Chapter 291 Lonely Ghost!
"It's an ice formation!"

Li Yibo exclaimed, pushing the originally calm atmosphere to a half-climax,

The audience in the stands held their breath at this moment, because they had the perspective of God, they could clearly see that in the bushes a little sideways to Mu Yu Chengfeng's side, there was the first group of ghosts lying on their stomachs——

Devil may cry every mountain! ! !

How deep is Li Xuan's understanding of fighting against ghosts? In the entire Glory, there is no one who knows this profession better than him for the second time.
When to release the skills, the angle of release of the ghost array, etc., he knows all of these well, and uses them with great proficiency.

And Devil May Cry in Fengshan, who was crawling in the bushes, without revealing his position, used a corner of an ice formation to just seal Mu Yuchengfeng's feet,

under control!
Su Mucheng was taken aback by the sudden change, and she had no time to dodge. The next moment, Mu Yuchengfeng was restrained by the ice formation,
Yi Tianming was the first to react, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms immediately fired several shots into the bushes, and at the same time threw an explosive grenade in an attempt to force the enemies out of it.
However, before the exploding grenade exploded, there was another sudden roar, to be precise, it was Barrett's sniper gunshot,

boom! !

From the translucent attack, the target was the arrested Dancing Rain,

This shot hit her between the eyebrows, hitting the head to trigger Barrett's sniper feature, double the attack.

Mu Yuchengfeng's HP immediately dropped a bit, causing Baihuafen outside the arena to smack her tongue,
"It's a pity that all this blood was wasted for nothing!"

However, the impact brought by Barrett's sniper also made Dancing Rain escape from the ice formation's control range.

Chao Chao hurriedly stretched out his double shields, knocked on the ground, and a large bush fell in front of him. He used this method to open the way for the team.
However, Fengshan Devil May Cry, who was still here just now, has already run away, and the goal of consumption has been achieved with a single shot. Of course, Li Xuan, who is sober-minded, will not love to fight, and has already run far away.

"No, if this continues, it will be wasted in vain." Yi Tianming said in his heart, and then issued an order on the team channel:

"Muyuchengfeng, Fenghuaxueyue, Qichuangyunshui, Tidal, the four of you follow me from back to front in this order."

As soon as the subtitles appeared, the five members of Baihua quickly formed a team. Dazzling Baihua was at the forefront, with four teammates behind them, forming a "one" formation as a whole.
This can not only prevent the void from sneaking across the river, but also quickly search the bushes in front of you.
While the audience outside the court sighed in their hearts for the high efficiency of the Hundred Blossoms players, the situation on the court changed again.

Another ghost formation!But this time it is the silent array from Gui Ke, which can block all the skills of the enemy characters in the array!
The target of the Formation of Silence is the Qi Chong Yunshui behind the tide, this Qi Master is regarded as the primary target by the void,

Using qigong masters as a team lubricant to sew up the connection between the midfielders and backcourt players, Baihua has been using this style of play for more than a day or two, so it is not a secret to other teams.
Li Xuan firmly believed that as long as the key link of Qi Chong Yun Shui was cut off, Baihua's front and back courts would be out of touch.
Then, there is an opportunity!

And this arduous task was entrusted to Wu Yuce to complete. He who cultivated both formation and slashing, while releasing the ghost formation, he also had some offensive skills, which could achieve both control and damage.
And Translucent will be there to assist him.

As for Li Xuan, there are more important things...

On the field,

Faced with the ghost formation that suddenly bloomed, Qi Chongyunshui had no choice but to watch all his skills turn gray and unable to release them normally. There was nothing else he could do except move and peace A...

Immediately, the semi-transparent and energetic shot shot fiercely, and the bullet casings were sprinkled on the bushes, making the sound of metal collisions.

There is no way, Qi Chongyunshui can only hold the muzzle of the gun, and walk step by step to the outside of the Silent Formation,

But what is outside the ghost array?

The answer is, it is still a ghost array,

Gui Ke released the skill [Ghost Step], greatly increasing the movement speed, and then rushed to the front of Qi Chong Yunshui, and released another ghost formation in the open space - gray formation!
Seeing this, Qi Chongyunshui could only change direction, take two steps back, and start moving in another direction.
The gray array will increase the weight of the character, and the movement speed will naturally be greatly reduced.
Once trapped in it, it is not an easy task to get out. For Qi Chongyunshui who has no displacement skills, the gray formation is a ghost formation that he does not want to encounter.

Seeing Qi Chongyunshui change direction, the corners of Wu Yuce's mouth curled into a slight arc, obviously the situation is developing step by step in the direction he expected!

The camera gave the subjective perspective of Qi Chongyunshui, and he was still three steps away from the range of the Silent Formation.

A dense layer of cold sweat broke out on Song Xiao's forehead. Although he told himself to be calm in his heart, the physical reaction still made him a little nervous.

"It's still three steps away!" Song Xiao's eyes lit up, and the operations on his hands remained unchanged. At this time, fast hand speed is useless.

All the skills have been sealed, so it's just a matter of manipulating the character to move.

Three steps... two steps... one step...!
The light is at hand!

Just as Song Xiaogang showed satisfaction, the next second, the smile on his face froze.
Because ghost time is here again,
Unknowingly, Ghost Swordsman is like an assassin in Wu Yuce's hands, flexible and elusive.
How could it be so easy for Qi Chongyunshui to leave the silent formation? Just before the last step, Gui Ke came to him with ghost steps, and the sword in his hand flickered with light, and another ghost formation formed in the next second ,
——Dark Formation!
Block all vision of the character!
In other words, once you enter the dark formation, you will lose your vision and the computer screen will become black!

In a moment, Song Xiao made a decision and retreated again,
The dark formation is also an existence that cannot be touched. Once there is no line of sight, you will become a lamb to be slaughtered, which is equivalent to losing any combat power. Void can take advantage of this opportunity to fight four times to gain a numerical advantage.

However, the two successive retreats had already shaken Song Xiao's heart.
——What should we do next?
—Which way to go, is there a way out? !
Should he continue to change directions, or should he stay put and wait for the time limit of the Silent Array to pass?Song Xiao had a rough memory of the time limit for the ghost formation, but he didn't dare to make a 100% guarantee, he only remembered a rough idea.

At this moment, Song Xiaocai realized that he had fallen into the predicament set by Wu Yuce——

Ghost serial!
"Beautiful! Vice-Captain Void's performance today is quite impressive, and what he is showing us right now is the frightening series of ghost formations!" Li Yibo praised, "Such a performance really deserves the word wonderful!"

"The current situation of Qi Chongyunshui is quite unfavorable! He seems to have no effective way to deal with the ghost array chain, and his health has also been reduced to 60% under the consumption of translucence. If this continues, I am afraid the situation will not be good... ..."

"At this time, maybe you need your teammates to help you out of the predicament?"

That's right, what about the others in Baihua?Why don't you come to help Qi Chongyun Shui?
Li Yibo's words woke up the audience, and their eyes shifted to the other people in Baihua.
What came into view was yet another chain of ghost formations!
Double ghost chain!

Although this style of play does not have the exquisite control of the two ghosts, it can trap more than two opponents in two partial positions, making up for quality with quantity.

And the creator of the second ghost chain is the first ghost of Glory—the Devil Weeping at the Mountain.

In other words, there are currently two ghost chains on the field, and their structures are very similar. They are also centered on the Silent Formation, and the rest of the Gray Formation, Dark Formation and other ghost formations are auxiliary.
But Fenghuaxueyue is trapped in the ghost series of Devil May Cry at Fengshan Mountain, whose skills are all grayed out at this moment and cannot be used.

Elemental Mage is also a short-legged profession. It is difficult to break free from the shackles of the Silent Formation without being able to use skills, and thus is firmly "locked" by ghost formations one after another, trapped in it...

Cooperating with Feng Shan Devil May Cry is Void's priest and guardian, and the two work together to attack Feng Hua Xue Yue,
Fengshan Devil May Cry and the Spirit Guardian team, Ghost Carving and Translucent team, respectively in their respective ghost chains crazily output the characters of Baihua, and at the same time use the ghost array as an artificial barrier to protect themselves,
As for the ghost firefly lamp, the last person in the void, there is no trace at this moment. This assassin seems to have "hidden" in the terrain, looking for a chance to give up his life.

Two of Baihua's five people were trapped, and the remaining three naturally wouldn't sit still.

Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Mu Yuchengfeng output outside the ghost formation, while Chao Chao chooses one of the ghost formations to enter to rescue his teammates.
But which one to choose?

"Qi rushes into the clouds and water."

Yi Tianming guided him to make a choice, the moment Dazzling Hundred Blossoms' command appeared on the team channel, Chao Chao didn't hesitate at all, turned around and stepped into the ghost chain that trapped Qi Chongyunshui,

Objectively speaking, Yi Tianming's choice is very correct. After all, Qi Chong Yun Shui has been suppressed by translucent firepower, and Feng Hua Xue Yue is only facing ghosts and priests. Obviously, Qi Chong Yun Shui is in a more dangerous situation.
Moreover, in this kind of close combat, qigong masters can help the team out of the predicament better than elemental mages,
In other words, even if Fenghua Xueyue came out immediately, it would be difficult for her to protect herself in the melee, and she might even fall into the trap again.
But Qi Chong Yunshui is different, grasping cloud hand, cutting off pulse, cloud body wind body, Qigong explosion... There is control and explosion, and self-protection is safe,

Rescue him first, then we can better rescue Fenghua Xueyue.

Tidal took the initiative to step into the Silent Formation with a heroic charge. Although the skill became invalid the moment he stepped into the ghost formation, the continuous skills released outside the ghost formation would be released normally.
Relying on the momentum of the heroic charge, Chao Tide jumped to Qi Chong Yun Shui's side, raised his double shields to help him block most of the bullets,

Zheng Chengfeng's cognition is very clear, the top priority is to prevent Qi Chongyunshui from continuing to lose blood. When the priest is not present, every blood loss will increase the possibility of sudden death.

Then, under the guidance of the tide, Qi Chongyunshui and him began to move out of the ghost formation step by step,
Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Yuce hurriedly manipulated the character to continue filling the ghost array,

Unexpectedly, it was directly interrupted by the roar of artillery fire, and Mu Yuchengfeng unceremoniously resorted to his big move - satellite ray!
The artillery fire falling from the sky fell directly from the top of Gui Ke's head. Of course, he would not choose to resist, and then rolled to avoid it, but he was still shocked by the aftermath of the artillery fire and took a step back.
Gui Ke's life value also began to waver,
However, the loss of blood is a minor matter, and the big thing is that Qi rushes into the clouds and the tide is about to step out of the ghost formation.

Taking advantage of the brief moment of satellite rays, Qi Chong Yun Shui and Tide moved a few more positions, and now they are only a few steps away from rushing out of the ghost formation!

The translucency was suppressed by Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, flash bombs, smoke bombs, and ice bombs were released one after another,

Wu Yuce yelled in his heart that something was wrong, but he was still a step too late.
In the next second, Qi Chongyunshui and the tide rushed out of the control range of the ghost array,
The moment he rushed out of the ghost formation, Qi Chongyunshui released the cloud catcher without hesitation, and caught the ghost carving in the encirclement of Baihua and the other four.
What's worse is that the distance between Void Priest and Ghost Carving has exceeded the effective range of the skill, that is to say, he can't use purification to help his deputy captain get in touch with the cloud catcher's control...!
There was no way, Wu Yuce could only watch helplessly as his character was captured into the Hundred Flowers Formation,

The Qi Chongyunshui that had been suffocated until now can finally be released, a wave of Qi Jin skills beat Gui Ke violently, and Tide also used the shield to make up for it twice from time to time,

And Translucence was warmly greeted by the artillery fire of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Mu Yuchengfeng.

On the other hand, although Fengshan Devil May Cry and the Guardians are also desperately outputting, the attack methods of Zhengui and Priest are limited after all, and the blood loss rate of Feng Huaxueyue is not comparable to that of Gui Ke...

At this rate, there will definitely be fewer people on the Void side first,
But what people didn't expect was that Fenghua Xueyue fell down first...

"what happened?"

The audience only saw Fenghua Xueyue's head turned gray, and then fell down,

The sixth person from Hundred Blossoms appeared on the stage automatically, Priest Aofeng Remnant Flower.

"This... Fenghua Xueyue fell down first, which is indeed a little surprising." Even Li Yibo was incredulous,

However, he soon learned the truth from the slow-motion playback,
It turned out that it was the Void Assassin who made the meritorious service. He took Fenghua Xueyue away with a blow of his own life.

However, the Hundred Blossoms team didn't panic about this, and continued to output ghost engravings and translucency in an orderly manner.

Everything is expected,

Fenghua Xueyue's tactical role is to seduce the Void Assassin's sacrifice blow, and she has completed the task.

"I'll leave the rest to you." Chu Yunxiu slowly took off the earphones.

On the field,

Gui Ke and Translucent are controlled by Baihua, and both of them are left with residual blood. Baihua is deliberately controlling the output rate,

The purpose is to protect his priest, Aofeng Remnant Flower. After all, he has just come out of the resurrection point. If the sixth person from the void is allowed to play at this time, it may pose a threat to Aofeng Remnant Flower. The safest way is to wait for him to return to the main force before doing it .

Aofeng Remnant Flower soon came to the arms of the big army, and turned into a caring dad, with green lights flashing continuously,

Immediately afterwards, Gui Ke and Translucent were sent out of the game...

"Let's congratulate Hundred Blossoms, they won 10-0!"


(End of this chapter)

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