Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 557 The first chapter of the finals (1)

Chapter 557 The first round of the finals ()

"Sure enough, the captain guessed it right." Song Xiao stretched and then leaned on the back of the chair.

The other Hundred Blossoms players also let out a sigh of relief. The tense game was finally over. Happy advanced to the finals and became the opponent they had to face in the finals.

Yi Tianming just smiled and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, Song Xiao suddenly lay on his shoulder from behind, and the whole process was silent.


"I'm going!" Yi Tianming exclaimed, and suddenly a face appeared behind him. He was startled.

"What are you doing?"

"You're not a prophet, are you?" Song Xiao clicked his tongue and said, "When I first guessed Tyranny, you guessed it right, and now Xingxinyou guessed it right again, how did you guess so accurately!?"

"Ahem..." Yi Tianming coughed lightly, a little bit dumbfounded, "It's all a guess."

"That's right." Song Xiao waved his hand and then walked into the bathroom. He was a little sleepy after sitting and watching the game for a long time and needed to wash his face and cheer up.

"This guy..." Yi Tianming muttered in his heart, "He almost saw it out."

"Happy finally made it to the finals. Ye Xiu...it's still a duel between you and me after all."

"However, the timeline of this world is different from the timeline of the wishing world. For example, Baihua has changed a lot, so the prophets are just clouds. What we really need to grasp is the competition!"

"See you in the finals in three days!"

Yi Tianming looked at the Happy team members who were celebrating crazily on the TV screen and said firmly in his heart, although he knew that Ye Xiu would probably reach 750+ hand speed again in this world, but so what? Yi Tianming vividly remembers that in the original world line, Ye Xiu's palms were completely exhausted after he finished his hand speed, and it was very difficult to even hold the cup, so his 750 hand speed could not be maintained for too long.

Therefore, as long as you do what you need to do well and don't leave any good opportunities for your opponent, even if Ye Xiu can use his hand speed to the extreme, it will be difficult to change the situation of the battle!


In the next three days, both teams Baihua and Xingxin were in full swing for their final training before the finals. During this intense session, both players forgot about everything else and even ate in the training room. , just for the final battle three days later.

Happy, flowers.

No matter who wins the final championship between these two teams, they will make history. If Happy wins. Then they will become the first team in the history of Glory to break out of the challenge and win the championship. This is unprecedented!
And if Baihua wins, then they will create a new record in the history of Glory, winning four consecutive championships! This is something that not even the legendary Excellent Era of that year could do.

There is no doubt that these two records are very attractive, both for ordinary viewers and for those professional players who are active and retired! ! !

Therefore, the tickets for the finals were all sold out in less than ten minutes as soon as they went on sale, and the boxes with good looks were directly booked in advance by the major teams.

Of course, some professional players did not join the group, but chose to reserve a seat in the audience and watch the game quietly.

After all, some people like to join a group to keep warm, and some like to go alone. This is very common. Everyone has their own way of living.

The rest of the audience is also looking forward to this finals.

The first round was at Xingxin’s home court, and all the tickets for the first round were sold. Of course, this is what is shown on the official website, and it does not rule out that some of the tickets were bought and given away by the official website, or that some of the tickets were stolen. scalpers buy them and then sell them to others at a high price.

Scalpers make money in this way. Those who are slow to grab genuine tickets from the official website will eventually have to buy tickets from scalpers. Of course, there will always be some tickets that are lost in the hands of scalpers every time. It's inevitable.

It's not that Honor officials don't want to crack down on these scalpers, but it's too difficult. They're like flies, squirming through any openings. It's almost impossible to kill them all.

Therefore, it is not easy to achieve a 95% occupancy rate, but judging from the current situation, more than % is no problem.

As for the final data, we have to go to the competition site to find out.


Time flies and the game day soon arrives.

In the early morning, Baihuafen lined up at the entrance to Excellent Era's home stadium. These Baihuafans who came from afar proved how much they love this team with their practical actions. They followed the team all the way to H City just to give a shout-out to the team members. come on.

Of course, these are just the tip of the iceberg. After all, home and away games have certain restrictions on the number of fans of the home and away teams. In other words, there are ticket restrictions for fans of the away team who can enter the home court to watch the game.

"Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers!!"

"Four consecutive championships! Four consecutive championships!!!"

When the number of people gradually increased, these Baihua fans started cheering with great momentum!
In this way, they entered Xingxin's main venue and took their seats one by one.

Soon, the originally empty main venue became crowded with people.

"Hello, audience friends, this is the first round of the Glory Professional League, Season 10 Finals!! I am today's commentator Li Yibo, and on my left is Director Pan Linpan, and on my right Next to me, there’s Xiao Yu’er!”

Pan Lin: "Hello everyone!"

Xiao Yuer: "Hello everyone!"

"Today, the three of us will give you commentary on this game." Li Yibo said.

For this finals, Honor officially sent a "formation" of three commentators.

Needless to say, Li Yibo and Pan Lin are officially recognized as the best commentary partners by Honor. Although these two buddies are usually slapped in the face a lot, their commentary skills are still here, and others want to shake them. , that would be quite difficult.

As for Xiao Yu'er, compared to the previous two, she is a rising star. She is also very popular in the glory circle. If nothing else, she will be the best new commentator this season.

From this, it is not difficult to see that Honor officials are also sincere about this finals and sent three commentators at a time just to make the audience feel better.

Of course, for the tens of thousands of viewers at the scene today, perhaps they don’t care so much about their impressions. After all, this is the finals! You don’t need to play well, as long as you can win!
Soon, Xingxin fans, who had the upper hand in terms of numbers, started cheering:

"Happy! Happy! Happy!!!"

To say whether Happy fans are nervous or not, they are definitely there. After all, the opponent they face today is the most powerful team in the Glory Circle today and is the defending champion.

But is Happy really weak? Before the game started, many people were thinking about this issue, and they finally came to a conclusion:
Xingxin is really not weak!

Even though the victory against Tyranny and Royal Style was determined through overtime, and even though Xingxin's road to promotion was extremely bumpy, in terms of Xingxin's paper strength, it really is not inferior to other giants. Team.

Not to mention anything else, these three names, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, and Fang Rui, are enough to stand alone. These three are all All-Star level beings. How many other teams can field three All-Star level players? What about the players? Not to mention the existence of Ye Xiu, a master tactician, which is another plus point.

Coupled with potential newcomers like Tang Rou and Baozi, Happy's lineup really doesn't look bad.

And don't forget that Happy is only ranked seventh in the regular season! He was able to reach the finals step by step from seventh place, which further illustrates the spirit of Happy's team - resilience! !

Just imagine, if the league's first team did not enter the finals, everyone might regret it.

But if seventh place in the league does not advance to the finals, everyone will think it is natural. After all, seventh place in the league shows that this team's performance in the regular season is not very good.

But now, such a team ranked seventh in the league has entered the finals. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for the morale of Xingxin.

With this kind of morale, Happy's team stepped onto the stage of the finals.

"How do you feel?" Ye Xiu turned around and asked everyone. Except for him and Su Mucheng, everyone here was stepping onto the stage of the finals for the first time.

"Hmm...nothing is different." Tang Rou smiled. Unlike Wei Chen who was speechless, she was very relaxed and relaxed today and didn't have too much nervousness.

"This is the right state." Ye Xiu smiled, "Everyone should look up to player Tang Rou, especially Wei. Although you don't need to play today, don't be too nervous in the audience."

"Tch~" Wei Chen shook his head disapprovingly, and then turned his head to the side. Although he was not included in the list of single or team competition today, Wei Chen still felt his old heart pounding. Jumping wildly, this nervous feeling has always existed since the moment he stepped into this arena.

There is no doubt that playing at home is an opportunity for Xingxin, but it is also a pressure.

The opportunity is because they have the right to choose the map. With the map advantage, they have a better chance to take the lead.

But... pressure is inevitable, because it is easier for Xingxin to win at home. If they can't win at home, it will be even harder to win at Baihua's home.

Moreover, in fact, for Happy, they only have three days to prepare for today's home map. This is because of the overtime match played before.

But Baihua is different. They have a full 3+7 preparation time for the home map. From this comparison, you can know who is more prepared.

However, it is impossible for Xingxin to tell the referee that the game is postponed and let us prepare for a few more days. This is obviously unrealistic.

At this time, a sound drew everyone's attention to the center of the stage.

"Okay, the players from both sides have come on stage, now let's do the final handshake before the game."

"It starts with a handshake between the captains of both teams."

Camera shift.

Ye Xiu and Yi Tianming looked at each other, and the former spoke first:
"Come on, this is my fifth time standing on this stage, which happens to be once more than yours."

As expected of Ye Xiu, he talked trash when shaking hands! Although the sarcastic meaning of these words is not that obvious, Ye Xiu obviously went there with the purpose of making people think!

"More times don't necessarily guarantee victory." Yi Tianming smiled, "It still depends on the ratio. With me here, Baihua will win three championships three times, and there is a 100% probability..."

At this point, Yi Tianming stopped talking. The last sentence he finished was: "But Excellent Era has won four championships and three championships."

Yi Tianming has always adhered to the concept that trash talk should be done in a moderate manner. If you only do it to mess with people's mentality without considering human feelings, then it will be a little embarrassing when you meet in the future.

"Haha." Ye Xiu smiled and said nothing, then moved toward the next player.

The two sides were not so nervous that they were at war with each other. Instead, they were relatively relaxed. Of course, this kind of relaxation was only on the surface. In the actual game, it would only be "red on the bayonet."

Soon, the first single match began.

Battle sides: Tian Sen VS Tang Rou!

"Different from previous arrangements, Xingxin and Baihua have made certain adjustments to their personnel deployment in the singles competition today. Tian Sen and Tang Rou, two names that were not originally ranked first, have all appeared in the singles competition. For the first pick, this is a big adjustment!" Li Yibo said eloquently.

"Yeah, let's see who of these two players can help the team get the upper hand." Pan Lin added, "Both players have their own distinct playing styles. I believe this will be a wonderful game. !!!"

With a flash of white light, Ye Jinyi Xing and Han Mist Rouge loaded into the game. Xingxin's home map selection didn't have any features from the map name, but they must have made special arrangements for this map, otherwise it would be... What a waste of the advantage of home field map selection.

Tian Sen knew this very well, so he entered the game with caution.

"Ye Jinyi is observing the map while walking. This is also conveying information to his teammates. After all, there are four teammates behind him who want to compete on this map, so now try to go as slowly as possible to let his teammates get familiar with this map. A map will allow Baihua to play better in subsequent games." Xiao Yu'er analyzed.

On the contrary, Tang Rou played very proactively, which was consistent with her usual playing style. Tang Rou was not the kind of coy player, she liked to move forward bravely.

Soon, Han Yan Rou and Ye Jin Yi Xing appeared in their sights.

"It's pretty fast." Tian Sen said in his heart. In fact, he didn't want to meet his opponent at this time point. After all, the exploration of the map was only 30%. Tian Sen hoped to explore the map more comprehensively before meeting with his opponent. Opponents fight.

"However, it seems now that we can't do it without fighting."

After saying that, Ye Jinyi put a piece of talisman paper on the war sickle, and then stood up from the ground! !
Immediately afterwards, a giant blue dragon came towards me. It was Han Mistrou's standard starting move - Angry Dragon Pierces the Heart! !
(End of this chapter)

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