"After all, Bai Shu is the superior one!" Li Yibo exclaimed, declaring the end of the fight.

On the field, Han Yanrou has fallen, but Bai Shu's character is still standing on the field.

"2:1!!!" Pan Lin also opened his mouth, "It's unbelievable. The process of this game was so dramatic. First, Happy led 1:0, and then Royal Wind chased two points in a row to overtake the score. It became 2:1. Of course, I believe that the score will not freeze here, and the subsequent games will be more exciting. Let us wait a moment, the fourth singles match is about to begin!"


The door of the war room was pushed open, and Tang Rou walked out with an unconvinced look on her face. This scene happened to be captured by a camera.

On the Xingxin player table,

"Leave the next game to me, let me beat him down." Fang Rui stood up, clapped his palms, and tried to get his hands excited.

This is a very common pre-game mobilization method for professional players. By lightly tapping their hands, they can make the fingers less stiff and avoid situations where the hands cannot keep up with the brain on the field.

"If you can't even get this little blood, then you'll be in another professional circle." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Tch." Fang Rui rolled his eyes at him, then strode towards the stage.

"I want to see how the English players perform in the playoffs of our Chinese League?" Fang Rui said in his mind.

Of course, it was no problem for Fang Rui to score this point. After all, Bai Shu's character had already consumed a lot of blood in the last duel with Han Mist Rouge. As Ye Xiu just said, If Fang Rui couldn't even win this game, then he really wouldn't have to compete in the professional arena.

Fang Rui stepped into the war room and Boundless Sea loaded the game.

In view of the progress of the previous three games, this map named "Swan Forest" has been destroyed to the point where its original appearance cannot be seen. It has become a bit like an arena map. The two sides did not say anything and just started fighting in the center of the map. .

"Okay, the fourth single match begins. Boundless Sea rushes out!" Li Yibo said.

"Oh, as soon as the game started, player Fang Rui played so proactively. This is a bit different from his usual style of play." Pan Lin said.

"Yes." Li Yibo nodded, "I think the pace of this game will be very fast."


five minutes later.

"2:2!" Li Yibo said, "Both Fang Rui and Bai Shu chose to cut straight to the middle. The characters of both sides started fighting directly at the center of the map, without too much nonsense."

"The competition between the two sides is really fierce." Pan Lin smiled.

"You chase me, I think this idiom can sum up this game very well." Li Yibo showed off his idiom reserve.

"The idiom you feel for me is indeed very appropriate. Neither side was able to stabilize their lead. Happy took the lead at the beginning, and then was chased by Huangfeng by two points. However, Huangfeng's lead was not yet After holding on for a while, Xingxin evened the score again," Pan Lin said.

"Yeah, let's see who wins and who loses in the next game. The game will gradually become tense at this point, not only for the audience, but also for the players who are about to play." Li Yibodao. Having had a professional career, he naturally knows how nervous players would be in such an environment.

In a singles match with five picks like this in the new season, the pressure on the first two picks will generally not be too great. After all, even if they lose the game, there are still three teammates behind them to support them, and there is still a lot of pressure. The hope of a comeback.

But starting from the third pick, everything becomes different, because at this time the battle has entered a white-hot stage. Losing or winning a game is very critical to the direction of the subsequent game.

Who will Royal Wind send with the third pick?

This problem does not seem to be that elusive. Bai Shu and Ge Caijie have already played, and among the remaining players of Huangfeng, there are not many players who can stand alone.

However, Shen Wanhe is one of them.

Ammunition expert player, Shen Wanhe! id flash!

"Royal Wind has sent player Shen Wanhe. I wonder if his ammunition expert can cause some trouble for Fang Rui?" Li Yibo said.

With Shen Wanhe entering the arena, the fifth battle officially begins!

"Ammunition experts and qigong masters must have certain advantages in terms of attack range, but I don't know if this advantage can be taken advantage of by player Shen Wanhe." Pan Lin analyzed.

"Okay, the flash memory has rushed out. Just like the previous games, the new players have chosen a very direct style of play." Li Yibo explained the situation on the court.

However, the next second, the entire audience let out a burst of boos, and all of these boos came from the mouths of those royal fans.

Li Yibo coughed slightly and continued to explain the situation on the field: "Flash Memory's side played very proactively, but Boundless Sea seemed to be playing very hesitantly here. He did not go straight to the middle, but wandered around the right side of the map. .”

"Is he preparing to engage in a war of attrition? In a frontal battle, his opponent might kite him, so Fang Rui chose to go sideways to find a better opportunity to break in." Pan Lin said.

"Maybe!" Li Yibo said.

Back to the game.

Flash came to the middle of the map. After finding no trace of his opponent, he quickly rushed out to the right.

However, this direction happened to be opposite to the direction Boundless Sea was heading.

The Royal Style fans outside the venue sighed and lamented that they were really unlucky! If only he had gone to the left!

And this just gave Boundless Hai a chance to touch the middle lane. Not long after leaving the flash memory, Boundless Hai slowly came to the middle lane of the map. The two sides had a face-to-face encounter, but neither one noticed the other. It could be said that Passed by.

The game can be so dramatic sometimes.

Boundless Sea came to the middle of the map. After observing the terrain, he rushed out in the direction where the flash memory had just been.

"I'll go! Are you coming?"

"Are you so lucky?"

The Royal Style fans at the scene instantly exploded into a pot of porridge. They never expected that Fang Rui would judge the right direction at once.

What's more important is that if Fang Rui catches up at this time, he will have a chance to sneak attack from behind.

"You should have seen the distribution of the ashes underground and judged the opponent's route." Li Yibo discovered this keenly.

Due to the fire in the forest just now, the trees in the entire forest were burned all over, and thick ashes piled up on the ground. However, when Flash was excited, he did not consider that these ashes would provide traces for his opponents.

Xingxin fans gradually became excited, because the game was starting to develop in the direction they expected. As long as Boundless Sea catches up at this speed, he will be able to hit his opponent with a back-up blow. Not to mention instantly killing the opponent, he will be able to knock out at least 30% to 40% of his health.

This is undoubtedly beneficial to Xingxin!

However, at this moment, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

The flash memory actually turned around and turned around!

"Oh? Did player Shen Wanhe find something wrong? If he turns around from this position, he can meet his opponent." Li Yibo said.

"And it's very possible that we can take the lead in subsequent games." Pan Lin said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the first shot was fired on the field.

Attack from flash memory.

Boundless Sea's figure had already appeared in his sight! !

The automatic pistol fired, and Flash's decisiveness was eye-catching. He launched an attack almost as soon as he saw his opponent, as if he had been prepared in advance.

"A very decisive attack!" Li Yibo praised.

Pan Lin also nodded, "Yes, he seems to have expected that his opponent is behind him."

"Then it will be very difficult for Fang Rui now. Boundless Sea has already entered the opponent's range, and it will be difficult to break out." Li Yibo analyzed.

Ta da da...ta da da...

There were constant gunshots on the field, and Boundless Hai's health continued to drop in the process. Shen Wanhe was worthy of being a starting player in Royal Style Composition. His personal abilities were pretty good, at least during this period of time, Fang Rui was very Uncomfortable.

Boundless Sea was rolling and crawling, trying to get out of the opponent's attack range, but no matter how he operated, Flash Memory was always one step ahead of him. After all, Boundless Sea had the advantage in attack range, so the kite crushed Boundless Sea. .

Seeing the declining health bar, Fang Rui had no choice but to use his defensive skills——

Mind the Qi Mask!

A milky white shield formed around Boundless Hai. This shield could help him withstand damage, but the shield was not a complete defense and would break after absorbing a certain amount of attacks.

"Fang Rui can take a breath!" Li Yibo said.

"Yes, during the previous period, he has been beaten under pressure, and the skill of Nian Qi Mask can help him temporarily not have to defend so hard." Pan Lin said.

"Should we fight back or retreat next?" Li Yibo looked at the motionless Hai Boundless on the field and began to guess, "If we fight back, there is no good chance at the moment, but if we retreat, we will probably face the same situation as before. Case."

"Fight back!" At this moment, Pan Lin said sharply.

Boundless Hai was seen clasping his hands together in the mental energy shield, and then condensed a pair of giant milky white hands, and then these giant hands directly found the flash memory.

"Cloud Catcher! Fang Rui plans to use this skill to kick off the counterattack." Li Yibo exclaimed.

And this approach does work!

Shen Wanhe had no way to deal with the opponent's protruding rebound. After all, he was not a healer and could not use the purification skill to relieve control. He could only watch his character being caught in mid-air by these milky white hands, and then kept moving toward him. Fly past the opponent's position.

"The cloud catcher hit the target!! This is a beautiful shot!" Pan Lin couldn't help but praise.

"Then let's see if Fang Rui can seize this close opportunity!!" Li Yibo also became more energetic, because the next wave of close combat is likely to be the key to determining the outcome of the game.

Although ammunition experts also have certain physical skills, which can be used for offense and defense in close combat, physical skills are still not good enough compared to regular melee professions, unless they can do two-step and half-gun physical skills like Zhou Zekai. , can we gain the upper hand, otherwise we still won't be able to take advantage of Boundless Sea.

"Qigong bomb! Horizontal kick! Uppercut!" Li Yibo said in surprise, "Hey~ Player Fang Rui doesn't seem to be planning to use bursts. He has been using some low-level skills to cooperate with the output, so the speed of the flash's blood volume is very impressive. , not too fast.”

"I think this is a safer way of playing. After all, it is unrealistic to directly take away the opponent with just a wave of close combat." Pan Lin spoke up for Fang Rui, "Player Fang Rui is preparing for the follow-up. Prepare for the attack. If you keep all your high-level skills on this wave, it will be difficult for you to parry the opponent's subsequent attacks."

"It makes sense!" Li Yibo nodded in agreement.

Soon, Boundless Sea successfully regained the health points he had just lost, and the flash memory's health dropped below Boundless Sea's level.

Fang Rui was not anxious, but Shen Wanhe was anxious first. When he faced the opponent's continuous attacks, he lost his position.

Boundless Sea only used low-level skills, while Flash Memory used all his high-level skills.

Flat A cheats the ultimate move!

Even Fang Rui himself didn't expect that his opponent would lose his patience so quickly.

After that, Fang Rui played steadily and Boundless Sea continued to control the rhythm of the game, and finally won the game with a 41% health advantage.

3: 2!

At the critical juncture of the third pick, Happy continued to control the rhythm of the game.

"Happy! Happy! Happy!!"

"Come on Happy! Happy will win!!"

The Xingxin fans at the scene had already started cheering. They seemed to have seen the scene of their team entering the finals. How exciting it was!

You must know that never in history has a team that has just emerged from the Challenger League been able to enter the playoffs, let alone the finals...!

But God always likes to joke. Just when Xingxin fans thought that the lead could continue to expand, Royal Wind quickly equalized the score and changed it to 3:3.

You chase me! The two sides really refuse to give in to each other!

Later, Su Mucheng, as the fourth player on Xingxin's side, steadily helped the team win the fourth kill point. In this way, Xingxin took the lead again!

However, this time, Xingxin fans did not rush to cheer. Having learned from past mistakes, they became much more "safe".

Sure enough, Xingxin fans' safety quickly paid off. Lu Liang came on stage and successfully harvested Su Mucheng.

4:4, the scores of both sides returned to the same starting line again.

Fortunately, when Mu Yuchengfeng fell, Lu Liang's sweeping and burning incense only had 64% of its health left. Su Mucheng had done his best...! !

"It should be stable, right?"

"The Leafs should have no problem facing this 64% health volume."

Just as Xingxin fans were discussing Ye Xiu, the name on the big screen made them look stunned.

Happy's fifth pick is not Ye Xiu, but Wei Chen...!

(End of this chapter)

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