Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 169 Jiang Botao's Extraordinary Performance! !

Chapter 169 Jiang Botao's Extraordinary Performance! !
Jiang Botao,
The person who can become the vice-captain of Samsara within half a season depends not only on his social skills, but also on his social skills.

There is still strength!

As a leader, it is not enough to rely on a mouth alone. Without hard power, the players will not obey orders, which will lead to the collapse of the team and the rupture of the locker room.

As for Jiang Botao's strength, he can undoubtedly restrain the other members of the Samsara team except the captain. His strength can be seen from the Broken Wind Wave Sword just now.
And don't forget, he is the number one magic swordsman in glory!

back on the field,

Blossoming Chaos and Wulang are still testing each other, the two paced back and forth, the tense situation gradually relaxed,
But that's just the surface,

Behind the calm, there is a terrible storm.

As for who will start this storm...

Suddenly, Blossoming Chaos slowed down a step, revealing an obvious gap on the side,
Jiang Botao's eyes suddenly turned sharp, different from his usual gentleness, he caught this gap!

In this high-level game, the consequences of any flaws are immeasurable,
For example, this time,

Excellent opportunity to attack!Jiang Botao chose to attack without hesitation, he stood up to be the one who caused the storm!

Wulang waved the short sword in his hand, and a wave sword was instantly cast...

The duel between Hundred Blossoms and Samsara is very well-known and has great reference value, so those teams that have finished the match are sitting in their respective meeting rooms, watching the match,

Among them was Blue Rain.

"Opportunity!" Huang Shaotian, who was watching the battle, shouted, his reaction was not slow at all, he reacted almost instantly,
Huang Shaotian is a natural opportunist, but sometimes he makes mistakes,
Like this time.

"No." Yu Wenzhou's lips moved slightly, and he put his palms together to cover his lips, a strange look flashed in his eyes,

Huang Shaotian looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what his captain meant.

Soon the answer was given on the field,
Just after Wulang swung the blazing wave sword, at almost the same instant, Luohuachao suddenly rolled obliquely forward, dodging the wave sword,

The comparison is hand speed!
"What...!" A trace of astonishment flashed in Jiang Botao's eyes, the changes on the field were completely beyond his expectation,
Obviously, Yi Tianming exposed this flaw on purpose,
Playing a role of Jiang Botao's level, Yi Tianming knows very well,

Can't bear children, can't catch wolves.

This flaming fluctuating sword was dodged, and Wulang was in the momentary stage of closing his moves,
Now it's Yi Tianming's turn to attack.
After tumbling, Blossoming Chaos raised his heavy sword and stabbed forward,

This blow knocks the mountain and shakes the tiger!


Blossoming Chaos retaliated fiercely, returning the damage from the Broken Wind Wave Sword just now,
The health values ​​of both sides returned to the same starting line again,
But the situation is that Blossoming Chaos has the upper hand, because he succeeded in getting close,
What does it mean for a Berserker to be close-fitting, presumably a Glory rookie knows very well,

Even if your magic swordsman has the highest defense plate armor, it will beat you to pieces!

The moment it was close to the body, Blossoming Chaos' figure instantly increased several times,
The fury is on, and the time for Blossoming Chaos' attack has arrived!


"The flaw just now seemed to be fatal, but the distance between the two is far away, so it can be avoided theoretically. If Wulang gets closer, there will be no solution." Yu Wenzhou said calmly, "But I have to say, he The hand speed is very fast."

Although hand speed is Yu Wenzhou's "lifelong pain", he dares to face his own problems, which is remarkable.


After a few breaths, the situation on the field changed a lot. Blossoming Chaos knocked out nearly 30% of the opponent's health with a wave of close contact.
This is due to the fact that the magic swordsman wears plate armor. If it is low-proof leather armor or cloth armor, then this number is likely to be doubled...

After a brutal beating,

Wulang seized a fleeting opportunity and released a frost fluctuating sword, causing Luohualang's figure to stop, and then rolled several times in a row to hide far away, leaving the opponent's attack range,

This may be nothing when the player is operating, and he may be complacent about getting rid of the opponent's onslaught,

But from the perspective of the audience, this is not the case... Wulang's behavior can be described in four words:
Fleeing in haste.

After rolling so many times continuously on the ground, I turned my head back and looked ashamed,
To be honest, I'm a bit lost... After all, it's an all-star role.

For a while, Samsara fans were a little bit embarrassed, while Baihua fans were even more arrogant. They yelled at the former,
E-sports is so interesting, whoever takes the lead, whose fans will have the confidence to be arrogant.But if they fall behind, the counterattack of the opponent's fans will be even more arrogant...

Tyranny Meeting Room,
"Jiang Botao has entered the state." Zhang Xinjie pushed the frame of his glasses and said this.

That's right, the seemingly embarrassing operation does not mean that Jiang Botao is at the end of the road, but because he is 200% devoted to the game, regardless of whether the character's movements are beautiful or ugly, he only pursues the effect,
Such a state is terrifying. It is common for players to perform beyond their standard in this situation.

Tyranny's players are also looking forward to Jiang Botao's super performance, so that the game will become more interesting, and even a reversal may be achieved.

But Han Wenqing was not optimistic about Jiang Botao's comeback, he snorted, "Health is not dominant, even if he performs super-level, the 30% difference will be difficult to make up."

And the situation on the field was just as Han Wenqing expected,
Jiang Botao's super-level performance did not create a reversal for himself. As Lao Han said, it is difficult to make up for the 30% difference in blood volume.

Yi Tianming played very steadily. With the advantage of blood volume, he was not in a hurry at all, and guided the game methodically, taking more and more advantages into his own hands.

My blood volume is dominant, why the rush?
You should be the one who is in a hurry, Jiang Botao.

In the end, Wulang fell under Luohualang's heavy sword,
This is the second time,

But different from last time, this time is a formal game, there is no all-star exhibition game in it,
The name Jiang Botao has also successfully entered the list of "All-Star players who have been beaten by Yi Tianming in the singles competition".

Although Jiang Botao has regrets about this defeat, if there is another one, he thinks that he is not hopeless.

But Xiao Jiang is not the kind of narrow-minded person. He can put it down as soon as he picks it up. If he loses, he loses. He won't make any excuses.

When shaking hands after the game,
"You played very well, and I look forward to the next duel with you." Jiang Botao's eyes were sincere, this time it was not some psychological pressure, but his true feelings, "If there is a chance, I must have a meal with you, leave a call .”

He admired the Berserker player in front of him very much.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to it too. You're playing very well." Yi Tianming smiled back. After the two exchanged contact information, they each returned to the players' seats.
Do not know each other.

"35! 35! 35!"

Hundred Flowers cheered loudly, this is Yi Tianming's winning streak...

 There is another chapter on the way, and it will be released before 12:[-],
  Also, thank you guys for your rewards, I won’t list them one by one if it’s a little troublesome,

  The author Bacteria has no other talents, so I would like to thank you all for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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