Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 5 Hey~ My heart is dirty when playing tactics!

Chapter 5 Hey~ My heart is dirty when playing tactics!
On the other hand, Tiny Herb's lineup is quite satisfactory.

They were in the traditional position of 131. Wang Jiexi manipulated Wang Buliuxing to rush to the front, the priest Cordyceps sinensis in the middle was closely protected by Berserkers and Judo from left to right, and the sharpshooter was at the end of the team.

When approaching the center of the map,
"Speed ​​up, Fang." After Wang Jiexi finished typing this paragraph, Wang Buliuxing rode Miejue Xingdust and charged straight ahead, leaving the team directly. As for the meaning of the word "Fang"...

"Tiny Herb temporarily handed over the command of the team to their priest Fang Shiqian, and Wang Jiexi went deep into the enemy's situation by himself!" The commentator Li Yibo quickly understood, "This is one of the common tactics of Team Tiny Herb!"

"Yes, Fang Shiqian is a very capable player and definitely a qualified commander. With him around, Tiny Herb's overall formation remains stable, and the speed has improved a lot!" Pan Lin said.

"Even if Wang Jiexi in the front is unfortunately discovered by his opponent, he can easily get rid of it with his unpredictable magician style of play, or wait for time for his teammates to counterattack. This is a star tactic!"

"It's right, it's right! Wang Buliuxing has already fought Dazzling Hundred Blossoms!"

The pace of the field was very fast. The moment Wang Jiexi saw the big team on the opposite side, he chose to retreat and sent out the word "dangerous" on the team channel!

Naturally, Zhang Jiale would not miss this opportunity. Smoke bombs, flash bombs, and explosive grenades were thrown at Wang Buliuxing, and Blossoming Chaos turned on its rage and rushed towards this side.
It's dangerous!If Wang Buliuxing is left here, then Tiny Herb's pillar will be broken!
Can Wang Jiexi handle it?
The answer is yes.

The extinct star flashed, emitting a dazzling light, and the lava flask was thrown down, just cutting off the route of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Blossoming Chaos,

At this time, the grenade thrown by Baihuahuang earlier also flew in front of him, Wang Jiexi moved his camera at the speed of light, and skillfully dodged all the grenades.

"Wang Jiexi skillfully defuses the opponent's attack by relying on his own manipulation, and now he has plenty of time to retreat!" commentator Li Yibo said.

And Wang Jiexi on the field seemed to be against the commentator, choosing not to retreat but to advance!

Gravity acceleration shot!

Wang Buliuxing rode Extinction Stardust leaned over and rushed towards Blossoming Chaos, and at the same time, little stars fell. This is the magician's ability to disperse powder.

Scatter powder hits!Blossoming Chaos' rage boost is greatly reduced, and attack, release, and movement speeds are also reduced.

Yi Tianming gave a wry smile, he didn't expect Wang Jiexi to fight back when he hit two!Before he could retreat in time, he was hit by the dispersing powder. This is not over yet, star rays and lightning chains followed one after another!

"Beautiful! As expected of a magician, this wave of combos knocked out nearly 20% of Blossoming Chaos' HP!"

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was still some distance away from the two of them. As soon as he took two steps, his route was blocked by Wang Buliuxing's level 60 skill Acid Rain and Dry Ice. To Wang Buliuxing, a little injury was neither painful nor itchy!
Faced with this sudden situation, Zhang Jiale's Hundred Blossoms style of play is useless, because the core of this style of play is to use the characteristics of skills to confuse the opponent within a short and medium distance, and then let his teammates output support,
Beyond a certain distance, Hundred Blossoms' style of play will not be effective, but this does not mean that Zhang Jiale has nothing to do.
Shock bombs, incendiary bombs, grenades, and ice bombs flew out like they didn't need money...

Over there, Blossoming Chaos is still entangled with Wang Buliuxing,

Since the epee swing is relatively slow, Blossoming Chaos was also weakened by the dispersing powder, and the opponent was the magician "Wang Jiexi", so the right time, place and people were the same.
Yi Tianming soon fell into a disadvantage. He could only fight while retreating, trying to delay time and wait for his teammates to support him.
But after a few steps back, he realized something was wrong!
Wang Jiexi was slowly driving him back, behind was Tiny Herb's large army!In other words, if you don't make any changes, you will face a situation where you will be attacked from front to back!

"There is a magician oppressing the front, and Tiny Herb's people will arrive soon behind, if the two sides meet..." The commentator Li Yibo said, "Hundred Flowers, it's dangerous!"

In the competition venue, the micro grass fans shouted in unison,
"Magician!!! Magician!!!"

"Master Jiexi, come on!! Team Tiny Herb will win!!"

On the other hand, Hundred Blossoms' morale was a bit low, because their key role, Blossoming Chaos, was being pushed back step by step by the magician...

Ten steps...eight steps...three steps...one step...


The other four members of Team Tiny Herb had already appeared in Wang Buliuxing's perspective,

At this time, Team Tiny Herb's channel,
Wang Buliuxing: Siege!

After receiving the captain's order, everyone in Tiny Herb rushed forward without hesitation,

The Berserker and Sharpshooter rushed out directly, forming a double-team for Blossoming Chaos,
Tiny Herb Berserker's body glowed with blood!This is the start of Berserk, and a series of attributes such as his attack have been temporarily improved!
He swung his arm, and the weapon drew a trail of blood in the air.

Luohualangmo didn't slack off at all, his body was also covered in blood, and at the same time he raised his heavy sword to bury flowers, and rushed towards his opponent.

He didn't choose to parry and defend, but to attack!Head-to-head!

rub rub!
The two epees collided in the air, sparks bursting out from the friction!
Blossoming Chaos lost 2% of its health, and Tiny Herb Berserker lost 5%!
It's the same basic attack, why did Tiny Herb lose more HP? !

"Is it an error in the system? There shouldn't be such a big difference in damage due to the weapon's attributes, right?" Huang Shaotian curled his lips, showing his small canine teeth.

"Captain, what do you think?" Hua Tong threw the question to the analysis Emperor Yu Wenzhou.

Yu Wenzhou rubbed his chin with his hand, recalling the scene just now in his mind, as if he missed something and didn't notice it.

Of course, the system error mentioned by Huang Shaotian has been ruled out. This year is the eighth year of Glory development, and the system is already very mature. The probability of such a big error is infinitely close to zero.

"What's wrong?" Yu Wenzhou murmured, and suddenly a clever idea flashed in his mind, "We can't be sure yet, we have to wait for the replay to make a conclusion."

The scene of unequal damage just now naturally attracted many players to call the glory hotline to inquire.

According to the requirements of the superior, the director also played back the skills and video of the two parties in the moment just now.

After watching the replay, Yu Wenzhou smiled, "It really is."

Huang Shaotian also showed a sudden realization expression at this time: "Oh oh oh~ I understand, Blossoming Chaos released a skill rush and thrust during the charge, and then canceled the skill release with high hand speed, using inertia to let the opponent suffer the end of the charge Injury, no wonder the damage is higher."

"But the release of this skill is too subtle!" Huang Shaotian was a little surprised, as a typical opportunist, he didn't even see through it at first sight.

"Yes, this not only requires a strong grasp of timing, but also needs to keep up with the hand speed." Yu Wenzhou said.

"Then captain, how much do you think his hand speed has increased just now?" Huang Shaotian blurted out, but he soon regretted it.
He actually talked about hand speed in front of hand speed madman Yu Wenzhou!This is a taboo!

Fortunately, Yu Wenzhou didn't care about it, but carefully analyzed it, and finally came up with a statistic,
"The highest league record is 700+, and he just... at least 600!"

 Grandpa of the audience, here are two chapters
(End of this chapter)

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