Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 245 Disturbing Misty Rain! ! (Today's first update, there will be more later!)

Chapter 245 Disturbing Misty Rain! ! (Today's first update, there will be more later!)
Blossoming Chaos fell heavily from mid-air, and countless raindrops fell on the bridge, accompanied by streaks of blood-red sword energy,

At this moment, it seems to be raining lightly in the game, but in the rain, there are blood flowers quietly blooming,
The whole scene was completely chaotic!
And the creator of this chaos is the Blossoming Chaos! ! !
Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Feng hurriedly manipulated his character to deal with the powerful enemy, who had a lot of public opinion with him before the match,
It was obvious that Yu Feng really wanted to win,
He had already lost once in the group arena, and he didn't want to lose again in the team competition.

"I want to win!" A gleam flashed in Yu Feng's eyes,
"Siege!" When the news of Fengmang Huijian appeared on the Yanyu team's internal channel, the experienced Tian Sen immediately rushed over to help,

Ye Jinyi Xing and Fengmang Huijian formed a partial two-on-one numerical advantage!
The heavy sword and scythe slammed down on Luo Hualang's head at the same time!
As for the others in Yanyu, they didn't come to help at the moment. Zhang Wei's magician held him back and dared not fight back.

On the other hand, Chu Yunxiu took the initiative to find Li Hua, his former teammate. Obviously, as former teammates, the two must know each other very well. Using Chu Yunxiu's position to suppress Li Hua is equivalent to star tactics.

Everything was obviously arranged before the game.

"The tactics are good." The four major tactics masters who watched the game at the same time gave such evaluations,

As a result, the chaotic situation on the field has also become more hierarchical.
Feng Huaxueyue caught the dark forest and the grass was startled,
Sen Luo dare not fight back against him,

Qi Chongyunshui and Aofeng Remnant Flowers formed a partial two-on-one, and caught Misty Rain's priest firmly.

In the above three places, Hundred Blossoms has the advantage.

"Then this last point, which is the most critical point, depends on..."

"Falling Blossoms!"

The four tactical masters issued sharp comments at the same time. The so-called last point is the point of Blossoming Chaos.

At this moment, he is facing the oppression of the two attackers in Team Misty Rain,

However, who is oppressing whom is not certain,
Luohualangli held two swords in his hands, his whole body was burning with flames, and he swung an X-shaped sword energy, forcing the two of them to stop,
Rush and stab!

To be precise, it should be - arc reloading stabbing!
Blossoming Chaos drew a precise arc in the air, and accurately hit the Sharp Wisdom Sword and Ye Jinyixing in front of them!
"Oh! Beautiful arc!" The narrator also did not hide his appreciation for Yi Tianming's operation, "This kind of operation is not easy, don't forget that Blossoming Chaos is a dual-sword mode at this moment! The character's weight and flexibility have changed. Under such circumstances, you can still achieve such a precise skill release, the number one mad sword in glory is well-deserved!"

Of course, this will clearly show that there is no controversy about the number one mad sword of glory.

Even Yu Feng's fans couldn't find a favorable point of refutation.

Ren Yitianming has two championships and two consecutive years of mvp, which is real and not in vain.


Thanks to the good sound insulation in the war room, otherwise Yu Feng's mentality would have been affected after hearing this.

back to the game,

Blossoming Chaos fought against Fengmang Huijian and Ye Jinyixing all by himself, one hit two!

But at this moment, Fengmang Huijian and Ye Jinyixing were unable to move for a while under its powerful offensive, and were tightly suppressed!
Furious Blood Wave, Cross Slash, Whirlwind Slash, Earth Splitting Slash!

Skills were released one after another, and under the blessing of the bloodthirsty effect, Blossoming Chaos' attack power has reached an extremely terrifying level!

Although bloodthirsty caused his own health to drop, the two opponents' blood dropped far faster than his!
However, under the onslaught of Luohualangmo, the two of Misty and Rain couldn't find a good chance to fight back.
Blossoming Chaos has been outputting close to the body. Originally, in this situation, the new skill of the exorcist, the banning talisman, was a good choice. It can directly reduce the attack by [-]% by enclosing the opponent's heavy sword.
It's a pity that Ye Jinyi Xing's banning talisman is still in the long cd. He just gave this skill to Chao Chao.
Not only that, but many offensive skills such as the sharp sword's big move are currently cooling down.
Not only them, but also Mo Gan and Lin Ancao were completely suppressed by their opponents at this moment, very passive!
In the whole scene, at four points, Misty Rain was at a disadvantage!
It was only after this time that Yu Feng and Tian Sen realized that they had completely fallen into the tactical traps laid by the opponent.
One tide, two shields, absorbed too many skills of Misty Rain characters,
It can be said to be a cheating skill!
Deceived all their skills!This also led to the fact that the five of Misty Rain are now in a skill window period.

"Damn it!" The veins on Yu Feng's forehead bulged, facing such a situation, he didn't know what to do,

"Tactics... Tactics... How to break the game...!?" Yu Feng kept thinking about the word tactics in his mind. He looked at his teammates who were deeply passive around him, and knew that if he couldn't think of a way, the game would be hopeless. ...

In an instant, Yu Feng suddenly recalled the days when he was still in Blue Rain,
In that battle, I don't have to think about tactics as hard as I am now, I just need to attack the offensive end well, that's enough.
In Blue Rain, with that man, all the problems on the field seemed to be solved,

When the situation fell into a passive position, the man's timely guidance and tactics would always appear on the team channel to help the team tide over difficulties time and time again.

But now, I am no longer under the glory of that man,
Yu Feng suddenly fell into confusion, deep confusion,

He is eager for success and wants to be the leader of the team.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that he was still a long way from being the real boss, and he still had a lot to learn.
There is an old saying that goes well, if you are in a hurry, you can't eat hot tofu...

The captain is the spirit of the whole team, and the key person who is the first to stand up and find a bright road for the team in difficult times.

However, the current Yu Feng still has some distance from this at the tactical level.

Need to grow.

Fengmang Huijian fell, and fell again under the heavy sword of Luohualangmo. At the last moment, Yu Feng still failed to help the team find a way to break the situation.
This duel full of public opinion has finally come to an end at this moment.
Tactically, Yu Feng was completely defeated.
Technically, Yi Tianming was the key to one-on-two, relentless suppression.

The balance engraved with the word "public opinion" finally tilted heavily towards Yi Tianming's side,

team game,
Hundred flowers win!

The result of this match is out, and Hundred Blossoms has won another big victory, head held high and continue to move forward! !
"Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers!"

"Yi Tianming! Yi Tianming! Yi Tianming!"

Nuoda's venue was filled with thunderous cheers from Baihuafen. At this moment, they were already in a carnival.

Although Yi Tianming's position as the No. [-] Berserker in Glory is a certainty and undisputed, but when his captain overthrows the challenger with absolute advantage,

Still very cool!

Feeling relieved immediately.

Of course, the carnival belongs to Hundred Flowers fans, not to Yanyu fans, and the Misty Rain players who lost the game...

post-match interview,

The eyes of the media are focused on Misty Rain,
"Excuse me, Team Yu, do you have anything to say about tonight's loss?" The reporter didn't hide at all, and immediately threw a sharp question,

Yu Feng's face was gloomy, and after a moment of silence, he spoke slowly, with a slightly hoarse voice, "We still have a lot to improve..."

"What about tactics? Tonight's tactics from Hundred Blossoms are really eye-catching."

Yu Feng shook his head slowly, "Sorry, I have nothing to say about this question."

As the voice fell, the air froze instantly.

Seeing this, the chief press officer hurriedly waved his hand and asked other reporters to ask questions. The most taboo of this kind of post-match interview is silence.

"Excuse me……"


As soon as he returned to Misty Rain Club, Yu Feng locked himself in the confined space, without saying a word,
The members of Yanyu and his team were a little confused, not knowing what to do.

Tian Sen asked tentatively, "Yu Dui..."

Li Hua smiled speciously, and gestured to the Shu sisters at the end of the team with his eyes, "Perhaps, Team Yu also has his own difficulties."

Tian Sen understood and didn't say any more. He turned to comfort the others: "That's it for today. Everyone, go back and have a good rest. Take a day off and get back in shape. Remember, a loss in a game doesn't determine everything. What matters is the stability and resilience of the team.”

After all, Tian Sen is the former captain of Huangfeng, so he still has a way of comforting his teammates who lost.

Afterwards, the whole team of Misty Rain dispersed,

Rest for a day, and then conduct training camps to prepare for the next round of the league.

As for Yu Feng...

Indeed, he has a big problem,

That was the death order that Yanyu's senior management arranged for him: the Shu sisters must be allowed to compete in the team competition at the same time.

Fortunately, at least they didn't start at the same time. If two sharpshooters were on the field together, the Misty Rain formation would become completely fragmented.

However, even if there is one starter and one substitute, there are still a lot of disadvantages, which makes Yu Feng have a lot of trouble in arranging the team players.
career overlap,

The double sharpshooter is not like other void double ghosts, blue rain's double swordsman, and Huangfeng's double exorcist.
However, the system of double sharpshooters is not suitable for Misty Rain. The first attack ability is insufficient, and the second is unable to resist damage.
Do you think your Shu sisters are Zhou Zekai?

And compared to sharpshooter, Yu Feng is more inclined to the team's boxer Sun Liang,

In the final analysis, the current lineup of Misty Rain still has certain disadvantages and flaws, which are concentrated in the two Shu sisters, Hua.

If the Shu sisters can spend one and let Sun Liang play the sixth man, the rationality of Misty Rain's lineup and the execution of tactics will rise to a higher level.
Yu Feng also discussed this matter with Misty Rain's senior management, but unfortunately, the final result was not ideal.

The funder behind Misty Rain disagreed, and Misty Rain's executives naturally couldn't let go of this. This was also a drawback brought about by the alliance's commercialization. The funder could even indirectly affect the team's staffing at a certain level, which sounds ridiculous.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Yu Feng to be the captain.

If you want Sun Liang to play, you can only find a way from other places.

The Shu sisters couldn't play the flower, the priest couldn't play it, and the captain himself certainly couldn't play it, and Tian Sen, as the second attacker in the team, couldn't play it either.

Can we only start with Li Hua?
Let the all-star player Li Hua play the rotation?
This idea does sound absurd... However, the Misty Rain executives said that the Shu sisters could not be taken down, but they never said that Li Hua could not be taken down.
However, let senior player Li Hua play in the rotation... This is really a test of Yu Feng's courage,
Moreover, this is not just about a matter of courage, but more importantly, if you let Li Hua play as a substitute, if you create a split within the team, then the loss outweighs the gain.

So, Misty Rain's current situation is quite embarrassing,
No substitutions, old-fashioned lineup, no changes,
Substitution, the team may become discordant,

It's hard to do both...

However, this is what Yu Feng and Misty Rain need to worry about...



Hundred Flowers Club,
After winning a big victory, Hundred Blossoms ushered in a short two-day rest day.

Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu didn't go out to play, because they were afraid of being recognized by fans, so they chose to stay at home,

Chu Yunxiu moved to City K at the end of June and beginning of July, and now it is nearing the end of November. She has been here for nearly half a year, and she has already visited all the places she should visit.

"What's for lunch?" Yi Tianming lay in the gentle township, raised his head and asked, while scrolling through the new posts on the Glory Forum. There is no doubt that most of them were about the last round of confrontation between Misty Rain and Hundred Blossoms, and the content was all touting Yi Tianming. dawn.

"Hmm... go to the convenience store downstairs to buy some ingredients, and I'll cook?" Chu Yunxiu nodded her chin.

"You know how to cook?" Yi Tianming was a little surprised, it was the first time he knew about this.

"Of course, let's get started..." After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxiu got Yi Tianming on her lap to get up, rearranged her clothes in front of the mirror, and was about to go downstairs.
At this moment, the notification tone of the mobile phone sounded suddenly.

Didi... Didi...

"Wait." Yi Tianming stopped her,

"what happened?"

Yi Tianming shook the phone in front of her, the content on it was clear at a glance,
It was a message from Zhang Jiale, the content is as follows:
"Tianming, are you busy? After you're done, come to the Realm of God, there's something to do here."

Yi Tianming scratched his head, "It seems that we have to push the matter of eating."

"Then... on the number?"


Zhang Jiale said that there was something wrong, which meant that it was really not a trivial matter.

After all, this was Zhang Jiale's first time looking for him. Zhang Jiale could handle the trivial matters in the online game by himself.
But now, in this case, nine times out of ten, there is some trouble.

While waiting for the game to load, looking at the white light on the screen, Yi Tianming murmured:

"Could it be the level 75 Xinyetu boss?"

As soon as he mentioned online games, he thought of online game bullies Ye Xiu and Lord Grim. If he was the only one, it would not be so difficult. The point is that there are Tang Rou, Baozi, Qiao Yifan and other preparatory professional players.

These people, taken together, are definitely tricky.


at the same time,

God's Realm...

 There will be another update before 12 o'clock~
(End of this chapter)

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