Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 431 Yi Tianming: I drink a lot

Chapter 431 Yi Tianming: I drink a lot
The two-week break is actually only one week for the players.
Because I am going to Q City to participate in the All-Stars in the next week. Of course, those who are not selected do not need to go. They can just ask for leave from the team.
But there is a certain cost, because it is related to attendance. The attendance rate is directly related to the player's bonus.

Is there anyone who has trouble with money?

Therefore, if there is no big event for the players, they will still go to the event.

As for Baihua,
"Have a nice trip, everyone. See you in Q city." In the light green car, Yi Tianming sat in the driver's seat and said goodbye to his teammates. Sitting in the passenger seat was Chu Yunxiu.

"Goodbye, Captain." "Bye~"

After saying goodbye to his teammates, Yi Tianming drove to City S, which is his mother-in-law’s home.

This was his first time driving there. He used to take the high-speed rail. However, considering that he was going there for the New Year's Day and might have to visit his seven aunts and eight aunts, he drove there to stay decent.
Yi Tianming even put on a suit, and with his outstanding appearance, he really looked like a successful person.

"It's really more convenient to have a car." On the road, Yi Tianming was chatting with Chu Yunxiu. At this moment, he still felt that it was more convenient to have his own car. After all, he could go wherever he wanted.

But soon he couldn't be happy anymore.
It was quite smooth when he first got on the highway, but as time went by, Yi Tianming gradually discovered something was wrong.

Traffic jam...!
Because of the holidays, the traffic flow on the expressway is already heavy. As long as there is a slight blockage in front, it will be immediately blocked behind.
Fortunately, Yi Tianming doesn't suffer from road rage.

After the 26-[-] disaster, the car finally got off the highway successfully, and then drove all the way towards its destination.
Yi Tianming’s plan is this: After spending New Year’s Day at his mother-in-law’s house, he will drive back to K City, and then take the train to Q City.
After all, the distance between K City and Q City is more than half a mile. If you drive by yourself, you will only have to drive for a day, which will consume a lot of mental energy for the driver. In addition, with today's lessons learned, in case of high road If you're stuck in traffic, you'll probably have to spend the night on the way. It wouldn't be good if you missed the All-Star Weekend.


Jingle bell ~ jingle bell ~
"Are you still nervous?" Chu Yunxiu asked with a smile while waiting for the door to open, "But looking at how calm you are now, you are much better than when you first came to my house."

"Although, it's still a little bit." Yi Tianming straightened his clothes.

"Here, who is it?" A gentle female voice sounded, and then the door was opened, and Chu's mother walked out,

"It's Yunxiu, old man, Yunxiu is back!" Chu's mother turned her head and looked sideways again, "Xiaoyi is here too, come in quickly, come in quickly, I'll prepare two hard dishes."

"Hello, aunt. It's been a long time. This is a little thought from me." Yi Tianming handed over a big blue box with both hands. It looked like the things inside were not light. The words "Brain White Shock" were written on the box.

No gifts for the holidays this year~
Of course, Yi Tianming dragged his friends to get this blue and white box, a few bottles of tea, a few boxes of fine tea, and some supplements for middle-aged people.

"You kid, just come here and bring something. Why are you so polite?" Chu's mother looked at him pretending to be angry, then smiled and said, "You still call me aunt?"

Yi Tianming scratched his head. On the surface, he was a little embarrassed, but in his heart, he was happy, "Mom~"

"Hey, this kid." Upon hearing these words, Chu's mother instantly beamed with joy.

At this moment, Chu's father also came over. He still looked unhurried and wore a white polo shirt, which is a must-have for middle-aged people. He gave people a sense of calmness and self-power, especially those deep eyes. , very oppressive. If he saw it outside, Yi Tianming would have thought it was a cadre.

"Xiaoyi is here, come in quickly, I haven't played chess with you for a long time." Chu's father said golden words as soon as he opened his mouth.
Chu's mother glared at him fiercely from the side: "Xiaoyi has just arrived and he hasn't rested yet. Why don't you just let him play chess? Go ahead."

Father Chu was "scolded" a lot, but he didn't dare to talk back. His mouth was wide open, but no two words came out.

Ahem, it seems that he is also a younger brother in the family.

Yi Tianming said to himself in his heart: You can't laugh, you must not laugh, it's over if you laugh at this time.

He could only touch his nose to suppress the smile in his heart,
Then he followed Chu’s mother to the sofa in the hall. As soon as he sat down, a fresh fruit platter was brought up.

Chu's mother smiled kindly and said, "Eat slowly. I'm going to prepare the dishes. Yunxiu is here to help."

Chu Yunxiu pouted and muttered: "If you have a son-in-law, you should forget about your daughter, right?"

It can be said that she actually helped her mother cook.

Yi Tianming on the side did not dare to neglect at all, because he knew that his father-in-law's cross-examination was coming soon.

Sure enough, Chu's father, who just said he wanted to play chess but was scolded by Chu's mother, sat down next to Yi Tianming.
"Xiaoyi, how are you doing recently? Is work going well?"

"Everything is fine." Yi Tianming came back, but he felt like laughing in his heart. Maybe he saw Chu's father's family younger brother just now, and now he had an inexplicable smile when talking to him.
Father Chu then asked a few more questions about whether something was available or not. In fact, this was considered a process. After all, the kitchen had just started working at this moment. It would be embarrassing for people to sit here all the time waiting for the meal. ah……

Yi Tianming was thankful in his heart. Fortunately, his future father-in-law would not ask questions like "How many children do he have?"

After killing time, Chu's father looked at the clock on the wall, listened to the movement in the kitchen, and estimated that there would still be some time before the opening, so he simply took Yi Tianming to his study room.

That's right, Chu's father still couldn't help playing chess.

Yi Tianming doesn't know why, does his father-in-law like playing chess so much?Why is it that every time I come here, I’m not taking him to play chess, or dragging me along the way to play chess? ?

Thinking like this in his heart, Yi Tianming would definitely not reveal anything. On the surface, he would still do it respectfully and place the chess pieces.
To be honest, Yi Tianming studied something specially in the past few days for this time.
That is the so-called business chess game.

What Yi Tianming watched was the kind of video on Douyin in the comment section that said, "Remorse goes straight to the provincial party committee."

He specializes in learning the kind of moves that can make his opponent win, but also make him feel that winning is not easy.
It's today!
"Then let's begin."


"Hu~" Yi Tianming let out a long breath. It's not that he played a good move, but that this business chess method was too strenuous. It was more strenuous than playing in the horse riding finals... "Well, this move was made Very vicious!" Father Chu frowned slightly and praised,
At this moment, Yi Tianming saw the door being gently pushed open, and a murderous figure.

He was just about to say a reminder, but he was still a step too slow.
"You old man, didn't you tell me not to disturb Xiaoyi's rest? I'll let you go!" A big hand grabbed Father Chu's ear and said,

Father Chu, who was thinking carefully one second, was screaming in pain the next second.

"Hey, it hurts."

Just like that, Father Chu was carried to the hall by his ears.

Yi Tianming couldn't help but sigh: He is the younger brother in the family...

Although I have been here several times, after all, Yichu and I are not married yet. After all, staying at home will still be a bit nervous.

Perhaps realizing this, Chu Yunxiu took Yi Tianming and "escaped" in the name of seeing the scenery.

After the two of them visited S City for a few days, they followed Chu's father and Chu's mother to their second uncle's house in the next district on New Year's Day to have lunch.
The whole family went there in Yi Tianming's car. Chu's father and Chu's mother acquiesced after they knew that Yi Tianming drove here by himself. Firstly, they could judge the boy's financial situation, and secondly, they could meet with relatives and friends. Put a face in front of you,

The moment he saw the interior of Yi Tianming's car, Chu's father showed an expression of appreciation. After all, he had seen the world, and he could still tell a good car.
As the saying goes, a man will not have a Range Rover and low self-esteem at the same time.
Although Yi Tianming didn’t buy a Range Rover, the quality was not low at all.
Two words, face,

And these two words became even more apparent after arriving at the second uncle's house.
After dinner together, they praised Yi Tianming for being handsome and young and promising, which made Yi Tianming feel a little embarrassed, although he knew that what he said was the truth...

After having lunch at the second uncle’s house, we ate at our own house in the evening. The four of us chatted about home life, and the New Year’s Day passed like this.

The next day, Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu are also preparing to go back. The All-Stars will be on the [-]rd. They are now back in K City and will take the train to Q City in the afternoon. They are still pressed for time.

"Xiaoyi, why don't you stay for two more days?" When leaving, Chu's mother was still trying to persuade her to stay. In the past two days, she had received countless compliments from relatives and friends.

Of course, these fast food are all based on Yi Tianming. It is said that the old Chu family got a young and promising son-in-law. Even the neighbors knew about the existence of Yi Tianming, and the praise was like a surge.
Although Chu's mother is not the kind of person who loves vanity, she will definitely feel much better when she hears praise from others. After all, everyone has the mentality of praise.

"No, we have to take a bus to Q City in the afternoon." Yi Tianming refused with a smile, a little dumbfounded. In fact, it is embarrassing to refuse an elder.

Chu's mother wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Chu's father: "Okay, Xiaoyi and the others still have to work, what do women know? Xiaoyi, do your best, come and have a drink with dad next time, listen to Chu Yunxiu said that you have a good drinking capacity, so you can compete with the old man later."

Upon hearing this, Yi Tianming mainly heard three pieces of information:

[-]. Father Chu, you are really tough. I didn’t realize that you still have such a tough side.
Second, he actually calls himself dad?Has this already accepted me?
Three, can I drink?Although Yi Tianming thought he could drink well enough to sit at the children's table, why did Chu Yunxiu tell Father Chu about this?
"Good dad, then next time I will bring two bottles of good wine to drink with you!" However, after being able to call him the word "Dad", Yi Tianming was still very happy. After all, he was finally fully recognized.
"Well, let's go, the man has his ambitions in all directions."

"Let's go, Mom and Dad~" After saying goodbye, the distance between the car and the people became farther and farther.
After driving for a certain distance, Yi Tianming asked Chu Yunxiu, who was in the passenger seat, "When did you tell your dad that I knew how to drink? Why didn't I know about this?"

Chu Yunxiu slapped her forehead helplessly: "Why are you so careless? Would I say this?"

"Ah?" Yi Tianming was stunned for a moment, then realized, "You mean, your dad is trying to trick me?"

Chu Yunxiu gave him a "what if" look, and showed a helpless expression at the same time. She could now imagine the two men changing glasses at the dinner table, and then getting drunk.

"Super! That's so sloppy!" Yi Tianming also couldn't laugh or cry. Why did he sell out his details like this?

Although he felt that his drinking capacity was okay, he didn't know Chu's father's "strength" after all. It would be sad if he was cut into pieces by drinking...

On the way back, there was also heavy traffic, but luckily, we were lucky today. Yi Tianming and the others set off earlier, and the traffic jam was not as serious as last time, so the speed was much faster.

After returning to K City, it was already approaching evening. Yi Tianming parked the car in the underground garage, then he and Chu Yunxiu picked up a couple of clothes and went to the train station.

The reason why we didn’t take the plane with our teammates was because the main force set off in the morning. Originally, we were told to wait for the captain, but Yi Tianming still asked them to set off first. After all, it was not good for so many people to wait for the two of them. .


Q City,
The mayor has probably been smiling over the past two days. If nothing else, the traffic and economic effects brought by this All-Star event are enough to increase the GDP growth rate of Q City by one level.
Among the major hotels officially cooperated by Honor,
"Wow, it turns out that the place where you players live is so luxurious."

"I asked, can you have some potential?" Ye Xiu was a bit dumbfounded. The figure in front of him who was looking left and right said, "You are the owner of a club after all. Why do you act like you have never seen the world?"

Chen Guo scratched her head and said, "Hey, this isn't the first time I'm participating in the All-Stars as a club owner. I'm so excited."

At this moment, a special greeter came to her:
"Are you Ms. Chen Guo from Team Happy? We have prepared a room for you. Please come."

"Oh, okay, thank you!" Chen Guo took care of her teammates to catch up.

As for Xingxin's queue, except for Ye Xiu and Fang Rui, who had calm expressions, the rest of the people looked like "Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden", with their eyes as wide as copper bells.

Even the old guy Wei Chen is like this, but it is understandable. After all, when he retired, there was no All-Star Weekend in Glory.

Just as Happy's staff were about to get on the elevator, another waiter ran over.

"Wait...wait a minute, Baihua's two captains are here."

(End of this chapter)

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