Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 436 All-Star Competition (2)

Chapter 436 All-Star Competition ([-])

"What about lying to children?" Ye Xiu replied quickly and nonchalantly. There was no sign of any importance in his tone, as if he didn't believe that Wang Jiexi would go around behind him.
But the truth is...

"Watch your back!"

Ye Xiu commanded in the team channel the next second, because what he just said in the public channel was completely different,
Chen Guo, who was outside the court, once again held her forehead, dumbfounded, and kept comforting herself in her heart: Tactics...are all tactics.

as predicted,

The next second, Wang Buliuxing rushed out from behind the members of Group A. A strong wind blew up, and the extinction stars mixed with little stars suddenly fell down, making a bursting sound in the air.

boom! ! !
"You guy, you are really behind me!" Huang Shaotian muttered in his heart, and then he used Ye Yu Shengfan to rush forward.
However, the direction in which Ye Yushengfan rushed out was also surprising. He rushed out from a forest on the side. In other words, Ye Yushengfan broke away from the large force of Group A silently. This was something that the audience present didn't even notice.

There was an uproar in the audience,
"When did Wang Buliuxing go around to the back?"

"I don't know... I just found out that Ye Yushengfan also sneaked out."

As if anticipating this, when Wang Buliuxing rushed out, Ye Yushengfan immediately came out from the flank and blocked Wang Buliuxing's figure. The two of them instantly struggled with each other.
As a result, Group B's sneak attack tactics failed to work.

"If you have any other tricks, use them all." Ye Xiu shouted on the public channel again,
The next second, Lord Grim in the game bent down in a strange way. The weapon Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand also transformed in an instant, from the form of an umbrella to the form of a shield, and he held the shield on before,

The sound of bullets colliding with shields came,

One shot through the clouds! !

Wang Jiexi was currently fighting with Huang Shaotian and had no time to talk to Ye Xiu on the public channel.

But Zhou Zekai still maintained his personality, and suddenly rushed out with a shot through the clouds, and then fired at the members of Group A,
The bullets sprayed out from his guns were like mercury pouring towards the members of Group A. The trajectory and number of these bullets seemed chaotic, but each one was accurately aimed at the opponent.
Except for Lord Grim, who was protected by a shield, the members of Group A were all drained of their health by this sudden attack.

"Zhou Zekai!! Zhou Zekai!!"

As soon as Zhou Zekai made a brilliant performance, the Samsara fans at the scene gave him a very high cheer.

However, how could the people in Group A stand still and get beaten?
For these top professional players on the field, counterattack is a matter of seconds. They can do this without any tactical command.
Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom! !

Mu Yuchengfeng, who was behind Lord Grim, set up a hand cannon and fired without hesitation at the position where the shot was shot through the clouds.
"A sneak attack?" Ye Xiu spoke again, "We also have long-range attackers!"

Amidst the artillery fire, everyone's figures were slightly covered by the dust rising into the sky.

The roar of artillery fire also continued to sound. The stereo sound effect installed in Tyranny's main venue came into play at this moment. The audience could clearly feel the sound effect of artillery fire passing by. Even the stools under their buttocks were like those from a movie theater. It will move, giving the audience the feeling of being in the situation.

And in the dust, a figure rushed out like lightning. The speed was so fast that only an afterimage could be seen in the air, as well as a golden beam of light, heading straight for a shot through the clouds! !

"Da Mo Gu Yan!! Da Mo Gu Yan rushes out! The golden light on his body is the domineering effect brought by the skill Steel Iron Bone. It seems that Captain Han Wenqing wants to use the domineering effect of Steel Iron Bone to force a break. Cloud-piercing shooting!" Li Yibo exclaimed, when everyone's attention was attracted to Da Mo Guyan.

"Han Wenqing! Han Wenqing! Han Wenqing!!"

Naturally, the Tyranny fans present showed no signs of weakness. This was also a very interesting scene in the All-Star Game. Once a player performed brilliantly, the fans would shout his name loudly.

The speed of Desert Guyan was like lightning, and he arrived in front of Yi Gun Chuanyun in an instant.
However, what is surprising is that Yi Gun Chuan Yun actually has no intention of retreating.
Don't hide?
The Tyranny fans at the scene instantly became agitated, this guy is too crazy!If you don’t hide, then prepare to die! !

The next second, Desert Guyan's iron fist suddenly fell, and the strong wind of the fist dented the ground beneath his feet.

Knock the mountain and shake the tiger! ! !

And even in this situation, Shot Piercer has no intention of retreating at all.
When everyone was confused, a blood-red figure appeared in front of Yiqian Chuanyun.
rub! ! !

Blossoming mess! !
Seeing this scene, Baihuafen at the scene immediately became excited.
Luohua Langcha stood in front of Yiqian Chuanyun, meaning: Your opponent is me! !
It’s no wonder that Yi Gun Chuan Yun stood there fearlessly. It turned out that Luo Hua Xiang Chai had already prepared.

The next second, the shadow of the sword and the wind of fists interacted with each other. Neither Luohua Langshan nor Damo Guyan took a step back. They both stood on the same spot and fought hard.

Now Tyranny fans are getting excited. This opponent seems to be more interesting.

After all, if you were facing a long-range profession, it would be less enjoyable to watch. Now, it's better. The two melee professions are facing each other head-on, which is exactly what the audience likes to see.

Yi Gun Chuan Yun did not stay where he was to help Luo Hua Langsha fight against Desert Gu Yan, but chose another opponent——

Lord Grim! !

And just when Yi Yichuan Yun approached Lord Grim, a burst of gunfire blocked his footsteps.
It’s Mu Yu Chengfeng! !

Mu Yuchengfeng, the character who has been partnered with One Autumn Leaf for 8 years, has now bonded with Ye Xiu's character again. Of course, today Ye Xiu's character is no longer Zhan Ming One Autumn Leaf, but a Sanren Lord don’t laugh,
As for Lord Grim, he naturally cannot obtain the "screen tactics" like One Autumn Leaf with Mu Yuchengfeng. After all, Lord Grim has limited skill points and cannot learn high-level skills.
However, there is no doubt that there is another thing between Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng.
That is the tacit understanding between the two,

No, as soon as Lord Grim turned aside, Mu Yu Chengfeng reacted. The artillery fire came to the feet of Yi Qian Chuan Yun in the next second.

Boom!Boom! !

Intense artillery fire continued to fall, coupled with Lord Grim's close range retreat,

For a moment, Yi Gun Chuan Yun's footsteps were blocked in the outer circle, unable to get closer, "Don't forget that there is me." The last puzzle piece of Group B finally appeared, and Tang San appeared unexpectedly in Mu Yu Orange Wind's flank then began to accelerate and sprint,
He used the same method as Desert Guyan just now, using the physical bonus brought by steel and iron bones to forcefully break through the opponent's line of fire.
For a gunner to face a melee gangster, even Glory's first gunner Mu Yuchengfeng, it would be too strenuous, so Ye Xiu would naturally not let such a situation happen.

Lord Grim did a backflip, and the Thousand Planes Umbrella in his hand suddenly changed into the shape of machine wings, driving his body to fly in mid-air.

woohoo hoo...

Ye Xiu would not allow Tang San to get close to him easily, and Mu Yuchengfeng's firepower was also concentrated on Tang San's side.

Da da da... da da da...

After flying to a suitable distance, Lord Grim jumped down from the air, and the wings in his hands transformed into Gatling guns. He aimed at Tang San's feet and fired a burst of fire.
"Difficult...!" Tang Hao snorted coldly in his heart. Just when he was unable to resist, he suddenly thought of Zhou Zekai on the other side.
But it's a pity that although Zhou Zekai tried his best to rush this way, he still couldn't turn the fire as fast as the other party.
At this moment, other teammates are temporarily unable to escape.
In other words, Tang Hao has to hold on for a while longer before he can wait for the support of his teammates.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew from behind. Tang Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he felt happy.
The opportunity is coming!

Tang Hao's hand operations suddenly accelerated. Tang San first threw a brick towards Lord Grim who was closer. Naturally, it was difficult for this floor tile to hit the opponent. However, this was not Tang Hao's original purpose. To delay time,

Taking advantage of Lord Grim's effort to dodge the bricks, Tang San raised his left hand and made it into a fist. When he raised it in front of him, his fist opened and the contents inside began to float away with the wind.
"It's throwing sand. Player Tang Hao used the wind direction to successfully affect his opponent with this skill! The yellow sand blew in front of Mu Yu Chengfeng, and the latter's vision was affected to a certain extent!!" Li Yibo exclaimed,
Mu Yuchengfeng's cannon fire had a flaw at this moment, and Tang San finally got a chance to breathe.

It was at this time that Yi Gun Chuan Yun finally arrived at the scene. He aimed his two revolvers at Mu Yu Chengfeng and fired at him.
And this and Lord Grim can't escape either, his position has been blocked by Tang San,
In this way, the situation becomes much simpler.

The two "old foxes" Wang Jiexi and Ye Xiu seemed to have communicated well. They didn't have any particularly advanced tactics. Instead, they adopted the most primitive methods.
One-on-one duel.

The situation on the field was clear at a glance. The ten players in Group A and Group B each found their opponents for local 1v1.

And at present, the two sides are evenly matched, and no one has an absolute advantage.
As for what the final result will be,

Then let’s see which side can break the balance first.

In this case, if a player can force a break point through his personal ability, he can help his teammates in other positions, thus achieving a snowballing effect.
However, the term personal ability is not so obvious in this case.

It’s not because the players present are incompetent,

But because they are so good,

Let me ask, which one of you here is not an All-Star?In other words, the gap between each player is not that big.

If you can perform brilliantly, I can also perform brilliantly, so they cancel each other out.

Are you saying that Wang Jiexi and Ye Xiu can't command more complex tactics?Of course not. With their tactical skills, it's not a problem at all.

It's just that... once the tactics are too complicated, the corresponding enjoyment of the game will be weakened.
There is a saying that the more complex the tactics are, the less enjoyable the game will be.

Because the tactical level of Honor fans is uneven, it is impossible for everyone to understand such complicated tactics, so when the situation becomes chaotic, it will cause some viewers with low tactical level to appear that they cannot understand. Condition.

Therefore, this one-on-one challenge between Wang Jiexi and Ye Xiu is exactly what the audience likes.

Simple and ornamental,
Brilliant skills are released one after another. All-star players who rarely have a chance to compete head-to-head compete in team competitions.
The spectators outside exclaimed from time to time. Of course, it’s hard to say that the great players on the court didn’t use a trick to beat the bottom of the box. After all, if there is a secret weapon, it must be used when the league is crucial. Instead of putting it in this kind of performance competition,

Having said that, the audience had a great time watching it.


The treatment of both teams was quite "comfortable".

Not to mention Mo Chuchen, even Zhang Xinjie was a little overwhelmed. His treatment had to fall on teammates at four points on average. He not only had to consider his casting distance, but also the mana skill CD and the rhythm of skill release.
And in this kind of high-intensity game, teammates lose blood faster than usual. After all, they are facing all-star level attackers, so both sides are very fast.

So this is a great test of the level of treatment.
You don’t need to think too much to know that this is a “big project”.
And Mo Chuchen also had a "bitter taste". He was selected as an All-Star for the first time in his life. He faced such a scene.
From the beginning of this game, his hands have never been idle, and the mouse and keyboard are almost bursting with sparks.
Fortunately, luckily among the misfortunes, the attackers on both sides did not have trouble with the other party's treatment. Otherwise, the two healers would have to consider their own safety issues, which would be another move that consumes physical and mental energy.

At this moment, Mo Chuchen finally understood a truth: if he wanted to enjoy the attention of others in the spotlight, he had to endure some extraordinary pain.

"Hold on a little longer." Mo Chuchen looked at the methodical Zhang Xinjie opposite and thought that he couldn't give up so quickly.

But one thing that Mo Chuchen ignored was that even Zhang Xinjie felt a little overwhelmed in such a high-intensity situation. However, he was naturally outstanding in time calculation, so he could get the skill CD every time, but Mo Chuchen could only rely on his own calculations in this regard, so his mental energy consumption was much greater than that of Zhang Xinjie.

Under such high pressure for a long time, Mo Chuchen finally made a mistake.
His treatment paused, and the green light that was supposed to fall on Wang Buliuxing did not appear.

Wang Jiexi also noticed this situation instantly. He could see that Mo Chuchen seemed to be unable to keep up with the rhythm.

With a stabbing sound, a lava flask was thrown at Lord Grim's feet, but it was not threatening at all, as if it was sending some kind of signal.
Ye Xiu looked here and immediately understood what the other party meant, and quickly responded with a simple period on the public channel,

The next second, all the members of Group B received Wang Jiexi's command: "Slow down the attack tempo."

Except for Yi Tianming, the members of Group B were aware of it. After all, he and Mo Chuchen were teammates and knew each other better, so he was the first to discover this.
Although the others were a little confused, they were still prepared to do it.

Just when Group B was about to slow down, a text suddenly appeared in Group A:
Lord Grim: "Speed ​​up the attack! Take them away in one wave!!"

(End of this chapter)

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