Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 130 The First Confrontation with Lord Grim

Chapter 130 The First Confrontation with Lord Grim

There is a strong smell of gunpowder in the air...

In the next second, the organ counted and slashed with the sword, and slashed with an extremely fast sword in front of Lord Grim!


Lord Grim was also polite, and the Gatling machine gun blasted out, sweeping a few holes in Ji Suanjin's body.


Lord Grim arranges guild personnel to block the entrances of each dungeon in this way, just to block those players who want to level up in the big guild, so as to negotiate terms with them and blackmail the big guild!
If you want to brush the book, you must pay a certain price. The materials on the list listed by Lord Grim must not be missing.
In this regard, can the presidents of the major guilds compromise?

Of course not!
We came from the realm of gods to open up wasteland, can we compromise like Lord Grim in a new area?


rub rub!
Although Jun Moxiao's level is much higher than the two, but he has learned low-level skills, the damage is not high,

But Yi Tianming still had some difficulties to deal with it. After all, what he faced was not an ordinary player, but a textbook of glory. Yi Tianming knew in his heart that his ghost swordsman skills in front of Ye were undoubtedly Guan Gong's big sword.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Yi Tianming quietly told Chu Yunxiu: "Look for a chance to escape."

He exhausted all the tricks and fought and retreated, but he never had a chance to set up a ghost formation, because Lord Grim would interrupt him with the Myriad Chance Umbrella as soon as he charged up.

"What kind of weapon has both long and short range?" Chu Yunxiu found a clue, and used teleportation to open the distance after exhausting all the organs.

"Don't study any weapons, just support me." Yi Tianming smiled wryly, under the rapid attack of low-level skills of Sanren, he couldn't even release a ghost formation, and was firmly suppressed.

"Okay!" He waved his magic staff with all his abilities, and released two missiles, one fire and one ice, at will.
Lord Grim glanced at it from the corner of his eye, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes,
These two missiles seem to be thrown out at random, but in fact, no matter the timing or angle of release, they are very tricky!
Lord Grim's angle was completely blocked, he could only take two steps back, otherwise he would be hit by missiles,
"This elemental mage is not simple." Ye Xiu made a conclusion in his heart, "Is it a coincidence or...?"

Without waiting for Ye Xiu to think too much, the authorities did their best to quickly set up an ice formation and a dark formation, blocking the path of Baozi and Soft Mist.
Just as Lord Grim took a step, an ice wall formed in front of him.

If it was just a coincidence, then this ice wall gave Ye Xiu every reason to believe that this elemental mage was a professional player from a certain company.
Because of such a prediction, even Ye Xiu was caught off guard.

"Boss, what should I do?" Baozi Invasion, who was blocked by the ghost formation, came to Lord Grim for help.

Over there, when the organs were exhausted and the organs were exhausted, they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Damn it, let these two guys run away!" Baozi jumped anxiously,

The time limit for Ghost Formation and Ice Wall has just ended, Baozi is going to continue chasing the two,

Lord Grim stopped him: "Forget it, I can't catch up. Next time when I'm not around, if you meet these two guys, you can hide if you can."

"Why?" Han Yanrou couldn't believe what happened today. This is the first time that they have "hit a wall" in this dungeon blocking strategy, and even Ye Xiu missed it.

This is rare.

"Speak offline." Lord Grim waved the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and it quickly turned into a bunch of codes and went offline.

Steamed Bun Invasion and Soft Mist also went offline together.

In a corner where the three of them didn't pay attention, a player with the title of Lanxi Pavilion hanging above his head witnessed all this happened just now...


Xingxin Network Club,

"Someone actually slipped away from your hand?" Chen Guo looked at Ye Xiu with disbelief, and leaned forward to try his forehead with the back of her hand, and then put it on her own forehead for comparison, "Hey, you also I don't have a fever..."

Ye Xiu looked at her helplessly, and added: "There are two opponents, one elemental mage and one ghost swordsman."

"It's still three-on-two...!" Chen Guo suddenly thought of something, and opened her eyes wide: "No...is it a professional player?"

Ye Xiu didn't shy away from it, and nodded slightly: "It is indeed possible, and the possibility is not small. The operation of the Elemental Mage is definitely at a professional level, and the level of the Ghost Swordsman is not low. What's more, the cooperation between the two is quite good. .”

"Haven't you been in the professional circle for more than 8 years? How about it? Have you found out which two professional players these are?" Chen Guo said excitedly.

Ye Xiu gave her a white look: "Please, we haven't reached a conclusion yet, not to mention that it's hard to analyze the specific player's style in these two duels."

Ye Xiu touched his chin, and continued, "And in the professional circle... there is no combination of elemental mages and ghost swordsmen, right? Void has two ghosts, and Misty Rain has elemental mages, but no ghost swordsmen."

"Could it be a player from another small team?" Guoguo thought of a possibility.

"It's possible." Ye Xiu nodded, then re-inserted the card and started the computer.
"What are you doing? Didn't you just quit the game, why are you online again?"

Ye Xiu put on the earphones and said, "Level up, so that when we meet them next time, we won't let them slip away easily."


at the same time,

Glory District 10, Lanxi Pavilion Guild Headquarters,

"...President, this is the situation." Player A said seriously.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken, it's Jun Moxiao himself?" The expression on Lan He's face was already unbelievable, "The one called Trickster, slipped away from Lord Grim?"

Player A: "I promise I read it right!"

"Okay, you go down first." Lan He waved his hands, then sat on the chair and began to think about countermeasures.
Recently, he was really upset by Lord Grim,

Lord Grim blocked the dungeon from entering, and the players in the Blue Creek Pavilion could only fight wild npcs to level up, but the efficiency was too slow, less than one-tenth of the dungeon.

But what can Blue River do?Can't beat Renjun Moxiao...

In fact, Blue River is going to compromise with Lord Grim today, because the leveling speed of the players in Blue Stream Pavilion in the 10th district has dropped a lot, and an ultimatum was issued by the headquarters of the Domain of Gods, asking them to resume leveling as soon as possible.

As for Lord Grim's list of materials, Lanxi Pavilion can definitely provide it, but at least a large piece of meat must be dropped.
But now...an opportunity seems to be in front of me,
As long as this pair of mysterious players who have run out of tricks and exhausted tricks are drawn together, won't they be able to fight Lord Grim?

Damn Lord Grim, monopolize dungeons, right? I'm still uncompromising!

"Come here!" Lan He waved his hand, and the two vice presidents entered the room.
"Mobilize all the players in the 10th district, search for all the traps, use up all the traps, and if you find them, please go back to the Lanxi Pavilion headquarters!"


Lord Grim, wait until I invite the Great Master over to see how you still monopolize the dungeon!

Thinking of this, the only smile in the past few days appeared on Lan He's face...

(End of this chapter)

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