Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 347 Flower's Secret Weapon

Chapter 347 Hundred Blossoms' Secret Weapon

The game on the court was going on slowly, and the audience off the court gradually became bored from the excitement at the beginning.

There is no way, the game of the Double Shield Knight is like this, if it is not for the sake of this finals, if it is a regular season, some spectators may leave early...

And after a long time, the final winner of this century's "grinding" was born, Liu Xiaobie helped Tiny Herb get another head point,

However, Liu Xiaobie was not very happy with this point, he almost vomited, originally he was a master who couldn't stand the speed of his hands, but now let him play at a slow pace for nearly four to five 10 minutes , It's completely inappropriate!

And Fei Daojian also paid a big price, with 32% remaining HP and 39% blue bar.

On Tiny Herb's seat,
Wang Jiexi didn't say a word, the tactical panel in his hand silently recorded something...

Soon, the radio came,

"The next contestant that Hundred Blossoms will send is... Su Mucheng!"

Seeing this, Wang Jiexi quickly wrote two paragraphs on the tactics panel, the fourth is Chu Yunxiu, the fifth is Yi Tianming,

Apparently, Wang Jiexi was predicting Baihua's personnel arrangement in the group arena. Now that Baihua's formation has been revealed, as expected, Yi Tianming is Baihua's general defender, and Wang Jiexi also started to make a tactic in his heart. Deduction, think of a way how to solve Yi Tianming's point,

Tiny Herb definitely hopes to score more points at home. Wang Jiexi's goal is to lead Hundred Blossoms in the group arena. The current score is 2:1, and Tiny Herb leads by one head.

However, Tiny Herb's advantage didn't last long before the score was rewritten again.
Su Mucheng came on the field and used a quick victory to help Baihua tie the score again, 2:2, and the two sides returned to the same starting line.
After one battle, Dancing Rain still had 80% of her health remaining.

And Tiny Herb's third-ranked player entered the stage—Grinding King Xu Bin!
Tiny Herb made tactical adjustments, and Wang Jiexi took charge of it himself. Originally, the position of the third pick was often taken by Qiu Fei, but today, it was for Xu Bin to take the job of the third pick.
Wang Jiexi's intention was also obvious, to keep an offensive card for playing Yi Tianming later.

And the tempo on the field is also very fast, as if after Zheng Chengfeng and Liu Xiaobie's century-long grind, the players on both sides deliberately engaged in a fast-paced confrontation,
The narrator Li Yibo was overjoyed, and finally he didn't have to suffer anymore...!
And this is exactly what the audience wants to see. After all, fast-paced confrontation is definitely better than slow-paced games.

In this match between Mu Yuchengfeng and Duhuo, Duhuo finally won with a slight advantage.
In other words, although the solitary life won, only 8% of the blood volume remained in the end.

3:2, Tiny Herb took the lead again, the score of this game can be said to be very dramatic, both sides are chasing each other,
Tiny Herb took the lead twice, but was tied by Baihua in the end.
This is the third time Tiny Herb has taken the lead, how long will they be able to maintain the lead this time?


"Alright, let's invite... Yi Tianming to play!"

When Li Yibo said the name of Hundred Blossoms' No. [-] player, Wang Jiexi couldn't help being stunned.
Hundred Blossoms has also changed!
Yi Tianming is the fourth overall pick, which means that the heavy responsibility of guarding the ring falls on Chu Yunxiu.

Yi Tianming stood up slowly and walked all the way into the war room. That's right, this was his tactical change. Let himself be the fourth overall pick, so as to get as many points as possible.
Of course, if possible, Yi Tianming would like to resolve the battle with one-vs-three, but considering that the monster Wang Jiexi is still there, Yi Tianming thinks it is not very realistic to ask himself one-vs-[-]...

But at least, one wears two must be done!

Yi Tianming said to himself from the bottom of his heart, then went on stage, entered the war room,


For 1 minute, Tiny Herb's lead lasted only 1 minute.

Afterwards, Xu Bin walked out of the war room with question marks all over his face. It seemed that he was a little confused. Originally, he wanted to delay as long as possible, but he didn't want to be caught by Yi Tianming and beat him up. He was sent out of the game without having time to show his housekeeping skills "grinding".

It's wild!

And Yi Tianming brought out his housekeeper professional Berserker in this match.

The score on the big screen was also rewritten to 3:3, and Baihua evened the score again...!Both sides are really chasing each other, not to be outdone!

in the war room,

However, Yi Tianming felt a bit of joy!
This joy comes from the huge amount of extra skill points in Blossoming Chaos. Yi Tianming allocated these skill points to several skills according to his personal preferences.

Although it is the first time to use the "strengthened" Blossoming Chaos, it is still a bit uncomfortable, but the offensive bonus it brings is real,

This is also the result of the "skill point strategy" that Baihua bought from Xingxin last time. The skill points of the whole team's characters have been brushed to a level above 4800, and Blossoming Chaos has been brushed to 4885.

Hundred Blossoms saved this secret weapon for the finals, which was a big surprise for Tiny Herb.

And the next young player, Qiu Fei, can he withstand the violent attack from Blossoming Chaos?

Character Loading: Qiu Fei/Battle Format,

With a flash of white light, the characters of both sides loaded into the game.

Combat Format Wielding the spear, every move seemed to be cautious. Although he was in full condition, Qiu Fei still chose a more cautious style of play.

He watched so many rounds off the court, and with Wang Jiexi's reminder, he already knew that the skill points of Baihua's character had been greatly improved.
Qiu Fei needs to go through a wave of slow-paced testing. In other words, he needs a short period of time to adapt to the "new" Blossoming Chaos. Qiu Fei is not afraid of a large drop in skill points, but he is afraid that due to his own negligence, he will Made mistakes that shouldn't be made, this is the most fatal,
On the other hand, his opponent, Blossoming Chaos, played very proactively.

As soon as the game started, Blossoming Chaos picked up the epee and took the initiative to look for opponents. With the battles of his teammates in the previous rounds, Yi Tianming was already familiar with this away map.

In the end, Combat Format and Blossoming Chaos met at a disc, and the two finally had their first confrontation.

Without further ado, Blossoming Chaos activated this skill directly, and the attack value rose by a liter in an instant.
Then... Cross Slash!

Blossoming Chaos waved two blood-red sword auras,

The battle format is ready, this cross cut is not fatal, and the roll is successfully evaded,

In the next second, Blossoming Chaos rushed in front of Combat Format,

Berserker Skill - Slash the Earth! !
Qiu Fei's first thought was to use the V-shaped Sky Strike to solve it, but he thought that the judgment effect of the Sky Strike was not strong. If the opponent used the Collapsing Mountain Strike, he could still fight, but now Blossoming Chaos is using a level 75 skill Cracking the ground, I can't fight at all...

He simply used a high-level skill - Raging Dragon Piercing Heart-Breaking!
(End of this chapter)

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