Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 263 Flower, Undefeated! ! !

Chapter 263 Hundred Blossoms, Undefeated! ! !
The match between Lu Hanwen and Liu Xiaobie was purely an explosive battle between two rookies.

One first grade, one third grade,

In the end, Lu Hanwen, who was in the first grade, won. I have to say that talent is really important in e-sports.
Although Liu Xiaobie is talented in hand speed, but Lu Hanwen's talent covers a wider range, so there is no doubt about winning the competition.

Of the seven rookie games, six have been played so far, and the last one is left.
And this time the challenger is...

Heavenly Sword, Lou Guanning!

"Oh~ So it's this young master!"


When they saw this name, the audience's first thought was the character design of "Brother Young Master". After all, the incident of Yi Zhan joining the alliance with Krypton Gold was very public and well-known.
And Heavenly Sword has also been labeled as a "tyrant team", it's really not easy to tear it off,
At present, there are nearly half of the professional league. From the beginning to now, Heavenly Sword has been hovering in the relegation zone, and even fell into the relegation zone several times.
Fortunately, I won a few games in the previous rounds and added some points, so I "climbed" out of the relegation zone.

However, it has not climbed very high. It is currently only ranked 17th in the league, and it is only one place away from the relegation zone. If it is not stable, there is still a risk of relegation at the end of the season.
If Heavenly Swords is relegated this season, it will really become the laughing stock of everyone. It was hard to get into the league with a lot of money, but it ended up being out after only staying for one season.
Of course, the specific fate of Heavenly Swordsman, and whether they can succeed in relegation depends on their future performance...

Back to the All-Star scene,
"Which player do you want to challenge?"

Lou Guanning had already stepped onto the stage. Under the lighting of the lights and the noise of the audience, he calmly took the microphone handed over by Li Yibo,

Then he smiled lightly, not at all nervous because of the momentum of the scene, but very calm,

This calmness is very rare for a rookie who has just entered the league. The 6 rookies who played before were more or less nervous.
The only one who was not nervous was Lu Hanwen, but he was more of a young and ignorant one, while Lou Guanning was mature and calm.

After all, Lou Guanning was born as an aristocrat, and he has never seen such a big scene. The noise at the scene didn't affect him at all.

I saw his lips slowly open, "What I want to challenge is..."

"Captain Yi Tianming of Team Hundred Blossoms."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent for a while, and then cheers and shouts broke out even more violently than before.

Another duel between the same profession!
On the seat of flowers,
"Captain, you've been flopped again, come on~" Song Xiao said cheaply,
Yi Tianming waved his hand, slapped him on the back of the head, gave him a vicious look, and then strode towards the stage,

Yi Tianming is in a good mood,
It's not because I'm so happy to be ordered, but because I can get off work after this game, have lunch and go back to the hotel, and take a peaceful nap with sister Chu~

When Yi Tianming walked out of the player's bench and the camera captured his face,
There were bursts of cheers exclusively for him,

"Yi Tianming! Yi Tianming! Yi...!"

From the moment Yi Tianming took over the "handsome seal" from Zhang Jiale this season, doubts about him from the outside world have always existed.
However, these people are not questioning Yi Tianming's personal strength. After all, two consecutive championships + sixth title is already considered a very high personal honor, and the entire league is only second to Ye Qiu's three consecutive championships.

These people are questioning Yi Tianming's leadership ability,

"A person with strong personal ability may not necessarily have strong leadership ability. Baihua under the leadership of Yi Tianming is likely to be in turmoil!"

This is the point of view of those sunspots, but now it is hard to see them jumping around, because Yi Tianming slapped his face hard with practical actions,
And, without knowing it, a record was set,
Hundred Blossoms in the new season has yet to experience a single defeat!
16 games, 15 wins, 1 draw and 0 losses. This record is very explosive in the entire history of Glory. Even last season's Hundred Blossoms lost at the beginning of the season due to lineup problems.
Perhaps, this season's Hundred Blossoms can enter the knockout round undefeated?Create a new miracle?
Even: undefeated to win the championship! ?
If this can be achieved, Hundred Blossoms' third championship trophy may become the one with the highest gold content in the history of Glory, making history!
And Yi Tianming, the young captain, will also be recorded in history!

The historic scene of Yi Tianming's 36-game winning streak in the singles match last season is still vivid in his memory.Will you lead the team to new honors this season?
It has to be said that Yi Tianming's debut has caused quite a storm in the Glory circle.

Of course, Hundred Blossoms' strong opponent Samsara this season also has an undefeated record, and with Samsara's momentum and lineup this season, it is also hard to find a defeat.
Currently, Samsara is one point lower than Baihua in the standings, ranking no.2...

However, before the playoffs, Samsara and Hundred Blossoms will have another duel, and that duel will most likely determine the final ranking of the regular season and the number one in the league!
When the time comes, only one of Samsara and Hundred Blossoms will survive...


back to the scene,

Yi Tianming and Lou Guanning have completed the pre-match handshake,

Yi Tianming remembered that he had met Lou Guanning once in the first round of the league.
At that time, the other party gave me the impression that the strength was professional-level, but the operation was a little immature and the actual combat experience was insufficient.
"Then let's see if you have improved." Yi Tianming put on the earphones slowly,

Character loading... map loading...!
The cheers from the audience never stopped from the moment Yi Tianming came on stage.
It's not hard to see from this that Yi Tianming is currently a well-deserved top player in the Glory circle,

With its excellent appearance and operation, it has become the idol of 90% of new players, and it has also been "loved" by many old players.
With the flash of white light, the audience's eyes once again focused on the field,

Blossoming Chaos and Loulan Slash are spawned at both ends of the map, separated by piles of weeds, large rocks, and damaged walls, but overall it is a map with a relatively simple structure and a small area.
Lou Guanning is very "sincere", knowing that he and Yi Tianming are quite different in strength, so he simply didn't choose the arena, but chose this picture with some occlusions,

He knew that if he wanted to show himself well, the arena would definitely not be easy to play.A picture like this with a little occlusion but a small number is more conducive to self-expression.

In the next second, Loulan Slash swung the epee with golden light,
Whoosh! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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