Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 136 Chu Yunxiu: Wash and go to bed!

Chapter 136 Chu Yunxiu: Wash and go to bed!
The mechanism tried to turn the angle of view, and the surrounding area was covered with a layer of ice.
ice array!

"Come and play."

The voice came from the front, and the ghost swordsman whose id was the devil was standing there, showing a playful look,
"Li Xuan!" The name popped up in Yi Tianming's heart instantly, "Why is he here...!"

However, the current situation can no longer allow Yi Tianming to think too much.


"If you don't play seriously, you will die." A hint of ferocity flashed in Feng Mo's eyes.

After all, he jumped up from the ground, his legs slammed into a high leap, and he descended from the sky in the posture of a superior, with the sword in his hand shining even more brilliantly.

The sense of oppression instantly magnified a hundred times!
It was obviously just a blue martial sword, but it felt like a silver weapon in his hands.

Yi Tianming has to make a choice now.

Although he could escape from the ice formation by taking a step back, Yi Tianming's intuition said: Can't retreat!

If he were Li Xuan, there would definitely be another ghost formation behind the ice formation, perhaps a dark formation, or a plague formation. Although it is impossible to know what kind of ghost formation it is, one thing that can be confirmed is that the retreat , will definitely fall into the opponent's serial ghost array!
Don't retreat but advance, fight against the army!
After all the tricks were done, he drew his knife out of its sheath, faced the opponent head-on, and then swung a sharp airflow,

"That's right." Li Xuan's eyes flickered with admiration. The situation was just like Yi Tianming's analysis. As long as he took a step back, he would fall into a dark formation.

However, this is just a test released by Li Xuan, Yi Tianming passed this test,
Next there will be the second, third, and nth tests, and only if you pass all of these can you truly pass the level.

The test has only now officially begun.

Cross cut!
Feng Mo draws out two sword qi, one horizontal and one vertical, attacking against attacking, this cross cut will completely resolve the attack of drawing the sword.

But don't forget that he is at a disadvantage right now, because he is still in the ice formation, and his movement speed is greatly restricted.

The ghost formation laid down by Fengmo has no effect on himself.

rub rub!

In the ice formation, Fengmo launched wave after wave of attacks in an orderly manner. Under such a fierce offensive, he could barely defend with all the tricks, but the blood volume was still declining.
Seeing the tricks, it must be done when the strength of both parties is similar.As it is now, Yi Tianming still has a lot of gaps in operation, with the ancestor of Zhengui personally driving.

The appreciation in Li Xuan's eyes gradually faded in the attack after attack.
Feng Mo violently swung the sword in his hand, and swung out a Shuangyue Slash with an extremely tricky angle, which directly overturned the mechanism, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably.
Fengmo quickly took two steps forward, ready to continue outputting,

However, the appreciation in Li Xuan's eyes has completely dimmed,
"Sufficient to the level of the second team, but unfortunately, still far from the first team..."

Li Xuan's words were only halfway through, and then stopped abruptly!

Because his screen has turned into pitch black and lost all vision,
With Li Xuan's familiarity with ghost swordsmen, he didn't need to think about it to know that he had fallen into a dark formation.

But what surprised Li Xuan was, when was this dark formation set up?

The actual situation is that the mechanism was calculated at the moment when it fell backwards, and by using the deviation in the angle, the key hidden formation was laid without anyone noticing.

Not bad!

Li Xuan's eyes were filled with admiration again, but Yi Tianming didn't care about this, he had been beaten for so long, if he didn't fight back now, when would he wait? !

In an instant, the offense and defense changed sides, and the initiative of this duel came to the authorities.
In a dark formation, even Li Xuan couldn't break free immediately.

The organs have exhausted their calculations and started to output, and what Fengmo can do is to slowly grope in the dark array according to his own memory,
But in the absence of vision, it is not easy to do this,

Time is passing by every minute and every second, now it is the turn of Fengmo's health to start to drop,
Of course, Yi Tianming is not stupid, he knows that it is impossible to completely trap the opponent if only relying on a hidden formation.

What he has to do is to take advantage of the time when the dark formation is still there, output as much as possible, and at the same time set up a few more ghost formations, and use the serial ghost formations to completely trap the demons to death.

The ray of light emerged from the Lingwen Taidao, and the ice array and plague array were laid down one after another. This is already the limit of what the agency can do so far, but there is no way, the level is low, and the skill reading is slow.

The moment the dark formation disappeared, Feng Mo broke free from the plague formation by jumping back,
After that, it's time for the two to fight together. To be honest, if two ghost swordsmen PK, it is difficult to have a good performance, let alone two ghosts.

Because if one party charges up the ghost formation, the other can easily interrupt it, so if two ghost formations are singled out, most of the time they are fighting with the low-level skills of the swordsman.

It took about 5 minutes to fight like this with all the tricks and tricks.

The health of both is not very healthy, 33% is left when encountering monsters, and only 12% is left when all organs are exhausted.

Just when Yi Tianming thought he was going to break here today, the opponent put away his weapon,

Because, Li Xuan has already made up his mind that the ghost swordsman in front of him has great potential, and his combat power can definitely start in the first team of Void.

"Okay, that's it." Feng Mo put away the sword and walked in slowly, "You are a ghost swordsman with outstanding ability, let me ask one more question, are you from another youth training camp?"

"No." Yi Tianming quickly denied it.

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief for this answer, because if it is really a youth training player, it will be difficult to scoop it up.
So now, since it is not from the youth training, it will be much easier. Li Xuan is going to reveal his true identity and "seduce" this genius ghost swordsman to join the void.

A stable starting lineup cannot be guaranteed, after all, it is impossible to play three ghost swordsmen.But Li Xuan can guarantee that he will train the person in front of him as his successor, that is, the successor of the first ghost of Glory and Devil May Cry at Fengshan!

"Then, on behalf of Team Void, I would like to extend an invitation to you." Fengmo continued, "To tell you the truth, I am Li..."

Before the words were finished, a lava flask fell from the sky,

blah blah blah!
The hot magma exploded in an instant and shot at the two people who were talking,
"What the hell!?"

Li Xuan and Yi Tianming were both confused, especially Li Xuan, he was talking to a critical moment, who the hell came out to make trouble!

Feng Mo suddenly raised his head and saw a sorcerer passing by, id Bai Shu.

Li Xuan was puzzled, he couldn't get through with the magician today, right? He had already solved Tiandong for a whole day, so where did this come from?
The main problem is, I have no enmity with this magician who came out of nowhere, why did I come here?

PK in the wild?

And this demon called Baishu didn't seem to intend to leave, but hovered in the sky, as if provoking, and provoking on purpose.

Damn, Li Xuan's temper is good, but it's not bottomless, but it's absolutely unbearable to disturb him for no reason like this to cultivate a potential successor!

"Just hide well, I'll take care of it." Feng Mo greeted, and then rushed towards the other party,
Very good, Li Xuan started to "protect the calf" before people agreed to join the void.

And this magician seemed to be simply looking for trouble from the demon, seeing the other party rushing towards him, not only did not back away, but also rushed over.

At this time, Li Xuan still didn't know that the true identity of this magician was...

Big eye Wang,
Magician Wang Jiexi.

As for why he came to the new area, the reason was very simple, to find a place for Gao Yingjie.

Hit the little ones, come the old ones,

Having said that, Gao Yingjie is really an honest kid. After losing the one-on-one duel with Li Xuan, he honestly went to report to Wang Jiexi.
It’s okay if you don’t say it, but it’s okay if you say it.
What kind of person is Wang Jiexi? In order to cultivate a successor, he would not hesitate to discredit himself in the All-Stars.And now, his successor has been bullied by a ghost swordsman in the new area. Is there a reason for tolerance?
Wang Dayan immediately got a new area account card, inserted the card into the machine, and did not hesitate at all.

He would like to see which ghost swordsman caused his successor to stumble.


Bai Shu and Feng Mo soon fought together. Just mentioning these two names may not arouse many people's reactions, but if it is said that Wang Buliuxing and Fengshan Devil Weep, it will be different.

As soon as the two confronted each other, they were full of firepower. Wang Jiexi even used the shadow of a magician's style of play, and Li Xuan pulled his manipulation to the extreme. It was very different from when he was PKing with Yi Tianming. Just now it was a trick of trickling water, but now it is a trick of torrential flood,

Come on!

However, Li Xuan was very fierce when he rushed out, but after that he felt more and more wrong,
This sorcerer... seems to have something, and quite a lot...

"Very difficult!" This is Li Xuan's conclusion. He originally wanted to show it in front of the "prospective successor", but now, not only failed to show it well, but put himself in a very dangerous situation.

Because Feng Mo's health was only 33%, after Wang Jiexi's tossing, his health dropped to 11%, on the verge of red blood,

"This style, can't it be Wang Jiexi?" Li Xuan had a rough guess in his heart,

And Wang Jiexi also gradually felt that the ghost swordsman in front of him was not simple, he was experienced, his consciousness was online, and his operation was qualified.
And judging from the style of this ghost swordsman, Wang Jiexi remembered a familiar name.

But Wang Jiexi didn't intend to stop at all. No matter who it was, he had to get it back in today's situation.

Bai Shu's attack was faster, and various low-level skills spewed out like mercury, which made it difficult for Li Xuan to deal with it, but he still couldn't stop the decline in health.
"It looks like I'm going to be planted here today." Li Xuan had already made up his mind, and at this speed, it wouldn't be long before his Feng Mo fell down.

An idea quickly took shape in Li Xuan's mind,
It's okay to carry it here by yourself, at least you have to create a living space for your prospective successor,

"I'll hold you back, you run first!" Feng Mo turned his head and shouted at the original position of the organ, but there was no one there.
Depend on!won't run away?
Li Xuan cursed secretly in his heart for being disrespectful, but in a blink of an eye he saw that he had already wrestled with Bai Shu,
Of course, Yi Tianming didn't know Bai Shu's true identity at this meeting, he just wanted to try it out, who is this magical scholar who can suppress Li Xuan?

But the moment he fought, he felt the oppressive feeling, and this oppressive feeling had a feeling of deja vu...

"You still have a conscience." Feng Mo also raised his sword and rushed out.
It is easy for a ghost swordsman to fall into a disadvantage when fighting a magician, but if there are two ghost swordsmen, the situation may become completely different.
Because as long as one of them seizes the space to set up the first ghost array, then the second, third, and nth ones will follow one after another, a chain of ghosts!

The ghost formations fall one after another, and the two ghost formations cooperate with each other, and can even create an illusion of endless ghost formations for the opponent. This is the two ghost formations!

And once this kind of situation happens, it will be very scary. Even the magician Wang Jiexi can't guarantee that he can handle it.

However, Wang Jiexi is experienced after all, seeing the two ghost swordsmen intending to seek cooperation, he was already ready to "unblock".

When the first ghost formation was set up, Wang Jiexi started his performance. The magician's style of play suddenly reappeared in the world, and with an unstoppable vigor, he forcibly interrupted the spellcasting of the two of them, and stopped the second one. The birth of two ghost formations,
"Wang Jiexi!" Li Xuan finally realized that this sudden appearance was not the magician's signature style of play?

After hearing his own name, Wang Jiexi finally stopped, "Is it really Li Xuan?"

"Who else could it be but me?" Li Xuan really wanted to yell Big Eye Wang angrily at this moment, but since he was one season behind Wang Jiexi in seniority, he still swallowed the words Big Eye Wang.

"Why are you here to join in the fun?!" Li Xuan asked in a deep voice, with strong helplessness in his tone, he was thinking that if he hadn't been disturbed just now, everyone would have agreed to join Void now!
"I should ask you this question. What are you doing in the new district all of a sudden?" Wang Jiexi said calmly.

"No, for him." Fengmo glanced at the position where the mechanism was exhausted,
"No wonder." Wang Jiexi instantly understood that Captain Human Void was here to dig treasure in the new district.

However, after confirming that Gao Yingjie lost to Li Xuan, Wang Jiexi felt relieved.

"Don't talk about it, I have to ask others." Fengmo turned around, but he didn't expect the agency to disappear as soon as possible...


After a lot of shopping, Yi Tianming felt a little sleepy, not to mention he still has important things to do!So while Li Xuan was talking with Wang Jiexi, he slipped aside and went offline secretly.

But when he thought that the beautiful woman Chu was still waiting for him on the bed, Yi Tianming regained his energy in an instant.
"Bao Bo Yi, I'm coming!"

Yi Tianming took off his earphones and was about to climb onto the bed, but was blocked by a pillow.
"Go wash it first, it smells!" Chu Yunxiu frowned slightly, "Wash it before going to bed, or you won't be allowed to come up."

"That's fine, then you wait for me!" Yi Tianming ran into the bathroom with his eyes shining...


(End of this chapter)

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