Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 390 The Running-in of the New Season

Chapter 390 The Running-in of the New Season
royal club,
"Come on!" A hasty and slightly angry voice sounded in the training room, and it was the only voice in the entire room, which seemed particularly abrupt.

"What's wrong, it's a step slower!"

The rest of the people were sitting in front of the computer with serious expressions, and even when they were serious, they were all nervous.
It was the newcomer Bai Shu who made the sound, he is now the new vice-captain of Huangfeng,
However, Bai Shu was not satisfied with the performance of individual teammates in the first round.

Bai Shu knew the format of domestic professional leagues. Huang Feng's opponent in the first round was the middle-level He Wu team in the league, but such an opponent almost overturned Huang Feng in the team competition. The point of satisfaction.

What they are training now is about teamwork.
Kacha Kacha... Kacha Kacha...

The sound of pressing the keyboard and clicking the mouse keeps ringing during training,
Not long after Bai Shu's voice fell...

"Qualified! Training is over!"

These six characters appear on everyone's computer screen,
it is finally over……

Just when the Royal Wind team members were about to relax and take a break, everyone except Bai Shu had a feeling of "survival after a catastrophe". The long-term tense nerves made them feel tired inside.

At this moment, Bai Shu spoke again:
"I'm not qualified here, try again!"

Bai Shu's face was more serious, he was strict with himself, and even more so with his teammates.

This style may have something to do with his experience abroad.

The Royal Wind players looked at each other, but they didn't dare to say a word, they could only put their hands back on the keyboard and mouse again.

At this time,

With a click,
The door of the training room was pushed open, a blond man walked in slowly, put two bags of fruit and snacks on the table,

This person is Lu Liang, Captain Huangfeng,
Last season, he returned to Royal Wind from abroad, and was ordered in a crisis. He not only helped Royal Wind through a very turbulent stage, but also successfully led the team into the playoffs. It also gave Lu Liang great trust and power. Bai Shu's transfer was facilitated by Lu Liang's full work at the top.

Lu Liang beckoned: "Everyone relax, I've been watching outside for a long time, everyone has worked hard in training."

The Huangfeng team looked at Lu Liang as if they were looking at "life-saving straws", and then gathered one by one, those who ate fruit ate fruit, and those who drank beverages drank beverages. At this moment, the tense emotions finally relaxed.
Bai Shu didn't say anything, after all the captain had already spoken,


As the captain, how could Lu Liang not be familiar with Bai Shu's management style? The reason why he came in to interrupt now is very simple.
A red face, a white face,
A very common management method, Lu Liang is a good guy, and Bai Shu has played the role of "bad guy". This is how the two of them managed the team when they saw their teammates in England.

What Lu Liang wants to do is also very simple, that is to win the championship,

Although I have already got all the honors abroad that I should have,
But he wants to win the domestic championship this year, which he failed to win in the first season! !
Moreover, Huangfeng's players are still young and in peak physical condition, proper extra training will not cause serious consequences.

Bai Shu and Lu Liang looked at each other, and then they came to the balcony outside in a tacit understanding.
As soon as Bai Shu left, he confirmed that he had gone far away.Everyone in the training room exploded immediately,

"Why is this new crooked nut so grumpy?!"

"That's right, it's true! Now the training content of the day has increased by nearly one-third compared to before, and I'm exhausted...!"

"It's a trivial matter to increase the training content. It's this Bai Shu who speaks too badly. I can't bear it at all!"



At the same time, Lu Liang and Bai Shu outside were chatting about something,
"You have to pay attention, the domestic players are different from the foreign ones. Due to the influence of the region, the domestic ones pay more attention to etiquette. Sometimes being too serious will have the opposite effect." Lu Liang said seriously,

Just now when he was watching the team training outside, he noticed that almost everyone had a hint of impatience on their faces, and this expression came from Bai Shu's tone,
Bai Shu will now return to her normal speaking manner, showing an expression of disbelief, "Ah? Is that so? Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah." Lu Liang looked serious, "I'm not joking, do as the Romans do, the style of life here is very different from England, this is something you need to pay attention to and change."

"Otherwise, there will be disharmony within the team, and infighting will easily occur."

"Ok, I know!" Bai Shu waved his hand,
But Lu Liang clicked again, "Also, try to speak Mandarin."

"I...Okay, I see." Bai Shu nodded, "Then...I'll go back and train them."



As soon as Bai Shu returned to the training room, he saw Huangfeng's teammates sitting together in twos and threes, as if they were talking ill of someone.
As soon as Bai Shu came in, all eyes naturally fell on him.
"Why are you looking at me? Continue training!!" Bai Shu yelled, and he regretted it as soon as he finished speaking, because he found that it might be difficult to change his way of speaking.

The members of the Royal Wind returned to their seats reluctantly, and some of them were still muttering: "I just rested for a while..."

"Ahem!" Bai Shu let out a deep cough, and the team members stopped talking for a moment, and concentrated on looking at the computer screen in front of them.
Only then did Bai Shu look away,

Mercilessly not in charge,

This is the way he believes in.


At the same time, Club Xingxin,

"This is the end of today's replay. Everyone, copy all the videos in this file and continue to replay tomorrow." Ye Xiu greeted, and Xingxin's team members walked forward one by one with USB drives.
And Xingxin's proprietress, Chen Guo, sat blankly by the side without saying a word.

Although in the past, she always looked like she couldn't get her mouth in the meeting, but today she is obviously different,

Compared with before, there is a little more ... bad breath, and he seems to be absent-minded,
Currently, Happy has 1 point, and together with Misty Rain, who also has 1 point, occupies the last place. Even another magical team that has just entered the league has scored 3 points in the first round, ahead of Happy.

1 point, the bottom one...

These two voices echoed in Chen Guo's mind. Originally, when Xingxin had just won the challenger championship, she had great ambitions, and later introduced two all-star players, Fang Rui and Su Mucheng. Contestants, Chen Guo listed her family Xingxin as the championship team, which is exactly her original intention, to help Ye Xiu win another championship in his last year,
But... Now it seems that this idea is a bit unrealistic, to be precise, it is very unrealistic,

Although Chen Guo didn't want to believe it, she also had to recognize the reality. Xingxin was on the bottom when she came, and she was still number one from the bottom.

Saying that such a team can win the championship... Chen Guo herself was a little hesitant, and it has never appeared in the history of Glory. The previous championship teams basically skyrocketed from the beginning of the season. Of course, there are also late-stage efforts, but There has never been a rush from the bottom of the league to the championship.

The bottom one ranking really dealt a heavy blow to Chen Guo's heart,
"What are you thinking about?" A calm voice brought Chen Guo's thoughts back to reality.
"Hmm... huh?" Chen Guo raised her head and looked around. The people who were still in the meeting had already left, and now only she, Ye Xiu, and Su Mucheng were left.

"The meeting is over, why do you want to spend the night here?" Ye Xiu smiled, "If that's the case, then I'll bring you a quilt to avoid catching a cold at night."

Su Mucheng covered her mouth and sneered,
Upon hearing this, Chen Guo gave Ye Xiu an angry look, "What time is it, you're still joking."

Ye Xiu waved his hands with an "innocent" face, "What time is it? I said, Madam Boss, your state today is not quite right."

Chen Guo simply didn't hide her emotions any more, and said directly: "Oh, our goal is to be the champion. This has been publicly expressed in front of the major media, but now we have finished the first round and went straight to the bottom. One, to be honest...I..."

Chen Guo didn't finish her sentence, but Ye Xiu said it for her with a relaxed face, "You are afraid that we will lose face in front of the media."

Chen Guo didn't say a word, she was acquiescing to what Ye Xiu said. These days, the Internet was full of voices mocking Xingxin, saying that they were arrogant, that they were overconfident. It's the same as what Xingxin said is worthless,
As the boss of the team, Chen Guo usually has nothing else to do except manage the affairs of the Internet cafe, and she doesn't want to train, so naturally she has a lot of free time to read those comments on the Internet. Nature was affected.

"What did the media say, can it change anything?" Ye Xiu asked back, "If they like us, will we definitely win the championship? In other words, if they don't like us, will Xingxin definitely not be able to win the championship?"

Chen Guo was taken aback, then showed a suddenly realized expression,

That's right, the decision is in our own hands, even if everyone is not optimistic about Xingxin, so what?It's the Xingxin players playing the game, not the media and black fans.

I am too concerned about the sounds of the outside world,
Chen Guo finally figured it out.


If you want to understand, you want to understand, but Xingxin also exposed many problems in the first round.

Baozi's "nervousness", Tang Rou's grasp of the rhythm of the game, An Wenyi's handicap, Fang Rui who has just transformed...

These are all unstable factors,

As if seeing the worries in Chen Guo's heart, Ye Xiu slowly explained: "Xiao Tang's talent for glory is unquestionable, and you know this well. If you practice more over time, you will surely achieve some success."

"Although An Wenyi's operation is not good, his healing awareness can definitely be ranked first in the league, and he is also very concerned about training, so there is a lot of room for improvement."

"Not to mention Baozi, if he can play well, he can completely confuse Wang Dayan."

Ye Xiu was really not joking with this sentence. With Baozi's nervousness, it is really possible for the magician to suffer.

"That guy Fang Rui is a little wretched, but don't forget that he has the nickname of the golden right hand. Don't worry about his strength. Just give him a period of time to find the feeling. It's really impossible to kick him out. He was bought here at a high price, and I, the captain, will not be able to stand it if it is too expensive.”

"Pfft..." Chen Guo covered her mouth and laughed out loud. She was amused by Ye Xiu's second half of the joke, and the "gloom" on her face was also swept away at this moment.

Yes, the current trough is only temporary, and Xingxin will head towards the highest mountain no matter what!

Not for himself, but also for the veteran in front of him...!
"In short, don't worry, everything will be left to me."

Immediately, Ye Xiu gave her a "trust me" look.


In addition, Blue Rain, Wind Howl, Tiny Herb, Samsara and other big teams are adapting to the new lineup,

In the first round of the competition, Blue Rain placed the newly introduced Du Ming in the singles competition. Unfortunately, Du Ming failed to win his first singles competition in Blue Rain.
In the subsequent team competition, Yu Wenzhou did not arrange for Du Ming to play, and it seemed that Blue Rain's "Three Musketeers Lineup" would not appear in front of the public until a while later in the evening.

As for Tiny Herb, she was trying her best to adapt to the situation without Qiu Fei,
It has to be said that Xiao Qiufei's importance to Tiny Herb is still very great. After all, once he left, Tiny Herb lost a big scoring point in the single match, and his offensive and defensive abilities in the team match also improved. Down, originally Qiu Fei could help Xu Bin protect the pastor in the team competition,

Now that he's gone, this task can only be done by Xu Bin alone. In the first round of the league's team competition, Priest Tiny Herb was stolen and almost lost the team competition.
Although finally got 5 points in the team competition.

But the process of the game made Wang Jiexi dissatisfied, and the rest of Tiny Herb's team members were also dissatisfied, so after the first round, the whole Tiny Herb team conducted a replay very seriously, and practiced for an extra afternoon.

And if you want to say that the happiest ones are the fans of the Wu Xiao family,

One step directly to the third position!
In the past, Wind Howling fans didn't even dare to think about it, but now they have done it!

Third in the league!

This third gave Hu Xiao fans great encouragement,

Keep this momentum going, maybe you really have a chance to win the championship this year!
As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad. Fans of Wind Howling are happy, but fans of Samsara next door are not in a good mood. After leaving three generals, they have a bad start to the new season...

In a tense battle environment,
Soon, the second round of the tenth season will start,
The camera turned and came to the scene of the game,
In the player channel,
Tang Hao waited for the broadcast sound with a serious face, until the mechanical sound came,
"Players from both sides please enter!"

Tang Hao waved his hand: "Let's go!"

This round of Howl's opponent: Team Samsara!
(End of this chapter)

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