Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 352 The first chapter together, the team competition

Chapter 352 First Round, Team Competition ([-])
Tiny Herb's purpose was to take advantage of the replacement point and play substitution tactics, this is no surprise, even the vast majority of the audience in the auditorium had already seen it, let alone the Hundred Blossoms team members,
Therefore, without looking at the Cordyceps sinensis, Feng Huaxueyue rushed to the floating ladder,
The eight-story suspended ladder may be difficult for ordinary players to climb, but it is very easy for professional players.
When Fenghuaxueyue climbed to the seventh floor, he could already see the movement of the replacement point,
as predicted!

The body of Cordyceps sinensis is motionless, his body shape has begun to become unreal, and the palms, ankles and other parts have turned into granules, which is a sign of a successful substitution.
However, this is only a sign, the overall substitution has not been successful, otherwise it would not be his Cordyceps sinensis standing here, but a flying sword...

Fenghua Xueyue releases an instant skill - electric halo!

In the next second, a yellow sizzling halo appeared around Cordyceps sinensis' waist, successfully restraining him.

Yuan Baiqing was startled, he originally wanted to fight, but now the rhythm of substitutions has been interrupted, Feng Huaxueyue is standing in front of him, it would be whimsical to continue the substitutions.

Not only that, but I also fell into danger.
"Rescue." Without the slightest hesitation, Yuan Baiqing immediately sent a distress message to Tiny Herb's team.

He is aware of his strengths, and now that the other party has formed a tendency to grab him, Yuan Baiqing doesn't think he can get any benefits from Chu Yunxiu.
If I don't make it right, I might still be stuck here. Once the priest is gone, Tiny Herb's lifeline will be cut off, and the battery life will be gone, let alone changing players.
Therefore, Yuan Baiqing didn't dare to take this risk, but who in Tiny Herb's team could handle his call for help right now?Or who has the time to lend a helping hand to him?

Cordyceps sinensis rolled out from the replacement point, not to say that he was so embarrassed on purpose, but that if he didn't do this, he would be hit by a romantic snowball.

Cordyceps took advantage of the situation and took a quick look at the battle situation. Having said that, the positioning of this high platform is quite good. From the condescending position, the situation of the whole battle situation can be seen at a glance, and the situation of each point can be seen very clearly.

Wang Buliuxing and Luohua Chaos are already fighting together, and the winner cannot be determined in a short time, so it is impossible to count on his rescue.

The battle format was entangled by the tides of the double shields. Originally, the former's target was Priest Baihua, but he unexpectedly killed a tide halfway. Now Qiu Fei had no choice but to fight.
But the fight was tough. After all, he was a knight with double shields, and he was trained by Yi Tianming. Even attackers like Da Mo Guyan had to drink a pot when facing double shields, let alone Xiao Qiufei.

As for the solitary work, it is Baihua's priest Aofeng Remnant Flower. In fact, this is also Baihua's choice. It is better to let the solitary work than to let the fighting style. After all, the threat of knights on the offensive end is definitely smaller than that of battle mages.
So, Tiny Herb managed to get close to Priest Baihua, but the threat of attack was not obvious, Duhuo was just a knight after all,
Although he doesn't have a double shield and is equipped with a sword, his attack efficiency is really not flattering, and his sense of oppression against Aofeng Remnant Flower is seriously insufficient.

And the last battlefield, that is Mu En and Qi Chong Yunshui,

In Wang Jiexi's absence, Gao Yingjie became the team's temporary commander. Of course he saw Yuan Baiqing's call for help.

Now there are two paths before him.

To save the pastor?Or the Priest of Turning Fire and Hundred Flowers?
It was Gao Yingjie's turn to make a decision, should he choose to keep his own priest, or do a counter-substitution with the other priest?
Gao Yingjie, who was playing in the finals for the first time, was more or less nervous. Xiao Gao was originally a bit shy and shy, similar in character to Qiao Yifan, otherwise the two wouldn't have played so well.
Of course, Gao Yingjie is much more introverted than Qiao Yifan,

And the biggest difference between the two is that Gao Yingjie dares to express himself in front of everyone, showing himself at his best. When he is serious, he can ignore all things that have nothing to do with the competition ,
He showed this in last year's All-Star Game, and it was also the game where he won against Wang Jiexi.
This is a big plus.

"Gao Yingjie, you have to calm down."

At this moment, Gao Yingjie cheered himself up silently in his heart. Now that the captain is not around, the power of command falls in his hands.

But there is a saying that with great power comes great responsibility,
When it is more important, even a slight mistake by the commander may affect the final battle situation,

Gao Yingjie was afraid that Tiny Herb would fall into a disadvantageous situation because of his wrong command, but at the same time, he was even more afraid that his inaction would lead to the final destruction of the team.

In an instant, Gao Yingjie made a choice,
Mu En jumped down from mid-air, and hit Qi Chongyun Shui's lower body with a round dance stick, the latter could only dodge,
Mu En threw out a handful of dispersing powder again, and then took advantage of the time difference to transfer, and flew into the air again, with a clear target, it was Priest Baihua, Aofeng Remnant Flower,
Gao Yingjie is about to exchange his son!Very bold move!

At this moment, Baihuafen outside the arena put his heart into his throat. If there was a two-on-one fight, his pastor would be in danger.
Of course Song Xiao understood this truth, so he couldn't let Gao Yingjie pass so easily.

Catch the cloud hand!
This skill has been kept by Song Xiao until now, waiting for this kind of emergency,
It can be said that if the cloud catcher is used now, Gao Yingjie has nothing to do, because Priest Tiny Herb is too far away from him, and he cannot use purification to help him release the control...

"But...not now, we have to wait!" Song Xiao played a scheming game. He planned to wait until Mu En flew to a further distance before capturing him. just more...

But the audience outside the arena didn't understand this, but they were still complaining about why Song Xiao didn't have to catch the cloud, but instead threw a few waves of thought energy and blasted towards the battle pattern.

Another three seconds passed, Mu En flew another point further.

"This distance... is enough!" Song Xiao was sure, and randomly manipulated Qi Chongyunshui to read the article,

A pair of giant milky white hands quickly formed on Mu En's body, and slowly pulled him towards the position where Qi Chongyunshui was placed. Song Xiao's accuracy really lived up to its reputation, and it hit accurately from such a long distance.

Mu En, who was captured back, seemed to give up resistance, quietly staying in midair, waiting for the effect of the cloud catcher to disappear, without doing anything,
This is... giving up resistance?

Everyone looked at this side in disbelief. Could it be that they were discouraged because of a cloud catcher?It shouldn't be...

And, didn't Gao Yingjie expect to have the ability to catch clouds?This shouldn't be at all, after all, the cloud catcher is a qigong master's signature skill, so you must be wary of tactics before the match.


"Now you don't have to catch the clouds." Gao Yingjie had already started to plan his next move in his heart.
All of this was done on purpose by Gao Yingjie!Including rushing towards Aofeng Remnant Flower just now, including Qi Chongyunshui's cloud catcher on him, and including this cloud catcher's hit, Gao Yingjie had already predicted it!
And his real purpose is to turn to his own pastor on the high platform!
Rescue Cordyceps!

After Mu En was caught beside Qi Chong Yun Shui, Mu En did not hesitate to release the level 70 ultimate move, the Broom Whirlwind, the powerful air flow directly forced Qi Chong Yun Shui back several steps, and his Nian Qi The cover is in the cd period because it has been used in the previous matchup,

Mu En once again made a neutral position!
Taking advantage of the vacancy when Qi Chongyunshui was shocked and retreated, Mu En flew out to the position of the floating stairs without hesitation,
Turning the point twice in a row, Gao Yingjie managed to do it!
"Be careful! Mu En has passed!" Song Xiao immediately informed his teammates of this information, and then went to rescue his priest himself. He knew that his movement speed was not as fast as Mu En, so instead of following Mu En, he went to the floating stairs , It would be better to rescue your own pastor.

This wave is equivalent to the two sides making a return defense.

On the other side, when Chu Yunxiu saw the news, she also started to retreat. She was not going to fight recklessly, because she had already achieved her goal. In just a short period of time, 40% of the blood of Cordyceps sinensis had been knocked out.

Fenghuaxueyue finally blasted a snowball towards the Cordyceps sinensis, leaving an ice wall on the way Mu En came, and then started to rush to the position of her pastor.
Yuan Baiqing heaved a sigh of relief, and waited and waited, finally he was rescued.

The camera showed Aofeng Remnant Flower, and his HP also lost part of it, but it was much better than that of Cordyceps, Aofeng Remnant Flower's HP only lost 18%.

Fenghuaxueyue retreated quickly and came to Aofeng Canhua's side. In this way, the three of Baihua formed an encirclement of Duhuo, with a partial three-on-one advantage.
"Focus on fire." Chu Yunxiu's order appeared on the team's internal channel. In fact, she didn't need to say it. The other two Hundred Blossoms members also understood it.

Aofeng Remnant Flower first threw a sacred fire, hitting Duhuo on the body, the latter entered a state of continuous blood loss, and all skills were sealed in a short time,

Wind Flower Snow Moon - Bird of Fire!

Qi Chong Yunshui - cut off the pulse, reduce the opponent's four-dimensional, qigong blast, high burst damage!

In an instant, the attacks from Baihua and the three of them flooded in on Alone, and there were no teammates around him who could lend a helping hand.
Li Yibo exclaimed: "Baihua is trying to set fire to send Duhuo out of the game! I have to say that this move is very bold and sudden. Who would have thought that the first target of Baihua's activation would be a knight with high health?"

"If this wave of focus is successful, then Baihua will gain the advantage in numbers and tie the score, and if this wave fails to take away Duhuo... Then Hundred Flowers will suffer a certain amount of backlash, because most of the skills of Baihua's players All fell on the independent living, after this period of outbreak, they will enter a short period of skill gap."

Pan Lin took his words: "Yes, I think Tiny Herb should think about what to do now. It's too dangerous to live alone. It must be rescued by teammates!"

On the field,

Gao Yingjie had a bad feeling, thinking that it might be too late for this substitution, and he needed to bring the priest to rescue Duhuo.

And this is also Baihua's purpose, to make Tiny Herb dare not use substitutions, that is, dare not replace the priest by focusing on a single point of fire.

"Follow me." Gao Yingjie left a sentence on Wei Herb's channel, and then manipulated the character to fly in the direction of living alone,
Yuan Boqing obeyed the command and manipulated Cordyceps to follow.

The tempo on the field suddenly picked up a lot, and the originally calm game finally felt a little more exciting, but this excitement was compared to the neutral fans and the professional players who watched the game. Not daring to relax, they all raised their hearts to their throats,
At this critical moment, whoever loses points first, and whoever makes mistakes first, will be in danger.

Team Hundred Blossoms internal channel,

"They're here." Song Xiao reminded, he was speaking to Chu Yunxiu, "they" naturally referred to Mu En and Cordyceps sinensis, and the implication was asking whether we should continue to fight now, or take care of it." them".

Hearing this, Feng Huaxueyue turned the angle of view, and found that the two of Mu En were still some distance away from here, and Mu En and Cordyceps were very close, as if they were deliberately guarding against something.

When Chu Yunxiu saw this situation, the plan in her heart "died". She was planning to lure the other party to rush here, and then she took the opportunity to intercept the Cordyceps sinensis. Now it seems that this plan is difficult to implement.


"Not bad." Yu Wenzhou in the stands showed appreciation,
Gao Yingjie didn't get overheated because of the emergency. On the contrary, he made a very correct decision.
Mu En always keeps a safe distance from Cordyceps sinensis to prevent Baihua from turning around again. If Mu En rushes over with all his strength, he can rush to Duhuo's side at this moment, but the safety of Cordyceps sinensis will also lose a guarantee. Baihua It is very possible to take this opportunity to make a time difference and intercept Cordyceps sinensis.

At the same time, Gao Yingjie told Xu Bin on the team channel: "Delay as much as possible."

Xu Bin immediately showed his grinding nature, huddled in defense,
Alone currently has 37% of his health left. Although he has just eaten a wave of explosive skills from the three of Baihua, the knight is a knight after all, let alone the number one knight in glory. He is equipped with the best equipment in the alliance. Coupled with the grinder of the operator Xu Bin, it has been dragged until now.

In this way, Tiny Herb expressed his attitude, and Baihua had to make a choice.
Should we continue to focus on our own activities, or enter into positional warfare?
"Increase the output!" Chu Yunxiu made a decision, fighting for it!

Obviously, she didn't want to fall into positional warfare, because Tiny Herb's control over the replacement point is still in the hands of Tiny Herb, and there is a high probability that Tiny Herb will use substitution tactics to forcibly consume the positional warfare.
Qi Chongyunshui immediately releases the skill - Spiral Mind Qi Kill!

The magic staff in Fenghua Xueyue's hand also emitted a burst of light. This is the characteristic of this weapon, which symbolizes that the next skill can be cast instantly.
"Good job!" Chu Yunxiu secretly rejoiced, and then used a level 70 big move——

Thunder and fire! !
boom! !

(End of this chapter)

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