Chapter 442 Key Skills

With a click, six yellow beams of light suddenly shot up from Fengzhong Yanyu's feet. At the same time, her health also dropped rapidly.
It’s not just this skill. Of course, Soxar is not one to give up when things are good. He added two more damage skills in a short time.
This won't work, the explosion is too high... Chu Yunxiu was shocked, knowing that if she waited like this, everything on her side would collapse...

On the other side, although Ye Jin Yixing and Aofeng Canhua have escaped from the control of Death Door, the damage from Death Door has reduced their health points a lot, and during the period of Death Door's control, Ye Yu Shengfan also dealt a lot of damage to them.

To change!
Chu Yunxiu immediately commanded on the team channel: "Ye Jin Yihang goes to capture Soksar, the tide protects Aofeng Canhua!"

A command came down, causing all four Baihua people to move.
This is often the case in competitions. Once there is a clear command, the players' goal-orientedness will be greatly enhanced, and the efficiency of their actions will also be greatly increased.

Tide raised his shield and rushed to Aofeng Canhua's side. The next moment, Yeyu Shengfan was in front of him again, but this time Aofeng Canhua could relax a little. After all, there was a double-shield knight hitting him in front of him, even with a sword. It is difficult for Shengya to break through the situation immediately.
Soon, the green light lit up, and Aofeng Canhua's treatment came, but he did not choose to add blood to himself, even though the treatment itself should be the first treatment in many games.

But after all, Mo Chuchen has experienced many big scenes, and he has his own analysis and judgment. If he just sticks to the rules, he will only fail.
You have to adapt to circumstances!
This green light fell on Fengcheng Yanyu. This was the right choice! !
Fengcheng Yanyu's HP has also been pulled up a bit, making her a lot healthier.

Chu Yunxiu gave him a thumbs up in her heart. Seeing her character's blood volume rising, she felt a little more at ease.
After all, Aofeng strengthens himself and is now protected by the double-shield knight, so there will be no great danger in a short time.But Fengcheng Yanyu was different. She had just taken advantage of several of Soksar's damaging skills. If he didn't increase his health, he would probably become Blue Rain's next target.
Fengcheng Yanyu is the commander here. Once she is sent out, the consequences can be imagined. Baihua's side will definitely go through chaos, which is undoubtedly giving Lan Yu a chance.

Turn the angle of view,

On the map, Ye Jin Yi Xing is getting closer and closer to Soksar's position, but what is a little surprising is that Soksar did not choose to move, but continued to stay in place and read a skill.
Yu Wenzhou’s judgment!His judgment of the situation is so accurate that he can even calculate clearly when the opponent will rush to his side and how many skills he will have time to read before then. He wants to maximize the damage! !
Sure enough, after Ye Jinyi Xing broke through a certain range, Soksar began to move towards the Soul Whisperer,
Lan Yu's two attackers came out in full force, because the only one who could protect him now was the Soul Whisperer.

After all, a guardian angel can also be regarded as half a MT! !
On the other side, Ye Yushengfan's attack did not go too smoothly. After all, the double-shield knight's defensive capabilities were absolutely unique in the alliance. In addition, Zheng Chengfeng received special training from Yi Tianming during Baihua's time there. , his defensive ability has been greatly improved, after all, he is facing one of the best attackers in the league! !It’s a little hard to think about whether to improve or not.

Not bad,
After observing the situation, Chu Yunxiu breathed a sigh of relief. The situation on both sides was relatively stable. As long as it could continue, it was not certain who would win.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunxiu also began to analyze the battle situation next door. Zhan Huaroucao's health points were decreasing little by little, indicating that he was attacking his opponent. And just now, Lan Yu suddenly launched an offensive, indicating that next door The situation with the hail of bullets was not good, otherwise Lan Yu would not have been so anxious and launched an attack in such an unsuitable position.
Therefore, the philanderers on your side should have the upper hand next door.
Next, just stabilize the situation on your side and that's it!
Chu Yunxiu thought in her heart,

The next second, Fengcheng Yanyu ducked sideways, and another sword energy struck her body and fell to the ground.

Flowing cloud! !
He is here to catch Fengcheng Yanyu alone!
Of course, Chu Yunxiu, who has experienced many battles, did not panic at all because of his arrival. As a qualified C position, it is normal to respond to the opponent's sudden orders and stay calm at any time.
Although the C position is usually protected by specific teammates during the game, there are always two situations. For example, sometimes teammates are too late to protect him, or based on specific tactical arrangements, the C position must be used to lure others. ,

Of course, Chu Yunxiu is in the first situation now, and her teammates have no time to care about her situation.

So we can only protect ourselves.

Chu Yunxiu looked at the skill tree and saw that the life-saving teleportation skill was still on cooldown, which meant that she had to be more careful next time.Without life-saving skills, it would still be very dangerous if an opponent forces you to get close.

Fengcheng Yanyu jumped back twice in succession, trying to distance herself from her opponent.

But Lu Hanwen is not a stupid kid. How could he let his opponent keep the distance like this?Liuyun's figure rushed out like lightning, and suddenly moved sideways to the right in the middle...

No!Not horizontal movement, but "Clone!"!
"Sword Shadow Step! Liu Yun used Sword Shadow Step! Let's see how many clones he can have." Li Yibo exclaimed, and after a moment he exclaimed again: "7! Player Lu Hanwen created seven more clones in total. !”

On the field, seven extra flowing clouds moved back and forth out of thin air. Including one body, there were eight in total. The eight character models looked exactly the same from the outside, without any deviation.

But in fact, seven of the clones have no health points and cannot be hit. For example, if I hit the clones with a spell attack, it will pass through the bodies of these clones.
Of course Chu Yunxiu knew this. With a wave of Fengcheng Yanyu’s staff,
A flash of fire appeared in front of him, and quickly spread into a sea of ​​fire.

This is a range attack skill. However, Chu Yunxiu used it at this time not to deal damage, but to use it to determine which one was the main body.

When the clone steps through these seas of fire, it will produce a virtual shadow, which is the feeling of passing directly through the flames, but the main body is different and will produce a burning effect.

This skill was successful, and Liu Yun's movements obviously slowed down.

Just when Chu Yunxiu took a breath, a reminder from his teammates came from the team channel: "Be careful!"

The next second, a sword energy blasted out from behind Fengcheng Yanyu!It forced her figure to collapse.

Liu Yun took a look and saw that all eight Liu Yun were at an angle that he could see, so where did the sword energy behind him come from?

The answer is: The sound of rain at night is annoying! ! !

He gave up the fight with the tide and attacked Fengcheng Yanyu directly.
Maybe they feel that there is not much point in fighting against the Double Shield Knights, or maybe they find that there is a better opportunity here.

However, Chu Yunxiu thought about a key point. Even if the tide could not completely trap Ye Yushengfan, it would not allow him to sneak attack on her so easily, right?

Then there is only one situation, Soksar takes action!
Fengcheng Yanyu turned her perspective, and sure enough, Suoksar had been approached by Ye Jinyi Xing, and the price of this close approach was that he threw a skill towards the tide!
Yu Wenzhou is indeed vicious!He would rather let himself be approached than use a skill to control the tide, giving Ye Yushengfan an opportunity to sneak attack Fengcheng Yanyu! !
Yu Wenzhou's abacus was loud and clear, and he would be harmed by someone close to him who was, at best, a Ye Jin Yi Xing.

The situation on Fengcheng Yanyu's side is different. Once Ye Yushengfan and Liuyun form a pincer attack, Fengcheng Yanyu will definitely lose blood faster than his side, not to mention Soksar. There was also a Soul Whisperer beside him to resist, which made Ye Jinyixing's attack even more difficult. At this point, the flaws in Baihua's lineup appeared.
Although there is a double-shield knight to ensure absolute strength in defense, it also means that Baihua loses an offensive point. In other words, on the battlefield here, Blue Rain's offensive upper limit is higher than Baihua. .

The next second, Ye Yushengfan and Liuyun rushed towards Fengcheng Yanyu at the same time. The operators behind these two characters cooperated well. They used their skills to understand each other and blocked Fengcheng Yanyu's retreat route. , she was caught in the tight offensive between the two...

Fengcheng Yanyu's health was declining rapidly. Although Aofeng Canhua tried her best to help her raise her health, the speed of treatment could not keep up with the speed of her health decline.

Lan Yu is determined to defeat Fengcheng Yanyu!
For a moment, the audience outside the venue became nervous. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Baihua's situation seemed to be getting worse.

Fengcheng Yanyu is the commander here. Once she is sent out, Baihua will not only face the disadvantage of one less player, but also the chaos caused by the temporary lack of command.

"Hold on..."


The little hearts of Baihuafen were already in their throats. Blue Rain's attack came very suddenly.
Suoksar's magic stroke helped Lan Yu open up the original situation. Although he was now facing the risk of being closely followed by Ye Jin Yi Xing,

But Yu Wenzhou had thought it through very early on. This was a move that could kill 1000 enemies and cause 800 self-destructions.

At critical moments, only by using special means can you win!

The Blue Rain fans were cheering for joy. They seemed to have seen the goddess of victory waving to them.
As long as we continue at this pace, victory will belong to us, Blue Rain! !
Fengcheng Yanyu's health points have been declining, and the tide is rushing this way, but his own mobility is too low, so he moves particularly slowly.

On the other side, Ye Jin Yihang's attack was not going well. After all, he had to face not only Soksar, but also a Soul Whisperer. The two of them were like bread sandwiched between them. Inside, it's like two thick pieces of bread. Even if you want to eat it, you have to weigh whether your appetite is big enough.

no!Tian Sen estimated the time in his heart and found that if he continued to be here, even if he could defeat Soksar, it would take too long. Presumably Fengcheng Yanyu would not be able to sustain it by that time, and Fengcheng Yanyu would be out. If so, Ye Yushengfan and Liuyun would immediately return to visit them, and they would not be able to protect themselves by then.

If you want to change this situation, you must go back to defense!

Tian Sen changed direction, wanting to feel Fengcheng Yanyu's side.

But the angle was blocked by two figures,

Soul Whisperer, Soxal!
They expressed through their actions: If you want to leave, it’s not that easy!

Soksar started reading again. This must be another control skill. Tian Sen knew very well that if he didn't interrupt, he would be trapped here for longer.Then if you interrupt, your opponent will be entangled in you. In this way, your opponent will still achieve the purpose of delaying time...

This is a dead end...!
Tian Sen began to feel confused.

The balance of the competition seems to have completely tilted towards Lan Yu...

Even Li Yibo couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that Baihua's situation is not good. Currently, Blue Rain has gained a comprehensive advantage. Who can be Baihua's savior?"

Pan Lin continued: "I think there will be no changes in this game. After all, Blue Rain's advantage is too great now. With Yu Wenzhou's control, I think this advantage will get bigger step by step until it reaches 100%."

The Blue Rain fans outside the court were even more excited. Finally, they were going to defeat Baihua! ?

If it defeats Baihua in today's team match, Blue Rain will become the first team to defeat Baihua head-on this season.

It doesn't stop there!If Baihua’s wins last season are also included, it is equivalent to Baihua’s winning streak for two consecutive seasons that is difficult to end.

Baihua has gone through 19 regular season games from the first round of the ninth season last season to the 55th round of the tenth season!In these 55 games, Baihua's worst result was a draw, and the team competition has always maintained a winning streak.

This is undoubtedly an exciting record, and it is unprecedented. It will be difficult for any team to catch up in the future.

And today, will Blue Rain become the terminator of this record?
The chests of Blue Rain fans were completely filled with enthusiasm. This feeling of interrupting other people's records is really exciting.
The most important thing is that these are flowers!Will Baihua, who owns Yi Tianming, finally be defeated by our Lan Yu?
Time passed little by little, and the tide finally came to Fengcheng Yanyu's side, but his defense didn't seem to have much effect. Ye Yushengfan and Liuyun's offensive had already been fully launched, and it was difficult to interrupt! !

Is there really no chance...

Just when Baihuafen was a little discouraged, a system message cheered them up again:
[Lan Yu’s character is out in a hail of bullets! 】

(End of this chapter)

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