Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 409 The Flower Problem

Chapter 409 Baihua’s Problem

Da da da!Da da da! !

The sound of gunfire came from minus nine degrees. Everyone looked up and found that Tyranny and the five people had already appeared on the second floor.

Although the current attacks at Minus Nine Degrees are just trivial skills, Baihua obviously cannot let it attack at will.

"Go upstairs!" Yi Tianming made a prompt decision and gave the command.

After saying this, Wulikanhua waved a silver-white sword energy upward,
However, this set of sword energy dissipated before it could fully reach the second floor.

"It seems that the attack cannot penetrate the distance between each floor." Yi Tianming came to the conclusion,
Afterwards, Baihua and the other five people also took action quickly and began to look for the stairs leading to the second floor.
Baihua's lineup for this game is: Array Ghost, Mage, Healer, Exorcist and a Human Shield Knight.
There is no doubt that the knight must be at the front, because Yi Tianming uses the auxiliary formation ghost. If the knight does not stop at the front, then Baihua will have no way to resist the attack of Desert Guyan.

The mission of Ye Jin Yi Xing is to be responsible for protection and treatment, and also take into account the protection of Fengcheng Yanyu.
As for Yi Tianming's formation ghost, it is up to him to protect himself.

Yi Tianming's shortcomings in not using a frontal role are obvious, that is, Baihua's frontal attack ability is much weaker.
However, there are pros and cons,
The good thing is that now Yi Tianming can take over the command. He can command with confidence because there is someone supporting him in front of him.

Baihua and the five men relaxed their formation slightly, and then the overall search area expanded several times.
However, everyone maintains a distant distance to ensure that they can gather quickly when encountering danger.

About 2 minutes passed,
"Found it." Fengcheng Yanyu said on the team channel, and all the Baihua team members gathered together again.
It took nearly 2 minutes to find the stairs on the first floor. From this, we can see how big this palace is.
"Go up." Yi Tianming commanded again,

Just when Baihua and the five people gathered in formation and were about to climb to the second floor, Yi Tianming suddenly called out to them,

"and many more!"

He felt something was wrong in the bottom of his heart. The attack of Minus Nine Degrees stopped at some point. It seemed that he only fired a few symbolic shots, and then disappeared. Not only him, but also other members of Tyranny were gone.
Opposite him was Zhang Xinjie, one of the four great tactical masters. Yi Tianming did not dare to be disrespectful.

Suddenly, a clever idea flashed through Yi Tianming's mind. He seemed to have thought of something.
"Adjust the formation, with Tian Sen at the front and Zheng Chengfeng at the top of the stairs, behind." Yi Tianming commanded,
The Baihua team members silently carried out the orders.

Ye Jinyi Xing was at the front, followed by Fengcheng Yanyu and Aofeng Canhua, with Flowers in the Mist between them, and finally Tide,
And the reason why Yi Tianming arranged it this way is because...

A loud bang came, breaking the calm situation just now,
A bullet unique to Barrett's sniper pierced the sky and appeared directly behind the Baihua team members.

Simply, the one behind was Knight Tide. He raised his shield to block the bullet. With the shield's defensive blessing, the damage of this Barrett sniper bullet was weakened by most of it.
Of course, Tide's HP has been inevitably reduced, and the shield's durability has also been reduced by one point.
"Sure enough!" Hearing the gunshot, Yi Tianming confirmed his suspicion,
Minus Nine Degrees did not leave, but hid in a blind spot, waiting for Baihua to launch a sneak attack during the period when no one was upstairs.

Fortunately, the tide was behind and the damage was minimized.

This gunshot also revealed the location of minus nine degrees.
That window in the second floor cubicle!Everyone saw this clearly, and Baihua naturally would not give up.
However, after firing this shot, the body of Minus Nine Degrees was hidden inside the floor again...

Keep going upstairs! !
Team Baihua continued to walk up and found that the architectural styles on the second floor were different from those on the first floor. If the first floor had a simple decoration style,
Then the second floor is a more Western one, with milky white walls mixed with a little gold. There are a few white pillars in the middle of the hall, which should be decorations.
While Baihua and the other five were still watching the scene on the second floor and going upstairs,
A muffled groan interrupted the calm of the scene,
There was another loud bang,
An iron fist fell from the sky! !
Overlord Fist!Smoke in the desert! !
He has been waiting for a long time again! !
The wind roared, and the punch landed firmly on Ye Jin Yixing, who was walking in the front.
Everything happened so suddenly, but for the spectators outside the venue who had a God's perspective, these were all situations that could be predicted in advance. They had already seen Desert Guyyan ambushing at the entrance of the stairs, and this was what they were waiting for. A moment! ! !
"Beautiful!! Well played!!" Tyranny fans outside the court raised their arms and shouted, their morale rising.

On the field,

Desert Guyan's iron fist came too quickly. Fortunately, Ye Jinyixing threw out a talisman at the last moment. This talisman helped him escape temporarily.
Explosive Flame Talisman! !

A roar caused by an explosion came from the field, and suddenly thick smoke billowed, and sparks accompanied by black smoke quickly dispersed in a small area.
Thick black smoke obscured everyone's sight,

And the next second, the original black smoke was suddenly stretched open, as if something was forcibly breaking through it,
Only a figure was seen, leaping high from the darkness,

Leg strike! !
Desert Guyan once again attacked, causing Tyranny fans outside the venue to once again let out waves of exclamations.

For example, in martial arts novels, southern fist and northern leg are a very common term, but in Han Wenqing's case, both fist and leg are occupied by him alone.

Even though Han Wenqing’s boxing is number one in Glory, his leg striking strength is also at the top level of Glory.
Just before Damo Guyan's body fell, a gray-white formation formed at the feet of Ye Jin Yixing,
Knife array! !

Yi Tianming's sword formation was not untimely, and Ye Jinyi Xing's attack value also increased accordingly.

"Ice wall!!" Suddenly, Li Yibo shouted, attracting everyone's attention to the back of Desert Guyan.

Behind him, a white ice wall quietly formed!

It's Misty Rain in the Windy City!
"Now Desert Guyan's retreat is blocked!" Li Yibo secretly screamed something bad.
Seeing that the situation had changed, Desert Guyan immediately canceled the leg attack and used the Eagle Step instead, using the power of the wall to float in the air.

Seeing flowers in the mist, I immediately charged up the ice array. Now that the lonely smoke in the desert is blocked by the ice wall, it is the best time to focus the fire.

However, this ice wall did not exist for more than two seconds before it was forcibly broken open by people outside.
"It seems Tyranny is well prepared!" Li Yibo sighed, and the Tyranny fans outside also let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the ice wall broke open in time, otherwise Desert Guyan would have been trapped and died inside. ,

Behind the wall of ice is a wall of fire,
Obviously this is another masterpiece of Fengcheng Yanyu.

However, even if it is a wall of fire, Desert Guyan can only go out with the damage of the wall of fire. Otherwise, if he stays here, his result will be just one word... And Tyranny's people quickly disappeared after breaking through the ice wall. Got the trace,
At this time, Yitian discovered something. So far, only two people who fought against Tyranny had shown their faces, Desert Guyan and Minus Jiudu.

The others were like little girls who had not yet become a monk, hiding timidly and not daring to show their faces.

"Chase!" Yi Tianming immediately ordered the pursuit, because judging from the place where the view was exposed at minus nine degrees, it was far away from the stairs, so it was impossible for him to appear near Batu's large army.
In other words, Tyranny is currently in a state of two armies.
The opponent's personnel are not in order, this is a good opportunity for Baihua to attack! ! !

However, the Baihua team members who rushed to the second floor found that the people on the opposite side had long disappeared.

Except for those few white columns, there is nothing extra in the entire second floor hall.

The five people from Baihua then approached. There were some modifications on the white pillars. Overall, the impression was pretty good.
However... Yi Tianming quickly discovered something wrong with the above.
There are cracks in the pillar! !
It is reasonable to have some cracks on retouched items, but what is unreasonable at this moment is that the distribution of these cracks is too uneven.
It's just like……

That look like it's about to break! ! !
Suddenly, a very scary thought appeared in his mind,
"Go to the third floor!" Yi Tianming immediately ordered. Judging from the exclamation mark he typed, the situation was very urgent now.
Baihua No Man looked towards the stairs just now, only to find that there was no staircase leading to the third floor. There was only a thick wall.

how so! ?

Yi Tianming and all the Baihua team members were shocked. They just saw it on the first floor. There were clearly five floors. Why did the stairs break on the second floor? ?
However, Yi Tianming quickly calmed down,

Stay calm, this is the psychological quality a commander should have.

"The stairway should be at another location, expand the formation to search!" Yi Tianming immediately ordered, and other Baihua team members also understood.

Yes, they are all entrenched in traditional thinking. Generally, when building a building, the stairwells are connected, with one staircase leading to the bottom.
However, in this palace, the distribution of stairs between each floor is uneven.
In other words, the stairs from the first floor to the second floor are at ground a,
The stairs from the second floor to the third floor are probably at location b.

Baihua and the five people quickly formed a formation. When they were on the first floor, it took them more than two minutes to find the stairs. I wonder how long it would take them to find the stairs on the second floor?

"Found it!!!" This time it was Tian Sen who "announced the good news" on the team channel. Everyone followed his gaze and saw a staircase appearing in their sight.

Go upstairs!

Needless to say, Baihua team members quickly climbed up the stairs,
It was at this moment that another gunshot came from overhead.

boom! ! !
Barrett sniped!Nine degrees below zero! !
He appeared in a small window on the third floor. He was also sniping with Barrett, but this time, he was not targeting the Hundred Blossoms, but one of the pillars in the lobby on the second floor.
As a crackling sound came, at first some small stones were separated from the stone pillars, and finally there were more and more irregular cracks on the stone pillars. Finally, the stone pillar hit by Barrett's sniper collapsed. , the entire second floor suddenly became filled with thick smoke.
This was not over yet. The collapse of one pillar caused a chain reaction that caused other pillars to collapse. These beads were not just decorations, they also played a heavy role.

After a while, the entire second floor became a mess.
Fortunately, the five Baihuas ran very fast. Everyone only suffered some scratches and did not lose too many lives.

Immediately, Baihua's people stepped onto the third floor,
But this time, Tyranny's people no longer hid, but the five of them stood in an attack formation, facing the stairs, as if they were ready.
Baihua has no way to retreat now. The second floor has been smashed into shape, and there are still some scattered stones falling down.
We can only go forward! !
However, Tyranny's people are obviously recharging their energy, while Baihua's five people have been running around the map non-stop from the beginning to now. The difference between the members of the two teams was quickly reflected.
But there is no way, we have to fight even if we don’t fight, there is no way out! !

Tyranny was the first to launch the attack. Damo Guyan flashed and appeared in front of Baihua and the other five people.

The next second, countless iron fists fell like raindrops,

But this time it was not Ye Jinyixing who greeted him, but the Knight Tide.

Tide raises double shields!Keep these iron fists at bay!

However, everything has two sides. Double shields can bring ultimate defense to the knight, but the negative effects of double shields soon became apparent.
That is, the players’ vision has been affected to a certain extent.

But he saw Da Mo Gu Yan leaning down, and with a sweeping kick, he instantly overturned Tide to the ground.
And then, Desert Guyan's body jumped up high and began to fall rapidly in the air! !

On the other side, Leng Anlei also approached Ye Jin Clothing Store.

As for the rest, Shi Buhuan was in a dangerous position, conducting command and treatment from a high position.
Of course, Fengcheng Yanyu would not tolerate him. Spell attacks kept falling on Shi Buhuan's body.

Not far away, minus nine degrees restrained the windy city's misty rain,

Seeing flowers in the smoke means going back and forth between each battlefield, running where you need to go,
This is the characteristic of the auxiliary. A knife formation, an ice formation, and a gray formation help Baihua teammates gain a short-term advantage.

Tyranny's play style is also very unique. They did not choose to form a team, but took the initiative to divide the battlefield into several different small areas in an attempt to determine the outcome with Baihua.
To a certain extent, this weakens the combat capability of the ghosts.
If a large-scale group battle is launched, a ghost formation may cover all opponents.
And if this is the case, if divided into several small areas, the role of one ghost array can only help one battlefield...

The battle was about to break out. At the beginning, the two sides were evenly matched, and no one had the upper hand.

But soon, Baihua discovered a big problem...

(End of this chapter)

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