Chapter 382
Generally speaking, the one in charge of the team is often the one with the biggest coffee position,

For example, hundreds of flowers, tiny grasses, and voids are all like this.

of course there are exceptions,
Samsara is the exception. Jiang Botao is the second in command, but he has assumed the role of commander.

The reason is very simple. Zhou Zekai, the most famous man in the league, is well-known as a "dumb" in the league. He speaks very little. It's not that he deliberately doesn't speak, but that he feels powerless that he can't express his true inner thoughts.

It can be seen that God is still fair. While bestowing Zhou Zekai with a good skin and a talent for glory, he deprived him of the ability to express his inner thoughts.
Hmm... barely fair.

One Zhou Zekai and one Yu Wenzhou, the two least in the league, one speaks the least, and the other has the least (slow) hand speed.

back to business,

Therefore, it is unrealistic for Samsara to expect Zhou Zekai to command the situation. He can't use words like "um" and "oh" to command the overall situation, right?
But command is essential. Without command, the whole team becomes a headless chicken.
But Jiang Botao is not here, so if Sun Xiang directs... ahem, the effect may be as good as Zhou Zekai's directing,
Fortunately, Jiang Botao is not here, but his heart is tied here.

One afternoon just before the start of the Legend Cup,

"Senior Zhang, you have a lot of experience, and you have to coach the team commander, so I will trouble you." Zhang Yiwei received a call, and it was Jiang Botao on the other end of the call. In addition to his voice, there was also a burst of crackling firecrackers. ,
Zhang Yiwei, the first operator of Cloud Piercer, of course, when he held Cloud Piercer, this id was not as famous as it is now, and it was not until Zhou Zekai's birth later that he completely earned the title of King of Guns.

As for Zhang Yiwei, he can be regarded as an average player, at most above average. After retiring, he went to coach a new team. After a season of hard work...

The team was relegated.

Hmm...It sounds a bit unfortunate, and this unfortunate team is Mysterious Fantasy. No one would have thought that this was just the beginning. drowned in the wave of challenge,

If you think it's over here, it's not necessarily true.
The tenth season, that is, the next season, Team Mysterious Fantasy is preparing to make a comeback and vows to fight the Challenger League to the end. However, this year's Challenger League also has a "non-good stubble" - the new version of Excellent Era led by talented rookie Qiu Fei, I don't know if Zhang Yiwei can lead Xuan Qi to pass the challenge this time...

Having said that, Team Mysterious Fantasy can be regarded as the first team in the league to adopt a coach.
The coach is responsible for arranging tactics and reducing the pressure on the captain,

However, there is no clear positioning for this role in the modern league, because currently none of the 20 teams in the league has hired a coach.

Maybe there is no suitable candidate. After all, coaches are generally retired players. Just like football coaches, most of them are retired professional players. It is more reasonable to calculate,
Or maybe there is some potential conflict between the position of the coach and the captain. After all, the job of the coach is to arrange tactics and players, but these have always been arranged by the captain.
If there is a conflict between the arrangements of the two, who should the players listen to?Will there be infighting within the team?
If the coach has too much power, the captain will become a marionette in his hands. Over time, the captain's right to speak becomes smaller and smaller, and finally the locker room in the team breaks down.And if the captain has too much power, then the coaches are dispensable, it is better not to hire them, and save a lot of salary.

These are all factors that prevent coaches from appearing on the stage of glory. Maybe only some retired big-name players can hold the locker room, but how big is a big name?Six Saints?The six saints are still in the alliance...

In addition, the rights of both the coach and the captain need to be placed on an appropriate balance, otherwise the role of the coach is not suitable for the current stage of glory, at least it will not appear in recent years. The team captains would rather be tired, and don't want a role that disrupts the balance of the team to appear.

But one thing is not to worry, the coaches always have some tactical foundation, which is why Jiang Botao rest assured to hand over the command to Zhang Yiwei,
And... Zhang Yiwei, can you give us a satisfactory answer?

The camera is given to the game,

The players on both sides are ready to go, as are the fans off the court. Tiny Herb defends its sovereignty, and Samsara Fang vows to take revenge.
And the fans of other families, just concentrate on eating melons...

"Oh! The God of Healing, Alchemist Qian, is using a guardian angel. Isn't this a signal!" Pan Lin explained the game on the field,

Guardian Angel has more self-protection ability and does not need the close protection of his teammates like a priest. As for Fang Shiqian's evaluation, the industry agrees that it is very high, and he is even better than Zhang Xinjie in terms of pure healing ability.

"Protect yourself, and declare in time if there is a situation." On the court, Wang Buliuxing said as he flew past Fangfeng.

"Don't worry." Fang Shiqian replied calmly.

Afterwards, the five of Tiny Herb accelerated their marching speed,

Tiny Herb's lineup: two sorcerers, one knight, one sharpshooter, one guardian angel,
Pretty balanced lineup.
More importantly, the operators behind this lineup are all masters with the ability to command, Wang Jiexi, Deng Fusheng, Fang Shiqian, Gao Yingjie, these four alone can lead the team to command, except Gao Yingjie's The ability to command still needs a little training, and the other three are masters of command.

This is exactly what Samsara lacks, so the Tiny Herb team's tactics in this game are to fight for command, play flexible tactics, change positions many times in a row, and beat the opponent with a time difference.

On Samsara's side, Cloud Piercer and One Autumn Leaf rushed to the forefront, followed by Xiaoge Ziruo and Zhang Yiwei's shootout, and finally there was a retired veteran player who played the sixth player.

On the map, the coordinates of the two sides are getting closer...

Da da da…!Da da da…! !

The first to fire was Cloud Piercer, Tiny Herb Knight Duhuo had already appeared in his vision,

The operator behind this independent work is not Xu Bin, but Deng Fusheng, so the style is naturally not grinding, but a heroic charge,
Duhuo held up the shield, and the bullet from a shot from Piercing Cloud was slightly deformed when it hit it, causing violent friction and then fell to the ground, and there were also some dents on Duhuo's shield,
The audience outside the arena were all amazed, Deng Fusheng is really a seasoned man!The delicate positioning blocked most of the shooting angles of One Gun Piercer!

Of course, Zhou Zekai will not stop here,

One shot from Cloud Piercer and one sliding shovel, followed by a jump, instantly opened the gap of three positions, and then another shot indiscriminately, this time Deng Fusheng couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and was half-swept.

"Go! He's the only one." This time, Wang Jiexi had also watched the battle situation and the terrain, and he was right, Samsara still sent Zhou Zekai to fight free men,
That is to say, there will be no teammates around Cloud Piercer, and it happens to be Tiny Herb's prime time.
Taking advantage of this moment, send Cloud Piercer out of the game, then Samsara will play very easily in the future! !

Wang Buliuxing rushed to Yiqiangyunyun's flank, trying to intercept him,
Of course Zhou Zekai is not stupid, he came to explore the way, not to die,
Cloud Piercer immediately retreated. While retreating, he continued to shoot. Each shot seemed to be fired randomly, one shot after another. In fact, the hit rate was as high as 95%. This was still moving at a fast pace. Yes, this shows Zhou Zekai's skills! ! !
Wang Jiexi looked at the far end, and could vaguely see 4 figures rushing this way, and he didn't need to think about it to know that they were members of Samsara.

He checked visually, and the large army on the opposite side was about [-] bodies away from here.

"We can't procrastinate any longer!" Wang Jiexi thought to himself,
Afterwards, Wang Buliuxing accelerated, and the gravity accelerated the shot!He swooped down and instantly pulled several positions closer!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Buliuxing released a high-level damage skill - Broom Whirlwind! !

The violent rotation forced Yiqiangyun Piercer to pause for a moment. The next second, Mu En flew over and landed directly in front of Yiqiangyun Piercer. As soon as he landed, he swung a round dance stick without stopping. !

However, Gao Yingjie still underestimated Zhou Zekai a bit, he shot Cloud Piercer instead of retreating, took a step forward obliquely, and hit Mu En's lower abdomen with a knee,
The last one came first, but Mu En was forced to take two steps back,

A gun piercer was just about to retreat, but was forced to stop by a deep roar, and a roll was completed between lightning and flint, and then a yellow beam of light penetrated the position he was just now,

boom! !

On a slope not far away, Ye Xiahong sniped with Barrett and aimed a shot at Chuanyun's head, but unfortunately the shot missed,
"What a quick reaction!" Liu Fei couldn't help being surprised.

The game continues,

The reincarnation army was divided into two groups, and One Autumn Leaf rushed over first. Sun Xiang seemed to want to make a big difference today.

"I'll play with you." One Autumn Leaf launched a surprise attack from Mu En's side with a Falling Flower Palm. Fortunately, Gao Yingjie reacted quickly enough, and also blasted a Falling Flower Palm,

But the final judgment result was that Mu En took two steps back, while One Autumn Leaf only took one and a half steps back. After all, in terms of character strength, there was still a gap between Mu En and One Autumn Leaf.

Seeing the arrival of the reinforcements, Cloud Piercer did not continue to escape, but launched a counterattack on the spot,


Two curved yellow lines appeared and finally converged on Mu En's body,
At the same time, One Autumn Leaf has also acquired a high-level skill - Wrathful Dragon Piercing Heart Break!The target is obviously Mu En!

Both sides exerted pressure at the same time, and the pressure instantly came to Gao Yingjie's side. In his haste, he could only throw a lava flask, but the damage of this skill was far worse than the damage he received.

"Little brat." Sun Xiang smiled, thinking that Gao Yingjie, who had been promoted to an All-Star, was nothing more than that. Even if Zhou Zekai didn't help, he could suppress it himself.

"Return to defense!" Just when Sun Xiang was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, a hasty voice from the electric board in the team interrupted his offensive.

The command from Zhang Yiwei, to be precise...should be calling for help,

Because the four of Tiny Herb had already completed their switch, and under the leadership of Wang Buliuxing, they surrounded them.
As for Mu En... it was just a cover for Wang Jiexi to stay behind!
"Tricked!" Sun Xiang asked in the team: "Are you going back or should I go back?"

"Me." Afterwards, Cloud Piercer began to retreat, ready to go back to help defend.

Although it was such a simple question, it was delayed for a second or two.
And this is also the shortcoming of Zhang Yiwei's command. He didn't directly name anyone to return to defense. If Jiang Botao was here, there would be no such mistake. Of course, there is a difference between temporary command and regular command.

And just after Cloud Piercer withdrew, Mu En and One Autumn Leaf had a one-on-one chance, Star Ray!Broom whirlwind!

Mu En used two high-level explosive skills in a row and launched a strong counterattack!
For a moment, Sun Xiang had no choice but to retreat.

On the other side, the four of Tiny Herb turned their fire again, it turned out that they surrounded the three of Samsara as a feint attack!The real purpose is to focus fire and pierce the clouds with one shot!
not good!

Zhou Zekai was startled, but he was still a step too late. Wang Buliuxing came to Cloud Piercer in an instant, and a Falling Flower Palm forced him to take a step back. Afterwards, the three teammates caught up with the output, and the blood bar of Cloud Piercer It evaporated in an instant.

"Rescue!" Zhang Yiwei's tactical literacy may be okay, but his on-the-spot reaction is really not good. It's okay to let him talk on paper, but once he is asked to lead troops to fight with "real guns and live ammunition", his reaction will be more than a beat slower.
By the time Zhang Yiwei said the word rescue and the three of Samsara returned to defend him, Cloud Piercer had already lost 3% of his HP.
"Help." Zhou Zekai also said a word on the team channel,

Zhang Yiwei mistakenly thought it was to rescue him, but later he found out that he had misunderstood,
At this moment, Jiang Botao, who was somewhere far away, looked at the live broadcast and couldn't help but slap his thigh: "Save Sun Xiang!"

See, this is the difference between a professional translator and an amateur translator,

back to the game,

Just when the three of Samsara successfully "rescued" Cloud Piercer, the four of Tiny Herb switched fire non-stop. They surrounded One Autumn Leaf, and then they besieged again.
Sun Xiang is still in a state of encirclement, didn't he fight one by one just now, why did he suddenly besiege him now, without talking about martial arts! ?
Turning fire three times in a row, Team Tiny Herb used these three times to completely break through Samsara, but Zhang Yiwei, as the commander, failed to crack it even once.

In the end, when the big characters of Tiny Herb's veteran team winning appeared on the big screen, all Samsara fans couldn't help but sigh,
It's so frustrating.

The overall reincarnation of this game is like a mess, there is no teamwork at all,

Although Cloud Piercer erupted at the last moment and took away two Tiny Herb players in a row, it still failed to save the situation.

Reincarnation, once again broken in Tiny Herb's hands,

"It seems that Jiang Botao's importance to reincarnation is still irreplaceable!" In the audience, Ye Xiu summed up a golden sentence with his hands on the pillow.

(End of this chapter)

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