Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 258 New Enmity, Old Enmity!Rookie Challenge! (4)

Chapter 258 New Enmity, Old Enmity!Rookie Challenge! (Four)

Character loading:

Shu Keyi, a professional sharpshooter, who doesn't bow her head in id,

Chu Yunxiu, professional elemental mage, id Fenghua Xueyue.

In a sense, this game is really a match full of gunpowder.
Chu Yunxiu's fans undoubtedly support her unconditionally,

But those smoke and rain fans seemed a bit difficult to deal with. They didn't know who to cheer for. One was the former captain and the other was an active player. Both sides were in a dilemma.

Moreover, the outcome of this game will determine the direction of a large number of media opinions after the game.

The audience in the stands had already started to think about what to eat tonight, because this is the last All-Star matchup of today, and after that it is dinner time, and when the event starts again tomorrow morning,
Now that Chu Yunxiu came on stage, the audience's eyes were instantly drawn back,

Without further ado, let's get back on track,
The map is a loft-type map, which is conducive to the development of the gun class profession.

From this, it is not difficult to see that Shu Keyi still has "ambition". She chose a picture that is conducive to her performance, and wants to defeat Chu Yunxiu on it.

Make a name for yourself?

This is not an exaggeration,

Just imagine, if a female rookie player defeated the current "No. [-] female player in Glory" in the Rookie Challenge, how much sensation this would cause in the Glory circle,

Even if it is a so-called "exhibition match", the gold content is not high, but at least winning or losing is a final decision, and those black fans will try their best to belittle Chu Yunxiu by grasping this point,

And those unscrupulous media, and then use it as an article to spread the beginning and end of the article, of course old fans can understand it, but those newbies who are new to the pit can easily be misled by this kind of article.

And if Shu Keyi loses, the outside world will not praise Chu Yunxiu or anything like that.

The number one female contestant in Glory defeated a rookie. No matter how it sounds, this is a matter of course and not worthy of praise.

Therefore, this duel, no matter what the result is, is more inclined to Shu Keyi,

For her, losing is not a loss, and winning is blood.

Of course, if Chu Yunxiu can win, there is also a potential cool point, that is, to slap Misty Rain's senior management in the face,

Let them regret the outrageous things they have done.

Having said that, Chu Yunxiu might not have left Misty Rain if it hadn't been for the mischievous operation of Misty Rain's executives.


With a flash of white light, the characters of both sides have been loaded on the map,

In the rookie competition, there are more common pictures, so even if it is Shu Keyi's selection, Chu Yunxiu will not feel too unfamiliar,
As soon as the game started,
Who doesn't lower her head and rush out from the refresh point quickly, her primary purpose is to occupy a favorable terrain, and then hit the blocking consumption, in the consumption again and again, defeat the opponent,
Moreover, you have to control the distance between yourself and the opponent within a certain range. If it is too far away, the range is not enough, and if it is too close, it may be attacked by the opponent.
Shu Keyi didn't dare to take risks, even though she looked down on Chu Yunxiu before, thinking that the title of the so-called No. [-] female contestant in Glory came for nothing,
But at that time, after all, he was young and frivolous, and he had just entered the professional circle, and he was a little ignorant,
With the hard work in the professional arena for half a season, Shu Keyi gradually has a position on her own strength, and gradually understands that Chu Yunxiu's generation of women can have such a status in the professional circle, and she really has hard power support.

Of course, this does not affect Shu Keyi's ambition, she does have the idea of ​​stepping on Chu Yunxiu's position...!
Da da da... da da da...

Whoever is the first to attack does not bow her head. At this moment, she has already boarded the middle floor of the attic,
This is a 3-storey attic with no rooms, only a narrow and long passage, and there are Z-shaped ladders connecting each floor, which is the only way to climb the floors.

Whoever doesn't bow his head is now on the second floor,
This choice is correct. She can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. If the opponent rushes over, she can go to the third floor to avoid it, and at the same time, she can consume the opponent.

However, Shu Keyi still thought of Chu Yunxiu too simply,

Fenghuaxueyue raised her hand slightly, and an ice wall had formed, blocking most of the opponent's shooting angles.

In this way, if anyone wants to continue attacking without bowing his head, he can only move his position.
But at this moment, the passage in the attic has become a factor limiting her output,
The magic staff in Fenghua Xueyue's hand shone brightly again, and a sea of ​​flames spread rapidly in the passage on the right side of who doesn't bow his head,
This also set up a difficult problem for Shu Keyi,
If you want to output, you can only cross the flames and output with damage,

While Shu Keyi was deliberating, Chu Yunxiu had already started the next move.
Fenghuaxueyue began to climb the stairs, and the speed was relatively fast, so there was not much time left for Shu Keyi to think!

How to choose?

Shu Keyi was immediately stumped, after all, she still lacked experience,

At this time, it would be good to take some damage and return it later. Her first task now is to prevent her opponent from climbing the stairs.
It's a waste of time to be unpredictable here, once Chu Yunxiu goes upstairs smoothly, then it will be a bit of a luxury for me to think about it in a corner.

In the end, you will only end up in a situation where you can't protect yourself.
At the same level and with the same performance, sharpshooters and elemental mages should be in a [-]-[-] situation. Sharpshooters have long-range consumption, and elemental mages also have field control and spell damage.

But the current situation is that Chu Yunxiu's hard work is better than Shu Kexin's, and in terms of actual combat experience, it is far ahead of several seasons, almost in a state of crushing,
In the case of a large gap in the strength of the players, it is necessary to rely on external forces such as terrain and character card strength.

There is no need to compare the strength of the character card, the card specially created by the champion team, Chu Yunxiu won completely,

Then only the terrain remains,

Originally, who didn't bow her head was in a favorable position, but because of her hesitation, Fenghua Xueyue successfully went upstairs,
In this way, Shu Keyi's only advantage also disappeared.
The outcome of this game will then be announced.
Chu Yunxiu completely won,

When no one bowed his head and fell down, Fenghua Xueyue still had 66% of his blood volume left,
If you want to talk about personal grievances, there must be some mixed in. After all, the Shu sisters were so arrogant in Misty Rain back then, and sister Chu made her suffer a bit.

Of course, Chu Yunxiu still let go of water. At the last moment of the game, she slowed down her attacking rhythm and intentionally ate a few skills.
Otherwise, there would be more than 66% blood left.

"Thank you Chu Yunxiu and Shu Keyi for bringing us this wonderful match~" No matter who wins or loses, Li Yibo's commentary will continue as usual.

But the interesting thing is,
When shaking hands after the game, Shu Keyi lowered her "proud" head and didn't say much. If you lose, you lose, and you admit it.

This is better than that kid Zhao Yuzhe, who is still stubborn when he loses...

 One more chapter first, there will be more later
(End of this chapter)

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