Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 412 Tyranny’s helplessness

Chapter 412 Tyranny’s helplessness…

In the sea of ​​fire,

Shi Bujuan has lost sight of his teammates.

He was not affected by the Dark Formation, but because of the monstrous sea of ​​fire and another ghost formation - the Gray Formation...!
The gray formation greatly reduced Shi Buzhuan's movement speed. The moment he turned, he lost sight of his teammates. In other words, the connection between him and his teammates was broken.
A very fatal fault! !

Although the ghost formation was also within the scope of Zhang Xinjie's consideration before the game, the actual operations of the players are different after all considerations. For example, Yi Tianming's ghost formation arrangement has given Zhang Xinjie and the mob members a great obstacle.

It is difficult to prevent a player's ultra-high level performance before the game.

At this moment, a message appeared on Tyranny’s team channel,

"Just take care of yourselves. I don't need any help here."

Information from Desert Guyan, because Fengcheng Yanyu has changed the target, it means that Desert Guyan is now engaged in a 1v1 partial duel with Ye Jinyixing.
In the past, he was somewhat hindered from unleashing his fists and kicks in two-on-one situations, but now that he has returned to the 1v1 arena, he is naturally at home and is playing well.

It can also be seen from the big screen that the decline in life of Desert Guyan has been well buffered. On the contrary, Ye Jinyixing did feel a lot of pressure on his own. The rate of decline in his life was comparable to that of Desert Guyyan. Much faster! ! !
However, the others in Baihua stayed put and showed no intention of helping Ye Jinyi Xing.

Baihuafen outside the venue is now very worried.
"I'm afraid Ye Jin Clothing Store can't last long..."

"Yes, if Desert Guyan breaks through from the right, everyone in Baihua will be in danger!"


back to the arena,

It is not difficult to know that on the local battlefield, Desert Guyan has an advantage over Ye Jinyixing.
However, what troubles Zhang Xinjie even more is that there is another battlefield, a battlefield that cannot be popularized in his field of vision.

Leng Anlei and Xiao Guan meet each other!
Although Baihua's Ye Jinyi Xing's HP has been declining, the rate of decline of his own Leng Anlei and Xiao Guan Fenghou is only a little, and the combined decline of the two of them has been much greater than that of Ye Jinyi Xing.
They are still trapped in the ghost formation! !

And it’s a ghost serial!

Ice array!Dark array!Plague formation! ...!
A ghost chain with the dark formation as the center tightly surrounded Leng Anlei and Xiao Guanfenghou.
The two of them are now unable to come in or out.
On one side is the control of Gui Lianlian, on the other side is the continuous attack of Fengcheng Yanyu outside,
Under double pressure, the conditions of Leng Anlei and Xiao Guanfenghou naturally plummeted.

Although they have now escaped the control of the dark formation, there are other ghost formations outside the dark formation.

Leng Anlei was hit by Aofeng Canhua's sacred fire. Not only were all the former's skills blocked, but his own health continued to decline.
"Give me the coordinates."

Zhang Xinjie asked this on the team channel,
This is really a bad idea, because he can no longer find the positions of his two teammates in his field of vision, and can only transfer them through coordinates.
Soon, Leng Anlei told Zhang Xinjie the coordinates.
Shi Buhuan leaned over and rushed out. He knew that he couldn't waste a moment.
Before Leng Anlei and Xiao Guanfenghou were trapped by the Ghost Town, the situation on the field was obviously beneficial to Tyranny, but it was a critical moment like the Ghost Formation that instantly reversed the situation on the field.

Tyranny's original dominant position was ruthlessly deprived of it by Baihua.
Zhang Xinjie couldn't help but ask himself, when did such a mistake happen...?
A qualified commander must not only see the opponent's accurate movements, but at least have a look at the opponent's possible next step.

But Zhang Xinjie didn't notice Yi Tianming's step of setting up the ghost formation in the sea of ​​fire at all. He thought it was a major dereliction of duty on his part.
Although being distracted in the game is a very bad habit, Zhang Xinjie now has to devote part of his attention to thinking about this point. If he does not think about this point, Tyranny is likely to be distracted again in the future. Falling for the same deception and suffering the same losses.

Suddenly, a clever idea flashed in Zhang Xinjie's mind,
How could Baihua leave Aofeng's broken flowers alone?

In an instant, all the information blocked in Zhang Xinjie's mind was cleared.
Yes, it is the so-called time point when the fallen flower of Aofeng falls alone. This is a very critical time point.

Zhang Xinjie searched through the memories in his mind. He clearly remembered that in a certain scene at that node, except for Ye Jinyihang, Fengcheng Misty Rain, and Aofeng Broken Flowers, he did not grasp the figure of Seeing Flowers in the Smoke. ,
At that moment, Yi Tianming seized the opportunity and instantly used the natural cover of the sea of ​​fire to set up a ghost formation that affected the entire occupation.
And the so-called treatment of being alone,

It's just a smoke bomb released by Baihua. When Tyranny's team members only focus on Aofeng Canhua, it's the best time to see the flowers in the smoke.
From this, it is not difficult to find that in this game, Yi Tianming used the Ghost Swordsman, so his presence was not very high from beginning to end. This created a psychological hint for the Tyranny players, making them feel towards Yi. Tianming lowered his vigilance,
And having just gone around to the back of Tyranny and killed Minus Nine Degrees, it pushed the atmosphere of the entire venue to a climax. It was this move that helped Baihua regain the advantage in an instant. Now Tyranny's numerical advantage is gone.
On the contrary, Baihua still had some influence on details, because Tide was eliminated one step earlier than Minus Nine Degrees, so Baihua's sixth man arrived one step earlier than Tyranny's sixth man. In the end, Baihua will have a period of time to be able to Gain numerical advantage! ! !

Unknowingly, the balance of victory has begun to tilt. The goddess of victory is like looking after the flowers, pushing all the good things to the flowers, and Tyranny... is getting worse and worse.
Zhang Xinjie couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He has now been convinced by Yi Tianming's formation ghost. Not to mention that Yi Tianming's overall level of formation ghost is more perverted than "Glory's first formation ghost" Li Xuan. It's not very realistic. After all, Li Xuan's understanding of formation ghosts is unique in the entire glory circle. This is recognized by everyone.
What really surprises Zhang Xinjie is Yi Tianming's overall view and ability to grasp the subtle details.

The moment Tyranny was fooled, it was really just a fleeting opportunity, but it was firmly grasped by Yi Tianming, and created a very uncomfortable situation for Tyranny.
It can be said that in this game, Yi Tianming fully demonstrated his ghost formation strength in front of all the audience, whether it was the layout of the ghost town, the timing, or the overall consciousness. Arrived and it was great! !

A beep brought Zhang Xinjie's thoughts back to reality.
Shi Bujuan turned his perspective to the left and found a wooden stick that was about to burn out and smashed it over his head.
Shi Bujuan turned around to avoid it. At the moment when the roll was about to end, Zhang Xinjie suddenly felt something was wrong.

The next second, Zhang Xinjie canceled his roll and turned into a very embarrassed posture, which was equivalent to the kind of thing where he suddenly stopped rolling in the middle of a roll and slowly crawled forward a few steps.
If you put the key in such awkward operation, everyone will definitely think that it is a professional player operating abnormally.
But now, such an embarrassing situation was not laughed at by the audience outside. On the contrary, there was a burst of bustling applause in the audience.
Because - if the stone had not turned and moved a little further back, he would have been "swallowed" by a hidden ghost formation.
Zhang Xinjie himself might not be able to explain this clearly. Just now he took a brief glance and then realized something was wrong.
This may be the talent that only top players have. The word talent cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

The fire on the fourth floor is getting bigger and bigger, and it has gradually covered everyone. It originally only reached the character's knees, but now it has spread to the character's head. In the sea of ​​​​fire, you don't even need to squat down for more than a certain distance. You can't see each other.And the next second, a figure rushed out of the sea of ​​fire,
It’s just smoke and mirrors! ! !

He took a detour again and couldn't turn by grabbing the stone! !
Zhang Xinjie was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yi Tianming again!
His control of the situation is really vicious. Someone else might have fallen into the ambush this time.


"Yi Tianming really ran non-stop this time." Li Xuan said with emotion in the void training room,
Wu Yuce on the side nodded. There is no game in Void today. When there is no game, professional players usually choose to gather together to watch the games of other teams. When the people in Vukong heard that Yi Tianming used the Formation Ghost, they naturally The channel was adjusted to Baihua's side.

back on the playing field,

Every Tyranny fan in the stands clenched their fists and raised their hearts to their throats.

This is different from Baihua's treatment of being alone just now. Shi Bujuan is now alone in the true sense. Who else can help him now?Da Mo Guyan and Ye Jin Yi Xing were "entangled" together. Although they had the upper hand, they were also held back. Tian Sen would not let him go easily.
Not to mention Leng Anlei and Xiao Guanfenghou. They were suppressed by the dual control of the ghost formation and Fengcheng Yanyu.

As for Tyranny's sixth player, Changhe Sunset, he just walked out of the refresh point and is still looking for the stairs from the first floor to the second floor. If he wants to reach the battlefield first, it must be Baihua's DeLillo. Arriving first, he has now reached the second floor and climbed the stairs to the third floor.
In other words, Shi Bu Zhuan is completely alone now.

And how could Yi Tianming miss this opportunity?

Watching Flowers in the Mist swung out a sword energy, forcing the unyielding figure to stop.

Then draw your sword and chop!Crash thrust!Half Moon Slash!

A series of skills are released quickly. Although the damage of each skill is not high, when combined together, Shi Buzhuan still has a certain amount of health.
And then, seeing flowers in the fog, he got close to the stone and started a brutal combo. Every attack could accurately hit the opponent.
It's not that Zhang Xinjie's operation stretched his hips, but that Yi Tianming's attack was too terrifying. He even used the natural cover of flames to complete the "Shadow Step"! !

The big screen also switched out the views of Shi Bu Zhuan and Seeing Flowers in the Smoke respectively.

Every move of Flowers in the Smoke is tightly tied to the flames, moving in and out of the flames,

But in Shi Buzhuan's field of vision, there was no trace of smoke and mirrors at all.

"Shadow Step...?" The audience outside the venue noticed this one after another,
In the sea of ​​​​fire, seeing flowers in the fog reduced Shi Buhuan's health volume to 20%.
The situation on the field is becoming increasingly unfavorable for Tyranny. All Tyranny fans outside the field are worried.

Except for Desert Guyan, which can gain a local advantage, the other points are all very disadvantaged and can only be passively beaten.

Tyranny fans put their hopes on their captain Han Wenqing.
Everyone prayed silently in their hearts, God, please favor us Tyranny again! ! !

And it was as if God really heard the voices of Tyranny fans,
As a muffled sound came, a figure was knocked back dozens of times, and then disappeared into the sea of ​​fire.
[System: Baihua character Ye Jinyixing is out! 】

Smoke in the desert!Forced to break the situation! ! !
"Good!" "Great fight!!" The morale of the Tyranny fans outside was high for a while, and the situation seemed to be getting a little better. As long as Han Wenqing could free up his hands to help other disadvantaged teammates, then this game would be a success There is still hope!

Damo Guyan didn't hesitate at all, turned around and rushed towards the coordinates Leng Anlei had just given,

After all, this is not a single-player match but a team match. You can't completely relax after solving the things at hand. You also have to help your teammates gain an advantage to help the team win the final victory.

That was when Desert Guyan just rushed out, Zhang Xinjie reminded on the team channel: "!!"

Another exclamation point, indicating that the situation he encountered was very urgent.
And due to the special nature of this map, the connection between all Tyranny team members is very weak, because everyone cannot see each other and can only obtain their respective status from the texts or other signals sent by each.
And what does Zhang Xinjie’s exclamation point mean?Does it mean that his own situation is very dangerous?Or are you reminding some teammates? ?
All this is still unknown, but Han Wenqing only believes in one truth, that is, the road under his feet is made by his own fists.

The lonely smoke in the desert shuttled through the sea of ​​fire like a broken bamboo. The flames around him shrank back one after another, as if they felt the courageous momentum in him.
The next second, two system prompts came out,
[Tyranny player Leng Anlei is out! 】

[Tyranny player Xiao Guanfenghou is eliminated! 】

All Tyranny fans outside the venue were shocked, and then felt deeply helpless.

The situation was getting better just now. Why is it suddenly at a disadvantage now?

Baihua is missing one person, but its own family is instantly missing two characters. This positive and negative offset is offset, and it is still the disadvantage on their side...

(End of this chapter)

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