Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 466: Suppression?Counter-suppression

Chapter 466: Suppression?Counter-suppression

This was a big question in Song Xiao's mind. He had just been successfully attacked by the Windward Formation, so now he naturally had to pay it back. He didn't want to suffer such a loss in vain.

Wei Chen,

Song Xiao was thinking about this name in his mind.

Regarding this old senior, before the tenth season, Song Xiao actually had no direct interaction with him. After all, when Wei retired, Song Xiao had not yet come into contact with the professional league.
Therefore, if you want to say that you have a lot of respect, it definitely doesn't count. At most, you have a little bit of respect for the old senior. After all, he is Blue Rain's old captain.

The person who respects Wei Chen the most should be Huang Shaotian.

back to the game,

Qi rushed to the clouds with a white light all over his body, running wildly through the streets filled with windows and corners,
Unfortunately, he ran for a while, nearly half a minute, but still failed to lock onto his opponent.
Seeing that the effect of Yun Ti Feng Shen was about to wear off, Song Xiao could only change his mind and let Qi Chong Yun Shui stop.

The opponent runs so fast?
Song Xiao was confused. Logically speaking, Qizhong Yunshui's running speed was faster than Soksar's, but he didn't even see a single figure of the other party in this half minute.

But there is no answer to this question yet.

Immediately afterwards, the effect of Yun Ti Feng Shen completely disappeared, which meant that the automatic lock was useless, and Yun Shui's pace in Qi Zhong also slowed down.

However, in this way, the clouds and water in the air are in the light, and the opponent is in the dark, because when he ran wildly just now, the air and clouds and water did not hide his footsteps at all...


Qi rushed forward slowly along the street. After searching for about a minute, he still couldn't find any trace of the other party.

However, Song Xiao always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

What an old fox...

Song Xiao finally understood how difficult this old captain was.
Now nearly 2 minutes have passed since the exchange of fire between the two sides. The two players on the field have temporarily entered a "cooling off period."
However, the audience outside the venue has indeed been highly vigilant.

Especially Xingxin fans, their chests were pressed against their backs nervously. With their God's perspective, they could clearly see just now that the distance between Qi and Yunshui was less than ten bodies, and they could use the cloud body. The wind body hit the wind and formed a formation.

Unfortunately, he stopped and formed a formation facing the wind, and luckily escaped disaster.

The Baihuafen fans also felt a little sorry for Song Xiao. They were just a little bit close to catching their opponent. The feeling of having already grasped victory but slipping away from their fingertips was uncomfortable.

But now, Xingxin fans are still very nervous because they saw that Wei Chen made another move on the court...

We set up the formation in the wind and walked through a small room to a balcony. This place was the blind spot of the opponent's vision.

Wei Chen's purpose is very simple, which is to jump to the roof. However, this operation is a little difficult because a small pedal is needed to borrow force between the balcony and the roof. If you are not careful, you will not be able to jump up if the force fails. Not only that It will also make sounds to reveal its location.

This is the so-called extreme card position, which is not uncommon in online games. The advantage of this position is that once it is successfully reached, it can cause a lot of trouble to the opponent.

For example, at Wei Chen's current point, the attack range of the qigong master is out of reach, but for the warlock, it can be used to cast spells, so it is an excellent position where you can hit the opponent, but the opponent cannot hit you. Point.

In order to successfully jump, players must grasp the timing of leveraging the force perfectly.

Awareness, hand speed, and experience are all indispensable.

Wei Chen has both consciousness and experience, but hand speed...

Used to be useful, but now has declined slightly,

Wei Chen paused for a moment, then moved his fingers slightly,

Before the game, he trained on this special point countless times in order to be able to perform it well this time on the field.

This is the hardship of professional players. Even if it is a regular season, even if it is just a single match, even if it is only used once, the players have to make countless efforts, which requires very good perseverance and mentality. .

Of course, it is the law of this world to be successful in front of others and then work hard. One minute on stage and ten years of hard work off stage. Which profession can truly be said to be very easy?It’s not all a matter of blood, sweat and tears.

Since professional players enjoy countless applause and admiration in front of others, the efforts they put in behind the scenes are countless times harder than ordinary people.

Ka Ka... Ka Ka Ka...

In front of the computer screen, Wei Chen's expression turned serious.
He jumped on the ground in a formation facing the wind. When he was in the air, he suddenly changed his appearance and jumped to the place where the force board was used. Then he kicked towards the roof.
The audience outside the venue couldn't help but be surprised.
"Can you jump up here?"

"I feel it's a bit overhanging. The height of this roof is much higher than that of ordinary roofs. It feels like a dead center."

"There won't be an air wall, right? That would be a waste of time."

"How is it possible? How could a professional player make such a stupid mistake? If there was an air wall, would he still choose this point?"



Under the watchful eyes of all the viewers, the answer was revealed.

Windward's formation climbed up to the edge of the roof with "difficulty". At this moment, his body shook violently, and the Xingxin fans outside the stadium were startled. If he didn't stand firm and fell, then Just bring yourself to the mouth of Qi Hongyun Shui,
Fortunately, the figure in the wind formation swayed for a while and then stabilized quickly.


Xingxin fans and Wei Chen in the war room all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Generally speaking, Wei Chen's climb was quite successful. Although there was a small mistake in the last point, it was not a big problem.

On the seat of flowers,
"He is really a tenacious old man..." Yi Tianming joked,
"It's really not easy to climb from this point." Chu Yunxiu continued,
What she said is indeed correct. The extreme point chosen by Wei Chen is similar to the existence of a stuck bug. It does not mean that it can be successful 100%. It also requires a certain amount of luck. In other words, it is impossible for other professional players to succeed. If you come, you may not succeed.

back to the game,

After climbing to the roof, he set up his formation in the wind without stopping for a moment, and directly selected the reading skill.
Rain of chaos!This is a control skill. Wei Chen still wants to use control first to stabilize the situation and then pursue further output.

Rain of Chaos is a very "vicious" skill. As long as this skill successfully hits the opponent, Song Xiao's operation of the character will be completely out of control, and Wei Chen will have the opportunity to release more damaging skills!
The moment the reading note disappeared, a black cloud appeared on the canes arrayed in the wind.


Wei Chen was very calm. He did not pursue the ultimate distance, because he knew that if he missed a hit at this point, his position would still be exposed, so he had to wait until his opponent entered a very suitable casting distance, and then Attack!

But Song Xiao had no idea about all this.

On the big screen, Qi Ding Yun Shui was slowly moving forward, and as long as he walked five steps further, he would enter the "trap" carefully prepared by Wei Chen.

"Huh..." Wei Chen was adjusting his breathing. He tried to keep himself calm. Only in a calm state can his operations and choices be maximized.

One step...two steps...

The angry clouds are getting closer and closer to the "trap", and Baihuafen outside the court is getting more and more anxious. This situation of seeing one's own players about to fall into the opponent's trap without being able to remind them is very frustrating. anxious.

Song Xiao is also very cautious, because he knows that the skill Cloud Body Wind Body has just been used and is still in the cooling process. If the opponent sneak attacks at this time, it will be difficult to make an effective counterattack immediately.
Because now the enemy is hidden and we are clear, and the prerequisite for counterattack is to know the opponent's position. If you don't even know where the opponent is, then there is no point in counterattack.

Therefore, every time Song Xiao takes a step, he will carefully observe every point, and silently write down the possible positions of his opponents in his heart. As soon as he is attacked, he will counterattack these points without hesitation.

Including some blind areas of vision, all were recorded by Song Xiao.

Therefore, professional players must not only react quickly, but also have a good memory. Otherwise, if there are so many points on a map, and they cannot remember them, they will suffer a big loss.

Although Song Xiao didn't know where his opponent was now,

But there is one thing that Song Xiao knows very well.

The opponent must be nearby!
Because for three and a half minutes, the opponent did not exchange fire with himself and was still not warned by the referee, which means that the opponent did not enter the zone of negative competition.

The next second, Song Xiao's heart tightened!
Because my vision suddenly became a little darker!
Sure enough, the opponent is nearby!

Song Xiao hurriedly turned the angle of view, only to find that the character was completely unresponsive. He obviously wanted to turn the angle of view to the left, but he was so angry that he actually looked up at the sky.

? ?
what happened?

It wasn't until Song Xiao saw the black cloud in the sky that he suddenly realized that it was the Warlock's skill, Rain of Chaos...

And he was very unlucky. This probabilistic skill was successfully triggered. Now Song Xiao's operation of the character has entered a state of chaos. The so-called chaotic state means that just like before, Song Xiao wants the character to turn left, but the actual operation of the character The movement is upward. If you try again, it may go to the right, down, or left. This is completely uncertain.

hateful!Song Xiao secretly screamed in his heart, it seemed like he didn't look at the almanac when he went out, so he was out of luck.

The next second, three arrows burning with black flames stabbed towards Qi Chongyun Shui,

This skill was originally very easy to dodge because the arrows did not fly very fast, but for the current Qi Chong Yunshui, it was very difficult to dodge.
Song Xiao subconsciously moved the character to the side, but he still underestimated his "bad luck" today. Not only did he not dodge to the side in anger, but he automatically moved forward and caught the three arrows. .

The Baihuafen outside the venue let out a sigh,


"If you are controlled by the Rain of Chaos, it will be difficult to fight."

"Yeah, bad luck."

It seems that these viewers have also been tortured by the Rain of Chaos skill in their daily online games.

However, for Song Xiao, this torture has just begun.
You know, the Warlock profession has the most hard control among the 24 professions.

The next second, Wei Chen threw out a level 70 ultimate move——

Death's Gate!

A bottomless black door appeared behind Qi Gong Yunshui, and a black hand stretched out from the black door and pulled his body into the black door.
This is one of the few damaging skills among the warlock's many skills.
If it were a team match, players would not use Death's Door so carelessly. After all, it is a ultimate move and a bottom-of-the-range skill.

And Wei Chen's use of this skill is not just as simple as dealing damage.
Death's Door is a soft control, that is, the "black hand" that pulls the character hard. The opponent has no way to stop it. No matter how hard you resist, it can't slow down the speed of the pull.

The reason why Wei Chen used Death's Door and Chaos Rain together was to prevent Song Xiao from randomly operating at this time and affecting his own skill casting.
Facing the door of death, even the Honor textbook Ye Xiu didn't have a good solution. After all, this skill cannot be handled with experience. It involves a problem of game data probability. If it is left to Luo Ji, it may be possible to study it. …

And if you want to deal with Death's Door... you either have to wait for this skill to expire on its own.Either he did it randomly, that is, he pressed the keyboard randomly. Maybe he could avoid one or two skills by pressing randomly.

Song Xiao chose the latter method. He had quickly pressed the sparks on the keyboard, but unfortunately, this operation failed to achieve the effect.
Because of the existence of the Door of Death, no matter how Qi rushes through the clouds, his actions will always be in a straight line.
This allowed Wei Chen to release his skills more accurately.
Then, next is the release of a large number of damaging skills.

Blood-sucking, devouring, corrosive, cutting...

Qi Chong Yunshui's health is declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, the explosiveness of the warlock profession is still a bit lacking. Otherwise, if other professions control it for such a long time, Qi Chong Yunshui would be enough to die twice. Yes,

But that's right. Glory officials definitely require that the strength of each profession be balanced. Warlock already has so many control skills. If he is equipped with so many high-damage skills, other professions will have no chance to play.

with a bang,
Death's Door swallowed up 16% of Qi Chong Yunshui's health, while other damage skills knocked out a total of 26% of his health.

It was at this time that the rain of chaos was about to expire.
However, it is not that easy for Song Xiao to get rid of control.

Just when the rain of chaos was about to end, six black light pillars rose from the feet of Qi Gong Yunshui.

Six-star light prison! !
Another hard control!
The angry body was trapped inside the six-star light prison...

The audience outside the venue couldn't help but sigh, there is no end to it, the abilities of the Warlock profession are really terrifying...

(End of this chapter)

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