Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 387 Season [-], start! !

Chapter 387 The tenth season, start! !
As soon as the camera turned, the battle was over, and we came to the awards ceremony.
The champions and runners-up have their own medals. There is no third and third runners-up, and the runners-up only have medals. In addition to a medal for each champion, the champion team also has a small trophy.

And the contestants of other teams can get a beautiful gift, as a reward for the players these days.

At the awards ceremony, first the runner-ups received their medals.

"Next, we will invite players from Excellent Era Veteran Team to come to the stage to accept the awards." Feng Xianjun presided over the award ceremony,

Ye Xiu led the team, waved to the audience first, then walked in front of Feng Xianjun,
"Congratulations." Feng Xianjun smiled, and whispered in Ye Xiu's ear: "Looking forward to your performance in Xingxin, the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is ready, I wonder if it will be available at that time."

It could be regarded as a counterattack to Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu just smiled slightly.

After the Excellent Era players received their medals one by one, it was the turn of the Hundred Blossoms players to play.

"Concession, concession." Zhang Jiale yelled at Ye Xiu who hadn't gone far.
"Shameless!" Ye Xiu turned around and raised his middle finger at him.

The outcome of this finals was as predicted by the public before the match. Hundred Blossoms won the victory like a smashing bamboo.

After One Autumn Leaf broke the scene of blooming flowers and blood, Hundred Blossoms quickly took over the position,

Ye Xiu broke the double flower, but failed to break the triple flower. The players in other positions of Excellent Era were also suppressed by Hundred Blossoms, and finally lost the game.

This made the fans of other players feel powerless, how should they deal with Hundred Blossoms next season?

Of course, there are still 9 days left in the new season. During these 9 days, all major teams are also preparing to start pre-season training.

"The first Legend Cup is officially over, thank you for your support!" Amid Feng Xianjun's congratulations, the competition ended successfully, and another small trophy was added to the Hundred Blossoms Hall of Fame.


Time passed quickly, three days passed by, and the transfer window will continue to be open for a while before the official start of the tenth season, but from the current point of view, there are still no rumors, just some account cards and the like the transfer,
For example, before Lu Boyuan, Wu Qi, and Du Ming, their account cards in Samsara were also bought by the new owner. These are all expected, after all, it is impossible to just buy people without selling account cards.

Currently, the big names in the transfer window include player Li Hua and his account Kalin Dark Grass Jing, as well as Boundless Sea, which has no one in charge of the Linhai team after Zhao Yang's retirement.

Li Hua's ownership has not yet been determined. At the very beginning, the scandal with the Blue Rain team broke out, and the two sides almost reached a formal agreement. Who would have thought that Blue Rain would suddenly sign Du Ming at the speed of light. It also means that Lan Yu and Li Hua can only be destined for each other...

The contract between Li Hua and Misty Rain has expired, and currently there is no team name on his profile, and he has a clear identity as a free agent.
Compared to him, a free man, Team Misty Rain still has a few contracts that haven't expired, but they want to escape...

Misty Club,
The dormitory has turned off the lights, but the two figures are still talking cross-legged on the bed,
"Sister, is it really the only way to do this? We..." Qiu Kexin said with some reluctance,
Sitting in front of her was the twin sister, Shu Keyi,
Originally, the two sisters had agreed to become famous together in Misty Rain, and then transferred to a big club to develop, but now the fame is not so resounding, but the time has come for the two sisters to part ways...

"Well... You have to work hard at your new club. Misty Rain won't be able to stay anymore, so we can meet in the playoffs." Shu Keyi said earnestly,



the next morning,

Misty Rain high-level office,
"What! Just leave as you say, didn't you agree to renew the contract a few days ago..." Manager Yanyu was furious on the phone, wishing to eat the person opposite,

"A verbal agreement doesn't count." On the other end of the phone was a female voice, "It's not just me, my sister is leaving too."

"Why didn't you notify me in advance?!" Manager Yanyu was so angry that she was about to explode. The person on the other end of the phone was Shu Keyi. Today's call was like an announcement, saying that she was leaving.

"Hehe, is this necessary?" After finishing speaking, Shu Keyi hung up the phone, leaving only Manager Yanyu in a daze,
He slumped in a chair, exhausted,

Compared with the physical weakness, what emptied his soul more was the feeling of powerlessness in his heart,

Li Hua is gone, Tian Sen is poached, and the Shu sisters are about to leave. How many people can Team Misty Rain keep?

"It's over..." At this moment, even he, the manager, had the idea of ​​escaping from the sinking ship,
After a while,
The official announcement of Team Wind Howl has signed Yanyu female player Shu Keyi,
This is a transfer in the form of liquidated damages, that is to say, Huo Xiao poached Qiu Keyi by smashing the liquidated damages angrily. It is the kind that cannot be discussed. This is also the reason why Qiu Keyi was so stubborn on the phone just now.
Anyway, from the current point of view, both parties to this deal are quite satisfied. Wind Howl has always been short of a gun player, and in such a market, although Shu Keyi is not a first-tier player, at least she can use it.

As for the money... Wu Xiao is really not short of money at the moment, he sold an all-star Fang Rui, plus the money left from selling Lin Jingyan before, Hu Xiao still has a lot of money in his pocket,
And when Misty Rain signed the Shu sisters, the two sisters were still pure rookies, so the liquidated damages were not set high, because under the league's regulations, the liquidated damages were set based on the strength of the players.
This also gave the Shu sisters a chance to change jobs.

And as the only victim of this transaction, Misty Rain, is really suffering now and can't express it.
They didn't even know the news this morning, and they were informed in an almost notification-like tone, because Shu Keyi's handover with the high-level executives of Wind Howl was done in private, that is to say, the Yanyu side was not aware of this matter. She didn't know at all, until Shu Keyi called this morning.

Not long after Wind Howl's official announcement, another club made an official announcement,

[-] announced the signing of the female player of Team Misty Rain, Qiu Kexin,

Well, the sisters are all gone now.

The nature of the two transfers was almost exactly the same, and [-] was also short of a gun player. With few resources in the market, they set their sights on Shu Kexin, and the two hit it off. Didn't know it until this morning.

The two official announcements can be regarded as completely awakening the long-silent transfer window, and more and more eyes are cast on this side,
There is a lot of discussion on Internet forums.
"My heart aches for Misty Rain for a second..."

"Two more at once, why do I feel that Misty Rain is going to follow Excellent Era's old path..."

"By the way, what's wrong with their account cards? They've gotten to the point of liquidated damages. Can Misty Rain sell the account cards easily?"

"Who knows, but I think Misty Rain has to be sold if not sold."

"How about this?"

"Yanyu in Fengcheng! Isn't this a vivid example? Yanyu wants to take revenge on Baihua in his hands. Now that a year has passed, how much has the value of Yanyu in Fengcheng dropped?"

"The upstairs makes sense!!"

That's right, this is exactly what the big teams are thinking. The reason why Wind Howl and Three Zero One didn't rush to buy account cards is because they forced Misty Rain to sell them consciously.

What should be urgent now is not them, but Misty Rain,

If Misty Rain insisted on not selling it, at worst, he would create an account card by himself. Wind Howl and [-] Degrees also had this background, but they just needed to spend more energy, while Misty Rain would lose money in vain.

Fans from other houses were all watching the fun, but Yanyu fans were really panicking now, could it be that they really want to disband in place?At this time last year, they also watched Excellent Era's excitement like this, now it's alright, it's their turn to be laughed at...

The team members jumped away one after another, and the little hearts of Yanyu fans couldn't bear it.

Soon, the Yanyu fans in S City spontaneously organized offline, went to the downstairs of the Yanyu Club to protest, and asked the club's senior management to come forward and give an explanation.

"Boss...they're shouting again." In the office, Manager Yanyu peeked out through a corner of the curtain, and then hurriedly pulled the curtain tightly, for fear that there would be a gap.
Boss Yanyu rubbed his temples helplessly, he seemed to be a few years older these days,
He really didn't expect the Shu sisters to change jobs. Originally, he had promised Yu Feng that he would make a difference in the transfer window this summer. Now it's all right, they didn't sign in, but they lost two more...

"How about Yu Feng?" Boss Misty Rain frowned.

"Nobody answers the phone…"


Another three days have passed, and there are only two days left before the start of the new season, and there is only a little time left before the transfer window closes.

The large-scale series "Where is Li Hua going" that has been updated for two months has finally come to an end on this day.

Team Wind Howl's official announcement: Signed free agent Li Hua.

Shortly thereafter, Li Hua also issued a statement on his social account that he will play for Team Wind Howl next season.
Li Hua finally got off the tree!roar!
If you want to say that the most active this summer is the Wind Howl Club. After leaving two players, they signed two players in a row, and they signed them overnight. Muffled buyer!No sign!
But thinking about it is right, Wind Howl left two players, one Liu Hao and one Fang Rui, the salary space has been vacated a lot, and signing Li Hua as a free agent is still more than enough.

In this way, Wind Howl will return to the championship ranks in the new season!
Tang Hao leads, Li Hua should be no problem as the vice-captain, as expected, after all, the coffee position is there, at least he is an All-Star player,

It can be said that Li Hua and Huo Xiao are running in both directions. After Li Hua missed Lan Yu, he needed a next home, and just happened to meet Huu Xiao. Fang Rui's original position in the whistling formation naturally took his turn I went to Li Hua to do it,
The discord between Fang Rui and Tang Hao is more about personal style. Fang Rui is too "obscene", and Tang Hao can't understand this kind of style.
And Li Hua's professional ninja and Fang Rui's thief belong to the same big professional department, and their professional style is similar, which just makes up for the professional gap after Fang Rui left. At the same time, Li Hua is not a wretched player. If they fit together, this transfer will come naturally.

However, next season Tang Hao may have to take on more of the role of positive pressure. After all, Liu Hao is gone, and there is one less person in the front row.

If the command power can be given to Li Hua, the competitiveness of this Wind Howl team is quite sufficient. After all, his command ability is still stronger than Tang Hao. We will see if Tang Hao will take the initiative to delegate power...


Another day passed, the last day before the transfer market closed,
After the actions of the Shu sisters Hua and Li Hua, the transfer window is about to calm down.

Whether Misty Rain sells account cards or not, this question also ushered in the answer,
In order to avoid a large number of accounts stuck in his hands and drop in value, Misty Rain still chose to stop the loss in time,
Lin Ancao was startled, who didn't bow his head, and Mo dared to fight back. The three account cards were all sold to their respective next owners at a price of 20 to 50 yuan below the market price.

And Misty Rain in Fengcheng, the account card of the Yanyu Town team's treasure, finally welcomed his transfer,
Misty Rain is still letting go, there is no way, the price of Misty Rain in Fengcheng City has dropped too much in the past year, unless he can find a suitable elemental mage player, but the problem is that Misty Rain can't be found, and there is no one in the Glory circle.
In order to prevent Fengcheng Yanyu's account card from becoming a "useless card", Yanyu compromised with Baihua,

Fengcheng Misty Rain was sold to Hundred Flowers Club at a price of 400W.

So far, the fetters between Misty Rain and Misty Rain in Fengcheng City are completely over,

And the price of 400W is really a big deal for Baihua. A year ago, the price of the first elemental mage of Glory, Fengcheng Misty Rain, was at least double this figure, and it might even reach tens of millions!

There is no way, even if it is 400W, Misty Rain can only sell it,

The 400W was obtained by the senior management of Yanyu. Originally, when the transfer window first started, the price of Yanyu in Fengcheng City was 500W. Later, Baihua lowered the price all the way. Although they didn't say it, everyone knew that Baihua wanted to buy it, so they waited for Yanyu to lower the price.

Every family slaughtered Yanyu as a pig, and Yanyu had to laugh and cut off the flesh from her own body.

It's not just Misty Rain in Fengcheng, Tian Sen's night brocade clothes that he used in Misty Rain was also packed into Baihua, and he also bought it at a lower price than the market price.


Hundred Flowers Club,
Under Chu Yunxiu's guidance, the technical department fused the equipment on the two characters of Fengcheng Misty Rain and Feng Huaxueyue, dismantled what should be dismantled, and disassembled when it should be disassembled. In one afternoon, Fengcheng Misty Rain had been equipped for seven Seven or eight, except for one or two parts on the body that need to be redeveloped, but they are not so important parts. For the time being, you can use level 75 orange to top it.
And Misty Rain in Fengcheng will also be the account card that Chu Yunxiu will use next season, so Baihua definitely didn't buy it as a display.
But before that, the Hundred Blossoms Club contacted the Glory official to change Fengcheng Misty Rain's gender from male to female. Now Fengcheng Misty Rain's fans are happy. Following Fengcheng Misty Rain to change her gender, it is finally possible now.

Glory time September [-]rd, at twelve o'clock in the evening,

As the bell rang in the early morning, the transfer window was officially closed, and it also symbolized the official start of the new season...

 Last night, because I was too tired from the internship, I went home and lay down and fell asleep.
  Hugs, guys~
(End of this chapter)

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