Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 406: Newcomers in Huaqing Training Camp

Chapter 406 Newbies from Baihua Youth Training Camp
"Good tactics."

"you flatter me."

During the handshake session after the game, Yu Wenzhou made no secret of his appreciation for Yi Tianming.
In the just-concluded team competition, Yi Tianming relied on his personal ability to help the team escape from adversity. It was that wave of flirtatious moves that took away Liu Yun and helped Baihua turn from a disadvantageous situation into an advantageous situation instantly. ,
But having said that, personal ability is personal ability, and team tactics are team tactics.

Yi Tianming's personal performance cannot ignore the performance of other Baihua team members, such as Mo Chuchen's purification mark, Tian Sen's sealing talisman, and Chu Yunxiu's fire bird move. These are all The key point of the game gave Lan Yu a big blow.
Of course, there is also the credit for the Hundred Blossoms team members who happily ran around the entire map and circled behind the Blue Rain army to attack from both sides.

A team includes individuals, and individuals form a team. It is precisely because of this that Baihua won this game.

The final total score was 8:2. Baihua beat Blue Rain at home.

Two of the four major tactician masters have been defeated when facing Baihua. I wonder if the next two will lead the team to defeat Baihua...

But it has to be said that Yi Tianming started from a very high starting point. He won the championship as soon as he debuted, and won three consecutive championships with unstoppable momentum. What's more important is that.The tactics and ideas he led the team were habitually compared with those of the four great tactician masters.

Since Yi Tianming took charge of the commander's seal, it seems that the team has not lost a single battle against the four major tactician masters. This record is very impressive. Even fellow commander Wang Jiexi has not been able to achieve it.

Perhaps the fifth great tactician is really going to appear...?
"In terms of overall tactics, Baihua also did a very good job. Their tactics today gave us a bright feeling. Maybe the tactics don't have to be very gorgeous, maybe they don't have to be too complicated, but there is one thing that must be done. Then It has to be practical, and Baihua did this to gain the upper hand in today's match and win the game!!" At the last moment, Li Yibo concluded,

"Of course, Blue Rain's defeat has something to do with the home and away map advantages, but it's not a big problem. The regular season is a round-robin system. There is a long way to go. After that, Blue Rain will also face Baihua at its home court. Let's look forward to the two teams playing together. Let’s show off next time!!”

"So... today's game ends here. Thank you everyone for watching. I am the commentator Li Yibo. See you next time!"



Baihua Club, in the training room,

Yi Tianming wore headphones, listened to music, and ran on the treadmill at a slow speed.
While still humming a tune,

"I am Di Laoga, Jiu lives there..."

Just when Yi Tianming was immersed in his own music world, a tall figure came quietly behind him, and next to this person was a little carrot head,
"Wait a minute." The tall figure said to the person next to him.

"Yeah." The short one seemed a little shy and nodded, while still looking at the surrounding environment.

After about ten minutes of touching, Yi Tianming clicked the pause button, then grabbed the towel from the armrest and threw it around his neck.
The next second, he saw the two figures who had been waiting for him.
"Captain Zhang? Why are you here? What is this...?" Yi Tianming said hello, and then looked at the person next to Zhang Jiale with a puzzled expression.
A little "carrot head", he may only be as tall as Zhang Jiale's hungry eyes.
"It's a long story. Have you finished training?" Zhang Jiale didn't seem to be planning to talk to Yi Tianming in the training room.

Yi Tianming immediately nodded in agreement, and then followed Zhang Jiale out. The three of them went to the office together. The place where Zhang Jiale usually stayed was his own office, which was used to manage various affairs of the union, as well as some large and small things in the club. thing.

"Wipe your sweat, don't catch a cold." Zhang Jiale said to him on the way here,

Yi Tianming has the habit of exercising every day, but today it ends a little faster than usual. After all, Zhang Jiale has something to do with him, and everyone has found him in the training room, which means that this matter is still important. Yi Tianming has this point You still need to have good eyesight.
"Why didn't I see Yunxiu with you? Has she gone back first?" Zhang Jiale was chatting with Yi Tianming. The reason why he asked this was because Chu Yunxiu usually "sticks" to Yi Tianming, although Chu Yun Xiu doesn't run, but Yi Tianming usually follows her during training. It's quite rare like this today.

"Well, she was a little sleepy, so she went back first." Yi Tianming replied.

"That's it..." Just as they were talking, the three of them walked into the office. Zhang Jiale motioned for Yi Tianming and the "carrot head" to sit down, and then poured them a cup of tea.
Yi Tianming was not polite, he picked up the tea cup and began to taste it. Considering his relationship with Zhang Jiale, saying thank you would be a bit strange.

"Tianming, actually I came to you today because of him." Zhang Jiale went straight to the point,

"He is..." Yi Tianming's face was full of doubts. He was sure that this child was not from Baihua Club. After all, he had been in Baihua Club for three years and knew most of the people. Even if he couldn't name everyone, he would say so every day. I can remember their faces even when I see them.

And Yi Tianming was sure that the appearance of this little guy did not exist in his memory.

However, on the way here, Yi Tianming noticed that this little guy was peeking at him several times.
After a while, the office suddenly became quiet. Yi Tianming looked at Zhang Jiale in confusion, but at this time he actually acted unreasonably.

Zhang Jiale looked at the little carrot head with a smile and said, "Should I say it, or should you say it yourself?"

"Ahem...I'll tell you for myself." Little Carrot Head said,
It doesn't matter if you don't open your mouth, but it will be a big deal if you open your mouth.
Yi Tianming spit out a sip of tea, and the tea foam floated in the air, mixed with three parts of disbelief, three parts of shock, three parts of confusion, and one part of disbelief.
"Wait, what did you say? Say it again?" Yi Tianming asked immediately, with an incredible look in his eyes.
Zhang Jiale was snickering from the side. Yi Tianming probably never had this expression during games...

The reason why Yi Tianming was so shocked was because the pronunciation of this little carrot head just now was exactly the same as Yi Tianming's. Even Yi Tianming couldn't hear anything wrong with it. For a while, he had no other feelings except shock.

So much so that he suspected that he had just had an auditory hallucination...

"Ahem... I'll say it myself." Little Carrot Head said what he just said again.
Now Yi Tianming can be sure that the voice of this little carrot head is exactly the same as his own. They are simply carved from the same mold.

"Captain Zhang...what is going on?" Even Yi Tianming laughed himself. He did not expect that such a thing would happen to him.
There are no two identical leaves in the world, but there may be two people with similar voices. Today, this happened to Yi Tianming,

"As you can see, this kid's timbre is exactly the same as yours, Tianming." Zhang Jiale replied, "But this is what he imitated. If he uses his original timbre, there is still a slight difference." Yi Tianming immediately let go The child said something in his original voice, and it was indeed different.

"Then...is he a relative of yours, or...?" Yi Tianming then asked Zhang Jiale, but he also felt that there was something in it. If it was just a similar voice, Zhang Jiale shouldn't be so "aggressive", and even brought a special Come to the office to talk.
Sure enough, just as Yi Tianming expected,
Zhang Jiale shook his head, "It's not a relative, but... I met him in an online game."

"Meet him in an online game?" When Yi Tianming heard the word online game, the first thing he thought of was Huang Shaotian. After all, he was discovered by Wei Chen in an online game.

What Zhang Jiale said next made Yi Tianming cheer up instantly.
"I'm going to sign him into the youth academy."

"Oh?" Yi Tianming immediately became interested and looked at the little carrot head up and down.

"Kid, what's your name?"

"Chen Yu."

"It's a nice name." Yi Tianming smiled and patted Chen Yu on the shoulder, like a big brother next door.
Chen Yu also looked at his idol with excitement. He liked Yi Tianming very much and could be said to be a die-hard fan of Baihua and Yi Tianming.

But soon, Chen Yu couldn't laugh anymore.


These two words appeared on the gray interface. Chen Yu sat in front of the computer with a disappointed look on his face. He glanced at the character who had just fallen, and felt an inexplicable loss in his heart.

This is the third time he has seen these two words in just 5 minutes.

After this failure, Chen Yu’s opponent once again challenged him.

The person opposite Chen Yu is Yi Tianming. Since he is a youth training player, he naturally has to meet him as the current captain. Although Yi Tianming believes that Zhang Jiale's vision is not wrong, he still has to deal with this little guy of Warcraft. What level is it?
"With good operation, he can easily act recklessly due to lack of actual combat experience." After playing three games, Yi Tianming commented to Zhang Jiale, "It's a pretty good face."

"Yes. This is also what he is lacking at the moment, but... there is another surprise." Zhang Jiale continued, "The next picture will be a water picture."

A water map is a map where the main battlefield is underwater.

However, Yi Tianming is a little confused about this arrangement. After all, fighting underwater is more difficult than fighting on the ground. This little guy lost three games in a row on the ground. Wouldn’t it be even more embarrassing underwater? Yi Tianming I was even a little worried that I would beat someone to the point of collapse.

"It's okay, listen to me."

"Well, okay." Yi Tianming did not hesitate, and then sent another challenge application to Chen Yu, but this time Chen Yu did not agree in a hurry and was stuck on the challenge application interface.

Across the computer, Yi Tianming and Zhang Jiale heard the sound of gasping,

Seeing this, the two of them looked at each other. This little guy was not convinced that he had lost.
Then Yi Tianming used the provocation method: "Children Chen Yu, what's wrong? Are you too scared to fight me? Otherwise, you surrender now, and I'll count you as half the loser."

"Who's scared? Just come!" Chen Yu immediately angrily clicked to agree, and then the two characters entered the map again.

As the countdown ends, the two characters appear at both corners of the map.
"Haha!" The game had just started, and a relatively childish laughter came from across the computer screen,

Both Yi Tianming and Zhang Jiale heard it,
However, Yi Tianming still didn't understand the details of Chen Yu at this moment. He just thought that he had just struck too hard and beat this child to the point where he wanted to quit his Internet addiction?

Having said that, Chen Yu's ability in ground combat just exceeded the professional level in Yitianming. In other words, this is a potential player that can be signed, but at present, there is nothing particularly outstanding. In the future, he will be A at best. -Players who have reached the middle level of B-level,

At this level, Yi Tianming feels that Baihua is not lacking. He thinks that Zeng Xinran may have higher potential than Chen Yu.

So Yi Tianming still thinks that Zhang Jiale may have been mistaken.
However, 3 minutes later, Yi Tianming's understanding of Chen Yu changed drastically.
"There's something." Yi Tianming looked at the word "Glory" on the screen and commented,

Although he still won this round, Chen Yu lasted nearly half a minute longer in his hands and still fought underwater. This made Chen Yu's evaluation in Yi Tianming's heart at least two levels higher.
Two more games came, and Yi Tianming also won, but Chen Yu really gave Yi Tianming a much bigger surprise. In the last game, Chen Yu was able to hold on to his hand for almost 3 minutes.
"Great potential!" Yi Tianming's evaluation has also increased. He is now certain that given time, this child will be able to shine in the professional arena in the future.
"There's nothing wrong with my vision, right?" Zhang Jiale chuckled, then smiled.
You know, there is still a shortage of talents for Glory in this era. This is why Zhang Jiale signed Chen Yu into the Baihua Youth Training Camp so eagerly, because he might be signed by another club accidentally.
Of course, the fact that both parties signed the contract so readily has something to do with Chen Yu's heart for Baihua. After all, his idol is Yi Tianming. Naturally, he couldn't be happier to be on the same team as his idol.

Having said that, if the seventh season is regarded as a watershed, the players after the eighth season are called the new generation.
In the new generation, it seems that there is no one who can stand up to the banner, at least there is no top master of the Mesozoic generation like Yi Tianming, Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang who doesn't lose his temper...
Of course, Blue Rain's child Lu Hanwen and Tiny Herb Prince Gao Yingjie are good leaders, but they still need to be tempered, at least not yet up to the level of their predecessors.

As for Chen Yu, it is the hope in the eyes of Tianming and Zhang Jiale, the hope of the new generation.
"Xiaoyu, practice hard, I'm optimistic about you." Yi Tianming said to the person in front of him with a smile,

"By the way, how old are you?"

"Well...16 now."

"Ah?" Yi Tianming looked at him in surprise. He thought he was only in his early teens, but he didn't expect that he was already 16.
At 16 years old, he seems to have developed a bit late...

(End of this chapter)

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