"Tiny Herb was actually able to lead Baihua 5:4 in the single-player competition today!"

On the beach, Sun Xiang had become serious from his lazy state. He stared at the screen of his mobile phone with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Being able to take the lead at Baihua's home court shows that Wang Jiexi's formation is something special." Sun Xiang murmured.

At this time, a voice came from the live broadcast room.

"Okay, after a short break, the team competition is about to begin!!!"

The camera pans to the competition scene.

Baihua's home court seemed a bit empty at the moment, not because of the low occupancy rate. On the contrary, there were basically no empty seats in the home court today.

The real reason for the lack of success was Baihua's lagging behind at this moment, which caught many Baihua fans off guard. They originally thought that today would be a very smooth game. After all, they had already defeated the opponent in the first round. As long as they played steadily in the second round, With the home map advantage, winning is only a matter of time.

Unexpectedly, the away team Tiny Herb gave Baihua a powerful blow as soon as they came up, and slapped Baihua in the face.

5:4! ! !

In the single-player competition, Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie, the master and apprentice, can be said to have both exerted their strength, and each contributed to a one-on-two scene.

Although Yi Tianming single-handedly managed to score two kills, he still couldn't conceal his decline in the end, and Baihua was helplessly defeated in the singles match.

This result was obviously beyond everyone's expectation. Everyone originally thought that it would be difficult for Tiny Herb to mount an effective counterattack when its morale was damaged. However, no one expected that Tiny Herb had bottomed out and rebounded when its morale was at its lowest. , each of their team members did not give up, on the contrary, they performed very well.

"Tiny Herb! Tiny Herb! Tiny Herb!!!"

"Tiny Herb will win! Come on Tiny Herb!!!"

In the audience, the not-so-large number of Tiny Herb fans were once in the lead in terms of momentum. The advantage of the singles match allowed them to watch the game with more peace of mind.

At this time, a voice came from the radio.

"The next two teams will be invited to take the stage, and the team competition will officially begin!!"

"Team competition, keep up the good work." Wang Jiexi stood in front of the team and said word by word.

"We must win!!!" Tiny Herb team members responded in unison, their morale was high!

On the other side, the Hundred Blossoms team members also shouted in unison, but they didn't feel as powerful as Tiny Herb.

Then the two teams of players stood on the stage and shook hands one after another.


"The map for the team competition is... Linchuan Terraces. The map Baihua showed today is a bit interesting!" Li Yibo said.

"Well! Let us briefly introduce this map." Xiao Yu'er said on the side, "First of all, judging from the name of the map, it is not difficult to find that the prominent terrain on this map is terraced fields. These terraced fields are like stairs. The map is divided into several levels. How to fight on these different levels? Baihua must have simulated this problem countless times before the game. As the home team, they must be more proactive on the map they choose. "

"Of course, this does not mean that the visiting team has no hope of victory. Everything is possible if they play well. Didn't they turn the tide in the previous single match and gain a head-point advantage? So the world is still undecided, you I am a dark horse, and no one knows who will win or lose until the last minute." Li Yibo added.

"Okay, both players rushed out."

The perspective is given to Baihua's side,

Today's starting lineup for the team competition is: Luo Hua Lang Chao, Feng Cheng Yan Yu, Ye Jin Yi Xing, Ao Feng Can Hua, Qi Chong Yunshui, and the sixth player is Ji Leng.

Yes, the Tide, which defeated Wang Jiexi in the first round, was not included in the starting lineup today, but this is not unusual.

After all, there are countless Glory tactics, and a slight change in the requirements for the profession will lead to a big adjustment. Not to mention how difficult it is to get a place in the starting lineup in a championship team as competitive as Baihua. .

The starting lineup for Tiny Herb is as follows:

Wangbuliuxing, Muen, Feidaojian, Duhuo, Cordyceps sinensis, and the sixth person Euphorbia.

This is Tiny Herb's most commonly used lineup in the current season.

Entering the game, Wang Jiexi first observed the surroundings, and his experience quickly reflected what style of map this was.

What comes into view are terraces one after another. The dryness and humidity of these terraces are just right.

Then, at Wang Jiexi's signal, Duhuo rushed forward with his shield to explore the way.

"Tiny Herb played more conservatively," Li Yibo judged.

Normally, Tiny Herb would send Gao Yingjie to explore the path, but today Wang Jiexi rarely asked Xu Bin to explore the path. This is a different signal. Does Wang Jiexi want to use defensive counterattack tactics in the team competition?

This is not impossible. After all, in the single player competition, Tiny Herb is already one head ahead, which means that as long as they can kill five of their opponents in the team competition, they can maintain a draw. Of course, if you can kill them all, it would be best to win directly and drag the game into overtime.

Obviously, a draw is not enough for Tiny Herb, because they have already lost in the first round. If this is a draw, then the victory of the entire game will be decided based on the outcome of the first round.

In other words, if there is a draw, Baihua will directly advance to the finals.

This is obviously not what Tiny Herb wants to see, so a draw won't work. Tiny Herb must win a game to get a ticket to the overtime, and then based on the outcome of the overtime, it will get a ticket to the finals.

"Look at Baihua's side. Well, it's still a very common position. Luohualanxian is at the front, and behind him are Fengcheng Yanyu, Qihongyunshui, and a group of teammates." Li Yibo continued:

"Although they are temporarily behind in the single match, Baihua's players are still playing in an orderly manner. This is a good thing. As long as they can maintain this mentality and play steadily, Baihua will still have a greater chance of winning. After all, this is their map selection. There’s a map advantage.”

Soon, the five people from Baihua arrived at the middle part of the terraces. They did not rush up, but moved sideways here, in order to shorten the distance between them and the five people from Tiny Herb.

This was naturally noticed by Xu Bin, after all, he rushed to the top of the terraces early in the morning.

"The other side is approaching the main force." Xu Bin immediately told his teammates the news.

"Understood." Wang Jiexi replied, and then slowly retreated with the rest of his teammates.

"It seems... Tiny Herb doesn't want to have a direct conflict with Baihua in the short term." Li Yibo said.

On the field, the players from Baihua and Tiny Herb seemed to be circling. The more Baihua wanted to get closer to Tiny Herb, the faster Tiny Herb retreated.

"Do you dare to fight head-on?" Song Xiao couldn't stand it anymore and shouted directly in the public channel.

"Haha." Wang Jiexi smiled but said nothing.

"Baihua wants to win a quick victory. After all, they are one point behind in the singles match, so they don't want to draw a long battle line. If the time goes on for a long time, there will be many variables." Li Yibo analyzed.

"But it just happened that Tiny Herb didn't fall into their trap at this time. The more Baihua wanted to attack, the more Tiny Herb became defensive to avoid any head-on conflict." Xiao Yu'er said, "Then I think in this case, is it right? Can we surround Xu Bin's solo? After all, there is a certain distance between the solo and Tiny Herb's army. If we catch him alone, we might be able to find a breakthrough!" As soon as he finished speaking, the five Baihua people on the field seemed to be listening. As if commanded, he turned around and rushed towards Duhuo at the top of the terraces.

Of course, the sound insulation effect of the war room will naturally not allow the voices of outside commentators to penetrate into it. What Baihua and the five people did was naturally based on the instructions of Captain Yi Tianming.

"Withdraw." Wang Jiexi made a decisive decision and told Xu Bin not to be reluctant to fight and just retreat.

At the same time, Gao Yingjie's Mu En flew into the air and threw a lava flask towards Du Huo's escape route to block the encirclement of Baihua and the five people.

The result naturally ended with Baihua's siege failing. After all, the siege this time was too sudden. Suddenly, Xu Bin sneaked out before Baihua's five people were fully deployed.

After all, one person is more flexible than five people, and much more flexible.

"Baihua was a little too hasty, wasn't it?" Li Yibo said, "Surrounding Solo is a correct choice, but there is a slight problem with the way they surrounded them. They should pretend to be unintentional until the five people's positions are completely Come on, let’s arrest the independent workers again. Like we did just now, it’s a bit of a surprise.”

"Yeah." Xiao Yu'er also nodded.

At this moment, a burst of excitement broke out in the audience outside the stadium.

"I go!"

"Damn! This guy is so hateful!"

"Damn it, I can't bear it anymore!!"

These restless sounds originate from pollen, and the reason is because——

After successfully retreating, Duhuo also raised the index finger of his right hand in the direction of Baifa Five, which meant "seduce".

It is not very harmful and extremely insulting.

I have to say that Xu Bin has really mastered the art of messing with people's mentality. He knows how to make Baihua mess up.

This was also in line with Tiny Herb's current tactical purpose, which was to allow Hundred Blossoms to get into chaos and gain a breakthrough.

However, the Five Hundred Blossoms did not become agitated by such ridicule. They were not too upset about the encirclement error. Instead, they turned around again and rushed towards the Tiny Herb army.

Then there was another cat-and-mouse game, with Baihua chasing and Tiny Herb running away. It was not easy for Baihua to catch up with Tiny Herb in a short period of time, because the terraced terrain gave Tiny Herb many directions to retreat.

"Looking at it now, Baihua's selection of pictures feels like they shot themselves in the foot. They originally wanted to use the complex structure of terraces to complete the strategy, but they didn't expect that these complex terraces would become a problem that Tiny Herb avoids. A tool without fighting." Li Yibo said.

"Yes, it is not easy for Baihua to have a head-on conflict with Tiny Cao in a short period of time...!" Xiao Yu'er said.

How will Baihua choose when she can't catch up?

The person who finally solved this problem was Baihua's commander, Yi Tianming.

"Song Xiao, go to the top of the terraces." Yi Tianming said directly on the public channel.

This made Baihuafen outside a little surprised. Shouldn't this kind of tactics be placed in the team channel? Now it is directly put on the public channel. Did the captain make a mistake?

Hearing this, Wang Jiexi frowned slightly. He didn't believe that Yi Tianming would make such a low-level mistake.

Be afraid, the top of the terrace is an important tactical position. If the opponent seizes the opportunity, it will be much more difficult to reverse the situation.

Immediately, Tiny Herb also made tactical adjustments.

Wang Jiexi also separated one person from the team, but this time it was not Xu Bin who was separated, but Gao Yingjie.

This choice is not unreasonable. After all, with Mu En's flexibility, even if he encounters any unexpected situation, he can still look for opportunities to escape by relying on his ability to fly.

Then, Mu En flew out, and the target was also the top of the terraces.

And his speed is much faster than Song Xiao's Qi Rushing Cloud Water. After all, one is flying and the other is running. It is clear at a glance whether he is faster or slower.

At the same time, the positions of the other four members of Tiny Herb also changed accordingly. They were slowly moving closer to Mu En. After all, team combat requires an overall distance. If a team member is too far away from other team members, then The risk factor will be greatly increased.

What's more, the player Baihua separated was very angry, and it would be very hurt to control the cloud with one hand, so just in case, Wang Jiexi kept at least a certain distance between his healer and Mu En. It can help to use purification to control the distance.

And the reality was just as Wang Jiexi expected.

As expected, not long after Qi Chong Yun Shui rushed up, he used the Cloud Catcher skill on Mu En in mid-air.

Fortunately, Cordyceps sinensis was always behind Mu En, and he used evolution to help him unlock this skill instantly.

"This won't work either." Xu Bin immediately shouted in the public channel, another sarcastic statement.

"Haha." Song Xiao replied with a laughing expression.

Just when Xu Bin was about to type and taunt again, Wang Jiexi's order suddenly appeared:


Looking again, Qi Chong Yunshui, who was still looking at the top of the terraces and running wildly, had changed direction and rushed towards the Tiny Herb army.

The remaining four Baihua people also launched charges from four different directions at the same time.

"Baihua unknowingly completed the positioning!!" Li Yibo exclaimed, "Now Tiny Herb's side is in danger. After all, they are missing someone."

This was why Wang Jiexi had just ordered his team members to retreat in such a hurry.

He didn't want to confront Baihua head-on at this time.

The four of Tiny Herb retreated hurriedly, but this time Baihua brought more pressure than the previous night. Of course, Tiny Herb did not make any mistakes in the rush, but quickly adjusted their formation and retreated in an orderly manner as a whole.

Duhuo was at the bottom, and the rest of the Tiny Herb team members also protected their own treatments in the middle. Needless to say, the importance of treatment is naturally placed in a key position of protection.

At this moment, a red sword energy roared past.

From Luo Hua Chaos! !

This sword energy almost hit Duhuo's back, but unfortunately it was just a little bit short...!

(End of this chapter)

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