Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 199 Chu Yunxiu: Reward you after the game!

Chapter 199 Chu Yunxiu: Reward you after the game!

buzzing... buzzing...

The plane landed slowly, and soon a beautiful figure walked out of it,
"Phew... it's finally here."


As soon as the camera turns, the Hundred Flowers Club,
"Hello everyone, I will be teammates from now on, please take care of me." Chu Yunxiu warmly greeted the new teammates,
Yi Tianming just picked her up from the airport.

"Welcome, welcome!" "Welcome, sister Chu."

"Yunxiu!" Su Mucheng was the first to rush forward, and the two sisters quickly went to play together.
Before they left, they took a sneak peek at Yi Tianming, then left while chatting with smiles. As for the task of showing Chu Meizi the club's internal structure, Su Mucheng took care of her.

"Are you talking bad about me again?" Yi Tianming murmured, but after thinking about it, he will be teammates with two beauties, Chu and Su, next season. This has never happened before in the league. up.

However, Yi Tianming didn't think too much about it, and then went to practice with the team. After all, there is still a game tomorrow.
The most crucial game,
If you win, it's the second consecutive championship.


As soon as the camera turns, it is already the scene of the competition.
The second round of the eighth season finals is about to start!

Hundred Blossoms sits at the home court, facing the reincarnation that came from afar.

Hundred Blossoms' home court was extremely lively today, firstly because the second two consecutive championships in the history of the league was likely to be born today, and secondly because sisters Chu and Su also came to the scene to help out.
The combination of these two reasons has increased the attendance rate of Baihua's home stadium by three percentage points.

The director also understands the hearts of the audience. From time to time, he turns the camera to Meizi Chu and Meizi Su in the stands.

The whole audience burst into cheers,

Whether it is Baihuafen or Samsara powder, the resistance to girls is very weak.

Having said that, Hundred Blossoms has created a lot of momentum for this round, and invited a special camera team to shoot a short video for Chu Yunxiu and Su Mucheng.

The general content is to call on Hundred Flowers fans to come to the scene to cheer for the team and witness the birth of the second consecutive championship.

Suddenly, the lights in the main venue flickered, and then the moment when Hundred Flowers won the championship last year appeared on the big screen.
"Hundred Flowers! Hundred Flowers!" "The champion must belong to Hundred Flowers!!"

Cheers dedicated to Hundred Flowers immediately sounded in the venue,

The atmosphere at the scene reached the peak in an instant, so lively!

It's just that, in the auditorium, Team Tiny Herb King's expression was not so good.

You Zhang Erya, you took us out to "whip the corpse" again, right?
The lights flickered, and the figures of the two hosts appeared on the screen.

"Okay, hello everyone, viewers, this is the match scene of the eighth season finals of the Glory Professional League! I am the commentator Li Yibo, and next to me is the director Pan Linpan. Today, the two of us will explain the focus of this game together. war!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Pan Lin, I'm very happy to explain this game for you!"

"Okay, the players of the two teams are ready, let us witness this peak match together!"

first solo match,

In yesterday's meeting, Yi Tianming and Zhang Jiale volunteered at the same time, wanting to be vanguard generals,

But in the end, Xiao Shiqin's arrangement caught everyone by surprise.

Because he didn't arrange for either of them to play, but...

"Next, I invite Team Hundred Blossoms player, Tang Hao!"

Yes, it's Tang Hao!

Xiao Shiqin analyzed that it was true that Samsara would risk his life in the singles match when he was behind, but he wouldn't be able to play his biggest trump card in the first singles match. ,
Once the ace is played, Samsara will become very weak in the group arena afterwards.

Therefore, according to Xiao Shiqin's analysis, there is a high probability that Zhou Zekai will still appear in the group arena.
And the most ideal result for Hundred Blossoms is to win the singles and group arenas and score five points, thereby ending the match.
Of course, getting two points in the singles match + two points in the group arena can also end early, so the most important point is to keep the two points in the group arena, so Xiao Shiqin arranged the double flower in the group arena to fight for these two points. point!
back to the game,

As analyzed by Xiao Shiqin,
In the first round of reincarnation, it was really not Xiao Zhou, but...

Jiang Botao!
Samsara's vice-captain, Jiang Botao, nicknamed Jiu Dian Shui, made his debut in the sixth season and belongs to the "Bang Gang", which is equivalent to glue and panacea in the Samsara team.

Tang Hao walked onto the stage slowly, looked at his opponent, couldn't help clenching his fist slightly,
He still remembers that during the regular season, he had a face-to-face fight with the vice-team of Samsara, and it ended in a disastrous defeat for him...

Undercurrents surged in Tang Hao's eyes,

I want revenge!


On the stage, shaking hands before the game,
The distance between Tang Hao and Jiang Botao gradually narrowed,
"Contestant Tang Hao, we meet again." Jiang Botao smiled and stretched out his right hand. He looked gentle, "I remember the last time was in... the regular season!"

Jiang Botao's words seemed to be casual and unintentional, but in reality, there was a hidden reason!
In the second half of the sentence, he deliberately emphasized the three words "regular season". The purpose is self-evident, that is, to let Tang Hao recall the picture of his disastrous defeat in the regular season, thereby creating a certain amount of psychological pressure, and then affecting the state of the game!
Invisibly giving people a sense of oppression!
Such verbal trash talk doesn't actually have a great impact on people with strong psychological endurance (except for Shao Huang, of course).And the invisible pressure like Xiaojiang is the truly terrifying way.

However, to Jiang Botao's surprise, Tang Hao didn't react at all when he heard his words. He shook hands very calmly and entered the war room.
"Oh? This kid, his mood has changed a lot..." Jiang Botao looked at Tang Hao's back, his expression became a little more serious, and then he walked into the war room,
Originally, he thought that Tang Hao would be overwhelmed by himself like last time, but he didn't expect that now he has become a lot more stable, and for a while he chose to ignore his hints,

"Then come on, let me see your progress!" Jiang Botao put on the earphones and immediately entered the game.

On the other side, Tang Hao did the same thing, but his eyes became more calm. After clicking start, a lot of map names appeared on his screen.
Tang Hao moved the cursor to this map, but finally changed his choice and chose another map...

role loading,

Hundred Blossoms: Tang Hao, professional hooligan, id DeLillo.

Reincarnation: Jiang Botao, professional magic swordsman, id Wulang.

map load,

wild forest...

With the flash of the big screen, the characters of both sides of the competition officially entered the map,
The appearance of this map is also in everyone's sight. As the name suggests, it is a map of the jungle type. The dead leaves give people a desolate feeling.

Hundred Blossoms had an advantage in map selection, and Tang Hao let go of his paranoia and chose the new map of Wilderness Forest instead of Arena.

After all, the arena has no cover and can be seen at a glance, so it is not suitable for hooligans to play.
And the opponent magic swordsman is still wearing plate armor with the highest defense factor,

A rogue swordsman must rely on surprise and slow grinding.Only in this way can we have the power to fight, otherwise, it will be difficult for head-to-head hooligans to gain the upper hand.

Therefore, this picture with a lot of cover is very suitable for a role like a rogue to "steal chicken",
Of course, it depends on Tang Hao's ability to steal it. After all, the opponent is Nine Points of Water, and the strength lies in that.

If you don't steal it all at once and confess yourself, then it's not so good.

The screen flashes and the loading is complete.

At this time, the audience also shouted along with the countdown on the big screen:

Fight! !
DeLillo and Wulang are refreshed at the two corners of the map respectively,

The home players play proactively, the away players are cautious, the old rules,

As soon as it was refreshed, the first thing DeLillo and Wulang did was to observe the terrain,

Jiang Botao needs to rely on this to judge the characteristics of this map, so as to make corresponding preparations.But Tang Hao needs to use this to judge where he is,
DeLillo turned the angle of view, and after seeing the iconic tree stump behind him, he immediately understood that he was in the lower left corner.

Immediately, DeLillo turned around and started running towards the front right,
And Wulang is heading towards the middle of the map, and has a general understanding of the map through the scenes along the way.

Looking at the half-person-high weeds on the screen and the tree stumps that are thick enough to block the characters,

"There are quite a lot of obstacles..." Jiang Botao cheered up,

He knows in his heart that this kind of picture is suitable for characters like rogues and thieves ninjas to launch sneak attacks. Don't look at the calm weather now, he may not be able to figure out where the opponent will jump out later, and he will be caught off guard.

So, don't be careless.

In this way, Wulang brought up 200% concentration and continued to move forward.
As he walked, Jiang Botao realized that something was wrong. The number of tree stumps on both sides became less and less, but the weeds became more and more luxuriant.

Until you get to the center of the map...

Wulang turns the angle of view. Unlike other places, the weeds here do not reach the character's neck, which affects the player's sight to a certain extent, and is very dense. Clear the above situation.

It is a very suitable ambush point!
Jiang Botao quickly turned his angle of view and became cautious in an instant.

Is it hidden here?
Jiang Botao did not hesitate to start the quiet walk, turned his camera and found a surprise, "There is a way...!"

The road in his mouth is a small gap between many weeds,
Wulang stepped into the gap slowly, while constantly turning the camera to prevent the opponent from launching a sneak attack.
Jiang Botao raised his attention, but he wasn't overly nervous. If he was overly nervous, it would affect his performance.

What's more, this kind of spot that can be seen at a glance is very suitable for an ambush. Sometimes the opponent will not ambush here, because it is too easy to see, and the opponent will become cautious, making it difficult to sneak attack.

stab la la... stab la la...

The scene fell silent in an instant. Apart from the sound of the weeds being swayed by the breeze, there was only the slight sound of Wulang stepping on the weeds.

everything is so quiet,

But under this tranquility, there is something wrong vaguely,

Jiang Botao frowned slightly. The calm weeds in front of him didn't seem to be moving at all, but he was very disturbed inside!

And as time goes by, this anxiety becomes more and more intense...!
Is it an illusion?still……

Wulang took a step, and suddenly sensed that something was wrong, and suddenly prepared to turn around,
It's still too late,
A figure jumped up high behind him, and at the same time a brick slammed on the back of Wulang's head abruptly,

Hit the head with a back slap, stun for up to 4 seconds!
In other words, the next 4 seconds will be the time for Wulang to be beaten.

The Hundred Flowers fans in the audience started to make a sensation!The advantages are here!

DeLillo unceremoniously began to output,
Poison needles, gasoline bottles, pain from scars, powerful knee attacks...

Wulang's health began to decline, but compared to this, what puzzled Jiang Botao was how the other party managed to sneak attack in such a large group of weeds without anyone noticing.
This point may only be clear to the audience from the perspective of God,
The reason why Tang Hao was able to sneak attack was very simple, because Jiang Botao walked into the trap set by him from the very beginning,
Do you still remember the small gap that Wulang took at the beginning? It seemed ordinary, but in fact that road was a trap artificially created by DeLillo.

Tang Hao set such a trap because he grasped the inertia of man-made thinking. Similarly, he also bet that his opponent would walk into the trap he set,

But the facts proved that Tang Hao's bet was right,
Wulang was beaten for a full four seconds.

At the last moment of the stun stage, DeLillo ended the attack with a fierce tiger dance, blowing Wulang away by the way,
"Beautiful!" "Good fight!" All the Baihuafen on the scene cheered, and the moment they met each other, they established an advantage.

It's just a pity that DeLillo attacked crazily for 4 seconds, and in the end only knocked out a little more than 40% of Wulang's health.
There is no way, hooligans are not suitable for strong attacks. If it is replaced by a mad swordsman or a boxer, this number will be doubled.

And Tang Hao's calm sneak attack just now made all the professional players praise him. Today these professional players also met to watch the game together, and many of them were famous.

Wang Jiexi, Han Wenqing, Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, Li Xuan, Wu Yuce, Fang Rui...

"This trap is indeed well laid out." Wang Jiexi said seriously.

"Please enter the urn." Zhang Xinjie and Yu Wenzhou, the second master of tactics, said in unison.

"This kid is improving pretty fast." Huang Shaotian was gearing up, wishing he could play a game by himself, "Looks like we'll have a good fight with him next season!"

"Indeed." "Very well!"

All the professional players praised Tang Hao's operation,
Only the two people in the corner did not express anything,

Lin Jingyan and Fang Rui.

"Cut~ It's a very simple routine, I can do it myself." Fang Rui pouted his lips in disdain, showing a contemptuous expression,

But he was more or less pretending to show Lin Jingyan next to him, after all, the whole alliance knows how stiff the relationship between Lao Lin and Tang Hao is.
As a former teammate, it's impossible for Fang Rui to say that Tang Hao played well, even though Tang Hao's trick of inviting you into the urn is really impressive.

After speaking, Fang Rui turned his head and glanced at Lin Jingyan who was sitting next to him, and found that he did not express anything at the moment, his face was calm, and he didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations.

But Fang Rui glanced at Lin Jingyan's tightly clenched hands,
"Old Lin, you..." Fang Rui called out,
"It's okay, let's continue watching the game." Lin Jingyan slowly loosened his clenched fists, showing a rather forced smile, and looked at the big screen without saying a word.

Seeing this, Fang Rui is not feeling well...


Back on the field, DeLillo plunged into the weeds again after releasing the tiger flurry.

Although the first wave did not directly take away the opponent, the weedy terrain is undoubtedly very suitable for play, and a few more successful sneak attacks can completely clear the opponent's HP.

Wulang released an instant flaming wave sword towards his position, but unfortunately he was a step too late, DeLillo had already slipped away, and this wave sword was naturally in vain.

"What is this for?" The audience didn't understand what Jiang Botao was doing.

You know, Lie Yan wave sword is the one with the highest damage among the wave sword skills, and it's a waste of skills to hit nothing like this at this moment?
But soon, the situation on the field explained everything.
Wulang waved a straight flame, and in the next second, where the flame passed, the weeds began to burn,
It didn't take long before a large hole was burned out in the dense weeds.

The billowing black smoke formed a huge mushroom cloud, and the scene was full of flames for a while,

It was only now that the audience realized that Jiang Botao's tactical purpose was not to inflict damage with this blow of the Raging Flame Wave Sword, but to burn all the weeds with the flames!
Don't you like to hide and sneak attack?I will burn all the places where you can hide now, and see if you can still succeed!
Glory skills are so real. For example, buildings in the game can be destroyed by skills, but some buildings are fragile and can be destroyed with a level A, while some buildings need several skills to be strong.
However, the weeds in this game can be completely ignited with a single fire.

Jiang Botao's eyes burst into a gleam, and his personal feeling became different.

After Tang Hao had just given him such a tidy treatment, he was woken up instead, his brain was activated, and his thinking became clear in an instant.

After a few breaths, Wulang was already surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, and at the same time he began to look for traces of his opponent,

Although I haven't found it yet, DeLillo will run out in a short time, because the fire can harm the characters, even Wulang himself may be burned,

So in order to avoid being accidentally injured, Wulang released another circular wave sword,

The arc-range attack shattered the weeds around Wulang, forming an isolated area, so he didn't have to worry about the fire burning himself.

3 seconds... 5 seconds... 10 seconds... 20 seconds...

The fire is getting smaller and smaller, because there are fewer and fewer weeds in the center of the map, and finally there are only two small groups of weeds burning slowly on the left front and right rear of Wulang,
DeLillo has yet to appear.

Wu Lang carefully observed these two positions, the short sword in his hand was raised, as long as there was any slight disturbance, he would release his skills without hesitation,
The audience outside the arena also held their breath at the moment. Since Jiang Botao's perspective was on the big screen, they didn't know where DeLillo was at the moment.
Someone in the audience was discussing in low voices,
"You won't take advantage of the fire just now and sneak away?"

"I think it's possible..."



Seeing that the places to hide are getting smaller and smaller, Jiang Botao is also thinking about this problem, but his intuition tells himself that the opponent is still nearby...!
And according to Tang Hao's character, there is a high probability that he will choose toughness.

So Jiang Botao did not relax his vigilance, on the contrary, he applauded the only two remaining hiding spots more cautiously,
Time is passing by every minute, every second,
Just when the flames were about to devour the weeds, a figure jumped out of it,

It's DeLillo!

Looking at the slightly blackened parts of his body, you can tell that he is lying in the weeds under the fire damage. His original intention is to wait for the opponent to relax his vigilance before making a sneak attack, but he didn't expect the sneak attack to fail. Instead, he was burned by 8% of health,
Stealing chickens will not lose rice.

However, Tang Hao's initial intentions are still good. So far in this match, the image he has shown is mature and steady, and he has made great progress compared to the extremely arrogant one before.

It's a pity that he ran into the extremely cautious Jiang Botao.

"Sure enough, he didn't run away." Jiang Botao snorted coldly, and immediately challenged him...!
The short sword in Wulang's hand emitted two flashes of light, and then swung it forward violently, making a whirring sound in the air,
Frost Wave Sword, Broken Wind Wave Sword!

Magic sword double strike!
Among them, the Broken Wind Wave Sword is the fastest wave sword skill, while the Frost Wave Sword has a chance to cause deceleration or freezing effects,

Put these two skills together, as long as you hit one, you can probably hit the other one too.

Without saying a word, DeLillo directly opened the reinforced iron frame,

The surrounding weeds have been burned to ashes. If you still want to sneak attack, you have to run to the corner of the map to have a chance.

But in that case, the success rate is too low, and sneak attack is not Tang Hao's usual style after all, if he forcibly changes his style of play, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Therefore, Tang Hao simply chose to be tough,

Anyway, as long as you want to meet, why not touch now to see who is stronger.

Very decisive!

This is Tang Hao's choice, and it is also what Baihuafen is happy to see.
I have already sneaked once in the opening game and gained the advantage in blood volume. If you still only think about sneaking to win, it will undoubtedly be a big blow to your morale.

It's not that they look down on the wretched style, after all, every style of play has its meaning, as long as their own players don't play wretched, it's fine, and they can't control how other players play.

What's more, Baihua never needed to rely on sneak attacks to win the game!This is not Baihua's style!

"Go!" "Fuck him!" "Tang Hao Chong!!"

Baihuafen raised his arms and shouted,
And reincarnation fans are also not to be outdone,
"Deputy Jiang, come on!" "Fight with him!"

Tough and tough, it is a program that audiences love to watch at any time,

Counting the damage from being burned, DeLillo's HP was 34% higher than Wulang's. In the end, with this 34% advantage, he stood at the end.

1:0, Hundred Blossoms got off to a good start.

Jiang Botao, who lost the game, was not discouraged. On the contrary, when he shook hands after the game, he sent his heartfelt appreciation.
"It surprises me that you have improved so much."

Jiang Botao is such a person, he can pick it up and put it down.

Tang Hao nodded slightly, then stepped off the stage,

He just feels the taste of revenge is very good.

After one battle, Hundred Blossoms Samsara won one round each in the following two single-player matches.

The score was rewritten to 2:1.

Then, the group arena match will determine the final direction of the match,

If Baihua wins, they will end the game early with a score of 4:1.
But if Samsara wins, there will be a trace of suspense in the game, and the winner will not be decided until the final team competition.

Therefore, in the group arena, the two teams really hit the spotlight.

"Contestants from both sides, please come on stage~"

As the sound of the broadcast fell, Yi Tianming stood up from his seat, stretched his waist,
He recalled what Chu Yunxiu said before the game, "If you win the game, you will be rewarded...!"

Although I don't know what kind of reward it will be, but it sounds good...

"Then let me win this match!" Yi Tianming's eyes shone with confidence,

And his opponent has stepped onto the stage,
gun king,

Zhou Zekai.

(End of this chapter)

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