Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 374 Blue Rain's Command

Chapter 374 Blue Rain's Command

Hundred Blossoms veteran team won!

When these seven big characters appeared on the big screen, Baihuafen at the scene began to cheer and applaud,
Hundred Blossoms advanced and became the second team to advance to the quarterfinals.
Although it's a friendly match, the fans are always competitive. Isn't the champion of the friendly match the champion?Going all the way through the promotion like this, one more championship trophy will be placed in the honor room of the team, it will always be more comfortable to watch!


Back in the war room,

Li Xuan also smiled faintly, while taking off the earphones around his neck,

No way, although the two ghosts successfully merged at the last moment, they couldn't bear the fact that the Hundred Blossoms lineup was too strong, or Void's own lineup was not strong enough. Except for Lu Boyuan, the rest could not provide effective help. In the end, the combination of the two ghosts was broken and Void lost. game,
However, the visuals of the entire match were pretty good, at least better than the last match between Excellent Era and Royal Style. That match was basically a game of individual abilities, and this time the two ghosts cooperated with each other at the end of the match. Ghost shooting array, ghost chain, ghost feast,
Li Xuan had done his best. Knowing that there was no chance of winning, he and Wu Yuce simply let go of the fight. It was an exhibition match, no matter how exciting it was, it caused the audience to exclaim again and again. ,
To put it bluntly, what makes Baihuafen a bit regretful is that Zhang Jiale and Sun Zheping did not use the Blossoming Blood Scene this time.
They have been looking forward to this day for four full years. Ever since Sun Zheping retired, he and Zhang Jiale's blood scene has become the swan song in the league. Originally, everyone thought it would happen again today, but now it seems that it may be going to If you push it back, maybe you can see it in the next game?
However, Hundred Blossoms' opponents for the next round have not yet been decided, and they will wait for the top 8 places to be confirmed before conducting a random re-draw.

Here, the twelve players from Hundred Blossoms and Void came to the stage, signaled to the audience and then returned to their respective team areas.

Afterwards, it was the turn of Blue Rain and Thunder Veterans to compete,

There is a master tactician on each side,
The attention of this game is quite high, not only among the general audience, but also among the professional players. Since this Legendary Cup has opened the team's voice, everyone wants to see how Yu Wenzhou's commanding ability can be in the voice state. How does it improve the team?
There is no doubt that this is a battle between master tactics,

"Unfortunately, this time only the team's voice channel is enabled. It would be fun if all the voice channels were enabled." Ye Xiu half-jokingly said something in the Excellent Era area. Everyone at the speed laughed out loud, after all, the speed of Huang Shaotian's trash talk... tsk tsk...

However, everyone in Tiny Herb District couldn't laugh...

The camera shifts to the field,
"Come on." Xiao Shiqin's facial expression changed from dumbfounding to smiling, and standing in front of him was Blue Rain's current captain Yu Wenzhou,

As for not knowing whether to laugh or cry...it was because Wei Chen said some trash talk on purpose just now, "Little baby, hit me hard."

To Wei Chen, Xiao Shiqin was indeed a junior, but to use the word "little doll" to describe it, it was indeed a bit...

Fortunately, Xiao Shiqin's psychological quality is strong, he also knows the old man's style, so naturally he just laughed it off.
"Together." Yu Wenzhou responded with a smile. He was the third in the Blue Rain queue, standing in front of Fang Shijing and Wei Chen.

With these two seniors around, the current captain has to step back a bit. After all, these two have provided a lot of help to Yu Wenzhou.

Although Wei Chen was not optimistic about Xiao Yu during the youth training camp, among other things, the Soksar used by Yu Wenzhou was given to Lan Yu by Wei Chen back then, and until now this character card is still the face of Lan Yu .

Huang Shaotian was ranked fourth. For some reason, with Wei Chen present, he felt that Huang Shaotian's trash talk was a bit weaker... I don't know if the master and apprentice will talk trash together in the arena...

And after Huang Shaotian, it was Xu Jingxi and Zheng Xuan. Originally, Zheng Xuan didn't plan to come. He thought it would be enough to watch the game in the auditorium with peace of mind after the holiday, but he didn't expect that little Lu Hanwen had caught a cold again. If the condition is not serious, just rest for a few days,
There is no way, Zheng Xuan can only go into battle and serve as the starter of this game,

And Fang Shijing offered to play the sixth man, and it was thanks to him that he took the initiative to invite Ying. Otherwise, no matter how advanced Yu Wenzhou's tactical literacy is, it would be difficult for Yu Wenzhou to arrange such a situation.
It's impossible to have three warlocks, one stealth and one healer all at once, right?That Lan Yu had almost no positive strength, and it was almost as if he was walking on the ground when he hit the other side.

On the Thunder side, led by Xiao Shiqin, Dai Yanqi, Fang Xuecai, Zhang Jiaxing, three first-team members, plus two retired veterans,

In terms of overall comparison, Blue Rain's lineup is stronger.
Of course, the specific situation of the game will not be known until the game is played.

Fight! ! !

As an electronic sound fell, the battle between Lan Yu and Lei Ting officially began.
Ten people from both sides immediately rushed out from the refresh point,

Blue Rain team voice channel,

"Senior Wei, you come to command." Yu Wenzhou asked symbolically, the old captain is here, even if Yu Wenzhou is a master tactician, he has to press down,
Originally, he thought that Wei Chen would decline, after all, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this was a polite remark,

Unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian took it in one gulp, and said loudly: "Okay! Everyone in Lan Yu is there, listen to my command."

Huang Shaotian, Zheng Xuan, Xu Jingxi, and even the sixth person, Fang Shijing, were taken aback for a moment. If you are being polite, are you really in command?

But everyone is still calm, after all, it is the old captain, Yu Wenzhou hasn't said anything yet, let's listen to the old captain's command for now,
Wei Chen continued: "Huang Shaotian wanders away, the guardian angel is responsible for protecting me and Yu Wenzhou, Zheng Xuan waits for the opportunity, pay attention to cover."

Just when everyone was expecting him to add further tactics, Wei Wuxian added another sentence: "Over."

Finally, I added the sentence over...

Is this over?

Is there such a command?Are you sure it's not a joke?

That's right, Wei Chen made it up on purpose, saying that he wasn't good at it at all, so he simply followed Yu Wenzhou's words and said a few random words,
Then Wei Chen added: "Ahem... the old man's tactics are finished, let's listen to Wenzhou's specific tactics to add!"

Hearing this, the people in Blue Rain let the people hang around. If Wei Chen were to make such foolish instructions, Blue Rain would probably lose in the first round...

Afterwards, Yu Wenzhou began to take over the real commanding power, and passed it on to his teammates one after another through the earphones. Wei Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard it. This guy's logical thinking is really terrifying...

The vigorous and resolute behavior displayed by Lan Yu made the audience cheer involuntarily.
On the other side of Thunder, under Xiao Shiqin's command and leadership, the four of Thunder also acted efficiently.

But the difference between Thunderbolt and Blue Rain doesn't lie in the commander's hand speed,
Today is a friendly match. If it were a professional league match, once Blue Rain and Yu Wenzhou had a voice system, they would no longer need to focus on typing and ordering. Then Blue Rain would rise to a higher level from top to bottom.

And even if Xiao Shiqin doesn't need to waste his typing speed, the strength of Thunder's lineup is still there, so Thunder's combat effectiveness will increase, but it won't be very big.

If the Thunder wants to make a fundamental leap, they must solve the problem at the root and increase the strength of the lineup. For an upper-middle team like the Thunder, if they want to buy some strong players, they need to tighten their belts. Or you can only wait for a rookie king from your own youth training camp, but the latter is purely luck...

back to the game,

Soon, the Thunder Five met an "uninvited guest" at the lower right corner of the map,
Troublesome rain at night!

Sure enough, Lan Yu chose the most familiar style of play and released Huang Shaotian to go alone.

Thunder team,

"Captain, there is a figure on the hillside in the upper right corner." Dai Yanqi discovered the enemy's situation immediately. As an elemental mage player, she has a good vision, which is her advantage.

Of course, the possibility of Huang Shaotian exposing his vision on purpose is not ruled out. After all, he is not using an assassin, and his purpose is not to assassinate, but to lure Lei Ting's people into another trap that Blue Rain and the others have set up. Blue Rain's tactics for this match,
After all, there are two sorcerers on the field, so it is not very beneficial to fight head-to-head. It is better to lay a trap and invite you to enter the urn, pass through the complex terrain and use the field control ability of the sorcerer to catch you by surprise.

Of course, the prerequisite for this goal to be achieved is that Huang Shaotian can successfully lure the opponent over.

Here, Huang Shaotian quickly said on the team channel: "I have already found traces of the opponent."

Soon, Yu Wenzhou responded: "Well, we have already arranged it here."

Huang Shaotian: "Okay, I'll look for a chance."

Immediately, a sword qi appeared out of thin air, and after a closer look, the sound of the rain coming from behind the tree,
This sword energy broke the originally quiet scene, and with a "squeak", a "blood flower" appeared on Life Extinguisher's arm. Of course, this only looked serious, and the actual loss of HP was less than 1%.

In fact, Xiao Shiqin had already discovered the location of Troubling Rain, but in order not to startle the snake, he planned to secretly surround and kill them by force.

Now that the sound of the rain is bothering him to jump out, Xiao Shiqin naturally didn't need to pretend, he directly ordered the siege, the five of Lei Ting pulled away in an instant, the encirclement net formed by the five people was quite large, and Lei Ting was stuck immediately If Troublesome Rain had more than half of his escape routes, the situation for Troublesome Rain would become unfavorable...!
In the next second, Life Extinguisher quickly raised his right hand and blasted out an electromagnetic cannon, trying to wrap around Troubled Rain's right leg. If he was hit by this electromagnetic cannon, Troublesome Yuyu would probably collapse at This is off.

Fortunately, Huang Shaotian's hand speed was online, he flicked his wrist quickly, and the mouse slid along with it,
Troubling Rain rolled in a circle to the front left, passing the electromagnetic cannon. The electromagnetic cannon missed and hit the tree trunk beside it.


Huang Shaotian glanced at the tree, subconsciously moved away, and then looked at the Thunder Five who were getting closer and closer to him. He did not forget his mission, but the problem was how to lure these five opponents over. problem,
Huang Shaotian glanced around, the encirclement of five people on the opposite side has just formed, so it can't be called "seamless", but this does not mean that it is possible to break through indiscriminately. The more difficult it is to break through, the cocoon binds itself,
Facing five directions, Huang Shaotian had an idea, chose one of the five directions and rushed out,
Troubled Night Rain nimbly moved left and right on the hillside, shuttled back and forth, using the tree trunk to use his strength to escape, and then released the three-stage slash. This skill has a displacement effect, making him a little faster.
During this period, a mechanical arm rushed out. It was Xiao Shiqin's Life Extinguisher. He wanted to use physical skills to entangle Troubled Night Rain, buying time for his teammates to encircle him.
Originally, Taijutsu was not very suitable for retaining people. After all, it was a life-saving skill rather than a main offensive method, but now Xiao Shiqin had no other good method other than going into battle in person. After all, there were only him, Dai Yanqi and the pastor in the old Thunder team. They are first-line players, and the other three are veteran players who have already retired. With these veteran players, it will be difficult to keep Huang Shaotian.

Back in the match, Troubling Rain took advantage of the situation to unleash a sword-drawing slash, which shocked Life Extinguisher's mechanical arm, and then the Immortal Guidance forced his body to a halt.
Who is Huang Shaotian, he almost does this kind of one-man back and forth in every game, facing a close-knit mechanic, he can easily deal with it.

Taking advantage of the moment when Life Extinguisher was captured, Troubling Night Rain "bounced" out in one direction. This direction was the best one he had chosen a long time ago as a breakthrough.

Huang Shaotian chose this path, facing a boxer,

After "flicking" Troubled Night Rain, he turned around to face the surrounding boxers and cast out the silver falling blade, a silver-white radiance lit up, and it was difficult for Lei Ting's boxers to dodge for a while, forced by the sword energy. take two steps back,

This boxer is a long-retired fighter from Lei Ting. His hand speed and awareness are not as good as the peak, and it is normal for him to be unable to dodge.
As a result, Thunderclap's encirclement was once again torn open. If Huang Shaotian is indeed a chicken thief, he specifically picked an old player to attack.

Use this to test veteran players?Which veteran player can't stand such a test?

Needless to say, Thunderclap's old players really couldn't stand it, so Young Master Huang made a breakthrough.

By the time Xiao Shiqin wanted to defend this side, it was too late, Troubling Rain had already broken through successfully,

Troublesome Rain was already three bodies away from Lei Ting's people.

"Pursue!" Xiao Shiqin naturally didn't want him to escape like this. Life Extinguisher immediately led his teammates to arrest him again, just wanting to arrest him while Troubling Rain was still on his own.


Huang Shaotian wanted this kind of effect, while running away, he yelled on the team channel: "Attention, Thunder people are coming."

(End of this chapter)

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