Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 282 Controversy about Dazzling!

Chapter 282 Controversy About Dazzling Hundred Blossoms!
Here, Hundred Blossoms away game 9:1 Heavenly Sword, this result is expected, no surprises,

When the league staff was doing the post-match statistics for this game, they had a difficult time.

Because this time Yi Tianming did not use the usual Blossoming Chaos, but Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the mvp was given to Yi Tianming after the game.

In terms of glory, players and character cards are linked,
So in this way, the staff has made it difficult to fill in the column of mvp.
The player has not changed, but if the account card is changed, the number of mvp should also be counted as superposition, right?Then, when the awards at the end of the season were announced, next to Yi Tianming's name, should Blossoming Chaos be placed alone, or Dazzling Hundred Blossoms added?

No way, the staff can only ask their superiors,

The number of times was added in the end, but other matters have not been dealt with for the time being, let's just pass it by and take it one step at a time. Anyway, the chairman of the alliance is very big-headed, and the last one who made him so big-headed was Ye Qiu.



Since Baihua only scored 9 points in this round of the league, Samsara caught up with one point behind them. They scored 10:0.

The point difference between the two teams narrowed by one point, leaving only six points,

This can't help but make people feel emotional, the competition for the first place in the league is really fierce...even if a round is a point, they will not relax at all.

Turning his gaze, in the conference room of the Hundred Flowers Club,

People here just concluded after a game,

After winning the victory, everyone in Hundred Blossoms naturally had relaxed and happy expressions on their faces.

"Let me see... who is the next opponent." Yi Tianming clicked on the schedule, and the two large characters on it came into view,


"Okay, the meeting is over. Everyone can go back and review how to play against Thunder. The next game is an away game. Everyone, take a good rest and join the training camp the day after tomorrow." Yi Tianming waved, and the meeting room quickly emptied.

In the end, only Chu Yunxiu and Yi Tianming were left.

"For Lei Ting, it should be a sure-fire match," Chu Yunxiu murmured.

"Having said that, we still can't take it lightly. This round of Misty Rain is like this. A lot of adjustments have been made at the tactical level, and they were caught off guard when they hit Void. What's more, Thunderclap still has Xiao Shiqin. With him in the team, tactics The level is even more weird and changeable, maybe it will give us a big surprise." Yi Tianming shrugged and continued,

"Be careful, it will always be better, and in the league standings, Samsara is also chasing closely. While we are pursuing victory in the next league, we must score as many points as possible."

"Well, that makes sense."


After a period of comfort, Hundred Blossoms is about to face a tight schedule.
Their opponents for the next three rounds are: Thunder, Misty Rain, and Void.

All three scenes are against powerful enemies!
They are all opponents that cannot be underestimated, and often at such a time, the more cautious one needs to be, one is not careful, and the reincarnation behind the butt may catch up.


During the one-day rest period, everyone lives the life they want to live, going out to play, lying down, eating and drinking... how easy it is, and Song Xiao even invites two friends to play in the bar all night , I don't know if it's male or female.
However, there is no need to worry about problems with the player's state. They are all "veteran drivers" who can get to this point. They are good at adjusting their own state. When it is time to be serious, they will immediately enter the correct state.

After a day off, the team trained normally,
Another three days passed in a flash...

"Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!"


In my ears, there was a tsunami of thunderous cheers. Their morale has been very high recently. They are seventh in the league. If they keep this rhythm, they will have no problem entering the playoffs.

The Thunder's home court, there have also been many classic cases of "the weak defeating the strong".

And today, facing the top of the list, Hundred Blossoms, Thunder fans didn't have the slightest bit of timidity. No matter what, this match had to be a bloodbath, show the momentum of Thunder!

Thunder fans have given a high degree of trust and support to their captain, Xiao Shiqin,

There were not a few shouts on the scene about "picking over a hundred flowers!"
In the past, Thunder fans may not have the confidence to do so, but now they really dare to shout like this. There may be two reasons for this,

One is that Xiao Shiqin's tactical literacy is online, and Xiao Shiqin, who "studied abroad" in Baihua for a year and returned after studying, gives people a different feeling. His gestures are full of confidence and stability, which is a big deal. a change of
The second is the strengthening of the lineup. With the addition of newcomers such as Dai Yanqi and Zou Yuan, the strength of Thunderclap's own lineup has been significantly improved compared to the previous "broken ship". This is the second change.

As for how much strength the current Thunder has displayed, let's look at their performance in this round...

Amid the cheers all over the sky, there is only one stage left before the start of the game. Before the game, we shake hands,

First, the captains of both sides,
"Long time no see." Yi Tianming greeted first, and smiled at his former colleague.
"Well, let's encourage each other." Xiao Shiqin also smiled back,

In the first round of the battle between the two teams this season, Hundred Blossoms successfully suppressed Thunder in the team competition, but in that match, Hundred Blossoms had an advantage in map selection.

Today, the offense and defense are easy to change, the host and the guest alternate,

Who can win this team competition is still unknown.

Does Xiao Shiqin have a backup player, will he change his tactics,

Whether or not Baihua will bring surprises to people, will Yi Tianming keep his hole cards?
These are unknowns.

However, generally speaking, Xiao Shiqin suffered a bit.

Because... he was not sure which card or profession Yi Tianming would use to fight,

Is continue to use the ammo expert?Or the most commonly used Berserker?Or a strategy that hasn't appeared for a long time?
do not know……

After the last round against Heavenly Swordsman, Yi Tianming's strength as an ammunition expert was exposed in front of the big teams, now no one will doubt his ammunition expert's strength,
On the contrary, they all had a little more vigilance and awe, because this made Hundred Blossoms' opponents have a huge workload when planning their tactics before the match!It is necessary to prepare at least three sets of countermeasures.

Moreover, preparing tactics is one aspect, and whether the players can absorb and remember it is another aspect. In the past, there was generally a set of general ideas in the game, and there were various sub-branches below.

Now there are two more sets of general ideas all of a sudden, and the number of sub-branches under them is too numerous to count. This may cause some players to misremember or mix up...

Taking a step back, even if the players memorize it before the game, they tend to be nervous during the game... When nervousness leads to operational errors, when the brain heats up, they can't think about anything, and tactics are all forgotten.

Come on, it's arranged in vain...

So, professional players are not easy, especially when your opponent is Hundred Blossoms...

Soon, the handshake session between the contestants ended, and the game officially entered the theme.

"The first one is a single-player event. Both players are invited to come on stage. The competition is about to begin~"

A broadcast sounded, and the war was about to break out.

On Thunder's side, they will still guard heavily in the singles competition.

There is no way, the 2 points in the group arena are really out of reach, even Xiao Shiqin doesn't dare to belittle himself to fight for these 2 points, as far as Thunderclap's lineup is concerned, it hasn't drifted to that level yet...

What's more, let alone Thunder, there are not many in the entire league who can compete with Baihua in the group arena...

Thunderclap's roster for the singles competition: Zou Yuan, Dai Yanqi, Xiao Shiqin.

All three players are likely to score a single point, so this arrangement is safe. Xiao Shiqin wants to score 1 point in the singles competition as much as possible, and get as close as possible to 2 points.As for 3 points... Just think about it, it's not realistic.

That's right, Xiao Shiqin's goal is to keep 1 and win 2. He knows that Yi Tianming will definitely make a move in the singles match. No matter what, he has no hope of winning this point, so he can only pin his hopes on the other two matches. …

As for who met Yi Tianming...

The answer soon came out, Hundred Blossoms' list for the singles: Yi Tianming, Su Mucheng, Zhang Wei.

When they saw that Yi Tianming was the first to appear in Baihua, the audience fell silent for a moment, and even the commentator rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had misread it.

After a few seconds, he exclaimed in surprise, "I seem to have returned to last season! At that time, Captain Yi Tianming was also the first player to play every time! Last season's winning rate was 100%. I think today's audience can feast their eyes..."

Then, there was a little booing at the scene,

The commentator suddenly remembered that this is Thunderclap's home court, and saying that the opponent's winning percentage is 100% in front of others, it's not appropriate to slap them in the face in public!
Fortunately, the commentator had good language skills, so he hurriedly changed the subject and finally rounded things up.

On the Thunder bench,

Xiao Shiqin was a little helpless, but he quickly put back his expression. If a big battle is imminent, if he shows no confidence in his teammates, it will easily affect morale.

"Hiss..." Zou Yuanchang took a breath and stood up slowly, "It seems that I am the lucky one!"

"Come on!" "Fight with him!"

Zou Yuan, Baihuafen is no stranger to him, he was originally the heir of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, but failed due to various reasons, and now the character card in his hand still has the word "flower" on it!
Today, Zou Yuan stepped onto the stage amidst the encouragement of his Thunder teammates. Yi Tianming had been waiting on it for a long time.

"Long time no see." Zou Yuan took the initiative to say hello and stretched out his right hand.

"Well, come on." Yi Tianming didn't exchange too many pleasantries, so let's save reminiscing about the old days after the game, and now go to the court and speak with strength.

Then, the two turned around and walked into the war room,

Suddenly, Zou Yuan looked back at Yi Tianming's back, and couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion in his heart,
——This peer who debuted in the same season as myself, the growth rate is really surprising and enviable...

In the auditorium, whispers continued,

"What occupation do you think Yi Tianming will use this time?"

"Berserker? Fighting method? No chicken..."


Dazzling flowers!

When these four big characters appeared on the electronic screen, the audience fell silent again.
It's Dazzling Flowers again!

Originally, everyone's focus was on Berserkers and tactics. After all, the ammunition experts had already played in the last round, but now the fact is that they were slapped in the face, and the ammunition experts continued into this round!
Now the game is much more interesting.
The two contestants are also produced by Hundred Blossoms.
One is the current operator of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, and the other is the former heir of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms...

The audience's desire to win was completely ignited by this blow. If, it means that if Zou Yuan can win this match, then he can be regarded as elated.
Because Zou Yuan was exchanged with Lei Ting as an "abandoned son" at the beginning, if he could win, he would slap Bai Hua in the face!

Of course, the probability of this if... is too small...

Character loading...

Thunder: Zou Yuan, a professional ammunition expert, with a flourishing id,

Hundred Blossoms: Yi Tianming, a professional ammunition expert, has an ID of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms.

Loading the map... Single-plank trestle...

war room,

When Zou Yuan saw that Yi Tianming was also using an ammunition expert, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback. He didn't expect to be faced with such a situation.

Because in this way, most of the advantages of map selection will be wiped out. The single-plank trestle bridge Zou Yuan chose was intended to consume opponents and achieve restraint in long-range and short-range attacks, but he did not expect Yi Tianming to pull out an ammunition expert of the same profession ,
Therefore, the map advantage can be said to no longer exist.
In the duel of the same profession, the comparison is whose operation is tougher.

Zou Yuan gave a wry smile, and then pulled himself together, "Come on! Let me see how your ammunition expert is!"

Although he has already convinced Yi Tianming's Berserker, but for the ammunition expert, he doesn't want to admit defeat!

Zou Yuan hadn't confronted Yi Tianming's ammunition expert before, and this was his first match.

With a flash of white light, the characters of both sides refresh and enter the map,
The audience also fully understood the structure of the map through holographic projection.
The first thing that catches the eye is a simple wooden bridge, connected by ropes on both sides, and there are wooden boards under it, with some gaps between each board.
The wooden board looks quite new. As for the bearing capacity, whether it can withstand the ravages of bullets and grenades is still unknown. Perhaps only Zou Yuan, who chose the picture, knows better. This is his only advantage in this picture. up.

And under the wooden bridge, there is a nearly dry river, the water flow is not large enough to wash away characters, and dark things like swamps,

There are also some large stones inlaid on the ground. These stones are distributed irregularly, but it can be seen that through these stones, you can jump from the ground to the bridge.

There is nothing particularly amazing about the map. As for the actual combat effect, it depends on the performance of the two players.


Fight! ! !

With the end of the countdown, the game officially begins,
Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Blossoming Blossoms are spawned at both ends of the bridge respectively, and the first thing after the two characters are refreshed is to run wildly on the bridge,

Da da da!Da da da!
Shooting while running, but it has not yet entered the range of the two sides, and these gunshots are just "bluffing", that's all.
As the distance got closer and they were about to enter the range, the pace of the two gradually slowed down.

The frequency of gunshots accelerated, and the probing by both sides became more and more frequent, but they were all empty guns and missed the opponent. The two of them did not pierce the last layer of window paper for a long time.

In the end, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms was the first to pierce through...

(End of this chapter)

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