Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 132 Sleeping in the same bed with Chu Yunxiu! ! (Chapter 5k8 words)

Chapter 132 Sleeping in the same bed with Chu Yunxiu! ! (Chapter 5k8 words)
Blue Creek Court,
"Thanks for your trouble this time, we have 6 more players who have reached level 30!" Blue River's face returned to joy.

"Small matter, where are the materials I want?"

Lan He turned sideways and waved his hand. The guard next to him understood and presented a document.
"Master, this is the material you want, I have already prepared it."

"Okay, happy cooperation." Yi Tianming clicked on the screen, and this material was transferred to his personal warehouse, but he soon found out that there was something tricky,
"Hey...how come there is an extra set of orange outfits?"

Lan He smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said, "...a little meaning."

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, Yi Tianming is still clear about this, especially in front of these grand guilds, interests are the fundamental thing that binds everyone together.

It is basic common sense to take people's money and eliminate disasters for others.

Yi Tianming shook his head with a smile, and asked: "If you have any request, just say it directly, there is no need to hide it."

Lan He thought to himself: "The Great God really is a Great God, you can see through it at a glance."

He approached with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "Master... According to our Lanxi Pavilion and Jun Moxiao's dealings for so long, in Jun Moxiao's gang, besides One Inch Hui and Hanyanrou, there are two other a master..."

"One is Feng Shu Yan Mu, a gunner. The other is a swordsman, id Driftwood."

"I think……"

The agency waved his hands after all the calculations: "Let me take care of it. In the past few days, you should first raise the large troops to level 30 or above. As long as there are enough people, even Lord Grim can't do anything to you. By the way, this is me. Button, contact me if you need anything, download it first."

After all, Yi Tianming sent a QUQUAN account to him. This is his newly created alias, and his nickname is Organs.

As for Yi Tianming... He naturally went to find a way to fight Feng Shuyanmu and Liumu,
This driftwood...don't think too much about it being that guy Huang Shaotian, there's no good way to do it, so I can only put it aside for now,
As for Feng Shuyan Mu, the operator behind this character is Su Mucheng. Although Yi Tianming is not familiar with her, Chu Yunxiu is familiar with her!

A good idea quickly appeared in his mind...


Xingxin Network Club,

Ye Xiu is having a small meeting:

"Baozi, Tang Rou, and Yifan, change your strategy these few days. Let go of the dungeon on the waterway, and we can retreat to the two dungeon entrances in the jungle. The most urgent thing is to raise the level first, and then catch Lanxi Pavilion by surprise. Get up tomorrow morning and continue to level up."

"It's the boss!" "Well, I see."

"The meeting is over. Let's go to bed early tonight." After Ye Xiu greeted him, he clicked the buttons,
For him, the key to truly breaking the game is here.

button chat interface,

Lord Grim: "What are you doing?"

Mu Yuchengfeng: "I'm chasing the drama, the drama recommended by Yunxiu is the highlight part, what's wrong?"

Ye Xiu paused, recalled the typed words, and changed to: "It's okay, it's rare that Yunxiu didn't recommend boring soap operas for you, so watch it well."


After all, Su Mucheng had just finished the competition day, Ye Xiu thought about it, let her have a good rest first, and call her after a while.

But here comes the problem... At this juncture, Chu Yunxiu pushed a drama to Su Mucheng,

Ye Xiu, who turned off the phone, put his hands on the pillow and muttered, "Is all this... a coincidence?"


On the other side, Hundred Flowers Club,
Someone is talking on the phone,
"Hey, you are good or bad, this idea is only yours." Chu Yunxiu's voice came from the phone, "But... are you sure, that Jun Moxiao is Ye Qiu? Could it be you Got it wrong?"

"It's absolutely true. Look at the ever-changing weapon in his hand, which accommodates all six major occupational departments. Except for Ye Qiu, who else can understand it." Yi Tianming explained,
He thought that he would know sooner or later anyway, that he had just told Chu Yunxiu the real identity of Jun Moxiao, the condition was to keep it secret, but according to Chu Yunxiu's personality, it could still be done.

"That's right, no one can understand except that guy. But if this is the case, what should Ye Qiu do if he suspects me?" Chu Yunxiu asked.

"It's very simple. If you don't admit it, he doesn't have 100% proof."

"Okay, that's the only way to go. By the way, I've already bought the plane ticket, and I'll arrive at noon tomorrow."


noon the next day,

Yi Tianming arrived at the airport on time, successfully picked up Miss Chu, and brought the blue and white short leg over as required,
"Little guy, do you think I'm gone?" Chu Yunxiu hugged him as soon as he arrived, leaving the rightful owner aside,


Then I took a taxi, had a meal, and with the big beauty, I felt that my breathing was much easier.

And the distance between the two is getting closer and closer. They used to be far apart, but now they are almost arm in arm.

But what makes Yi Tianming a little upset is that since he received Chu Yunxiu, the cell phone in his pocket has been beeping non-stop.

TMD, no one can disturb the happy time,
Whoever you are, even if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu come,
Shut down directly! !
Once the phone is turned off, it is much cleaner.

After eating, Yi Tianming was finally able to do the thing that he always wanted to do but was not easy to do alone.
That's house inspection.
I said before that I had to wait for Chu Yunxiu to come, but now that he is here, I can't miss it.

On the way to see the house,

"By the way, how many days are you staying here?" Yi Tianming asked.

"It's all right, it's boring to stay at home anyway, and there's nothing else to do now."

"That's fine, congratulations, you will be the first woman to live in my new house!" Yi Tianming laughed.

Chu Yunxiu rolled his eyes at him: "Why, according to what you mean, there is a second, third?"

Yi Tianming quickly changed his words, "Of course not!"

Chatting and chatting, the two quietly walked to the sales department,
"Welcome to come!"

With a wave of his hand, Yi Tianming picked out a [-]-square-meter apartment that had already been renovated, with four bedrooms.Yi Tianming planned to use one of the rooms as a place for the two of them to "entertain".

"Can I stay tonight?" Yi Tianming asked,

"Of course, anytime!" The sales lady's face was rosy, probably thinking about when the share will be credited.

The two moved into the new house on the same day, and the furniture inside was fully furnished. The sales lady who was in charge of leading the way showed an intriguing smile before leaving, but Yi Tianming didn't care about it at the time...

"Hmm~ it's not bad." Yi Tianming said with emotion,
8th floor, No. 818, the number is very auspicious, Fafafa.

Of course, the door number is a trivial matter,

For professional players, the first step in buying a house is to arrange electronic equipment!
Soon two computers were located at his home, with top-end configurations, and they played Glory smoothly.

Looking at the dim light outside the window, the sun has already set,

"Then don't go out tonight? It's too late and there's no fun." Yi Tianming suggested.


After working hard, Yi Tianming restarted the phone that had been shut down for almost a day, and found that Koukou had 99+ unread messages.
"Who sent me so many messages?" Yi Tianming was puzzled, and clicked on the button chat box,

The word "Blue River" caught my eye. Since 11 am, he has been sending messages non-stop,
The content of the last message is:
"The dungeon port has been captured by Jun Moxiao and others. He called for help! Our side is completely at a disadvantage, so please come to the rescue!"

Turning off the phone, Yi Tianming turned his head to Chu Yunxiu who was teasing the cat and said, "It seems that we have to get on the number to play with God Ye."


Glory District 10,
Under the leadership of Lanhe, Lanxi Pavilion retreated steadily, and because of the situation of fighting more and less,
10 people on one side, 5 people on the other side, 10 against 5, was severely suppressed...

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Lan He, because his opponent is completely "unreasonable",
Because Jun Moxiao's 5 people are not fuel-efficient lamps,

Having suffered a loss last time, Lord Grim's gang rose to level 35 or more overnight.
Lord Grim is level 37, still the highest level in District 10,
One Inch Ash, Soft Mist Level 36,
Steamed Bun Invasion Level 35, Little Priest Level 35,
In addition, a swordsman came. Although he was only level 28 and his equipment was low-level blue equipment, he still crushed his opponent at level 2 or 3, id Driftwood.

At present, these six people have successfully occupied three copy ports,
"Lao Ye, I actually helped you to deal with your new land reclamation team! Damn, if the captain finds out, I won't be scolded to death." Liu Mu whispered in Lord Grim's ear,

"Don't worry, I won't tell Wenzhou." Lord Grim assured him.

"That's fine, but you can't go back on what you promised me!" Liumu said impatiently.

"A word from a gentleman." Lord Grim made an ok gesture,
He had promised earlier that as long as Huang Shaotian came to help, he would agree to fight him one-on-one.

Huang Shaotian had wanted to get a taste of Ye Xiu's true undisciplined person for a long time.


"Attention everyone, someone is coming!" Jun Moxiao waved his hand to signal Baozi and the others to squat down, while he and Driftwood plunged into the water.

"I can't wait a long time ago!" Liumu's eyes flashed with desire for heads-up.

After a while, a small group of ten people came over, among which the highest level was 35 Blue River, and the rest were all level 34.
"Master, shall we just walk over like this?" Lan He asked with a worried face, "I think... Lord Grim and others must be lying in ambush."

Yi Tianming said calmly, "With brother here, it's no accident."

He roughly guessed that the helper Lord Grim called was probably not Su Mucheng, she was held back by the TV series.So there is a high probability that it is Huang Shaotian.

If Yi Tianming was alone, of course he would not rush to grab the territory.But today is different from yesterday, the person sitting next to him now is the operator of Glory's first elemental mage!
There are two professional players on both sides, it is not certain who will win.

At the same time, the agency calculated and quietly arranged the positions of ten people, standing in a triangle with three on each side, protecting Chu Yunxiu's elemental mage in the middle.


"...8...9...10." Lord Grim in the water had a panoramic view of everything on the shore, and at the same time he sent out the location in the guild channel: "Reserve group, rush to support."


These backup groups are the guild players arranged by Lord Grim in the main city. Calling them now, they can just catch all these people on the shore.
"Oh? The position of the other party is a bit strange. I can't protect a priest and an elemental mage." A text bubble appeared above Liumu's head,

In order to restore the real scene to a high degree, the character cannot make a sound in the water.

"Don't worry, this elemental mage may be..." Before Lord Grim finished speaking, a fireball quickly hit the waters where he was!
boom! !

Ripples appeared on the originally calm water surface.

Lord Grim was naturally not stupid, he leaped out of the water, and the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella transformed into a mechanic weapon, spinning counterclockwise with Lord Grim flying into the air,

Mechanic Skill - Mechanical Rotor!
"Damn it, is your weapon so changeable? The mechanic has even been adjusted!" Driftwood raised his head out of the water and said in surprise.

Lan He and the others looked at each other, understanding each other's meaning,
According to the original plan, do it!
After all the tricks were exhausted, she pulled out the spirit pattern sword and plunged into the water. Yunxiu's elemental mage was still on the shore for long-distance fire support, and there was a priest beside her, and Lan He was guarding the two of them at every step.

The remaining six people from Lanxi Pavilion had already scuffled with the four people from Baozi Invasion.

Six to four, although the level was suppressed by a head, it should not be a big problem, because he followed Yi Tianming's personnel arrangement, two near and two far, one control and one treatment,

The so-called two close, two far and one control refers to two short-range anti-injury characters, two long-range attackers, and one supplementary control character.Both near and far, and control.

This set of lineup was learned by Yi Tianming from Xiao Shiqin, and it is suitable for online game melee.

In this way, facing the top-heavy formation of Steamed Bun Invasion, Soft Mist, and One Inch Ash, Lanxi Pavilion still has an advantage.
Soon, 6 on 4 gradually gained the upper hand.

Seeing this, Lan He's face showed joy, and he has already succeeded in half!

But he also knows that the real battlefield is on Lord Grim's side.
If Lord Grim can't be dealt with, then everything will be for nothing.

Bang bang bang!
A burst of gunshots interrupted Lan He's thoughts,

It's Lord Grim!He is coming here!
Ye Xiu is such a shrewd person, he has long suspected that this elemental mage is Chu Yunxiu, as for whether he is, it doesn't matter now,

For this variable,

Ye Xiu said: It doesn't matter who you are, get down first and then talk.

Lan He drew his sword, stood in front of the exhausted mechanism, and waited in full force,

"Your only task is to protect this elemental mage." This is what Yi Tianming said to him in advance.

Now the test is coming, Lord Grim waved it, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella changed into the form of a spear,
"Great God...how should we fight?" Lan He asked the elemental mage behind him, but he didn't get a response for a long time. Looking back, he saw that the man was still casting spells in the water!

This is too confident, the opponent is almost close, she still has the mind to take care of that,

Exhausting the mechanism, he turned around and asked, "Did you just ask me?"

Lan He was startled, female master?
But after thinking about it, most of the elemental mages went there for the reputation of Misty Rain, and it's normal to have a female master.

"Just hit whatever you want, I will keep up with your rhythm." Chu Yunxiu greeted, and then began to adjust her position, the staff in her hand didn't stop even for a moment,

Seeing Lord Grim from far to near, Lan He's heartbeat also quickened.
On it!

Lan He raised his sword and rushed towards Lord Grim,

rub rub!
The spear and the lightsaber collided in the air, sparking sparks from the friction,
However, in this first collision, Blue River actually had the upper hand!This gave him great self-confidence. Just when Blue River was about to attack further, the corner of Lord Grim's mouth curled into an elusive arc,

The drunkard does not mean wine,
How could Ye Xiu's tactics not be as good as online game players?Obviously, the disadvantage just now was deliberately pretended by him,

The purpose is to let the opponent relax, and now the purpose has been achieved.

Lord Grim rolled obliquely forward, dodged Lan He's sword slash, and successfully circled behind him.

"Damn it!" Lan He was startled, and then realized that he had been fooled. In this way, Lord Grim faced the elemental mage directly!
"Be careful!" Lan He turned his head in a hurry, he was unable to move for a short period of time when he drew his sword and slashed.

And this period of time is enough for Jun Moxiao to use up all the organs...

But soon, Lan He's hanging heart relaxed, and he even had the urge to applaud,

Because this elemental mage...reacts too fast!

Just when Lord Grim was about to get close to his body, an ice wall suddenly formed at the most suitable position, blocking his way out.

"The skills are good." Ye Xiu's eyes lit up. The speed and angle of the ice wall's release have reached the professional level, or even higher.
"Thank you." I didn't talk too much nonsense after exhausting all the traps. A wall of ice would definitely not be able to completely block Lord Grim. She had to quickly adjust her position.

"I'm coming!" At this moment, Lan He's skill backswing has ended, and he drew his sword and rushed towards Lord Grim again...

on the water,
The organs calculated to release skills one after another,
Double Moon Slash!Cross cut!Draw your sword and chop!
"Hello, my friend, are you playing ghost slaying or ghost formation?" Liumu kept talking while avoiding, "Oh, oh, don't be so angry."

"This cross cut is pretty good, brother, are you from the youth training?"

"Shuangyue Zhan is also good, I suspect that you are a professional player!"

"However, I still avoid them all, hahaha!"


Chirp, chirp, driftwood chattered non-stop on the water,
This is Huang Shaotian's usual style, no matter in the professional arena or in online games, he always talks endlessly,
If it is an ordinary player, it is really possible to be influenced by him, but Yi Tianming is different, he is an ordinary player,
Trash talking has no effect on him at all, because he has already taken off his earphones at this moment.

Great hand!

Over there, after Huang Shaotian yelled a few words, he suddenly realized why the kid on the other side didn't respond at all, could it be that he took off his earphones?
Now that you've taken off your headphones, die!

Liumu turned from defense to offense, and it was unambiguous after all the tricks were exhausted. The two launched their first confrontation.
To say that Huang Shaotian is worthy of being a Juggernaut, he will not be at a disadvantage in a head-to-head confrontation when he is 6 levels lower, and the offensive is gradually unfolding and getting better!
Just when Driftwood was about to further expand his offensive, a fireball flying from the shore interrupted his offensive.

"I'm going, sneak attack!"

Driftwood's back was hit by a fireball, and his body staggered and sank into the water.
The corner of Yi Tianming's mouth curled into an arc. He deliberately turned Liumu's back to the shore during the fight just now, and this was the scene just now.
The controlled driftwood naturally became the target of all the tricks, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

For Huang Shaotian, the ghost swordsman in front of him is not difficult to deal with, the main thing is that he has to be distracted by the elemental mage on the shore, which is the most uncomfortable point.


Meanwhile, on shore,
With Chu Yunxiu's long-distance support, Lan He actually held back Lord Grim from the front,
Steamed Bun and Soft Mist are also at a disadvantage.

Fighting on three fronts is all bad,
Lord Grim now has only one way to go, and that is to wait for reinforcements, but Ye Xiu wondered why the reserve team he had called so long in advance hadn't seen anyone yet...

At this time, the reserve team sent a message, "President, we are surrounded by a coalition force, there are several guilds, they seem to be prepared, what should we do?!"

At the same time, in the jungle on the shore, players jumped out one by one, and at a glance, there was a dense blackness,
Baqixiongtu, Zhongcaotang, Hundred Flowers Valley, Three Realms and Six Paths, Excellent Dynasty...

These are the big guilds that were once bullied by Lord Grim, but now they are united together, which means encirclement and suppression.
Although it is not clear how they knew the situation here, but looking at this battle, they should have come prepared.

A total of hundreds of people came from several guilds. Although the level is not high, the number is completely crushed.

After thinking for a while, Lord Grim greeted Baozi and the others:

Lan He looked at the agency inquiringly,

"We also withdraw."


In this dungeon battle, both Lanxi Pavilion and Lord Grim failed to take advantage of it, and the United Guild took advantage of it...

in the new house,
Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu went offline at the same time. According to tonight's situation, it is not realistic to regain the initiative in the dungeon, so we have to think long-term.

"Well~ it's getting late, wash up and sleep." Yi Tianming stood up and stretched,

Chu Yunxiu nodded slightly, with a tired look on her face.

However, the two soon discovered an embarrassing problem,

Meow, there is only one bed in this new house!

No wonder the sales lady showed such a smile during the day!

There is no way, Yi Tianming can only make the floor, but he forgot, since he just moved in today, there is nothing he can do if he wants to make the floor, unless he sleeps on the bare floor.

It's still winter, sleeping on the floor won't freeze to death...

This made Yi Tianming a little "difficult".

"How about sleeping on the bed together?" Chu Yunxiu asked tentatively, the new owner couldn't let the new owner sleep on the floor and freeze to death.

"How can this be done!?" Yi Tianming shook his head with a face of refusal, but his body was honest, and he sat down on the edge of the bed...

The moon quickly climbed up the window, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night...

(End of this chapter)

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