

"Haha." Ye Xiu smiled slightly, and then saw everyone: "How about it? I'm willing to admit defeat."

"Let's go, let's buy it for you." Li Xuan stood up and prepared to go out. After all, he was the first to propose this activity, so he naturally had to take the lead now.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Xiu suddenly called out.

"what happened?"

"Bring me a lighter."

Li Xuan was stunned.


The next day.

City S.

Samsara Club.

According to the official arrangement of Honor, the Chinese team’s first knockout match will be held in City S. This is the territory of Samsara. Facing the arrival of the national team, Samsara Club is naturally very generous and will provide all the help it can provide. .

Members of the Chinese team gathered in the conference room provided by Samsara to study the opponent they were about to face in the first round of the knockout round - the Brazilian team.

"First of all, what I want to say is that this World Invitational Tournament is different from the knockout rounds of the domestic league. The biggest change is that the World Invitational Tournament has the top 16, while the domestic league only has the top 8. That means the World Invitational Tournament is better than the top in the domestic league. One more round in the domestic league," Ye Xiu said.

Don't underestimate this extra round. This is a big test for the players' physical strength.

Although the national team has a full 13 people, considering that appropriate tactics must be formulated for each game, it still takes a lot of effort.

However, thankfully, the knockout rounds still use a two-leg system, which is divided into home and away games. However, the home and away games are only in name, and they are actually played in China.

In the two-round game, there is a margin for error. For example, if a player fails to perform well in the first round, they can be forced to correct their mistakes in the second round.

Unlike the single-round format, as long as you lose one game, you will say goodbye to this event completely.

"However, the two-round system is the same for both sides of the game. It has a high error tolerance rate for us and a high error tolerance rate for our opponents." Ye Xiudao, "So regardless of winning or losing the first round, it should not affect the battle of this round. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Chinese team members responded in unison.

"Okay, now let's analyze the Brazilian team's tactics..."


Two hours passed.

There was a hint of exhaustion on the faces of the members of the Chinese team. This time the pre-match analysis took longer than the previous pre-match analysis in the group stage.

After all, it is a knockout round, so we must pay more attention to it.

"Finally, I would like to add that the difference between the Brazilian team and the German team that is first in their group is only one point. In other words, there is not much difference between the Brazilian team that is second in the group and the first in the group. Everyone should deal with it seriously." Ye Xiu. He continued, "Okay, today's pre-match analysis is over, everyone can go and rest."

"Phew! It's over."

"Go back and catch up on some sleep..."

Everyone in the conference room quickly dispersed.

Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu chose to go to the Bund to play. After all, it was hard to come to the Magic City, so they naturally wanted to visit all the local attractions.

"By the way, should we ask Mucheng to join us?" Chu Yunxiu suddenly asked Yi Tianming as soon as he walked out of the conference room.

"Okay, you go ask her, she should still be waiting for Ye Xiu in the conference room." Yi Tianming nodded, go out to play, it doesn't matter if there is one more person or one person less.

"Okay." Chu Yunxiu returned to the conference room. After a while, he came to Yi Tianming again and said, "Mucheng is going too! And Ye Xiu, let's wait for them here."


five minutes later…

Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng walked out together and walked to the two of them. The four of them quickly took the elevator downstairs and walked towards the Bund.

Su Mucheng naturally took Chu Yunxiu's arm and said, "Let's go!"

Seeing Chu Yunxiu being "robbed" away, Yi Tianming said with some laughter and tears: "What about me?"

Su Mucheng stuck out her tongue: "I'll borrow it from Yunxiu and I'll return it to you later."

Chu Yunxiu pretended to be angry and said: "It's like I'm an object, being used by you!"

"Sure, Yunxiu, you know that's not what I meant." Su Mucheng explained with a smile.

Chu Yunxiu gently patted the back of her head and said, "Consider it punishment."

Afterwards, the two sisters walked hand in hand.

Two grown men, Ye Xiu and Yi Tianming, followed behind.

As for holding hands...

Well... there is no need for two men to do this action, otherwise they will be easily misunderstood. Besides, their sexual orientation is normal.

"Would you like one?" As he walked, Ye Xiu got addicted to cigarettes. He took out a wrinkled cigarette case from his pocket, moved his wrist slightly, and took out two cigarettes. He handed it to Yi Tianming and asked.

Just when Yi Tianming was about to take it, Ye Xiu added: "You guys bought it yesterday anyway. If you don't smoke it, it's for nothing."

"Uh..." Yi Tianming scratched his head in confusion, thinking that it was you, Ye Xiu, the trash talk was engraved in his bones.

"Haha, just kidding." Ye Xiu smiled.

Yi Tianming didn't pay too much attention to what he just said. Of course he knew that the other party was joking, and he was not the kind of person who couldn't take a joke.

Yi Tianming did not refuse. Although he smoked, he was not addicted to it.

Take the cigarette and light it.

Two men were smoking cigarettes in the back, Chu Yunxiu and Su Mucheng were jumping in front, and the two men and two women were walking on the street like this.


(End of this chapter)

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