Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 197: Su Mucheng Officially Announces Transfer! !

Chapter 197: Su Mucheng Officially Announces Transfer! !

At the moment when Dazzling Hundred Blossoms and Blossoming Chaos fell into desperation, the two just made simple eye contact,

In the next second, the Hundred Flowers style of play bloomed instantly!

A ball of light completely enveloped the figures of the two, and moved quickly towards the four of Samsara, as if to devour them,
Originally, the four of Samsara thought it was just an ordinary Hundred Blossoms style of play, so they didn't pay enough attention to it.
They had done enough preparations before the match, as long as Baihuadaluan used the Hundred Blossoms style of play, the four of them would break into the light together!

If you are alone, you may lose your way and be powerless in this light.But if there are four people, there is a high probability of being able to capture the dazzling figure in the light,

In this way, the trick can be broken.

The four of Samsara were doing the same thing. At first they didn't feel anything, but then they gradually realized that something was wrong.

The uneasiness in Jiang Botao's heart reached its peak, he hurriedly gave instructions in the team channel,

Wulang: Withdraw first!
But... it's too late,
Everything is too late.

In this light, not only the figure of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, but also a blood-red figure,

Like a lunatic, he lifted his epee and slammed it down again and again in the light!
Whenever the people of reincarnation want to escape from the range of Hundred Blossoms or endanger Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, this lunatic will always appear and chop the people of reincarnation severely,

In just a few seconds, the bodies of the four members of Samsara were covered with two kinds of wounds, one was a gunshot wound and the other was a sword wound.

There is no doubt that "Madman" is Blossoming Chaos, and it still triggered the passive Blossoming Chaos.Yi Tianming said: I have endured you for a long time, now it is my turn to export!

The epee slammed down fiercely, each blow could cut a big hole in the opponent's body, and the reincarnation generals didn't do anything about it at all****** Huihui is the only one among the four who has experienced the scene of flowers and blood There is only Fang Minghua, the priest player, but he has experienced it once or twice, and there is no way to deal with it, let alone crack it.

And the other members of Samsara have only seen it in the video tape, but they have only watched the video a few times, and have never thought about the so-called countermeasures at all.

Because with Sun Zheping's retirement, people have already tacitly agreed in their hearts that the scene of flowers and blood will never appear again.

Therefore, even those who have watched the video of the blood scene of flowers and blood only watched it with a nostalgic thought of the classics, and did not think about the solution.


Where there is no hope, there is life! !
Such an unexpected situation completely disrupted the rhythm of the four of Samsara, and the chaos became a mess in an instant.

They have no psychological preparation for this unexpected situation at all!

The disadvantages also surfaced at this moment, the four of Samsara are too dependent on tactics...!
Different from Zhou Zekai on the other side, the Four of Samsara here appeared on the screen as a small group from the beginning to the end of the match, known for their exquisite tactics and execution ability,
Success is also a tactic, defeat is also a tactic,
Tactics have given them a huge advantage.But now, in an unexpected situation, without corresponding tactics, the four of them don't know what to do.
The situation instantly became chaotic.

In this way, the four people of reincarnation were completely suppressed, without any way to break it.

Exquisite teamwork?
Then use the epee/pistol in your hand and crush it!

This belongs to the suppressing power of double flowers!

On the other side, Zhou Zekai noticed something strange here, he sensed that his teammates were in some trouble, and prepared to speed up the pace to end the duel at hand in order to rush over to support them.

Suddenly, a brick appeared in the line of sight of One Gun Piercer,
It came suddenly!
However, Zhou Zekai still reacted, and Cloud Piercer jumped back to dodge, but then, before the figure of Cloud Piercer landed, he stopped in mid-air...!
Strong knee + throat lock!

Rogue's classic combo,
At this moment, Tang Hao successfully used it, and Zhou Zekai was on the other side!
Cloud Piercer's blood bar, which hadn't dropped for a long time, also began to waver at this moment,

But DeLillo's attack is much more than that!
Counterattack begins!
Poison needles, sand throwing, hemp needles, uppercuts, slaps...

Skills landed on Cloud Piercer one after another, and Tang Hao's counterattack quickly achieved results. Cloud Piercer dodged left and right. In addition to the drop in health, his control over the situation also weakened.

In this way, Priest Baihua, Aofeng Canhua, would have a chance to slip away,

Taking advantage of this time, he quickly rushed out in the direction of Shuanghua,
When it was halfway through, it stopped again.

Could it be wrong?

Aofeng Remnant Blossom sang in situ, emitting a burst of dazzling brilliance!

Cloud Piercer, who was the closest, saw this posture, and quickly raised his hand to shoot several times, but it was a pity that DeLillo resisted with his body.

With the end of the singing, the brilliance of Aofeng Remnant Flower also dimmed, but unlike before, his life value has been greatly improved.

"It's the Light of God's Blessing! Priest Baihua chose the least cost-effective skill among all the priest's blood raising skills!" The commentator Li Yibo exclaimed, "But at this moment, this skill is undoubtedly of great help to the team! Baihua The blood volume of all members has been increased!"

Blessed Light: Gives blood to all teammates within a certain range, but due to high mana consumption, it is called the least cost-effective skill.

However, there is no price/performance ratio that is the lowest, only whether it is suitable or not,
As long as it can help the team, it is cost-effective!

And just at that moment, there were only four people left in Hundred Blossoms who happened to be within the effective range of their skills.
Mo Chuchen's choice is undoubtedly the best solution.

Because it is impossible for him and he has no chance to chant one by one to raise blood for his teammates. This kind of ranged blood raising, even if it consumes a lot of mana, is also the only optimal solution!

The HP of Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, Blossoming Chaos, and DeLillo rose by a short amount,

Aofeng Residual Flower has undoubtedly completed the task of "sending charcoal in the snow", and then he returned to DeLillo to deal with One Gun Piercer together.
With the cooperation of the two of them, Cloud Piercer's control over the situation is no longer as arbitrary as before.

After experiencing an absolute disadvantage, Hundred Blossoms bottomed out and rebounded!

The game has suspense again...!
For a time,

As the saying goes, double flowers are not enough, a hundred flowers must bloom!

The balance of victory also began to tilt.

On the other side, it completely turned into a double flower performance scene,
bang bang bang! !Clank! !
In the light of the ammunition expert, there were bursts of wailing, layers of bloody waves surging, accompanied by the sound of heavy breathing, and the sound of the heavy sword falling,
Gunshots, thunder, and swords.

The audience was dumbfounded.

There are old fans and new fans,
Old fans have seen the scene of flowers and blood of Sun Zheping and Zhang Jiale in the past, but due to the age, the picture has become blurred in their impression.
Not to mention the new fans, they have never experienced that era, and they have never experienced the shock of the whole league being messed up by the flowers and blood.

But at this moment, no matter whether it is an old fan or a new fan, there are thousands of waves in the heart,

Everyone present did not expect that the scene of flowers and blood, which had been swan song, would actually reappear in the world at this moment.

And the last time the term Blooming Flowers and Blood Scene came into everyone's attention, it was when Yi Tianming was interviewed in the finals of last season,
At that time, he said that in the second round he would use the secret weapon Blossoming Blood Scene, but everyone knew the result afterwards, and the battle was resolved before the team competition.

But now, the scene of flowers and blood has reappeared, and it is still in the finals!

Good guy!
It turns out that this secret weapon has been delayed for a year, right?

"Hundred Blossoms Dual Core took shape in the second season, and it was fully integrated in the third season. It was during that period that Hundred Blossoms Dual Core swept the entire league with one trick, Blossoming Blood Scene."

Yu Wenzhou's tone returned to calm, but there was still traces of surprise on his face.
"There is only one person in the entire league who has broken through the Blossoms and Blood Scene, Ye Qiu. Later, because of Sun Zheping's hand injury, he retired, and the Blossoms and Blood Scene has become a swan song."

At this moment, not only Huang Shaotian, but also in the corner of the scene,

Wang Jiexi, Li Xuan, Han Wenqing, Lin Jingyan, Tian Sen... the core members of the big teams all showed expressions of surprise,

Among this group of people, Han Wenqing, the oldest, and the latest golden generation, all of them are players who have experienced the power of the Flower and Blood Scene,

So the moment the double flowers bloomed on the field just now, the memories of these people's dusty minds began to slowly emerge, and then they quickly reacted,

This is indeed a scene of flowers and blood!The real deal!

Especially Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan, these two people had experienced the Fanhua Xuejing when it first came out, and it was not easy to be tossed by it at the time.

Looking at the scene of double flowers blooming on the field, the two felt as if they had returned to the era of domination...

On the field,

a piece of splendor,
With bloodthirsty splendor.

The original circle of encirclement of the four of Samsara has long since ceased to exist, and now it is Shuanghua who suppresses the four of them to death.
Two packs of four!
The four of Samsara didn't seem to be orderly just now, they have become a mess, and the situation has become completely chaotic.
The connection between the four people has been completely cut off, and they can't even see each other's whereabouts.

Looking at their opponents again, they were completely invisible...

To be precise, it should be that the figures of the two were completely covered by the gorgeous light,
Hundred Flowers style of play!The "foundation" of the flower and blood scene!
And amidst this splendor, the "eukaryotic" mad swordsman in the scene of flowers and blood is using the epee in his hand to make the opponent experience the taste of a rapid drop in health!

You know, Blossoming Chaos' HP has dropped below 50%, plus the damage bonus attached to Berserk, his current attack power can already be described as terrifying,

Yi Tianming: After enduring it for so long, it's finally my turn to export.

Under the light caused by Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, Blossoming Chaos' vision is completely unaffected,

But the opponent was not so lucky. The Samsara four ran around like headless chickens, but no matter what, they couldn't escape.Whenever they were about to escape, there was always an epee blocking them.

There is no way for the four of them to fight back like this...

Ammunition expert cover, mad swordsman output,

This is the real scene of flowers and blood!

in the audience,

Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan sat side by side. They are teammates now, and they came to watch the finals together after they met.
I thought it was just an ordinary game, but I didn't expect that a "special program" was prepared for the game.

"These little guys are really miserable." Lin Jingyan smiled, and then added, "It's the same as us back then."

Han Wenqing didn't respond, so it was a tacit consent.
Even the King of Fighters back then suffered a lot when facing the scene of flowers and blood. When a pair of rampant iron fists encountered double flowers, they could only hold back.
The rumor of "one shot but evil smashing double flowers" also came from this, because only the God of War, One Autumn Leaf, managed to break the blood scene of flowers, and there was no second person after that.

This shows the horror of this style of play,

And when the young main force of Samsara encountered an unprecedented style of play, they were already defeated, and there was nothing they could do.
In the interlacing of shining and bloodthirsty, Samsara's life value is cleared to 0, and the clouds and mountains are in chaos.

He became the first character to fall in the reincarnation side,
Fearing that he would be lonely, Shuanghua soon sent Wu Shuanggouyue to accompany him thoughtfully.

Followed by laughing and singing freely,
His game was a bit miserable, and the real-time score after his death was even lower than that of Life Extinguisher.

And the total healing amount is less than a quarter of that of Aofeng Remnant Blossom.
Especially after entering the Blossoming Blood Scene, he couldn't even release a single singing skill. The only contribution was a pair of instant large and small healing spells, and there was no other contribution.

After the sixth person of reincarnation rushed to the frontal battlefield, he was soon involved in this light, but the ending was very skinny, and he fell down after not long.

In the end, only Wulang was left struggling to support himself in the scene of flowers and blood.

The high defense of the plate armor allowed him to "survive" to the end, but I'm afraid it won't last long, because he is already the last one, and Shuanghua can focus fire without any scruples.

In the combat room, Jiang Botao's back was already covered in dense sweat.
Unheard of style of play, terrifying suppression,
These terms filled his head.

But Jiang Botao's only sliver of rationality told himself:
Be sure to hold on!
Wu Lang swung the dagger wildly, but in the light, it is undoubtedly very difficult to hit the opponent with this kind of random attack.

Suddenly, there was a sense of shock from the weapon,

"Did you hit it?" Jiang Botao was secretly happy, but soon, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.
The middle is a hit, but it didn't hit the opponent, but hit the opponent's weapon,

An epee knocked Wulang's dagger to the ground,
In the next second, a blood flower bloomed on Wulang's chest,
Wulang knelt on his knees, then fell heavily.

In an instant, there was a sensation in the audience, and the entire venue became a paradise for Baihuafen to celebrate wildly.

"Oh! Hundred flowers! Hundred flowers!"

"Long live the hundred flowers! Long live the hundred flowers!"


In just a few minutes, the situation on the field changed drastically.

Samsara, who originally had absolute advantage, fell four people one after another!

"Is a miracle going to happen?" The Hundred Flowers fans at the scene couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts, and they all stood up to watch the last moment of the game.

back on the field,

Just after Wulang fell, Cloud Piercer finally resolved the battle at hand and sent DeLillo and Aofeng Canhua out of the match.

In this way, there are only two people left in Baihua, and only one person left in Samsara.

And DeLillo exhausted all his strength at the last moment before falling down, suppressing Cloud Piercer's HP to 11%.

"Huh... I'll leave it to you." Tang Hao slowly took off his earphones and let out a long breath.

Now, the right to perform on the big stage is in the hands of the three.

Falling Blossoms, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms, and Cloud Piercer.

life remaining,
Cloud Piercer: 11%,

Blossoming Chaos: 7%, Dazzling Hundred Blossoms: 4%.

In such a comparison, the sum of double flowers is exactly equal to that of Cloud Piercer.

Hoo hoo... hoo...

On the field, the breeze blows and makes a slight sound,
Shuanghua stood side by side, looking at Yigun Piercer not far away,
The battlefield returned to calm at this moment, as if nothing had happened here from the beginning to the end,
But this is just the last calm before the storm.

In the next second, both sides rushed towards each other's position!

The final round of attack will determine the outcome of the game!


"The game has come to the last moment. Who will win this game?" After the commentator finished speaking, he fell silent.

The entire venue was deserted, as if there was no one there, even if a needle fell on the ground, the sound could be heard,

At this moment, everyone held their breath and didn't even dare to make the slightest sound, for fear that with a small move, they would miss the final moment of the game.
Everyone can even hear the sound of their own heartbeat,

puff... puff...

On the field, at the moment when the two forces were about to meet, the scene of flowers and blood bloomed again,
According to the rumors, will the new Honor No. 1, Zhou Zekai, be able to do what the previous No. 1, Ye Qiu, broke through this scene of flowers and blood?
The answer is on the field,
At the moment when the light engulfed One Gun Piercer, everything was over,
The game freezes at this second.

Under the cover of the light, Blossoming Chaos' big move, Fury Blood Rage, instantly cleared Cloud Piercer's HP to 0.

Flowers and blood scene, win.

"The game is over!"

"Let's congratulate Baihua!!"

A tsunami of applause erupted instantly at the scene, and Baihuafen shouted excitedly, as did the audience watching the live broadcast, and some even broke down in tears.

After a lapse of one year, they once again stood on the highest stage of the finals and won a precious victory!

The moment the match ended, Zhang Jiale and Yi Tianming were completely exhausted, their physical strength had reached their limit,

The hands of the two couldn't stop shaking, they really fought until the last moment...!
In the auditorium, Yu Wenzhou, Lin Jingyan, Li Xuan, Wu Yuce... all professional players stood up and gave their applause.

Originally, the big disadvantage in the team competition had already made Baihuafen despair, but in the midst of despair, they saw hope again.

Double spending gave them hope, and they made it happen.No, to be precise, it should be Hundred Blossoms.

There is no doubt about the contribution of the double flower combination, but in addition to that, everyone in Baihua has contributed, and the role of each person cannot be ignored. This is a whole,
This also corresponds to the saying, glory is not just a game for one person.

"A team game worthy of being recorded in the annals of history, a classic game was born. Before the flowers and blood bloomed, everyone thought that there was no suspense in this game, but in this case, a miracle happened !

"The Glory game is like this. Until the last moment, the game will always be full of variables and uncertainties. I think this is the charm of Glory, and this is why we love this sport so much!"

"I believe that the mood of all the audience at this moment must be the same as mine. I can't let go of it for a long time, but today's game is coming to an end. Let's see you in four days. Let's meet in K City and Baihua's home stadium , meet in the next round!"

"Goodbye, audience friends!" "Goodbye!"

So far, the first round of the finals has officially come to an end.

At 7:3, Hundred Blossoms turned to the client and achieved a reversal.

Even if he was as strong as Zhou Zekai, he couldn't break the scene of flowers and blood when he faced it in person for the first time.

Post-match interview.

"First of all, congratulations to Baihua for winning a victory. May I ask band leader Zhang Jia, is the Blossom Blood Scene play that Baihua used in this match a secret weapon prepared in advance?" A reporter wearing glasses raised his hand and asked.

Secret weapon?Why does this interview feel familiar? It seems to be exactly the same as what a certain rookie said in the interview with Hundred Blossoms in the finals last year.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiale smiled slightly. At this moment, his physical strength has recovered partly.

Lao Zhang adjusted the height of the microphone with his hands, and then said slowly: "I think, you asked the wrong person this question, right?"

"Oh?" The reporter was slightly taken aback, expressing a little confused,
Of course, he can't be blamed for this. He didn't participate in the post-match interview of last year's Hundred Blossoms final, so naturally he wasn't very impressed with Yi Tianming's interview.

However, many other reporters at the scene still had impressions, and they all raised their hands. The news officer was random, and another fat reporter stood up and asked,

"Excuse me, contestant Yi Tianming, is what Baihua showed in this match the secret weapon you mentioned in the interview last year? Can we understand that this is a secret weapon that was a year late?"

As soon as these words came out, all the cameras on the scene were aimed at Yi Tianming.

Yi Tianming pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth slightly, as if ready to answer,
Just when all the reporters were ready to press the shutter, and the personal press officer was expecting his answer,
In the blink of an eye, Yi Tianming revealed a half-smile expression, and said, "Guess."

Good guy, everyone was taken aback for a while.

But it's normal to answer like this. After all, there is still one round in the finals. If it is said in the interview now, it may cause hidden dangers.

But no matter what, Hundred Blossoms won the first round with a score of 7:3.

With this score in hand, Hundred Blossoms can hold more initiative in the second round, and may even end the match early in the single-player competition.

After Yi Tianming answered, the reporter saw that there was nothing to say, and quickly ended the interview.

During the Samsara interview afterwards, everyone looked a little stunned, as if they hadn't recovered from the shock of the scene of flowers and blood.

But this has nothing to do with flowers,

The Hundred Blossoms team boarded the flight back to City K amidst laughter.

To add to the fun, the Hundred Blossoms Club made an official announcement not long after the team won the victory:
Former Excellent Era player Su Mucheng will join Hundred Blossoms as a free agent in Xia Chuang.The two parties signed a one-year contract!
Obviously, Hundred Blossoms has already started to build momentum for the second round...

(End of this chapter)

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