Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 384 Tickets to the Finals

Chapter 384 Tickets to the Finals

Mu En took advantage of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' entanglement with Wang Buliuxing to sneak around behind him, and then—

Falling Flower Palm! !

A strong palm wind knocked Dazzling Hundred Flowers down, and fell heavily into the sea of ​​flames below.

The fall and the damage from the flames caused Dazzling Hundred Blossoms to enter a state of continuous blood loss.

Now, Wang Buliuxing's negative influence from the ice bomb has been eliminated,
In the next second, Wang Buliuxing and Mu En swooped down from the sky,
One left and one right, two ghosts fight together! !
The movements of the two were almost synchronized, and they both used high-level damage skills-broom whirlwind!
"Tiny Herb is going to kill Dazzling Hundred Blossoms directly! This is not good for Baihua. The competition has just started. If Dazzling Hundred Blossoms is eliminated early, it will not be a good result for them. It's hard to fight." Li Yibo let out a sigh, and quickly entered the explaining state.
"Teacher Li is right!"

Pan Lin on the side also nodded repeatedly. It feels good to have a partner.

On the field,

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was waiting in full force, it was too late to hide now, his position had been completely locked by the two magicians in the air, and his series of escape skills were still cooling down, in this case, he could only Put the butt of the gun in front of your face,
Two lights and shadows flashed by,

Sting la la...

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' blood volume plummeted again, to 76%, but this didn't seem to match the damage of the two broom whirlwinds, and there was a high probability that one was missing.

Bai Hua Dazzling was slightly taken aback until he saw the figure in front of him, then he said, "Thank you."


Judging from the real-time damage table, Mu En's output data changed normally, while Wang Buliuxing's output data seemed to be hindered.
Taking a closer look, it was a blood-red figure. Before Wang Buliuxing could descend, he used his epee to hold back the opponent's attack!
"It's Blossoming Chaos, Zhang Jiale's partner Sun Zheping rushed over to save the situation!" Pan Lin exclaimed, his eyes fell on the blood bar of Luohua Chaos, which inexplicably lost about 10%.

As expected, the reason why Blossoming Chaos rushed over so quickly was that they took the initiative to sell a wave of blood.

Wang Buliuxing's skill was forced to stop by Luohuachao, but it was only suspended and not interrupted, but this time it fell on Luohuachao,
And Blossoming Chaos didn't have a free skill, but used a whirlwind to exchange blood,

Both Wang Buliuxing and Blossoming Chaos' blood volume declined,
Wang Jiexi looked seriously at this opponent in front of him, this opponent who looked like a lunatic, he saw how difficult Han Wenqing's fight was in the previous round, and now it was his turn to face this lunatic.

"Come on!" Wang Buliuxing turned the broom in his hand, a stream of holy light slowly rose from his body,

And Blossoming Chaos just stood there, looking at Wang Buliuxing, as if saying: Let's end the game I didn't play in the fifth season due to injury today! !

Blossoming Chaos' fighting spirit became stronger and stronger. So far in Hundred Blossoms, as the captain, Sun Zheping faced the opponent's core in every scene, and he didn't flinch in the slightest. He is worthy of the captain's responsibility! !
All eyes outside the arena are focused here,
In the next second, two beams of light, one green and one red, rushed out.
Falling Flower Palm!Round dance stick!Lava Flask!Frost Powder!

Cross cut!Rush and stab!Slash!Silver falling blade!
Wang Buliuxing's attack methods varied, and the attack rhythm became faster and faster. Melee and long-range attacks were used in turn, taking advantage of speed to shuttle back and forth,

In contrast, although Blossoming Chaos is a bit bulkier, every attack is full of domineering, which makes Wang Jiexi have to play [-] points to deal with it. If he is accidentally controlled, the rhythm of the game will be slow. will crash in an instant...

The audience outside the stadium is also discussing,

Looking at this posture, Sun Zheping's attack is still so brutal after the hand injury, so what if it was him before the hand injury?
In the fifth season, Sun Zheping was absent, and Tiny Herb successfully defended the championship. If he was in the fifth season, would Tiny Herb still win the championship?

On the other side, Zhanhua and Chaocao finally rushed over, and with a spear, he poked it out four times in a row, as if trying to cut through the air,
Mu En in front was forced to stop and was forced to enter a defensive state.
Gao Yingjie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, did he have any enmity with the Battle Mage?The last match was with Sun Xiang, and this time it was with Yi Tianming.

That being said, Gao Yingjie was still ready for battle.
Mu En soared into the air, waved a handful of powder, and emitted a little light in the air,

Sorcerer Skill - Scatter Powder! !
Zhanhuachacao didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, and blasted out a palm with his left hand, which was exactly the falling flower palm that Mu En had just succeeded in sneak attacking. In an instant, a strong palm wind blew the powder away.

The moment the powder is blown away,

Mu En threw a star card forward, and the card accelerated violently in the air, turning into a yellow light beam, which directly penetrated the distance of several personalities.

He didn't show any weakness, but he swept his spear away, and the lawn in front of him turned into a body of water out of thin air. In the next second, a silver-white dragon jumped out of it!

Jiaolong goes to sea! !
The moment the two powerful impact forces collided, the picture seemed to be frozen.

Both Zhanhuajiacao and Muen took two steps back in shock,

Beep!Beep! !

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and the fire that was not far away began to spread near the two of them.
Mu En rode on the broom, ready to fly into the air to avoid the burning of the flames, but Yi Tianming was not going to let him go easily,

There was a sound of dragon chant, and the spear in Zhanhuajiacao's hand seemed to have turned into a dragon shape, and the angry dragon pierced through the heart and broke! !

"It's not good!" Gao Yingjie was startled, and Mu En had no choice but to jump down from mid-air to avoid this angry dragon piercing his heart.

In the next second, under the blessing of the unknown wind, the fire spread successfully and surrounded Zhan Hua Jiao Cao and Mu En heavily.

Yi Tianming didn't intend to leave, only one of him and Gao Yingjie could get out of this sea of ​​flames alive.

In the next second, countless spears stabbed out, and with the spread of the fire, Mu En was forced to the center area where the fire was most intense.
In this way, the blood burned by Mu Enzhuo is much more than the one that was burned by flowers and grass.

After that, Zhanhuajiacao made another sweeping sweep, Mu En couldn't dodge in time, and was shocked to roll several times in the sea of ​​flames, in a state of embarrassment,
After a few face-to-face encounters, Mu En has completely fallen into a passive state. There is no way, his two high-level damage skills are in a cooling state, and now he is unable to fly and fight when he is close, and his combat ability has plummeted.

"No, if this continues..." Gao Yingjie gritted his teeth, thinking about how to deal with it,

Under the strong pressure, Mu En could only use the night cloak, and used the cloak behind him to gain a chance to breathe for himself, but it was only a breath, and it couldn't help him break the situation.
Zhanhuajiecao took a step forward obliquely, and before the effect of the night cloak passed, he stabbed forward with his battle spear, and lifted Muen up with the cloak,

When Mu En flew into the air, the flamboyant attack suddenly turned, the spear in his hand completed a 180° turn in the air, and then slammed from top to bottom, strong dragon pressure! !

Mu En fell heavily to the ground again. His distressed appearance attracted the audience outside the arena who couldn't bear to watch it. It was so embarrassing. Mu En was able to fight at the beginning, but he was beaten all the time afterwards. An all-star Is the gap between the top players and the Six Saints really that big?You know, Yi Tianming didn't use his strongest ace, the Berserker.

"Come on." In the auditorium, a young figure clenched his fists and silently cheered for Gao Yingjie on the field.

In the next second, with a swipe of the spear, the whole person is surrounded by a strong aura, and a giant dragon is also rapidly forming.

Fulong soars to the sky!

"Opportunity!" The young figure in the stands shouted, this was exactly what Gao Yingjie was thinking at the moment,

In the war room, Gao Yingjie's eyes moved slightly, recalling the time when he and Qiu Fei were studying Glory in the war room,
"Fulong Xiangtian is a physical and magical dual damage skill. The damage is extremely high, but the disadvantage is that the forward and backward swings are longer."

"So, if I'm fighting, I'll go around behind him while he's swinging forward."

"This...can it be successful?"

"Try on the number one."


On the field,

It's now!

Mu En grabbed the broom, and a gravity-accelerated shot came to the back of Molly in an instant,
boom! !

"Success!" Gao Yingjie was overjoyed, and the young figure off the field also cheered excitedly. This young man was none other than Qiu Fei.

On the field,

Mu En's broom fell heavily on the top of Mo Hua's head, and Yi Tianming canceled Fu Long Xiang Tian's reading in an instant, but he still saved it, which was unexpected by Gao Yingjie.
Zhanhua Jiecao jumped up, and used the flying dragon to aim at Muen in the sky. A powerful impact smashed a deep hole in the ground under Muen's feet.


On the other side, a small group battle broke out between the three of Baihua and the three of Tiny Herb,

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms used the cover of the Hundred Blossom style of play, combined with Fenghua Xueyue to output, suppressing the three of Tiny Herb to death,
Duhuo, Cordyceps sinensis, and Ye Xiahong, the three of them can only report to the regiment to resist, but the situation of the three of them has become precarious. After all, Deng Fusheng's knights are not the main defense. Originally, when he was still in service, the defense ability of the circle against him Xu Bin has a collective acquiescence,

But now, under the double oppression of the Hundred Blossoms style of play and the first elemental mage of Glory, Deng Fusheng's independent life can only barely resist...

In the battlefield here, Baihua and the others were in an advantageous position, while Tiny Herb and the others could only resist. They were waiting for rescue, but who would lend a helping hand?
Wooden?Wang Buliu?
Both are haunted by their respective rivals...

boom! !

Suddenly, a roar sounded, and everyone's eyes were drawn to it. The roar came from the area with the most intense fire not far away.
Wang Jiexi looked there, his heart skipped a beat. It was where Gao Yingjie was...

Then, a message pops up,
[Tiny Herb's character, Mu En, is out]

"so beautiful!!"

Hundred Flowers cheered outside the arena. From now on, the one-on-one PK between Zhanhuajiacao and Mu En ended with Zhanhuajiacao winning.

Tiny Herb lost one person first, and the sixth person made Junzi automatically enter the battlefield. Before he rushed to the frontal battlefield, Baihua gained a short-term numerical advantage. Next, we will see what effect Baihua will play during this period of time. If the effect is good, this paragraph Time will directly lay the foundations of victory,

"Good job." Zhang Jiale also praised in the team channel, and the situation of Hundred Blossoms became much more favorable now.
Next second,
Zhanhuamocao jumped up from the fire, but he didn't go to where Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was, but rushed to the side of Luohualangmo,

Yi Tianming knew that compared to Zhang Jiale, Sun Zheping needed his own help more.

Afterwards, Zhan Hua Chao Cao and Luo Hua Chao Chao surrounded Wang Buliuxing one after the other. With Zhan Hua Chao Cao joining in, the fight here became much easier.
Wang Buliuxing was already haunted by Luohuachao, and now that there is another promiscuous person, his own situation is naturally worse...

The overall situation has been set,

Seeing this, all the professional players came to a conclusion one after another. No matter how brave Wang Jiexi was, it would be difficult for him to protect himself against the siege of Yi Tianming and Sun Zheping, let alone support his teammates.

The subsequent plot completely entered the rhythm of flowers,
Zhanhuachacao and Luohualangmo killed Wang Buliuxing by force, and with Wang Buliuxing's downfall, Tiny Herb's morale was greatly reduced.

With two veteran generals, Deng Fusheng and Fang Shiqian, although the morale of the army is not chaotic, there is one fact that cannot be changed, that is, Tiny Herb's frontal attackers are all eliminated, leaving only one knight, one ghost swordsman, one Sharpshooters and priests don't have frontal melee attackers, which means that it will be almost astronomically difficult for Tiny Herb to make a comeback.

The competition continues, but the balance of victory has been completely tilted to Baihua's side,

Afterwards, Baihua took advantage of the victory and pursued, annihilating the rest of Tiny Herb's forces one after another.

Hundred Blossoms veteran team won! !
Tiny Herb fell on Baihua's body again, and people couldn't help but ask, did Baihua defeat Tiny Herb a bit?
"Then... Congratulations to Hundred Blossoms, they have successfully advanced to the finals of the Legend Cup!! Let's give them applause!!" Li Yibo laughed.
Now that's all right, including this one, now Tiny Herb and Baihua have two debts to settle.

"Congratulations." After the match, Wang Jiexi led the team and shook hands with the Hundred Blossoms players one by one.

"Thank you." Sun Zheping responded calmly. This game is not revenge for him. The wounded in the fifth season was finally healed today.

After a short rest, the second group of semi-finals is ready to start.
Blue Rain VS Excellent Era,

Compared with the bright starlight of the previous group, this group is a bit dimmer in comparison. The more eye-catching ones on this side belong to the tactical masters in their respective teams.
This match is bound to be a duel of master tacticians.


"Take care of me." Yu Wenzhou smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Ye Xiu.
"You too." Ye Xiu smiled back, shook hands with him, then looked at Wei Chen opposite,

"Old Wei, I'll take your knife later."

(End of this chapter)

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