Chapter 440
There are three gates and three routes. If the troops are divided into three routes, then the risk will be greatly increased.

However, Yi Tianming's decision shocked everyone present.
The troops are divided into two groups! !
Moreover, on one of the two roads, he walked alone,

5 people were divided into 1+4,

Zhanhuaruocao knocked on the door on the far left and rushed in, while the other four members of Baihua's team rushed in towards the door in the middle.

As for the door on the far right, ignore it for now.

In fact, this arrangement is not only dangerous for Yi Tianming personally, but it is very safe for the other four team members.

If Yi Tianming encountered a problem that was difficult to solve here, it at least meant that there were at least two enemies behind the door on the left.In this way, the teammates in the middle will face at most three enemies, four against three, giving them an absolute numerical advantage.

And if today's luck is particularly bad and Yi Tianming encounters three or more enemies, Baihua's tactics will change again.
The other four teammates can choose to sell Yi Tianming, or find a way to move from the middle to the left room, and then gather together to make plans.Of course, this situation is a great test of Yi Tianming's personal ability. He must support him until his teammates come over, but everyone present believes that he has this ability.

As for the door on the far right, Yi Tianming was not sure. He had no choice but to gamble.
Bet once.

In offense and defense, if the offensive side has concerns, then the defensive side also has corresponding concerns.

Is it possible that Yu Wenzhou is not afraid that his troops will be too dispersed, which may lead to some hidden dangers?
Of course he had thought about this and was worried about it,
Therefore, Yi Tianming bets that the opponent will only divide his troops into two groups, because for Lan Yu, if his troops are divided into three groups to set up an ambush, then they will inevitably have a weak defensive point, and then there will be Response hazards.

But the fact is that:
Yi Tianming made the right bet!

Just as he imagined, Lan Yu's side was also divided into two groups, and Yu Wenzhou was also worried about the weak defensive force, so Baihua made the right bet! !

The audience couldn't help but sigh, could he get it right?

The middle game of this game has become confusing! !

However, Yi Tianming was only half right.
If he had chosen the rightmost door at the beginning, Baihua's situation would instantly become an advantage, and it would be an absolute advantage.
Because there is no one behind the door on the far right!It's empty!
And behind the door on the far left chosen by Yi Tianming, there is only one opponent! !

In other words, at the middle door, both sides have four troops deployed! !
But, it's slightly different,

Yeyu Shengfan, Soksar, Liuyun, Soul Whisperer, and Blue Rain's four people are hiding behind the middle door. You can see that the two core members of Blue Rain are here.


The biggest core of Baihua is not in the middle.


After entering the door on the left,

Zhan Luocao came to the training room. Your environment was introduced by Li Yibo at the beginning of the game. There were scarecrows for training marksmanship, and some medieval iron tools. They were glowing darkly, as if they were waiting for others to use them. Pick it up again.

At the same time, the door in the middle was also pushed open by Baihua's people, but the environment behind the door was indeed different. There was a horse training ground over there.

On the middle side, led by Chu Yunxiu,

As soon as she opened the door, she heard a high-spirited sound of horses, and then the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground came from the right side. A red BMW galloped past, so fast that only a burst of red was left in the air. the afterimage,

Along with the arrival of the BMW, there was also a silver-white sword energy! !

Chu Yunxiu became nervous instantly, there was someone!
It’s the sound of rain at night!
I saw Ye Yushengfan leaping high from his horse, and then a falling silver blade came down from the top, heading towards Chu Yunxiu's Fengcheng Misty Rain,
Firefight started!At the same time, gunshots were also heard from the next room. Although Chu Yunxiu could not see the scene next door through the wall at this time, Yi Tianming sent a decimal point on the team channel, and Chu Yunxiu understood. , there was also a fight on his side, because this was the "secret code" they had agreed upon in advance. As soon as they encountered an enemy, they would send a message to the team channel, and the number of decimal points represented the number of enemies encountered.
A decimal point came out over there, indicating that only one opponent was encountered.

But Chu Yunxiu didn't have time to think about it. She had to solve the trouble in front of her first.
Fengcheng Yanyu turned sideways to avoid the sword energy, and then quickly reminded his teammates on the team channel:


Chu Yunxiu was not worried about her own safety at this time. After all, the four of them were hugging each other at the moment, and only Huang Shaotian appeared on Lan Yu's side. No matter how he looked at it, it looked like Huang was falling into a tiger's mouth.

What really worries Chu Yunxiu is the others of Lan Yu who may be hiding in the dark.

A very simple truth, if Huang Shaotian was the only one in this room, would he take the initiative to rush forward when he saw four opponents?With Huang Shaotian's style of play, he would never make such a choice!

At least 3, maybe even 4!
Chu Yunxiu was already silently calculating in her mind. She thought that there were at least three enemies in this room, so Huang Shaotian dared to take the initiative.

Because the entrance to the room is very open, as long as someone enters the room, they can see everything at a glance, so Huang Shaotian can see clearly how many people have come in, so he dares to take action, which shows that he has enough confidence.

Chu Yunxiu's thoughts were very clear. There were two reasons why he asked his teammates to disperse.

The first is to have his teammates form a double-team on Huang Shaotian who is deep in Gu Jun, cutting off his escape route and looking for an opportunity to take him away in one wave.After all, Huang Shaotian is the core of the opponent. If he can be taken away, Baihua's winning rate in this game will be greatly increased.

The second is to resist Soksar,

Chu Yunxiu guessed that Soksar was in a corner of the horse training ground. For a multi-control profession like a warlock, the best way is not to get together when facing them, otherwise he will kill you with one of his control skills. With all four of them under control, it would be terrible if the others come up to make up for the damage.

So to guard against this, diversification is the best way.After receiving the command, Tide rushed in front of Fengcheng Yanyu in an instant, blocking Ye Yushengfan's possible attack direction.
Therefore, after using the Silver Light Falling Blade, Ye Yushengfan didn't seem to be ready to fight, and jumped behind him with a high jump.

Of course, Chu Yunxiu would not let him go so easily.
A wall of fire instantly formed behind Ye Yushengfan, and at the same time, Ye Jinyixing had arrived at the flank of Ye Yushengfan,
A piece of yellow talisman paper was pasted towards his upper arm! !

Ye Yushengfan turned aside for a moment, just in time to pass over the talisman paper.
Fortunately, it's just a Explosive Flame Talisman!

With a bang, the Explosive Flame Talisman exploded in the air. Although it did not hit the opponent, all the power of the explosion was poured into a wall of the training ground, blowing a big hole in the wall.

While the opponent was withdrawing his move, Ye Yushengfan swung out a sword-drawing slash, and used this move to jump back again.
At this moment, the horse's hooting sounded again,
Ye Yusheng immediately mounted his horse and followed the galloping horse away from Baihua and the others.

"Go forward." Chu Yunxiu was not in a hurry, but directed the team to change their formation and continue walking towards the depths of the horse training ground.
At least the information collected so far is related to the characteristics of this map. For example, the sound of rain just moved with the help of a horse on the map. As for how often the horse is refreshed, it is not yet known.

"We've encountered it here too. So far, there's only one Ye Yu Sheng Trouble, but I guess there are at least three people." Chu Yunxiu notified Yi Tianming of the collected intelligence on the team's channel, and then directed the team to continue exploring. The distance between Baihua and the four of us has been widened. A certain distance is to prevent hiding in the dark.Soxar's control skill catches them all in one fell swoop.

At the same time, in the room on the left,

Da da da... da da da...

Lobbying and a hail of bullets collided,

The hail of bullets and gunfire was non-stop. He was an expert on ammunition, but his fighting style was different from Zhang Jiale's.

Compared with gunners, ammunition experts do not have obvious fire suppression characteristics. However, ammunition experts also have their own characteristics, that is, they have more field control skills.

Just like what the gunfire and bullets are showing now, colorful grenades are thrown out of his hands one after another, suppressing the progress of Zhan Xiaocao,
Flash bombs, smoke bombs, explosive grenades,
Of course, Yi Tianming is not stupid. He will not be stupid and will only move forward in a straight line. That will be a living target for his opponents.
Zhan Hua Cao moved around, using the natural bunker in this room to get closer to the opponent step by step.
Since this room is a closed environment, judging from the current situation, sooner or later the philanderer will be able to break through.

The audience outside the venue understood this, but Blue Rain fans were not as panicked as they expected, and Baihua fans were also not as happy as they should have been.
Because most of their eyes were focused on the horse training ground in the middle.
Soksar is in a critical position! !
In a four-on-four situation, those who hide in the dark will definitely have an advantage. Everyone understands that if Soksar's control is allowed to be used in this small training ground, the Baihua Four will probably be Going into danger.

Here, Yi Tianming saw the message Chu Yunxiu sent,

Three people?If there are only three people, then he is still very confident in his teammates. After all, the numerical advantage of four versus three is there.

But if there are also four people on the opposite side...

Yi Tianming frowned slightly, four versus three had an advantage, but if four versus four, the numerical advantage would be wiped out.

Thinking of this, according to the operation on Tianming's hand, he immediately controlled Zhan Hua Luocao to move horizontally and approached the door.
Although it's tempting enough to just suffer a hail of bullets, it's still too much of a loss if the cost is to put the other four teammates in danger.

At the same time, the hail of guns and bullets seemed to have seen through his intentions and advanced without retreating, as if they were not worried at all that the opponent would turn back midway and what would happen to him.

This is so unusual!Yi Tianming also realized this,
As an opponent whom Yi Tianming had already defeated once in a single match, he did not show any cowardice in the team match. On the contrary, he played very proactively and did not show weakness at all.
This is not only related to Zheng Xuan's psychological quality, but also shows that he came on the scene with a mission, and his purpose was to hold back Yi Tianming, a difficult enemy.

Yu Wenzhou thought of this and realized that Baihua would use Yi Tianming's personal ability to divide his troops to fight, so Lan Yu also chose a safe tactic, dividing his troops to fight in a 1+4 situation. Yu Wenzhou was also betting on Zheng Xuan. You can happen to meet Yi Tianming.

It is not surprising that Lan Yu chose a safe play. First of all, Yu Wenzhou is not the type of radical play type. The overall strength difference between Lan Yu and Baihua is not that big. There is no need to make a "let go" The radical tactics of "fighting" will increase the risk.Yu Wenzhou seeks stability and allows Blue Rain to win a victory while making good use of the map's advantages.

Of course, if it is the Thunder team, they may need to give it a try to increase their winning rate.

back to business,

The task Yu Wenzhou assigned to Zheng Xuan was to hold back Yi Tianming and buy enough time for the large army on the other side!When necessary, you can even trade your life for time!
Now, Zheng Xuan is executing this,
The sprint in the hail of bullets actually shortened the distance between himself and Zhan Hua Cao, and he took advantage of his long hands to constantly consume the opponent.

His normal attacks don't do much damage, they're not painful or itchy, but they are very annoying.

Yi Tianming didn't panic, but because of his opponent's desperate delay, it took him longer to move to the middle horse training ground.
It was at this moment that a message came from the Baihua team's internal channel,

Four decimal points!
This also means that Chu Yunxiu has figured out the situation inside, and Lan Yu and four others are inside!

"How is the situation?" Yu Wenzhou asked as communication also appeared on the Blue Rain team's internal channel.

"I'll try my best to delay." Zheng Xuan's response was simple. He didn't dare to waste more time on typing. After all, he clearly saw the strength of the enemy in front of him. If he was not careful, he might let him slip away.

Ta da da...ta da da...

The barrel of the gun has almost reached the "red temperature" state, but fortunately there is no jam setting in Honor. Otherwise, with the amount of bullets fired, the weapon may not be able to support such intensity.
A group of yellow "beams of light" flew towards the position of the flower, mixed with an inconspicuous blue light spot!

It's an ice bomb!

Zheng Xuan is worthy of being a veteran player who debuted in the fourth season. In a series of normal attacks, he mixed a special bullet that can slow down the opponent's movement speed in an attempt to hide it.

Unfortunately, the ice bomb failed to hit the target in the end.
Before he had time to regret, Zheng Xuan's chest tightened in the next second.
Zhan Hua Cao didn't retreat anymore, but rushed towards him.

Only then did Zheng Xuan realize that during the attack, his position was a little too forward...

(End of this chapter)

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