Chapter 379
"Then... Congratulations to the Excellent Era Veteran Team, they have successfully advanced to the semi-finals!!" In the studio, Pan Lin talked eloquently, "The members of the Excellent Era Veteran Team performed very well today, especially the captain Ye Qiu... oh No, it should be Ye Xiu now."

Ye Xiu and Ye Qiu, for these two names, people still habitually think that the latter is the latter. After all, they have called Ye Qiu for eight years, and the name "Ye Xiu" only came out during the previous challenge of.

Pan Lin's slip of the tongue caused Su Mucheng who was sitting beside her to chuckle. Although there was no direct interaction between the two, the relationship between her and Ye Xiu still aroused the imagination of the audience.

The players from both sides walked out of the war room, the two captains Ye Xiu and Zhao Yang shook hands, and then the players shook hands in turn.

The process of this match didn't have many ups and downs. From the very beginning, Ye Xiu's One Autumn Leaf used his personal ability to forcibly hold back the two opponents, and then gradually expanded his advantage, nibbling away at his opponent step by step, and finally won the match.

"Congratulations." Zhao Yang smiled and shook hands with Ye Xiu, and the two big hands collided forcefully in the air.

"Thank you." Ye Xiu smiled.

After advancing to the quarterfinals, Zhao Yang had already passed the "addiction" of the knockout round, and now even if he was eliminated, he would have no regrets.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yang led the team, waved his hand, and officially ended, and the Linhai team also withdrew from the stage of this legend cup.

Ye Xiu didn't say much. Looking at Zhao Yang's back, he knew that this might be the last time he would meet this old opponent on the field.

After that, one side continued to recruit in the professional arena, and the other side disappeared into the crowd,

Or maybe... there is still a chance to meet in the next Legend Cup?


"It really made him win." In the reincarnation area, Sun Xiang looked at the result of this match, stroked his chin and said, thinking in his heart:

"I don't know if there is a chance to meet Excellent Era."

If there is a chance to meet, then this will be a direct dialogue between the two operators of God of War, and both of them will use One Autumn Leaf.

Sun Xiang wants to touch, but the competition schedule doesn't seem to be so easy to agree to. Whether Samsara can pass Tiny Herb's test without Jiang Botao is not sure...

Then, the second group of games continued,
Blue Rain vs. [-]. People's attention in this match is mainly whether Yang Cong can continue to use his life-threatening blow to take away Huang Shaotian or Yu Wenzhou. This will be [-]'s best chance of winning.

"Keep an eye on the scenery on the opposite side to kill, and for the rest, just stay steady." Before the match, Yu Wenzhou added one last sentence,
Blue Rain's tactic is very simple, it is to focus on one single point of you, Yang Cong, and the rest is nothing to worry about. If Xu Bin is still there, maybe it will be more difficult for Blue Rain to win, but the current [-] degrees does not have Xu Bin [-] degrees, so you only need to get stuck at a threatening point of Yang Cong.
Everyone knew that Yang Cong might use his own life to strike, even the ordinary audience outside the stadium could see this, so Lan Yu just didn't give him this chance,

In this game, Blue Rain implemented the true meaning of a defensive counterattack.

The four reported to the regiment to keep warm, Huang Shaotian still wandered, but his wandering range was narrowed to the vicinity of the large army, just to prevent Yang Cong from approaching quietly, and to prevent him from using his own life to strike.

As for [-] Degrees, it seemed that they really didn't have the ability to break Blue Rain's intensive defense. The team's offensive ability was not very strong. Now that the team has three retired veteran players, the overall strength has naturally declined a lot.

In the end, [-] was pushed off the "cliff" bit by bit, and Lan Yu counterattacked by defending, sending [-] out of the game.

As for whether the Sacrifice Strike that people are concerned about can be used, the final answer is that it can't be used. Blue Rain's defense is too good. Crispy master, but Troubling Rain really did a good job of protecting it. Yang Cong tried to find an opportunity to cut in, but was forced to retreat by Troubling Rain.
It can be seen from this that Huang Shaotian's personal ability is quite comprehensive, he can attack and defend, when attacking, he can quietly sneak behind the opponent's defense line alone, and when defending, he can protect the c position,
A very comprehensive player!

This is Pan Lin's evaluation of Huang Shaotian after the game, and then he analyzed the game schedule for everyone in the studio. The two team games in the morning ended here.
Then there was a break at noon, and the audience left in an orderly manner. Those who are close to the hotel can go back to take a nap, and those who are far away can only find a cool place to sit for a while. After all, it is more than 30 degrees outside. It's too hot to go.

There were two more games in the afternoon, Hundred Blossoms vs. Tyranny, and the "Battle of Revenge" between Samsara and Tiny Herb.

The two games in the afternoon received much more attention than the two games in the morning. After all, Linhai and [-] Degrees in the morning had relatively fewer fans, while the four teams in the afternoon were all strong teams. ,

In the match between Hundred Blossoms and Tyranny, more than [-]% of the audience voted before the match for Hundred Blossoms to win, and more than [-]% of the audience believed that Tyranny had a better chance of winning.

"The season on the opposite side is cold, so we need to pay attention." Zhang Jiale warned before the match. He actually said this to Sun Zheping alone. After all, except for Zeng Xinran, the rest of them are the main players for the three consecutive championships. In terms of awareness and reaction not bad,

Only Sun Zheping...Zhang Jiale was really worried, not because he thought Da Sun's reaction was slow, but because he was worried that Da Sun's reckless attack would leave a lot of space behind him, and the assassin Ji Leng caught him. That's the gap.

After all, even Zhang Jiale himself could hardly stop the "crazy" Sun Zheping,
"En." Sun Zheping also understood the meaning of Zhang Jiale's words, and nodded.

Then Zhang Jiale turned his eyes to the other side, "Tianming, what profession will you use for this match?"

"Ghost Swordsman, right? Or...Battle Mage is also fine." Yi Tianming was a little uncertain, ghost swordsman and combat method are actually good, after all, the frontal ability of Tyranny's lineup is not too strong, and only Han Wenqing is alone. , so both ghost sword and tactics are suitable for this match. It mainly depends on which tactics Baihua will use in this match. more suitable.

"Then it's Ghost Swordsman." Zhang Jiale helped him make a decision, and at the same time told Yi Tianming that this match was mainly about cooperation.

"Okay!" Yi Tianming took the card of looking at flowers in the mist. With two old seniors present, he would not overstep his authority, and very consciously handed over the power of command to the two seniors, and he only stood up and said when it was necessary. Two sentences,
"Players from both sides are invited to play, the third set of competition is about to begin!!" The announcement came from a loudspeaker not far away, and fell on everyone's ears.

"Let's go." Sun Zheping stood at the front of the line, followed by Zhang Jiale, Yi Tianming...

The last one is the young player Zeng Xinran. Compared with the previous five big names, this young player wants to prove himself very much. Such a stage is very precious to him.
This is the case for rookies, the exposure is limited, so it is even more important to show your most exciting operations in the limited number of appearances, so as to get more attention and make your career path easier in the future.

Zeng Xinran wanted to express himself very much. In this regard, he and Tang Hao had a bit of "similarity", both of them had a strong desire to express themselves. Perhaps it was because Tang Hao appeared earlier that Zeng Xinran wanted to follow Tang Hao's path. Going through it again, he also wants to be famous, and he also wants to enter the All-Star and win the applause of the public.

But...Although Zeng Xinran is very competitive, he also knows that he has not yet reached Tang Hao's level, and it is not certain whether he will be able to reach it in the future, at least not yet...

"Why are you in a daze, follow up." Mo Chuchen who was standing in front shouted, and then brought Zeng Xinran's thoughts back to reality.

"Yes, senior, here we come." Zeng Xinran followed with strides.

Then the players from both teams shook hands.

"come on."

"You too."

Between the two captains, the smell of gunpowder was already overflowing. Sun Zheping and Han Wenqing, if you say that the two of them are tough and tough, they are definitely good players who do their part. I am afraid that there will be some fierce collisions on the field today.

Han Wenqing, Zhang Xinjie...

Zeng Xinran looked at these seniors, and when he shook hands, he couldn't help feeling excited. Characters who could only be seen on TV before can now communicate face to face in real life. Even Ji Leng and Li Yibo, who have retired for many years, Zeng Xinran still hugged more respectful,
Zeng Xinran shook hands with them one by one until he reached Qin Muyun, who was also a newcomer, his mood changed accordingly.

Well, it's you! !
Facing other big names, Zeng Xinran was still a little bit reluctant to let go, but when facing Qin Muyun, Zeng Xinran's confidence suddenly gathered in his heart, and at the same time he began to think about Qin Muyun's personal confidence in his mind,

Debuted in the ninth season, sharpshooter player, good at... position selection.

This is the information that Zeng Xinran collected in his mind, and he also strengthened his belief. If he wants to make an operation that makes the audience cheer for him, the first thing to do is to start with Qin Muyun, which is the most suitable!
They debuted a season earlier than me!

Zeng Xinran said in his heart, and then the belief in his heart became more firm, so I will start from you! !

In this way, with this belief, Zeng Xinran entered the game,

But... the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel,
The camera turns,
Zeng Xinran's DeLillo is at the top of a staircase, struggling forward,

And directly above him is Qin Muyun's octave below zero,

"Leave that sharpshooter to me!" At the very beginning of the match, Zeng Xinran asked Zhang Jiale to take the initiative. Originally, Zhang Jiale wanted to single-handedly catch him, but now that his young general was so active, he simply agreed.

But now, Zeng Xinran regrets that he took the initiative to invite Ying...

Because he is suppressed now, to be precise, he has no choice but to be tossed about by Qin Muyun, and has fallen into a dilemma.
Advance, Qin Muyun's position selection is very tricky, Zeng Xinran's position is firmly stuck, even one or two steps forward is very difficult,
And when he retreated, Qin Muyun began to pull again, controlling the distance between the two to a position that made Zeng Xinran very uncomfortable, wanting to run but unable to escape...

Now Zeng Xinran was a little confused... His mind went blank, this situation was beyond his expectation, and he didn't know how to deal with this situation...

As for the frontal battlefield... Hundred Blossoms is in a dominant position, Sun Zheping and Han Wenqing are evenly divided, neither side has a stable upper hand, but this balance becomes a little different with the addition of Yitianming Ghost, a knife With the blessing of the ghost formation, Sun Zheping's Blossoming Chaos can contain Han Wenqing's Desert Dust.

Of course, it is impossible for Yi Tianming's Ghost Swordsman to only patronize this side. He is a panacea at this point, and he can move wherever he needs.

Da da da... da da da...

There was a rhythmic gunshot, mixed with the sound of grenades roaring,
As soon as the camera turned, Zhang Jiale's Dazzling Hundred Blossoms took the initiative to find Zhang Xinjie's Shi Buzhuan, and Shi Buzhuan's "personal bodyguard" Xiao Guanfeng would naturally not let him go so easily,
Xiao Guanfeng waved his sickle and stood beside Shi Buzhuan,

Of course, this obstacle is not enough to dissuade Zhang Jiale from leaving.
Instead, the special dna in his bones started beating,
As soon as the Hundred Blossom Style was started, the scene instantly became more colorful. Zhang Jiale, who had been retired for a year, was unambiguous in using the Hundred Blossom Style.
Guo Mingyu was at a loss. After all, his and Zhang Jiale's careers had no intersection. Zhang Jiale had retired when Zhang Jiale debuted in the second season, and Zhang Jiale retired again when Guo Mingyu came back in the ninth season. The two happened to be perfectly staggered.
And just like this, Guo Mingyu didn't know what choice to make when facing the Hundred Blossoms style of play.

At the moment when the Hundred Blossoms style of play bloomed, Zhang Xinjie felt bad. He was not worried about Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' eruption, but Yi Tianming's ghost formation.

The Hundred Blossoms style of play just provided natural cover for his ghost formation, who knows where he would suddenly pop out and throw a ghost formation.

Zhang Xinjie immediately decided to change his strategy, commanding:
"Li Yibo, go back to defense and keep an eye on the fog."

It's a pity that it's still a step too late. The one-year professional gap period made Zhang Xinjie a little uncomfortable. He hadn't dealt with the Hundred Blossom style for a year, and now he popped up suddenly, which added a lot to the ghostly Hundred Blossoms. tactical changes.

As soon as Zhang Xinjie finished speaking, Shi Buzhuan's field of vision instantly became pitch black.
Black screen?
Of course not, this is the dark formation laid down by Yi Tianming, all opponents in this formation will lose all vision,
Now it's all right, the gorgeous flowers are gone, replaced by darkness,
For Zhang Xinjie, it would be better to continue to be illuminated by the Hundred Blossoms style of play. At least there will be a little bit of vision, but now it is completely gone.
There are two ways to crack the Dark Array,
One is to wait for the ghost formation to disappear by itself,

The second is to get out of the scope of the ghost array,

Naturally, Zhang Xinjie wouldn't just wait around, he chose the second path.

(End of this chapter)

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