In this way, Zhan Tianwu was forced to be bound to Tiandong.
Originally, he didn't want to get involved in this battle, or he didn't want to get involved so early.

But there was no way, under Gao Yingjie's constant temptation, he was involved in the chaos.

After Gao Yingjie had just tested the strength of this "Zhan Tianwu", he instantly changed his plan.
He originally planned to use Zhan Tianwu as a sandbag and escape in the chaos.

But now that I think about it... Gao Yingjie believes that Zhan Tianming has certain strength and may be able to help him take down the two swordsmen on the opposite side.

"That little little sword has 100 more points. You and I can win them together. How about we share the points equally?" Gao Yingjie said solemnly.

"Deal." The operator behind Zhan Tianwu thought for a moment and quickly agreed,
However... Gao Yingjie felt more and more that this voice sounded familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

Moreover, what is interesting is that in online games, there is no shortage of people who have no lower limit to deceive people. However, Tiandong and Zhan Tianwu had no idea who the other party was or even the first time they spoke just a few minutes after they met. Next, we actually reached an "alliance" in an instant.
This kind of decisiveness and innocence is not common in online games.

Of course, this kind of innocence must be what Wei Chen likes most...

"I'm looking for a helper. Leave this helper to me. Xiao Lu, go and deal with that Tiandong!" Huang Shaotian shouted, and then his hand movements accelerated sharply. The shadow of the big sword was accompanied by snowflakes and kept flying in the air. Waving,

"Look at the sword, look at the sword, look at the sword, look at the sword, look at the sword!!"

The silver-white sword energy also kept swinging in front of Zhan Tianwu.

Such a quick attack, coupled with the verbal "attack", made Gao Yingjie on the side a little worried about whether Zhan Tianwu could resist it.
After all, the two are now in an alliance. If one party is defeated, the other party will naturally be unable to protect itself.And Gao Yingjie didn't know much about Zhan Tianwu's strength, so it was normal to be worried.

Originally, Gao Yingjie wanted to cooperate with Zhan Tianwu. After all, after all, Glory, sometimes one plus one can exert greater strength than two. But he changed his mind and quickly gave up this view. After all, he was very interested in the other party. Neither of them are familiar with their playing style and attack rhythm. If they blindly seek cooperation, it will make the fight uncomfortable for both of them.

But what Zhan Tianwu did next shocked Gao Yingjie and made him feel a wave of waves!
I see.

Zhan Tianwu took a step horizontally, and then swept the war spear in his hand, Ba Rui! !
A red light flashed past, and Ba Rui's attack was completely released by Zhan Tianwu.
This attack, let alone Gao Yingjie, even Huang Shaotian, who was facing Zhan Tianwu, was slightly startled——

"This guy..." Huang Shaotian put away the playfulness in his heart and immediately turned it into seriousness.

Although I don’t know whether the other party did it deliberately or by chance,

But what Huang Shaotian knows is - the Ba Rui shot just now was a standard professional style of play.

The so-called professional style of play means that players release their skills through rigorous learning. This situation mostly occurs in youth training camps. This happens to many youth training children, so it is also called the professional style of play.

The big sword braked fiercely to avoid the damage from Ba Rui. Unexpectedly, Zhan Tianwu was waiting for this moment to cancel the release of Ba Rui skills, and then struck a furious dragon through the heart, using the length of the war spear and skills, To offset this part of the opponent's retreat!

well played!
If this scene appeared in a professional arena, it would definitely be cheered and applauded by the audience.

Even Gao Yingjie, who was fighting fiercely with Lu Hanwen, couldn't help but admire in his heart. After this series of moves, even Huang Shaotian would have to swallow this Raging Dragon Pierce the Heart.

Huang Shaotian screamed in his heart that something was wrong. He wanted to speed up his operations to avoid this issue, but it was still a step too late.

He paid for his carelessness.But this is understandable. After all, it is difficult for professional players to be 100% serious when playing online games, let alone players of Huang Shaotian's level, because in the subconscious mind of professional players, online games are not difficult and they only need to be played casually. Just beat it and you'll pass.

You can also make an analogy. Professional players playing online games are like playing against level 15 heroes and level 8 and 9 heroes in Pesticide. It’s not that they don’t want to fully unleash their potential, but when they haven’t fully unleashed their potential, the health of the level 8 and 9 players will It has evaporated...

But now, the appearance of this "Zhan Tianwu" really gave Huang Shaotian a loud and resounding slap, which made him dizzy.
"Professional level!" Huang Shaotian instantly made a judgment in his mind, and then frowned, because the opponent's style of play always made him feel familiar... It seemed that he had played against the opponent before, but because it was too far away, he couldn't remember it so clearly. .

He looked at Tiandong, then at Zhan Tianwu, and then a name came to his mind - Team Tiny Herb...!
"If it's from Tiny Herb, Tiandong might be Gao Yingjie, then this Zhan Tianwu... is Xiao Yun?" Huang Shaotian was still judging at this time, "But... Xiao Yun's fighting method shouldn't be this style, right? ?”

This Zhan Tianwu gives people the impression that it is very stable, and there is a hint of domineering in the stability. It is not that the style is domineering, but between moves, using the coordination of moves to force people into desperate situations.

Huang Shaotian gradually became serious. Since he knew that the opponent was probably a professional player, he could naturally use his fists and kicks fully.

the other side,
"Hey! I'm telling you, don't be distracted when you're dueling with someone!" Xiaoxiao Xiaojian suddenly appeared behind Tiandong, then drew his sword and struck him, knocking him to the ground.
In the fight between the two, Gao Yingjie had always had the upper hand, so Lu Hanwen's bloodiness and hand speed were gradually stimulated. As a professional player, he naturally would not allow himself to suffer losses in online games, so he He is also always looking for opportunities to turn defeat into victory.

And at that moment, Tiandong suddenly stopped moving, revealing a huge dawn,

Naturally, Lu Hanwen would not miss this opportunity. He ducked behind Tiandong and launched an attack.

Tiandong's health dropped again, almost to below 25%.

However, at this moment, Gao Yingjie's attention was not at all on his character's health, but on Zhan Tianwu!
In other words, he is the actual operator behind Zhan Tianwu!
The memory of Tyrannosaurus and Raging Dragon piercing the heart just now completely awakened Gao Yingjie and opened up the memories in his heart.

However, he is not sure about this answer yet and must verify it.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing? We haven't finished fighting yet, why did you run away all of a sudden?" Lu Hanwen shouted, but due to the gap in position between the two, he couldn't stop him at the first time, so he could only He watched helplessly as Tiandong flew behind Zhan Tianwu.

"Senior Shaotian, be careful!" Lu Hanwen warned loudly. He thought this guy was going to set fire to Huang Shaotian.

But he didn't expect that when Tiandong flew behind Zhan Tianwu, a broom fell down.

That's right, he actually attacked Zhan Tianwu!

"What is this guy doing?" Huang Shaotian was also stunned for a moment, looking at the two of them with some confusion.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Zhan Tianwu said angrily, and then he hit Tiandong in mid-air with a dragon tooth from behind,

Tiandong ducked sideways, and then a heavy blow came down with an accelerating beat, causing the snow on the ground to fly in all directions.

"Damn it!" Zhan Tianwu cursed in his heart, but this gravity-accelerating shot came so fast that it was too late for him to avoid it, so he could only take it forcefully.
In a moment, Zhan Tianwu had already thought of a countermeasure.

The war spear turned into four rays of light and shadow, leaving only empty marks in the air.

Four consecutive stabs in the air! !

And this move also made Gao Yingjie behind Tiandong flash his eyes, smile, and then said in surprise:

"It's really you!"

Tian Dong, who was in mid-air, suddenly changed his direction and launched a surprise attack at the big sword behind Zhan Tianwu.
Huang Shaotian, who was eating melon, was caught off guard by this sudden blow. The big sword could only roll backwards in embarrassment, so he avoided most of the damage, but it was still inevitable that some of his health would be wiped off. "Hey, hey, hey! You little brat, why are you hitting me again?" Huang Shaotian was helpless, but the two of them seemed not to pay attention, and just kept chatting to themselves.

"Oh? Are you?" Zhan Tianwu was a little confused now. Why was this elemental mage named Tiandong so erratic? He was sneak-attacking him and helping him.

"Gao Yingjie." Tiandong did not hesitate and directly announced his name, "I didn't expect to see you here, Qiu Fei...!"

Zhan Tianwu was stunned for a moment. The operator behind this character was Qiu Fei.
In order to add some resources to the newly launched New Excellent Era, Qiu Fei also took advantage of this event to join in the fun among netizens. However, what he did not expect was that he actually met his friend on the first day. Gao Yingjie.

Only then did Qiu Fei recall that the magic scholar's fighting style was indeed very familiar, but he had just fought against Huang Shaotian with all his strength, so he did not think about it carefully.

"Haha! Do you want to fight side by side?" Qiu Fei smiled, and then swept his war spear to block the Xiaoxiao Xiaojian coming from behind. He blasted out a falling flower palm, forcing Xiao Xiaoxiao Jian to only raise his sword. block.

"It's what I asked for!" Gao Yingjie was in a good mood at this time. Originally, he just wanted to brush up the data in the online game, but now it's different. He actually got an unexpected surprise. He was naturally very excited to meet his friends.

Gao Yingjie, Qiu Fei,

The Tiny Herb twins from last year met by chance in an online game today and merged again!
Both of them are players of the younger generation, and Excellent Era is currently in the Challenger League. There is no conflict of interest for Tiny Herb. Even if there is a conflict, the two young players would never think of it at this moment.

The two of them only had one thing in mind, and that was to fight their friends again!
The next second, Tiandong used the sword blade of the big sword to kick back violently, and a star ray directly hit the small sword.

"Be careful!" Huang Shaotian warned, but it was still a step too late.

The health of Xiaoxiaojian plummeted a lot, and the big sword that was about to support him was blocked by a war spear.
"Go through me first." Qiu Fei's hand speed increased sharply, and he hit a dragon out of the sea, forcing Huang Shaotian to use his hand speed to deal with it.

But Qiu Fei's attack was very purposeful. He didn't want to fight Da Da Da Jian head-on. He just wanted to force it back and buy time for Tian Dong behind him to focus his fire to kill Xiao Xiao Xiao Jian, which was worth more than 100 points.

"Hold on, Xiao Lu!" Huang Shaotian finally realized at this moment that the cooperation between the demon scholar and the battle mage in front of him was indeed wonderful, and he had definitely reached the level of a professional player.

However, what Huang Shaotian didn't expect was that the players behind the two characters were from different teams.

It was already difficult for Lu Hanwen to use Biao's hand speed at this moment. He was completely at a disadvantage and was suppressed by Gao Yingjie.
It's not that Gao Yingjie's strength is strong enough to suppress Lu Hanwen, but because Lu Hanwen was relatively loose at the beginning. By the time he found himself being suppressed, Gao Yingjie's hand speed and condition had fully improved. The latter Take the situation firmly into your own hands and gain an absolute advantage.

Of course, I can't blame Xiao Lu for being loose. After all, he came out with a powerful swordsman, so he can hold his own even if he meets ordinary professional players.
Who would have thought that they would meet Gao Yingjie and Qiu Fei as soon as they went out. Even Ye Xiu couldn't help but admire the cooperation between these two people.

2 minutes later,

"Hey..." Lu Hanwen reluctantly took off his headphones, "I finally got 100 points, but someone else took them away again."

Xiao Xiao Xiao Jian was sent out of the game by the combined efforts of Tian Dong and Zhan Tian Wu. The second before he fell, he saw the two of them rushing towards Da Da Jian again.

Lu Hanwen was a little confused. Logically speaking, he had scored more than 100 points, so he should retreat first and then fight. The two of them could easily retreat by covering each other.

After all, although it was a two-on-one situation, Tiandong was already in a state of residual health. If he was killed, the more than 100 points would fall into someone else's pocket.

"I really don't understand..." Lu Hanwen scratched his head.

Immediately, he clicked on the conversation and sent a message to Dada Jian: "Senior Shaotian, how are you doing there?"

Huang Shaotian didn't respond for the moment, probably because he couldn't draw his hand.

Lu Hanwen knew that if he went online again at this time, it would be too late. After all, it still took several minutes to get to the northern area from the initial location of the event, which would have killed Huang Shaotian several times.

So he chose to wait slowly...

at the same time,


Ye Xiu whispered: "Baozi, get down, there's someone fighting in front of you."

Baozi Invade obediently lay down, and then began to observe the battle situation. He was surprised for a while: "That Tiandong actually has more than 150 points! Boss, do we want to do something?"

"Don't worry..."


"Hey! I said you two have got the points, so there is no need to kill them all, right?" Huang Shaotian was helpless. Although he was one of the Six Saints, it was still a bit difficult to fight one against two.

Zhan Tianwu and Tiandong looked at each other, but the operators behind the two characters smiled at the same time.
Ever since they knew each other's true identity, Gao Yingjie and Qiu Fei's intention was not just to score points. They had a simple idea: to have a good time on the stage of online games after a long separation!Find the feeling you had before!

That kind of feeling cannot be compared with more than 100 points.

Huang Shaotian was helpless. Seeing that the two of them had no intention of retreating, he could only use his special skills and continue to fight.

3 minutes later,

The health of Tiandong, Dada Jian, and Zhan Tianwu has all dropped below 10%, and they are in danger.

At this time, another battle mage came into view,
"Come back!" Huang Shaotian didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"The mantis stalks the cicada." Ye Xiu said with a smile.
Baozi Invasion on the side is also gearing up. Baozi's thinking is very simple. He only wants to get the more than 150 points from Tiandong in his own hands.Baozi now has more than 20 points. If he gets more than 150 points, it will be almost [-] points.

"Boss, leave Tiandong to me!" Baozi said excitedly,

Before Ye Xiu could reply, another voice sounded from the side.

"The oriole is behind." A mad swordsman and an elemental mage came into view...

(End of this chapter)

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