Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 167 Misty Rain Sister Flowers! ! 【Thank you for the rewards】

Chapter 167 Misty Rain Sister Flowers! ! 【Thank you for the rewards】

"Update notice: Glory will start to expand weapons, clothing, etc. in the playoffs of this season's professional league. The official version is expected to open at the beginning of the ninth season. Please look forward to the details."

Yi Tianming read it according to the latest news officially released by Glory.

"It should be a small rectification." Chu Yunxiu poured a glass of milk and handed it to him, "Except for the increase in the upper limit of the level, the rectification efforts will not be too great."

Chu Yunxiu has been in the professional circle for more than 4 years, and she is very familiar with this aspect.
The last time Glory raised the level cap was in the fifth season, and it has been more than three years since now.

But Yi Tianming knew in his heart that level 75 would be available in the tenth season, and by then it would be his solo show.
Because other players still need to slowly adapt to new skills, and he will adapt one step faster than others by virtue of his prophet.

Of course, these are the aftermath...

Yi Tianming stayed in City S for two days, and during these two days, he was responsible for accompanying Chu Yunxiu to go shopping, watch movies, sleep, and so on, which seemed to calm down Chu Yunxiu's hurt emotions.

Tonight is his last night in City S, and he will return to City K tomorrow to prepare for the league.

It was getting late, and it was pitch black outside.
There is a faint light in the hotel room, and the atmosphere is good.
The two lay on the bed back to back,

Obviously it's not time to go to sleep, the two young people are already lying on the bed, but they are not ready to do anything...

There is silence in the air,

In the end, it was Yi Tianming who broke the silence first, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I... haven't renewed my contract with the club..." Chu Yunxiu whispered,
Of course she still has feelings for Misty Rain, after all, it is a place of fame, but the deeds done by the club in the past few years are really chilling...

Yi Tianming more or less captured the meaning in the words,

But at present, he can’t say anything more. After all, the league is not over yet, and there are still playoffs to be played after the regular season. If the topic of transfer is discussed too deeply now, it is likely to cause a certain psychological burden on both parties. , and may even affect the playoffs,
So, stop there.

However, Yi Tianming understood Chu Yunxiu's intentions. As for the specific matters, it would not be too late to discuss them after the end of the season.

"Well, go to sleep."


Silent all night.


The next day, Yi Tianming woke up very early, thinking that the flight was still some time away, so he turned on the TV,

As soon as I transferred to the Honor channel, I was attracted by an advertisement.

Two sisters who look similar but have slightly different styles are dressed coolly and posing on the screen.

A certain part of the body trembled. He was not very old, but his figure was well developed.
When I woke up in the morning, my mouth was dry,
The masculine instinct prompted him to stare at the screen intently. The sisters were just twisting and twisting, and Yi Tianming's eyes followed suit...

Until the end of the ad, a subtitle pops up:
"This advertisement is sponsored by Misty Rain Famous!!"

It was only now that Yi Tianming recalled that this pair of sisters were the twins of Yan Yu! ?

Whoever does not bow his head dare not fight back,
Shu Keyi, Shu Kexin! !
At this moment, Chu Yunxiu also woke up. Looking at the TV screen, she couldn't help shaking her head, her expression changed slightly: "This is the advertisement that I rejected at the beginning."

Yi Tianming was silent for a while, filled with righteous indignation, but luckily Chu Yunxiu refused, otherwise he would have been entrapped by this advertiser!
After thinking about it, it's no wonder that Yanyu dared to punish Chu Yunxiu like that. It turned out that she had found another money tree.
Oh no, it should be said that there are two trees.

Although the Shu sisters are far less famous than Chu Yunxiu,

But the reputation is not enough, so I sell meat to make up for it.

In this era of traffic, explicit outfits are indeed easy to attract attention.

And the advertisement of the Shu sisters this time seems to have given Yanyu a taste of the sweetness, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to secretly hire a navy to attack Chu Yunxiu.
It is disgraceful to hire a water army to attack your own captain. Misty Rain's senior management wants to use this as a warning and to promote the renewal of the contract by the way.
But what Misty Rain never expected was that Chu Yunxiu would not take this set...!
The contract between Chu Yunxiu and Misty Rain is about to expire this summer, and the two parties haven't renewed the contract yet. Judging by the situation, if there is a real quarrel, why not break it up?
I'm afraid that Yanyu's intestines will regret it...

Having said that, it is rumored that the Misty Rain Club has privately promised that there will be a starting seat for the sisters next season,
You know, these two sisters play long-distance professional sharpshooters, and arranging two long-distance professions for the team at once will definitely make the team top-heavy. Is there anyone in the front?


Apart from the word "ridiculous", I can't think of other adjectives.

Of course, as for Misty Rain's housework, let them handle it by themselves.


"Goodbye." Chu Yunxiu sent Yi Tianming on the flight to City K...

The holiday is over, and it's time for both of them to go back to prepare for the next game.

"I should go back too."

Looking at the figure that was drifting away, Chu Yunxiu sighed and said.

After all, she is the captain, and she has not yet reached the point of tearing up her face with the club.The league is not over yet, and the next few rounds are especially important, and Misty Rain cannot do without her as the backbone.

Although Chu Yunxiu has already started to divorce, but the contract has not yet expired, so he should take up the responsibilities of the captain, which is the professional quality that a qualified professional player should have.

In the standings, Misty Rain is currently ranked sixth, 5 points lower than the previous Tiny Herb, and there is still hope of catching up.

What Chu Yunxiu has to do well is to make Misty Rain go further in the regular season and playoffs as much as possible,
As for the arrangements for the sisters to start next season, let's just throw them aside for now, anyway, they may not be there by then...

Back to Misty Rain Club,
As soon as Chu Yunxiu entered the door, he ran into the two sisters, and was accompanied by several advertisers. It seemed that the last advertisement had a good effect, and it had already caused a chain reaction.

The manager followed behind with a flattering face, talking non-stop, trying to persuade the two to accept the advertisement, and only nodded slightly to Chu Yunxiu who was walking towards him, and then disappeared.

Whoever is popular, Misty Rain is traditional.

The sisters, who were still a little hesitant at first, immediately agreed when they saw Chu Yunxiu walk in, and said loudly on purpose, "Okay, we'll take them all!"

It was a naked provocation, but Chu Yunxiu ignored it and brushed past it...

"Okay, okay, let's sign the contract." The manager's waist was almost bent at 90°, with a smile on his face,
The reason why the managers are so flattering is because the last ad of Sister Hua ranked No.5 in the history of advertising revenue in the Yanyu team overnight!
Misty Rain's executives saw huge "potential" in the sisters!
Of course, it's not about competitive strength, but about economic benefits...


On the other side, the battle of focus.

The two teams ranked first and second in the league,

flowers, reincarnation,
ushered in the second collision of the season,

This game is very likely to determine the final ownership of the first place in the regular season...!
(End of this chapter)

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