Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 349 A Different Magician

Chapter 349 A Different Magician


This is Blossoming Chaos' initial HP, but his opponent is at full health, which is a big disadvantage.
At the same time, Yi Tianming paid a lot of attention to his opponent. After all, he is a magician. How many people in the league can say that they can win against Wang Jiexi?I'm afraid even the two Ye Han at their peak would not dare to say this...!
After all, when he was in the new area, Wang Jiexi had a draw with Ye Bushay's undisciplined practitioners in the correction field. For the first time, he was able to draw with the undisciplined individuals from Glory Textbook. One can imagine how terrifying Wang Jiexi's on-the-spot ability is. .

However, Lord Grim's level at that meeting was not high, and it was not certain who would win when the undisciplined players were fully formed. At least in that case, being able to tie was enough to show Wang Dayan's strength.

Of course, there are too many cases that can illustrate Wang Jiexi's strength. There are so many famous scenes every season.
At this moment, Wang Jiexi definitely wants to add another one to it, that is, [-]v[-], to destroy the husband-wife combination of Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu.

Character loading: Tiny Herb, Wang Jiexi/Wang Buliuxing, map loading...

With the flash of white light, the battle of focus officially started,

The two titled masters ushered in their first contest in the group arena,
Wang Buliuxing drove the Extinction Star and flew across the battlefield quickly. From his perspective, he could see that there were still traces of battle in some places on the scene. Wang Jiexi kept adjusting the direction of flight while browsing the battle situation.

Of course, Wang Jiexi couldn't be more clear about the map, because this is the map chosen by Tiny Herb, and it analyzes the opponent's position based on these battle situations.

Wang Buliuxing didn't stop for a moment, flying at high speed in mid-air,
If it is an ordinary player, this may be criticized by others for being too unrestrained,

But when these things happened to Wang Jiexi, they didn't appear abrupt,

Caution is of course what Wang Jiexi needs, but how can a master be as cautious as an ordinary player?

Judgment, reaction speed, these are hardware, the hardware that distinguishes a great god from ordinary people, and this hardware is carried by the word talent, where people may hide, where the opponent is probably, the master's reaction to these is better than ordinary people. Players have to go up a lot faster,
Even in terms of intuition and luck, great gods are often favored by the goddess of luck. What does this mean?It shows that some people are really like God rewarding them with food.


back to the game,

Wang Buliuxing was on his way without stopping.

Similarly, Blossoming Chaos was also running wildly, and Yi Tianming also chose to fight head-on. Defense has never been his style, although his own health is only 43% less than half,

But don't forget that Berserkers still have passive skills. If their blood volume is below 50%, their attack value will increase. This is a big advantage for Yi Tianming. We must pay attention to it.

There is a saying that lovers will eventually get married. This principle probably also applies in Glory. How can two people who have been looking for each other not meet each other?

Blossoming Chaos and Wang Buliuxing met on a slope. Audiences with better memory should remember that this slope was the battle location of Qi Chong Yun Shui and Mu En in the first round, and Yun Shui ate on it at that time. A lot of losses.

With the lessons learned from the past, Yi Tianming certainly knew that he could not fight on this slope. Luohualangmo swung his sword, and swung a sword aura at Wang Buliuxing who was flying towards him.
Of course, this was just a tentative blow, just a normal attack, so it couldn't be easier for Wang Jiexi to dodge it.

Wang Buliuxing accelerated slightly in mid-air, and left the sword energy behind him.

Afterwards, Wang Buliuxing launched a formal battle, and the gravity accelerated the beat!

It seems that Wang Jiexi doesn't want to do too much testing!Very direct, he played very directly, without saying a word, it was a hard fuck!
Wang Buliuxing's speed suddenly accelerated, and he appeared behind Luohualangmo in an instant, and then...

boom! ! !
The extinct star fell from the sky and completed a "burst button" on the top of Luohualangchao...!
All of a sudden, thick smoke was everywhere, and everyone's sight was affected to a certain extent.
However, Wang Jiexi's purpose for doing this was obvious, including many ordinary players at the scene. He wanted to drive Blossoming Chaos up that slope!
However, how could Yi Tianming fall into the trap so easily? As the saying goes, those who are in the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, but those who are in the authorities are also cleared by Yi Tianming!
A breeze blew past, and the thick smoke quickly dissipated. Blossoming Chaos wasn't hit by this blow. On the contrary, it jumped a little higher than Wang Buliuxing, falling from the sky, collapsing mountains! !
Wang Buliuxing raised the extinct star over his head. Of course, Wang Jiexi and even this would definitely not be able to stop the collapse of the mountain, so he has his own little trick...

When Blossoming Chaos' epee fell with a bang, a icy color suddenly appeared on the extinct star utensil, and even the entire broom turned into a "popsicle" in an instant, completely surrounded by ice.
Sorcerer Skill - Frost Powder! !
Wang Buliuxing quietly released this skill, which has a high probability of directly freezing the opponent,
But...it seems that Wang Jiexi's luck is not very good today, at least this ice powder can't directly freeze Blossoming Chaos, it only gave him a slowing effect,
The sky-high chill forced Blossoming Chaos to take a step back,
Talking is better than nothing, a slowdown is better than no slowdown,
Taking advantage of the deceleration of Blossoming Chaos, Wang Buliuxing immediately lowered his waist, and the broom in his hand turned into a stick weapon, focusing on the opponent's foot,
Sorcerer skills - waltz! !
Blossoming Chaos hurriedly jumped back, but at this time he was affected by the deceleration effect and couldn't jump to a suitable distance. He was almost hit by the waltzing stick, and almost avoided it by rubbing his neck.
Wang Buliuxing continued to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, and the falling flower palm was very threatening!Wang Jiexi seemed to be unforgiving, and vowed to fight to the death.

And in the next second, a layer of blood radiated from Luohuachaomo's body, and the same was true on the sword of the epee Burying Flower. The sky-reaching blood light reflected half of the sky!

in the studio,

Li Yibo suddenly exclaimed: "Falling Blossom Chaos actually dares to take the initiative to sell blood! You must know that his remaining HP is running low...!"

Pan Lin smiled: "Perhaps, this is the boldness of a high-level artist?"

It turned out that just now, Blossoming Chaos used the skill [Bloodthirsty], and its life value began to burn.
If the opponent is more ordinary, even if it is an A+ level player, Li Yibo might think it's nothing.
But now, standing opposite Yi Tianming is Wang Jiexi, who is also an S-rank with him, the magician Wang Jiexi, not to mention that Blossoming Chaos doesn't have many health points.
Under such circumstances, Yi Tianming dared to sell blood on his own initiative, which really surprised Li Yibo.

But... At that time, Ren Yi had something to say,

Do you think I want to sell?If he doesn't start bloodthirsty, he will be controlled by Wang Buliuxing! !


In the ice powder just now, there is also another skill of the magician, the dispersing powder, which also brought negative effects to Blossoming Chaos.

Therefore, Yi Tianming's blood selling actually had some passive elements in it. If he didn't do this, he might be controlled by Wang Buliuxing and then explode in a wave.

back on the field,

Blossoming Chaos with bloodthirsty turned on is a bit faster, and the positive and negative offsets will offset a lot of the negative effects brought by the loose powder and ice powder.

In an instant, the court turned back to an offensive and defensive drill. The positioning of both sides was full of details. Both played very cautiously, and were constantly testing each other.



Yi Tianming's eyes suddenly lit up. At this moment, he clearly caught the gap in the opponent's position. There was a small hole in Wang Buliuxing's flank. Although it was not big, it was a real hole.

As for whether it is a trap?If it is a trap intentionally set up by the opponent, if you act rashly, you may put yourself in danger...

shot!Yi Tianming didn't even think about it, he believed in his own judgment, he believed that he was right, a flaw is a flaw!
The sword of blood!
Blossoming Chaos used its own blood as an introduction, and swung a blood-red sword energy, aiming at Wang Buliuxing's flank.

"Okay, after a period of probing, Blossoming Chaos took the lead in attacking, let's see how it works this time! It seems... Wang Buliuxing can't hide!" Li Yibo was surprised, looking at the scene in disbelief. superior,

In his opinion, Wang Jiexi shouldn't have made mistakes of this level, even if there was a mistake, he shouldn't have put himself in such a difficult situation.

In the war room, however, Wang Jiexi's mouth curled up, and his operations sped up a bit.
An extra magic bottle appeared from Wang Buliuxing's palm, and he quickly threw it out,
Lava Flask!

The flaw is real, not a trap, but it is a flaw that Wang Jiexi took the initiative to sell, a flaw that was deliberately exposed,
The purpose is also very clear, that is, to exchange blood with Yi Tianming,

Yes, you heard me right, exchange blood, exchange blood with a Berserker,

Wang Jiexi is very bold, but there are certain reasons why he dared to do this.
Firstly, he doesn't want to waste too much energy in the group arena, he knows that Yi Tianming is different from others, so instead of wasting time bit by bit, it's better to take the initiative,
Second, when preparing for the battle a few days ago, Wang Jiexi repeatedly studied Yi Tianming's classic battle videos, carefully deliberating the opponent's blood exchange style. Although he can't say he has 100% mastery, at least he has deliberated to a certain extent.

On the opposite side, when Yi Tianming saw Wang Jiexi's actions, he suddenly understood something.
He is going to exchange blood with me...!
However, even Yi Tianming, who had predicted this in advance, still held a sigh of relief in his heart.

He would not be afraid if it was someone else who exchanged blood. Even if it was the gun king Zhou Zekai and the boxing king Han Wenqing, he would choose to fight head-on without hesitation, because although the two are both S-level masters, their offensive routines and styles of play are fixed. Yes, and Yi Tianming still knows something about it, so even if it is a blood exchange, Yi Tianming can be sure,

But for Wang Jiexi, Yi Tianming was not so sure,
Because the magician's style of play is not fixed,
Different from the ordinary style of play, the magician's style of play is all about surprise, and there is no fixed move. It all depends on Wang Jiexi's on-the-spot judgment and performance on the field. It is completely impromptu.
Even if you ask Wang Jiexi to play again after a game, he may not be able to play it well, but he will give you another nearly perfect style of play,

This is the characteristic of the magician's style of play, so no matter how much research is done on this style of play, it is impossible to study it thoroughly.

The magician's style of play is the only one in the league.

Even Ye Xiu, the Glory textbook, didn't dare to say he understood magicians thoroughly. After all, Baozi in Xingxin's team was enough to give Ye Busha a headache for a while, let alone a magician.
Of course, as long as it is a tactic, there is a corresponding restraint tactic. There is no unsolvable tactic in the world.

And the only way to restrain a magician is to use his own way to deal with his own body,
Also use on-the-spot play to play against the magician! !
It depends on who is more able to surprise!

Yi Tianming knew that if he wanted to take advantage of this duel, he had to abandon some of his previously solidified styles of play, make himself free and easy, and become more casual.
Of course, when you deliberately remind yourself to be free and easy, how can you be truly free and easy?

With the soldiers approaching the city and the arrows on the string, Yi Tianming couldn't think so much at the moment, so he could only give it a go.

Li Yibo: "The two sides met!"

In the war room, Yi Tianming's hands were getting faster and faster, and so was Wang Jiexi next door,

What's interesting is that during the duel, both of them showed surprise on their faces from time to time, but they soon regained their composure.

The battle situation on the field is different from the calmness on the faces of the two, which is really exciting,
Needless to say, the magician, just these three words are full of gold,

Plus a blood-selling mad swordsman, and this mad swordsman is a little different from the usual one. He fights... a little casually, but his casualness is very efficient, and he can always maximize the output.

And today's magicians are a bit different, there is a feeling of deliberately changing blood, and they play very boldly, which is hard to see in the magicians of the past.

However, unrestrained, casual, etc. are not very important to the audience. In short, the game scene is very exciting, and it is amazing.
If it wasn't for the finals, the fans of both sides hoped that this matchup would continue. A different magician and a different Blossoming Chaos gave them too many exciting scenes.

Unsurprisingly, this scene of fighting will be included in this season's highlights of glory, and both sides are the protagonists.

However, a game is a game, there will always be a winner or loser,

When these two big characters appeared on the big screen, the fans on the scene cheered, they won!

The magician defeated the number one mad swordsman of glory!
Of course, it is a Berserker who is not in full condition,
But no matter what, Tiny Herb won, and they rewrote the score as a tie, 4:4!

This can't help but make people sigh: the finals are the finals, the two sides are chasing after each other in the group arena, and no one can lead by more than two points, and the opponent will catch up as soon as they lead by one point.

And when Tiny Herb Fan looked at Wang Buliuxing's remaining health, he couldn't help feeling a little bit worried...

(End of this chapter)

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