Happy Club.

Temporary meeting room.

"By the way...should we find a healer to help Zhang Xinjie take some of the pressure off?" Huang Shaotian suggested.

The post-match sub-panel about the match against Poland has ended, and now it’s time for free speech.

"I think so."

"Isn't that possible? If one more person comes, won't the number of people exceed the limit?"

"If we add someone secretly, the higher ups won't notice, right?"

Regarding the questions raised by Huang Shaotian, the players gave different answers, some were in favor and some were against.

Ye Xiu spoke:
"It's useless. This competition system stipulates that a team only has 13 players. If there is another one, it will exceed the limit."

The rules are here, there is no way.


"Otherwise what?" Huang Shaotian asked curiously, his tone sounded like there was another way.

"Otherwise, all of you here can apply to withdraw, and then we will bring in a healing player from the league. How about this method? Is anyone willing to recommend themselves?" Ye Xiudao.

Everyone was silent, obviously no one agreed.

After all, it is an honor to represent the national team, and no one will let this honor go.

"So...Comrade Zhang Xinjie, thank you for your hard work." Ye Xiu turned to Zhang Xinjie, who said nothing.

"Yeah." Zhang Xinjie pushed up the frame of his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said nothing after humming.

"Actually, treatment shouldn't be that tiring. You can hide behind it and you don't have to fight." Ye Xiu joked.

"Otherwise, why don't you come and give it a try?" Zhang Xinjie gave him a flat look.

"Forget it." Ye Xiu waved his hand and hurriedly refused.

The meeting ended with this episode.

In the following time, the Chinese team did not waste time going to City B to train, but trained on the spot in City H. Anyway, the next game was to be played in England, so there was no need to come here. If you have extra time, it would be better to let the players take a break.



Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu walked hand in hand on the street. There were not many pedestrians on the road, so they did not do "secret work" and walked very comfortably.

The roar of cars rang in my ears. It is indeed rare to find such a place with not many pedestrians in this modern and highly developed city.

The two of them had just finished training and were going to go out for a walk, breathe some fresh air, and then go back to rest.

"Well...the domestic league will start soon, right?" Chu Yunxiu suddenly thought of it and asked Yi Tianming.

Yi Tianming looked at the date on his phone, it was already August 8rd.
"Well... Generally speaking, you should start playing professional league games in early September."

"Then we won't be able to participate even at the beginning of the season." Chu Yunxiu was slightly worried.

Regardless of Baihua's appearance, the three players who were invited away are in fact the core of the team. Now that the core is no longer in the team, Song Xiao is probably the only one who can hold up the situation in the Baihua formation, but This is far from enough, compared to other teams.

Although other teams have also asked away core players, if you think about it carefully, even if the Tiny Herb team is missing Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie is still in charge, Xu Bin can also provide strong support for Tiny Herb.

In the same way, without Zhang Xinjie's Tyranny, although a very stable healer is missing, Han Wenqing is still there!
"Well, there is no other way. Every gain must come with a loss, otherwise Han Wenqing would not have failed to participate in this world competition." Yi Tianming said.

Han Wenqing had anticipated this in advance, so he categorically rejected the World Invitational Tournament. Otherwise, with his level and qualifications, it would be a matter of minutes to enter the national team.

"That's right, but... I always feel that the domestic league next season is going to change." Chu Yunxiu said.



The Chinese team players are training step by step.

At the same time, I am also thinking about facing the England team in the final round of the group stage.

If you want to take first place in the group, you must win this last game.

Otherwise, if the England team wins, then all the efforts in the previous five games will probably be in vain.

Rather than facing the first place in another group, the Chinese team would rather face the second place in a group they know. There is no doubt that this way there is less pressure.

Two days before the game, the Chinese team took a flight to Manchester, a city in England.

Is the sky in Manchester blue or red?

Everyone sitting on the plane was thinking about this problem.

Because there are two famous football clubs in this city, Manchester United and Manchester City.

Manchester United represents red and Manchester City represents blue. Of course, the grievances between the two clubs only started in recent years. Manchester City did not rise a long time ago. Manchester United has been engaged in a "double red meeting" with Liverpool.

As Manchester City has gradually grown over the years, it is said that the sky in Manchester is red or blue.


As the plane lands.

The members of the Chinese team also landed safely, and the staff sent by the England team have been waiting here for a long time.

"Everyone, come with me." The staff waved their hands and took everyone to a bus, and the bus clearly had the logo of Manchester United, indicating that the two were cooperating.

"Everyone, welcome to beautiful Manchester! I am your staff. During this period, if you have any questions about life and competition, you can come to me for help." The staff introduced themselves, "You call me Shell Just Ham, I am the staff responsible for your Chinese team.”


Everyone in the Chinese team smiled. It seemed that this guy was really a fanatical football fan. I didn’t know if this was his real name or a nickname he gave himself.

"Thank you." Ye Xiu thanked him, and then asked, "Do you cooperate with the football club?"

"That's right." Beckham nodded, and then said with a very proud expression, "In our Manchester, the sky is red!"

Everyone in the Chinese team looked at me and I looked at you and smiled at each other.

In some countries, football has penetrated into all aspects of life, and the popularity rate is also very high. Sometimes you can pick up a random person on the road and he will chat with you about football. This is because the local football clubs are very famous and drive the development of football, such as Manchester right now.

In China, this is rarely the case, except in big cities with well-known football clubs.

Soon, the bus took everyone to their destination, which was a B&B.

"Here we are, this is where you will live for the next few days. You can put down your luggage first. I will take you to the training venue and the competition venue later," Beckham said.

Immediately, everyone in the Chinese team put down their luggage. During this period, there was a small episode. The England side arranged standard rooms for everyone. This was no problem for the others. After all, the standard rooms were small but fully equipped. What's more, if you only stay for two or three days, no one will care too much about whether the room is priced or not. However, it is difficult for Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu to tell. After all, the bed in the standard room is just enough for one person. If two people sleep together, it is not impossible, but it will be a bit crowded.

So for the sake of sleep quality at night, Yi Tianming quickly reported this problem to Beckham, who happily went ahead and found a new double room for the two of them.

"I didn't expect that there are actually couples in your team." Beckham said with a smile, and then handed the key to the big bed room to Yi Tianming, "I wish you a happy life."

"Thank you." Yichu and Chu immediately put their things into the big bed room, and then joined the rest of the troops and went to the training ground together.

The training ground is a very standard one, nothing special.
Later, Beckham took everyone to see the competition venue. Of course, he was only responsible for leading the way, letting everyone know where they were, and then there was nothing else to do.

"So, the basic situation is this. If you have any questions, you can tell me." After saying this, Beckham left, leaving space for the Chinese team.

"Take a day off and have the final training before the game tomorrow." Ye Xiu said immediately.

The Chinese team members immediately dispersed. Some chose to go back to catch up on their sleep, some went to a nearby shopping mall to play, and some chose to fill their stomachs.

Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu went to the mall.

"It's good to be abroad. You don't have to worry about being recognized, and you don't have to wear a mask." Chu Yunxiu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yes, given their popularity in China, they can easily be recognized when walking on the street, so they often either don't go out, or they wrap themselves up tightly when they go out, especially during the day. It's a little better at night, with the protection of natural night darkness, and no one would recognize me even if I don't wear a mask.

The two were just about to enter the mall when they heard a commotion behind them.

"Fuck! Manchester United must win!"

"Shit!! Manchester City is the champion!!"

I saw fans wearing red and blue divided into two streams, walking on the street. It was okay at the beginning, each cheering for their own team, but later on, I don’t know who sprayed it first, and then everyone They couldn't sit still anymore, and eventually they started to argue. The scene fell into chaos for a while, and some people even pulled up their sleeves and started to have a fight.

What a huge fan.

Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu did not join in the fun, but came to the entrance of the shopping mall, and after ensuring a safe distance, they watched the fire from the other side.

Surprisingly, a security guard was also watching the show here. He seemed not worried at all about the escalation of chaos and conflicts at the scene. He was half-leaning at the entrance of the mall and leisurely watching the crowd.

"Uh... aren't you worried about them fighting?" Yi Tianming couldn't help but ask.

The security guard shook his head and said, "You look like an outsider. You can't start a fight. If a fight breaks out, it has nothing to do with us. At worst, we can just wait until they start fighting and then go over and stop them."

He seemed to be used to this situation.

As expected, this conflict ended hastily before it lasted long, and those who rolled up their sleeves and prepared for a big fight just rolled up their sleeves, and then nothing happened.

Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu stopped watching the excitement. Instead, they went to the mall to play, bought some things, and then returned to their residence to rest.


The next day.

The Chinese team trains normally, and the main training content is tacit understanding.

Although the Chinese team has gone through five group matches, it is not enough. After all, the team list for each of the five group matches is different, which means that the lineup is different each time. How to talk about effective running-in?
Furthermore, even if the same lineup is used five times, the number of times is far from enough. During domestic competitions, teams basically spend more than half a season to solve the problem of running-in between players.

"Yi Tianming and Yu Wenzhou are in a group, Huang Shaotian and Chu Yunxiu are in a group, let's start!"

With Ye Xiu's announcement, today's training subjects officially began.
Let players from two different clubs form a team and then conduct 2v2pk. Of course, the requirements for this kind of teaming are not to randomly arrange occupations. Like the one we are starting now, it is a melee occupation paired with a field controller.

Otherwise, if two melee combatants fight two long-range combatants, it would be unfair and the effect might not be very good.

The other players were not idle either. When this group was playing pk, they also divided into groups and pk...


Come game day.

"The Chinese team will be invited to play next!"

As the broadcast ended, the Chinese team members slowly walked out under the spotlight, and the fans of the England team at the scene also applauded them.

There is nothing wrong with giving your opponent a round of applause before the game. If you can't even do this, then you are too narrow-minded.

"Next up is our England team!"

After hearing this, the fans at the scene immediately started to revel in the cheers. The cheers were louder and louder. They were obviously much more passionate than when they welcomed the Chinese team before.

This is also normal.

Applauding your opponent is called respect. Applauding your home team requires passion.

Afterwards, the players from both teams stood in front of the stage and bowed to the audience. This was a fixed part before the game and would be repeated after the game.

"Then, the first singles match is about to begin. Please invite players from both teams to come on stage."

As the announcement ended, a figure from each of the two teams stood out.

Harley Quinn!

Yi Tianming!
The two looked a little surprised when they saw each other's name, until they walked in front of each other and shook hands.

"I've seen your combat videos." Harley Quinn spoke first, speaking not very fluent Chinese, "It's awesome."

This foreigner's understanding of Chinese characters is quite... unique.

Yi Tianming responded with a smile: "Looking forward to the showdown with you."

"Me too."

Immediately, the two turned and walked into their respective war rooms.

Insert the card and get on the computer.

Character loading...

Map loading...


Fight! !
With a flash of white light, the two characters were officially loaded onto the map.

Luohua Chaos was refreshed in the lower right corner of the map, while his opponent was refreshed in the upper left corner.

Yi Tianming first took a look at the map. Well... a relatively straightforward map, similar to an arena, but slightly more complicated and with more bunkers.

rush! ! !
Yi Tianming didn't hesitate too much, and rushed out with Luo Hua Shansha...


(End of this chapter)

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