Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 588: Director Li airborne

Chapter 588: Director Li airborne
"At 19 minutes and 34 seconds in the team match, there is a bit of a disconnect between Yiye Zhiqiu's offense and team coordination."

"At the 23rd minute of the team competition, One Autumn Leaf's offense was not as effective as possible. He chose the skill Furious Dragon Pierce the Heart, but this skill obviously slowed down the team's attack rhythm. Instead, he used the faster and more direct Falling Flower. Palm can open up the situation better.”

"The team competition lasted 26 minutes and 36 seconds, one leaf knows the autumn..."

In the conference room, everyone looked at the big screen quietly without making any sound. Only the voice of Ye Xiu standing at the front kept ringing.

And what he said was undoubtedly not directed at One Autumn Leaf's performance in the team competition.

You can also say... it's Sun Xiang.

As for Sun Xiang himself, his face was slightly gloomy at the moment, but he still tried his best to control his emotional fluctuations.

"Okay, that's it for the post-match review. Do you have any questions?" Ye Xiu asked.

No one responded.

"Then, let's adjourn the meeting. Let's participate in the training match on time tomorrow." Ye Xiu gave the order, and then started to pack up the documents, and the rest of the people also walked out.

"Hey... I'm free, let's go have a cup of milk tea." Huang Shaotian crossed his hands to support the back of his head and walked out of the conference room in a swagger.

"Let's go, Mr. Huang." Li Xuan followed.

Huang Shaotian did not play in the team match against Poland, and his performance in the single match was impeccable. Li Xuan was similar. Although he did not appear in the singles match, he performed well in the team match. The release of several ghost formations forcibly helped the Chinese team open up the situation and establish an advantage.

Therefore, today's post-match summary, or post-match criticism meeting, actually has nothing to do with them.

And the protagonist of this "criticism meeting" - Sun Xiang, did not leave the meeting room immediately like the others, but sat in his seat without saying a word.

Out of the corner of his eye, he stared at Ye Xiu with a bit of coldness.

When Yi Tianming left, he glanced at Sun Xiang, who remained silent, and just shrugged helplessly, without saying anything more, and then followed Chu Yunxiu back to the hotel.

Sun Xiang kept glancing at Ye Xiu, clenching his fists unconsciously.

Ye Xiu, on the other hand, seemed not to notice this and was just packing the documents.

"Let's go and eat ice cream." Su Mucheng came to Ye Xiu's side and said.

Winning a good start is a very happy thing for every player in the Chinese team, except Sun Xiang.

"Aren't you afraid of spoiling your stomach?" Ye Xiu chuckled.

"It's a hot day, so I can't care about that much." Su Mucheng chuckled.

"Okay, I'll go later, but I need you to invite me."

"Why did I invite you?"

"Treating the coach some ice cream is not too much, right?" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll treat you." Su Mucheng nodded.

Ye Xiu soon packed up the documents and was about to go out with Su Mucheng. When he passed by Sun Xiang, he asked, "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Sun Xiang kept his head down and said nothing.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Ye Xiu didn't say anything more, but walked towards the door.

"Ye Xiu, stop!" Sun Xiang said, his tone full of anger.

"Huh? Why are you so angry?" Ye Xiu looked at him in confusion.

"Tell me clearly what you mean today!"

"What...what do you mean?" Ye Xiu asked confused.

"In the whole post-match summary, you just picked on my faults, right?" Sun Xiang sneered, "The whole team match lasted 28 minutes, was it just me who made the mistake? My mistakes are mistakes, others Isn’t a mistake a mistake?”

"Oh, so that's what happened to you." Ye Xiu scratched his head, then looked at Su Mucheng, "Why don't you go down and wait for me first? I'll go down right away."

"Okay." Su Mucheng glanced at him, then at Sun Xiang, then turned and left.

"It seems you still don't understand what I mean." Ye Xiu smiled helplessly, "Two and a half years have passed, and your personality still hasn't changed much."

"Is this related to my character again?" Sun Xiang still sneered, but the disdain in his eyes was even stronger.

Ye Xiu calmly took out the cigarette case from his arms, lit it, and then said calmly: "I point out your mistakes because you did make them. Furthermore, it will also make teamwork more coordinated. This is a national team game. You are a member of the national team, and I am the coach of the national team. It is my responsibility to keep every player in good condition and not make mistakes, and it is what I should do well.”

"So... I pointed out your mistake, is there anything wrong?" Ye Xiu looked at Sun Xiang calmly, his eyes deep.

Sun Xiang was speechless by these words.

In daily life, there are indeed some interesting situations. If a person yells at you with anger, you may not get angry so easily. But if he tells you that you are wrong in a very calm tone, it will be easier for people to break your defense.

What Sun Xiang is experiencing now is the latter situation.

"Ye Xiu, you know, I just can't stand your tone. You accuse me from the highest moral point. It's obviously me who got scolded, and all the mistakes are mine, right?" Sun Xiang kicked him away. Stool, and finally added: "Self-righteous...self-righteous, hahaha!"

In the blink of an eye, Sun Xiang's figure disappeared from sight.

Ye Xiu had a calm look on his face and didn't say anything else. He just smoked the cigarette in his mouth calmly.

Five minutes later, Ye Xiu went downstairs to meet Su Mucheng.

"What's wrong? What did he say to you?" Su Mucheng asked.

Ye Xiu shook his head.

Perhaps it was a woman's sixth sense that was taking over. Su Mucheng was keenly aware that something was wrong with Ye Xiu's expression, so he changed the subject and said, "Are you smoking again?"

"Yeah, I smoked one."

"How many times have I told you to smoke less?" Su Mucheng pretended to be angry.

"Pay attention, be sure to pay attention next time."

"no next time."


"Then let's go, let's go together. I'll treat you to this one."

"Okay." Ye Xiu nodded, and finally the two of them turned to the cold drink shop nearby.


The next day.

Twelve members of the Chinese team took their seats in the training room.

Currently, the Chinese team ranks first in the group, second is England, third is Nigeria, and last is Poland.

The group ranking is determined based on the number of wins and losses, but there will be another way of judging when the number of life matches is the same. For example, both the Chinese team and the England team currently have a record of one win, and the Chinese team currently has ten points and England only scored nine points, so the Chinese team is ranked ahead of England.

In the same way, Nigeria and Poland both lost one game, but Nigeria scored one point, so they are ranked ahead of Poland.

The schedule for the next game has been released. The Chinese team will face Nigeria, and England will face Poland.

There is no doubt that China's biggest obstacle to its fight for first place in the group may be the England team. With England's strength, winning Poland is not a problem.

Therefore, the Chinese team must ensure victory in Nigeria and cannot lose points where they shouldn't.

"Are you all here?" Ye Xiu came to the crowd, nodded casually and said, "Okay, today's training begins, everyone, keep up the hard work."


All team members started today's training with enthusiasm.

Click, click, click… click, click…

Soon, the sound of keyboards was heard from the training room.

"Hmm... I feel more comfortable in my own home." Huang Shaotian said with emotion, "When I was in Poland, I always felt weird. I didn't feel at home."

The Chinese team flew back to China on the evening of the game, rested in China for two days, and then flew to Nigeria.

There is at most five days of rest between each round. This time is relatively tight, after all, you have to fly back and forth.

"Hey, Comrade Zhou Zekai, why aren't you sitting with Sun Xiang?" Huang Shaotian looked at Zhou Zekai who was alone next to him and asked.

Zhou Zekai looked around and shook his head.

"Uh..." Huang Shaotian just shook his head in confusion at the way he cherished his words like gold.

"You have to pay attention during training!"

Ye Xiu suddenly appeared behind him, startling Huang Shaotian.

"I'm going, right? Lao Ye, what are you doing? Old corpse in the mountain village?" Huang Shaotian patted his chest with lingering fear.

"A friendly reminder, if you don't pay attention during training, you will be recorded in the notebook." Ye Xiu chuckled.

"Haha." Huang Shaotian replied, but focused on training.

He knew that he would definitely suffer if he argued with the person in front of him.

"By the way, Sun Xiang... doesn't seem to be here." After Huang Shaotian finished speaking, he put on his headphones to isolate himself from the world.

"Sun Xiang?" Ye Xiu stood up straight and glanced at everyone in the training room. After discovering that Sun Xiang was not there, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, but no one answered the call.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is currently unanswered. Please call again later. Sorry..."

After calling several times in a row, no one answered, so Ye Xiu had no choice but to put down his phone.

"What's wrong? Coach Ye." At this time, a middle-aged man wearing half-rimmed glasses walked over.

This person's name is Li Jian, and he is an accompanying staff member of the Chinese team who was decentralized from the top management a few days ago.

Although he is called an accompanying staff member, his other hidden task is to observe what the players do in daily training, and to make a record and report statistics to his superiors. A mentor-like role.

Ye Xiu smiled slightly, took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, handed him one, and held another in his mouth, "It's nothing, Director Li."

"That's good." Li Jian laughed, and finally followed Ye Xiu out to smoke happily.


the other side.

Internet cafe at night.

A blond man was in front of the computer, pressing the keyboard and mouse quickly, while the computer screen in front of him continuously displayed the number of consecutive hits.

53…69…88…101! !
When the number of consecutive hits reached 101, the blond man's hands stopped operating, and two big words appeared on the computer screen.

glory! !
"It's really boring. The battle ended before the 120th combo was reached," he said.

This person is Sun Xiang.

That's right, Sun Xiang skipped training.

If this was in the club, it really wouldn't matter if he skipped training once. After all, no matter what he did in the club, it was also a private matter within the club. As long as he was not photographed by the paparazzi, the club could handle this matter on its own. If you press it down, it won't have much impact on the players. Even if it is photographed by the paparazzi, the club can forcefully clean it up.


Now Sun Xiang is in the national team, which was formed by the superior leader himself.

If you skip training with the national team, you will be punished if you say anything less. In more serious cases, you may be directly removed from the national team, or even completely banned.

If he is really banned, then Sun Xiang's career will really be scrapped.

However, Erxiang didn't seem to think too much about this point at this moment.

"Ye Xiu... I just decided not to train today." Sun Xiang clicked "Start Matching" again, and the game system quickly matched him with a new opponent.

"Training in an Internet cafe, the same training haha! As long as you don't see Ye Xiu's mouth."

At that time, Sun Xiang didn't know that if Ye Xiu hadn't helped him conceal the matter, his name might have appeared in Li Jian's daily report to his superiors.


Another day passed.

The members of the Chinese team gathered at the airport early. Today is the day to fly to Nigeria. Although the game does not start as soon as it lands, it is better to go two days in advance. After all, there is still jet lag.

Along with the Chinese team members, there are also coaches Ye Qiu and Director Li.

"It's almost one o'clock, is the team finished gathering? Coach Ye." Li Jian looked at his watch and asked.

Ye Xiu shook his head, "One is missing, Sun Xiang."

"Then wait a little longer." Li Jian said. At this time, he did not realize the seriousness of the problem, thinking that Sun Xiang was simply delayed by something on the road.

Half an hour later…

"What happened? The plane is about to take off, why hasn't he come yet?" Li Jian asked in an aggressive tone, "Unorganized and undisciplined! How can we participate in the competition like this?! If all of us are delayed because of him, If he travels, I can guarantee that his name will be removed from the national team list.”

A white light flashed on Li Jian's glasses. He walked to Ye Xiu and whispered in his ear:
"Coach Ye, don't think I don't know. Sun Xiang didn't even participate in training yesterday."

"Oh, maybe I missed it." Ye Xiu said with an indifferent expression.

"You...!" Li Jian nodded repeatedly, "If it weren't for your father's sake, haha."

Ye Xiu just looked at him calmly and didn't say anything more.

The other team members can only watch all this silently, stand up and speak? They cannot do this emotionally or rationally. After all, Sun Xiang skipped training and was late today, so it was unreasonable.

What's more, the status and background of other members of the national team are similar to that of Ye Xiuqiang. Most of them are in business, but there are really not many who are in politics.

Li Jian would be wary of Ye Xiu's family background, but he would never be wary of anyone else. If someone else said a word at this time, maybe his name would be submitted earlier than Sun Xiang's.

A layman takes care of an expert, that's how it goes sometimes.


(End of this chapter)

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