Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 498 Trouble in the Void

"Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers!!"

In the Baihua main venue, fans chanted the team's name in unison. They tried to use this method to raise the atmosphere to another level!

On the big screen, the score had been rewritten to 3:2, and Baihua had firmly won the group stage match.

But this is something that most people expected. After all, Void put its only two good players in the singles competition. The group competition was naturally an "empty city", but theirs was not an "empty city strategy". It was a completely "empty city", so it was naturally easily defeated by Baihua.


"One against two, have you seen it?" Tian Sen happily returned to the player's seat, but he seemed to have anticipated the next scene. That guy Song Xiao would definitely be tough.

As expected, Song Xiao pinched her nose and turned her head to the side, "Haha, what's a 1v2? I'll only accept it if you fight a 1v3 next time!"

"Haha." Tian Sen grinned and did not fight him again.

After all, Song Xiao is recognized as the "King of Hard Talkers" in Team Baihua. If you want to talk back to him, don't prepare anything else. Just prepare two or three bottles of mineral water and be prepared to talk until you feel thirsty.

"Okay." Yi Tianming stood up as the captain at this time. It is good for the atmosphere in the team to be more relaxed, but you still have to be more serious when it is time to be serious. After all, this is at the competition site, and there is a team competition to be played soon.

Therefore, when the team should be tight and when the team can relax a little, it is decided by the captain Tianming.

"I would like to emphasize the last things to pay attention to in the team competition." Yi Tianming added all his teammates together and formed a circle.

Although Baihua has not lost in a team competition yet, after all, "Sail with caution", and it always pays to be cautious!

"Do you understand?"

"Understood!" "It's the captain!"

Yi Tianming waved his hand: "Okay, come on!"


The team competition begins.

Xiao Yuer's sweet voice once again reached the ears of all the audience:

"Okay, the team match between Baihua and Void has begun, and the characters of both sides have been officially loaded into the map. First, let's take a look at the characteristics of this map!"

"The name of the map is called Eleven City! This is a rare map. It was very popular during the fifth season. However, with the changes of the Glory version, the number of times this map appeared in front of the public It has become less and less. Being able to see this map more on the playing field today is a nostalgic moment!"

"It is not difficult to find from the holographic projection that the biggest feature of this map is that there are many houses. This can also be seen from the name of the map. After all, it is called Eleven City."

"The complex urban area is mixed with concrete streets and asphalt streets. Well...the distribution of these houses is indeed relatively complicated, but I think for the home team Baihua, they should be familiar with it. After all, this is their map selection, and it must be determined before the game. We have made corresponding tactical arrangements and training."

"As for the visiting team Void..."

The camera is shown inside the competition venue,

The five people in the Void quickly left the refresh point and then explored the chaotic urban areas.

"Captain, there is a situation!"

But for a moment, an alarm sounded within Team Void.

Li Xuan was shocked. The other party came so quickly? It's less than five minutes before the team match starts, and the opponent is here?

"Prepare to fight!"

Helpless, even if Void doesn't want to fight, it can only prepare for war.

In fact, as the captain of the team, Li Xuan himself is not very confident about today's game. Firstly, it is because Baihua is too strong and basically overwhelms everyone he fights. Secondly, these players of Void have already been defeated in the first round. Some shadows are coming...

The five men in the Void quickly found a bunker, and in their view, a large force was advancing towards their area.

At this point, maybe we can catch him by surprise!

Li Xuan was secretly happy, but after a while, his joy was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Ta da da...ta da da...! !

A burst of gunfire interrupted Li Xuan's thoughts.

"Who lost his temper?" Li Xuan asked his teammates in a reproachful tone.

The Void team is equipped with a long-range attacker sharpshooter, but at this moment, the sharpshooter player showed an innocent expression.

"I didn't fire..."

Only then did Li Xuan notice that what Yi Tianming used today was not his best mad swordsman or battle mage, but——

Ammunition expert! ! !

A large bead of sweat slipped unknowingly from Li Xuan's forehead.

What's wrong with me!

How could such a mistake be made?

Perhaps Li Xuan himself didn't notice that when facing Bai Hua, he fell into a conditioned reflex tension.

It seems... In the ninth and tenth seasons, when facing Baihua, they never won a game...

In Li Xuan's heart, he already felt like he was being manipulated by the shadow of failure, and he didn't notice this feeling when it arose, and it even took root in his body unknowingly.


The figure in the mess of flowers was like a ghost, and in a burst of brilliant gunfire roar, it "swept" to the location of the five people in the void,

The five Void people counterattacked out of physical instinct, but these counterattacks were like a drop in the bucket under the fierce attack of the Baihua team!

What Li Xuan didn't know was that not only him, but other team members also expressed a feeling of powerlessness when facing Baihua.

Wu Yuce, Lu Boyuan...

And a group of Void team members, when faced with Baihua's flood-like offensive, they were like simple wooden boards, and they were suddenly washed away...


"It's over..." Li Xuan took off his headphones dully, and Wu Yuce and Lu Boyuan also had the same expression.

8:2, another big victory for Baihua at home!

Although Li Xuan joked before the game that getting 2 points in this game would be considered a victory, but when they actually got 2 points, the Void players were not happy at all.

Because they have lost too many games and have not won a single match against Baihua in the past two years.

In other words, from before the game, Void had even been prepared to lose the game, and did not even plan to have a head-on fight with Baihua.

In the team competition, Baihua solved the battle in 13 minutes and 25 seconds, which is considered a relatively fast record.

The middle process can be described in just a few sentences: Baihua came out of the resurrection point - Baihua touched the void - the two sides started fighting - Baihua won.

Take it away in one wave! There is no trace of sloppiness. In other words, Void has no ability to resist before Baihua's fierce attack.

Looking at the outcome of this game, Void scored 2 points. Compared with those teams that only scored 1 point or even no points in Baihua's hands, they indeed scored 1 more point.

But...what can I do with this 1 point?

Compared to what Void lost, this 1 point seemed too small.

The Void members, unknowingly, have lost the confidence they should have...!

Although Void is still ranked eighth in the regular season, can they still guarantee that they are still in this position after the 38th round of the league and the regular season is completed?


"Okay, it was a wonderful game. Let us thank both players for their efforts." "Well, today's game is over. I am Xiao Yu'er, today's commentator. Let's see you in the next round!"

As the lights slowly turned off, the audience quickly poured out of the venue and went back to their homes, just like the ebbing sea water.

After a brief interview, the Baihua team members quickly returned to their home base.

As for the Void members...when they were being interviewed, their faces still looked a little absent-minded...


At the same time, on the other side,

"Tang San hit hard right from the start! He seems to have found his target, which is Wang Buliuxing!"

"Tang Hao seems to have taken stimulants today, hahaha! Of course, I am also joking."

Li Yibo said haha.

Pan Lin continued what he said, "But having said that, player Tang Hao's performance today can indeed be described as wonderful or even perfect."

In the main venue, all the Tiny Herb fans felt as if there was a big stone in their chests, making them unable to breathe.

All this stems from Wang Buliuxing's discomfort on the field...!

He was completely "locked" by Wuxiao!

Presumably, Wuxiao's tactical arrangement before the game was to defeat Wang Jiexi one by one, and then defeat them one by one!

"Team King, come on!"

"King, hold on!!"

Finally, Tiny Herb fans couldn't bear the pressure in their hearts and vented everything.

However, their shouts don't seem to have a decisive impact on the situation on the field. It should be whatever it is.

Wang Buliuxing was "focused on" by Wuxiao.

Tang Hao, Li Hua, Zhao Yuzhe, and Shu Keyi were all giving Wang Buliuxing a "fat beating"!

Moreover, what Wuxiao showed in this game was a feeling of encirclement and reinforcements. The core of this tactic is to catch the opponent alone and form a small encirclement.

If his teammates come to control him, he will be beaten along with his teammates. If your teammates don't care, send this person out!

Not to mention, Wuxiao made good use of this tactic.

Wang Buliuxing was having a hard time in this game, and his health was running low at this moment, only 43%.

Tiny Herb fans are all hoping that their captain can stand up at a critical moment, just like every time he encountered a crisis before, using his god-like personal ability to lead the team out of danger.

But today... Wang Jiexi seems to have failed to accept the prayers of his loyal followers.

Wang Buliuxing was still "trapped" by Wuxiao in a small encirclement and was unable to break through.

"Is this the end of this game?" A voice sounded in the hearts of Tiny Herb fans. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tiny Herb was facing a headwind and the situation was quite unfavorable.

Failure is like darkness, constantly eroding the hearts of Tiny Herb fans.

And at this moment, a bright light pierced the darkness,

——The light of hope from Gao Yingjie! !

On the big screen, Mu En's body drew an almost perfect arc in mid-air, and landed on Tang San's head, catching him off guard! Then there was another star ray, which knocked Li Hua's dark forest grass away!


When the Tiny Herb fans outside the field saw this scene, their eyes were red and they were about to shout until they were hoarse.

Yes, we still have the prince here!

The prince finally stood up!

At the same time, the pressure that Wang Jiexi felt decreased suddenly. It was difficult for him to break through in one against four, but in one against two, it was more than enough.

In an instant, several other Tiny Herb members rushed into the roaring formation like ferocious beasts.

Morale is very important to a team.

Before Gao Yingjie's outburst, the Tiny Herb team was in a downturn, and the team members seemed a little overwhelmed.

But now, Gao Yingjie broke through the formation alone, giving everyone hope, and the rest of the Tiny Herb team members also fought bravely as if they had been given blood!


"What an incredible game. In the middle of the game, I thought the nursing school would definitely win this game." Li Yibo looked incredible, but by then the game was over, and the score on the big screen was frozen. 7:3, Tiny Herb wins!

"Yes, that's what I thought at the time, but isn't that the charm of glory? Until the last moment, you can't even imagine who can win the final victory." Pan Lin laughed and continued:

"Gao Yingjie's operation was really wonderful. He used his personal ability to help Tiny Herb solve a difficult situation. It was wonderful!"

"Yes, it's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Maybe we should focus more on these young players now. Wang Jiexi's performance was a bit weak today. When everyone thought that Tiny Herb had no hope in this game, Gao Yingjie I think this is good news for Tiny Herb!"

After Li Yibo sighed with emotion, he said goodbye to the audience: "Okay, today's game comes to an end here. Let's see you in the next game!"



howling club,

Snapped! !

Tang Hao slapped the table with an unconvinced expression, so hard that his palms turned red.

"What happened? The advantage we had so well in the early stage was disrupted by Gao Yingjie."

Tang Hao's harsh criticism sounded in the conference room.

But what is a bit surprising is that he did not say this to his teammates, because he was the only one in the conference room at the moment.

Tang Hao was blaming himself.

He also knew that Gao Yingjie broke through from his own position, so he couldn't blame his teammates for this game, but he could blame himself for being careless.

Tang Hao is a little arrogant, but after becoming the captain of Wuxiao for this year, he has matured a lot and understands the so-called captain's responsibilities.

Before the game, he completely regarded Wang Jiexi as a point of special attention in the game, and did not pay much attention to Gao Yingjie.

Now, it's often the point that receives the least attention that becomes the turning point of the game.

As for Wuxiao, he cannot afford to lose the game at this critical juncture, because there is Thunder biting behind his butt, and he will be overtaken accidentally...

"Gao Yingjie, I underestimated you..." Tang Hao clenched his fists and strode out of the conference room.


(End of this chapter)

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