Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 180 Who will Su Mu's orange blossom belong to?Tiny Herb stumbled! !

Chapter 180 Who will Su Mu's orange blossom belong to?Tiny Herb stumbled! !
Then came the annual transfer window.

Where did Su Mucheng go?
First of all, facing the first olive branch thrown by Misty Rain, Tao Xuan refused without hesitation.
After all, the bosses of the major clubs almost know the relationship between them.
What kind of person is Boss Misty Rain? Tao Xuan knew in his heart that if Su Mucheng was sent there, he might become a money-making machine.
So, upon hearing the news, Misty Rain, who was the first to throw herself into her arms, was decisively ruled out.

Although the price offered by Misty Rain is not low, and there is a signing fee,

But Tao Xuan kept his word, promised Ye Xiu to arrange for Su Mucheng, he would not send Mucheng away carelessly, he had to find a suitable next home.

As for which family it is, Tao Xuan is still investigating, and he has already set his sights on the three families of Void, Blue Rain and Baihua.

As for which one it will be in the end, it is still up for debate.

But this year's summer transfer window is quite lively,

As far as what is currently on the market, Su Mucheng is going to go, Yu Feng is going to go, Xu Bin is going to go, Tian Sen is going to go home, it is not yet decided.
Three of these four are all-star players!
Transfer to F4!

Just four are enough to keep media reporters busy for a long time.

Not to mention Lin Jingyan, Tang Hao, Sun Xiang and other players who have already confirmed their next home, as well as the veteran guru Guo Mingyu who has returned to the league.

Such a scene, such a combination of personnel, can be called the most lively transfer window in history!
Those who originally sounded impossible to transfer will all leave this year.

As for whether to fly high or fall to the bottom, that's a matter for later.


Of course, the transfer belongs to the transfer, the professional game must continue,
Those team players who have advanced to the playoffs, when they hear the news in the transfer market, they just look at the lively pictures for fun.
The main focus is still on the upcoming playoffs.

As for the transfer matter, let the relevant personnel of the club do the work.


Tiny Herb Club,
In Nuoda's conference room, there are only two people left, looking at each other
"Fusheng, have you really thought it through?" Wang Jiexi's face was calm, and he didn't know if his heart was also so calm.

Standing in front of Wang Jiexi was Tiny Herb's vice-team, Deng Fusheng, the No. [-] Knight of Glory.

"Yes." Deng Fusheng's answer was very simple.

"Okay, the club and I will respect your decision. I will keep this matter a secret for you in the team for the time being, and I will inform everyone after this season is over."

"Okay, thank you." Deng Fusheng nodded slightly, and then continued to prepare for the playoffs. Although he has already decided to retire, at least he will participate in this year's playoffs as the main force, and the training still cannot be neglected.

This will also be the last time in his career to charge for the championship trophy.

Having said that, Deng Fusheng and Wang Jiexi both made their debut in the third season, gathered in Tiny Herb in the sixth season and won two runner-up trophies in the sixth and seventh seasons together.

However, the starting points of the two are different. Wang Jiexi was born out of nowhere back then.
But Deng Fusheng is completely opposite. He made his debut in the middle and lower reaches of the league. With his hard work and struggle, he was favored by Tiny Herb, and then he won the title of the No. [-] Knight of Glory in Tiny Herb.
Compared with Wang Dayan's debut, which was the pinnacle, Deng Fusheng's life script is a little more inspirational.

But having said that, the two of them are not too young,

The players who made their debut in the third season are now well-established in the league.

Soon, Wang Jiexi informed the club's senior management of the news, and Tiny Herb's senior management was also humane.

If Deng Fusheng wants to leave, they won't insist on staying. Although there is still half a year left in the contract between the two parties, Tiny Herb is still going to turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, that's all.

Compared with the contract, the question that Tiny Herb's executives should think about more is who to find to take over Deng Fusheng's class,
The role of knight is very important to Tiny Herb. Wang Buliuxing flies in the sky, and Deng Fusheng is responsible for resisting the banner of both offense and defense on the ground.

Deng Fusheng can be said to be both a father and a mother in Tiny Herb this season, not only to resist frontal injuries, but also to protect his own pastor.
After all, Yuan Boqing was much worse than his predecessor Fang Shiqian. Fang Shiqian could at least protect himself, and Yuan Boqing's immature performance put a lot of pressure on Deng Fusheng's defense.
The task is arduous, coupled with the decline in the level of competition caused by the increase in age,

That's why Deng Fusheng's performance this season is far from satisfactory compared to when he first came in the sixth season.
For this, Tiny Herb fans were not very satisfied, some fans even complained about Lao Deng, most of them even compared him with the up-and-coming grinding king Xu Bin,
This is not better than that, it is incredible than that,
Soon people came to the conclusion that Xu Bin's performance in the past year was no less than that of Deng Fusheng, and there was even a feeling of back pressure.

Now it's all right, outside fans think that the title of Glory's number one knight should be given up.

This is not the most hurtful thing, what hurts even more is that Deng Fusheng heard that many people in the professional player circle think that Xu Bin is stronger than him now,

And this caused Deng Fusheng, whose competitive state had declined, to be traumatized again psychologically.

The double blow of psychology and physiology made Deng Fusheng want to retire...

Over there, Tiny Herb's senior executives knew Deng Fusheng's intention to retire, and soon began to look for the next one.
After all, Team Tiny Herb still has a "No. [-] Knight of Glory" living alone. If you don't find a successor, you can only waste it in the warehouse.
Of course, to be honest, Tiny Herb's need for knights is not as great as before.

Because of Qiu Fei, a talented young man, Tiny Herb can try to let him bear the banner of resistance. The tactics are on the ground, and two magicians are supporting in the air, forming a double bombardment.
As for protecting the priest... It is also an option to arrange a personal bodyguard. Of course, it would be even better if the bodyguard is the Mill King.

Tiny Herb found [-]. After all, everyone in the news circle knew about Xu Bin's transfer.

Regardless of whether he can be pulled over in the end, whether [-] will let him go is still unknown.But it’s always worthwhile to try to communicate first.

So, Tiny Herb and [-] soon chatted,

After several exchanges, the two teams got along pretty well with each other regarding Xu Bin, the price offered by Tiny Herb was good, and [-] also meant to let him go...


In the blink of an eye, it's time for the playoffs.

Tiny Herb was proud on the transfer field, but frustrated on the battlefield...

"Oh, the Tiny Herb team stumbled and lost the game at home with a slight disadvantage..."

On the big screen, Wang Jiexi's body stiffened and he fell straight to the ground...

Loss in the team competition, 2 points for a win in the group arena, and 2 points for a win in the individual competition.

With a total score of 4:6, Tiny Herb lost to Blue Rain at home...

The shadow of defeat hangs over Tiny Herb's team,

Against Blue Rain, a bitter opponent, Tiny Herb lost at home. This result undoubtedly cut off half of Tiny Herb's life.
Because this means that if Tiny Herb wants to advance to the semi-finals, the next away game against Blue Rain must score above 6:4.
And if it is 6:4, there will be overtime.

Looking back at this contest between Blue Rain and Tiny Herb, it can be seen that Blue Rain is still very stable in the team competition. Although it only scored one point in the single player competition, before the start of the team competition, Blue Rain fell behind Tiny Herb 1:4.

At that time, everyone thought that this would be a unilateral massacre by Tiny Herb, and even Lan Yu's own fans panicked and gave up hope for this match.

But games can be so dramatic sometimes,
Until the last moment, the outcome is still uncertain...!
Yu Wenzhou didn't give up, and so did all of Lan Yu's staff. When they were desperate, they showed an indomitable momentum,
they did,
In the final team match, Blue Rain completed a counterattack and won the precious 5 points in the away game.
With a total score of 6:4 slight advantage turned defeat into victory.

With this slight advantage, Blue Rain will be more flexible in the second round, and can even formulate corresponding tactics to win by chance.
For example, focus on individual events or team events, because as long as Blue Rain gets 5 more points, the game can be ended early.

Of course, as for how Lan Yu will fight in the second round, it depends on Yu Wenzhou's arrangements.
And that's all for the funeral, we'll talk about it later.

Now, after losing the game, the morale of the Tiny Herb team is low,
As the captain, Wang Jiexi naturally had to stand up at this time. He summed up the defeat in three points.
First, the lineup was still in the process of being adjusted. The tacit understanding between the two rookies, Gao Yingjie and Qiu Fei, was not good enough, and the coordination between land and air was not good enough.Of course, there is no shortcut to this, only time.

Second, there were flaws in the tactics of the team competition. Wang Jiexi didn't do a good job in protecting the priests.

This gave Huang Shaotian a chance, don't forget that Huang Shao is an "opportunist",
Just as Tiny Herb Pastor Yuan Baiqing made a mistake, Huang Shaotian accurately caught it.
As for the priest, Tiny Herb's weakest link at present, Yuan Baiqing lost his soul whenever he encountered a strong enemy, and didn't know how to deal with it.But Wang Jiexi was restrained by Yu Wenzhou and Yu Feng and couldn't support him.
In the end, Priest Tiny Herb fell under the hands of the Juggernaut. Tiny Herb's loss in the team competition started from this incident.

Once the pastor died, the Tiny Herb team lost every game, and finally lost with regret.

In addition to the above two points, there is a third point,

That is Deng Fusheng.

Although Deng Fusheng performed well in the group arena, grinding out the opponent's vanguard general, but his performance in the team competition has to be mentioned.

Didn't have a brilliant performance, but there was a fatal mistake, that is, he didn't protect the priest well,

Of course, Deng Fusheng couldn't be blamed for not protecting the pastor well. After all, Tiny Herb wanted him to attack and defend, and it was not easy to do both.

This is the reason why Wang Jiexi concluded the three-point team defeat.

Tiny Herb Club,
in the conference room,

"This defeat is because I didn't arrange a good strategy, I'm sorry." Wang Jiexi once again assumed all the responsibilities,
Yes, every time Tiny Herb loses, he is always the first to stand up and take all the responsibility on himself.
This is a good thing and a bad thing.The good reason is that it can reduce the pressure on the players, and the bad reason is that it is difficult for the players to grow if they do not feel the pressure all the time.

"In addition, I have summarized two reasons, as follows..."

Wang Jiexi summed up the first two points of the defeat, said it in public, and reminded the team to pay attention next time.

As for the last point... Wang Jiexi deliberated for a long time, and finally decided to find Deng Fusheng privately first,

"In the next match, you can properly give up some important offensive tasks and focus on protecting the priest." Wang Jiexi moved his lips slightly, saying this tactical change,

Yes, Wang Jiexi made a tactical change. He decided to let Qiu Fei carry the banner of ground attack,
Changes in the playoffs!That might sound bold!
However, there was only this road before Wang Jiexi.

He has to change even if he doesn't change.

Because Yu Wenzhou will not be merciful in the second round, and when he goes to Blue Rain's home court, he will still have the advantage of choosing a map. If he still keeps the same style of play in the first round,

Tiny Herb is sure to lose...!
Therefore, Wang Jiexi's change of formation was a move he had no choice but to make.

"Qiu Fei is in charge of ground attack, and you are in charge of defense, do you understand?" Wang Jiexi said these words calmly,

Of course, after this, he would say it again in front of the whole Tiny Herb team,
Now I am looking for Deng Fusheng in private in advance, in order to save face for this veteran,
After all, after the first round between Tiny Herb and Kanxue, the public opinion all pointed at Deng Fusheng, and even Tiny Herb fans accused him of not protecting the pastor well.
Therefore, Wang Jiexi also took care of Lao Deng these days, so that he would not feel burdened in his heart.

"Yes, I understand." Deng Fusheng nodded,
"Get ready." Wang Jiexi patted him on the shoulder. Next, he will go to Team Tiny Herb to explain this problem and make corresponding adjustments.

Deng Fusheng leaned on the back of the chair, his eyes were a little dull, and he felt a little confused. To be honest, the public opinion on the Internet gave him a certain amount of psychological pressure.

Of course, veterans have relatively strong psychological endurance, so there is no need to worry too much about this.

What really confused him was Wang Jiexi's change of formation.
Deng Fusheng was not the kind of purely defensive knight, he fell into deep confusion about Wang Jiexi's arrangement...

"Can I...can protect the pastor?" Deng Fusheng murmured, but there was air all around him, and the air would not give him an answer, nor would anyone else.

Because the real answer lies with no one,
But in his own heart.

Having said that, in terms of defensive ability alone, Deng Fusheng is no match for Xu Bin. Even Ye Xiu agrees with this point.

But there must be some reason why Deng Fusheng has the title of the first knight of glory,

The defense is not as good as Xu Bin, but the comprehensive ability is worse than him.

There is no doubt that Deng Fusheng has the ability to
But... can he find his shining point in the recent confusion, and use his strengths and avoid weaknesses in the game to help the team tide over the difficulties?

This point depends on the veteran's own fortune...

As for Tiny Herb's change of formation, can it surprise Lan Yu and Yu Wenzhou in the second round?Against him?
Stay tuned...

The camera is given to another playoff field,
Hundred Flowers VS Royal Style...

(End of this chapter)

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