Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 40 "Ye Qiu privately downloads online games and has been punished by the club!" &q

Chapter 40 "Ye Qiu privately downloads online games and has been punished by the club!" "

"Hey, Zhang Jiale, what are you doing?"

On the balcony of Excellent Era Club, Ye Qiu called with a cigarette in his mouth. He glanced at the war room, where Qiu Fei was sitting dully, motionless,
The fighting format and the flirtatious games are over,

The result of this match was that he was completely abused by his opponent, let alone test the opponent's reality, Qiu Fei only knocked out 15% of the opponent's blood in the whole round.The hair didn't come out yet, but he was doubted by the flirtatious guy on the opposite side...

And Ye Qiu naturally noticed the word "flower" in the opponent's name with sharp eyes.

He quickly thought of Baihua. After all, most of the people in Baihua had a flower in their names, just like the names of players in the Chinese Herb Hall were mostly related to flowers and plants. This is a reason.

So he came to contact Zhang Jiale right after the competition, and the phone was dialed.
Zhang Jiale's voice came from the phone, his voice was rather noisy, it sounded like there were a lot of people,
"What's the matter, Lao Ye, what's the matter at the scenic spot?"

Ye Qiu also got straight to the point: "Recently, there is a tactic that popped up on the online game called Zhanhua and Chaocao. This ID belongs to your Hundred Blossoms, right?"

Ye Shen is like this, he is very direct in his actions and speech, and he will not answer the interview if he says he won't accept it, and it's the same when he asks questions now, without beating around the bush at all.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiale over there was stunned for a moment, and then slowly said: "No! Zhanhua provokes grass... You don't think he is from our Hundred Flowers just because he has a flower in his name? But this Zhanhua I have seen the PK video of the provocateur, the fight is very fierce, I thought it was you who abused food in an online game!"

"Get lost, I'm not that interested." Ye Qiu said disdainfully.

"Ahaha..." Zhang Jiale said haha,

"Aren't you really one of you?" Ye Qiu asked again, this time he held his breath to observe the subtle changes in Zhang Jiale's emotions, trying to see whether he was telling the truth or a lie in this way.

But this time Zhang Jiale didn't pause, and directly denied it: "No, you're thinking too much, Lao Ye, um, that's it, I'm queuing up right now! The boss is here to follow you, don't be too spicy..."

"Hang up, bye!"

Ye Qiu flicked the cigarette ash, "Well, bye."

Taking a sharp breath and slowly exhaling the "white mist", two answers appeared in Ye Qiu's mind,
First, this Zhanhuajiacao is a great folk god. Through self-study, he learned how to raise the head of the dragon, and also has a series of advanced operations such as pseudo-connection and shadow-shading steps.

If this is the case, Ye Qiu is indeed interested in this so-called folk god. After all, he can suppress the Qiu Fei he taught to such a degree, which shows his strength!You can even consider introducing him to Excellent Era...

However, the possibility of this situation is very small. The false company and the shadow step can barely be justified. It is possible for talented ordinary players and hard training.But that dragon raising its head is definitely not something that can be practiced with talent.

There is another situation, that is, Zhang Jiale is lying.There is a high probability that the profanity is a certain player from Hundred Blossoms or a talented member of the youth training. In this way, everything becomes more reasonable.

However, Ye Qiu prefers the former situation.

It's not that he's afraid that the dragon head he created will be used by others in the professional arena, but that if such a tactic is added to Hundred Blossoms, then Excellent Era will have another formidable enemy.

"Hmm..." Before he knew it, the smoke had burned out, Ye Qiu exhaled the last mouthful of "white mist", and then returned to the war room,
He called out to the boy sitting in a daze on the chair,

"Qiu Fei."

Qiu Fei, who had just experienced a disastrous defeat, came back to his senses and looked back at Ye Qiu, but his eyes were still a little empty.

"Save the video of this game, and go back and watch it a few more times." Ye Qiu patted him on the shoulder, "Also, the opponent is not an ordinary player, it is very likely to be a professional player, calm down, don't take this too seriously. Keep the results of the field in mind, and find the difference between yourself and him through the video. Then improve yourself, that's it."

"Yes, Team Ye." Qiu Fei's face calmed down a little...


Only about 10 minutes later, the glory forum was already swiped by the dragon looking up,

Various title parties, such as:
"The dragon looks up in the arena!Who is it? "

"Master Ye Qiu came to the online game to abuse food, and even used the dragon to raise its head!" "

"Ye Qiu has already been punished by the club for breaking the balance of the game by surfing the Internet without permission! "


All kinds of headlines are getting more and more outrageous, they are nothing more than trying to trick people into clicking on them. In this information age, booing is traffic.

Hundred Flowers Computer Room,

Yi Tianming turned his wrist joint and made a clicking sound,

"Finally [-] consecutive victories, the rewards should come!"

Sure enough, a panel that only he can see immediately appeared in front of his eyes, which said,

[Please receive your rewards, the following are all Silver Weapons, you can only view the attributes after selecting]

"Silver weapon!" Yi Tianming was overjoyed, and as he had guessed, he rewarded the silver weapon!

Again, there are three options,

【A. Hand Cannon】

【B. Staff】

【C. Gloves】

[The reward can only be selected once, and cannot be changed after clicking, please choose carefully! 】

Yi Tianming took a deep breath, the experience of choosing the wrong profession last time came to mind...

But fortunately, no one bothered him this time, and Yi Tianming got his wish and chose the reward he wanted,

His final choice is B, the Staff.

No way, A and C are a gunner and a boxer, and they can't match him.But this staff might be useful in the future...

After choosing, a magic wand quietly appeared on Yi Tianming's computer screen, and he clicked on the detailed data first,
[Weapon Name: Rain Crossing]

[Level: Level 70]



[Characteristics: Every time you release a skill, there is a 5% chance to be instant! 】

"5%?" Yi Tianming rested his left hand on his chin. He didn't know much about elemental mages, so he just felt that the 5% probability was a bit low, "It's a bit low..."

But if Chu Yunxiu was here, he would definitely give him a shudder!
How many skills can an elemental mage use in a whole game?
Dozens or even hundreds are possible!
And if this 5% can make the control skills instantaneous at the critical moment, maybe it can play a role in deciding the outcome of the game!
However, Yi Tianming didn't think too much about it. After all, he didn't need it yet, so he simply threw the silver weapon into the warehouse of his personal account card.
"It's time to tell Yunxiu to wake up and read the book." Yi Tianming walked to the elevator, and was about to go in when the phone rang.

It was Zhang Jiale who called, and Yi Tianming clicked through.
As soon as the connection was made, there was a rushing voice from the other end of the phone, "Tianming, are you really playing tricks?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, Team Zhang." Yi Tianming said calmly.

"Something has happened!!"

 The first update, please do your best these few days to bring up the follow-up reading, and it will be recommended again! !


(End of this chapter)

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