Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 11 Killed halfway... Sleep for another summer?

Chapter 11 Killed halfway... Another summer sleep?
Character loading...

... 99% ... 100%!
After Blossoming Chaos entered the map, Yi Tianming flexed his hand joints, waiting for his opponent to enter the room.

The number of spectators is steadily increasing:


Basically, half of the professional circle came to watch this game, and those who didn't come in either didn't see the group message, or they were outside and didn't have a device to log in.

But even so, the ostentation of these people is comparable to the All-Star lineup, or even worse.

One Leaf Knowing Autumn, Desert Solitary Smoke, Sweeping the Floor and Burning Incense, Wang Buliuxing, Soksar, Misty Rain in Fengcheng, Devil May Cry at Every Mountain... These are all characters that can only be assembled in the All-Star Game!
And now they gathered together just to watch this gimmick-filled battle of "Glory's No. [-] Berserker",
After waiting for quite a while, they still haven't seen Yu Feng's people, and all the great gods couldn't wait any longer.

There was an uproar in the audience,
"Why haven't you seen Fengren yet, Captain Yu, what's the situation with you?" Captain Void asked Li Xuan.

Zhang Xinjie gave a statistic: "To be precise, we waited a total of 8 minutes and 21 seconds."

"Yeah, you guys have been waiting for a long time, Wenzhou, hurry up and remind me." Ye Qiu also echoed.

Yu Wenzhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'll go and have a look."

In the real world, Yu Wenzhou turned his head and asked, "Yu Feng, what's going on, everyone is waiting for you."

Yu Feng showed a helpless expression: "Captain, I don't know why...it's stuck on the loading page and can't get in, and restarting doesn't help."

"Let me see..." Yu Wenzhou came over, and after some operations, he was still stuck. He switched to the game and informed the professional players:

"Well, Yu Feng's device is stuck, and he tried to restart it, but it still doesn't work. Or... another day to make an appointment?"

"Ah?? What happened, this broken system!"

"Oh, it's a bit of a disappointment..."

"Big guy, let's go..."

Seeing that the PK could not be played, all the players in the audience booed,
Just when everyone was about to draw cards and go offline, a virtual character slowly took shape on the map, the character...

Also a Berserker!
Yi Tianming was overjoyed: "Yu Feng came in?"

A group of contestants also focused their attention: "God! I finally came in, and the waiting flowers are all gone."

"Hurry up and start! I want to watch the Imperial City PK!!"

The excitement in the auditorium resumed, and Yi Tianming's desire to win was rekindled. He wanted to prove himself through this duel, and fully confirm the title of Glory's No. [-] Berserker! !
Character loading...


Character loading complete!

But when the character was fully loaded, everyone was stunned.

Where did it load in was Yu Feng's Sharp Wisdom Sword!
It's a player named Sleep Another Summer! !
Coincidentally, this is also a Berserker!

Seeing that it wasn't Yu Feng, Huang Shaotian jumped up and yelled: "Why did this one called Zai Yi Xia come in? I thought it was Yu Feng's Sharp Wisdom Sword that came in! The room manager, kick him! Put this Zai Yixia in." Yi Xia kicked out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system message: [Troublesome Night Rain was asked out of the room by the housekeeper]

"Teach me how to do things?" Ye Qiu's lazy voice sounded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The ears are much cleaner."

"God Ye is too bold..."

"As expected of God Ye, kick him as soon as he says he wants."

"No, he seems to have kicked it before he said it..."

A group of professional young people admired Ye Qiu's resoluteness, and a group of great masters began to analyze the person on the field,

"How did he know the password?" Han Wenqing asked in a low voice.

"Preliminary judgment, it's a random trick." Zhang Xinjie pushed the frame of his glasses.

"Should it be an ordinary player who accidentally came in?" Li Xuan said.

"Ordinary players..." Yu Wenzhou said in a deep voice, he always felt that he had seen this face before, and he couldn't remember it for a while.

But he could tell from the way he slept for another summer that he didn't panic at all, this person was definitely not simple.

When a normal person sees real god-level characters and professional players, his heart would probably jump out of his chest, but this one who slept for another summer just looked around lightly, showing no signs of excitement.

It's not easy...

Han Wenqing and Ye Qiu, the oldest two present at the scene, Han Wenqing looked cold, Ye Qiu had no choice but to jump down to negotiate: "Sorry, brother, our side is a PK room, will you refund it yourself or I will kick it?" go out?"

Straightforward and simple.

At this time, the system prompts again: [Sound of Troubling Rain successfully joined the room]

As soon as he came in, Huang Shaotian started to bombard him with his voice: "Keep, ok, ok, ok...! You bastard, Ye Qiuni, just kicked me without saying a word, I'll never stop with you!"

Sleep for another summer and turn the angle of view, Ye Qiu waved his hand, Huang Shaotian was kicked out again,

System prompt: [Troublesome Night Rain was asked out of the room by the housekeeper]

"Don't pay attention to him, he just came here to make trouble." Ye Qiu said.

Sleep again and Xia Xia chuckled: "Do you want me to quit...Since everyone has come in, why not have a fight."

"It seems that you want me to forcefully kick him out." Ye Qiu smiled and was about to kick someone, but found that the system prompted: [The opponent has started a match and cannot be kicked out]

"Yo, the hand speed is quite fast, so I'm looking for abuse in such a hurry." Ye Qiu was a little surprised, but he didn't care too much, but said to Yi Tianming: "Be gentle, don't bully him too badly. "

Everyone, including Ye Qiu, thought that Sleeping Another Summer was an ordinary player.

Except Yi Tianming,
He was the only one present who knew the real person behind this character,
That is - Sun Zheping!

The former operator of Discord! !The well-deserved No. [-] Berserker of Glory in the past! !

Fight! ! !

As soon as the game started, Zai Yixia launched a provocation on the public channel: "Boy, is the center of the map coming?"

"Come!" Yi Tianming replied.

"Haha, I'm waiting for you at the center of the map!" Sun Zheping maneuvered to sleep for a while and rushed towards the center of the map. This character is a new character he slowly honed after retiring, and his occupation is still Berserker. , but the character's equipment attributes have changed a lot,

Even the character's weapon has changed. The epee in his hand is called [Wufeng], which is a silver weapon.

It's not that he can't make the previous silver weapon [Funeral Flower], but...he doesn't want to.

Don't forget that he was the one who brought the character of Luohuachao into Hundred Blossoms with his own hands. As the person who knows Luohuachao best, if he wanted to make a similar silver weapon, it would be easy.

But Sun Zheping didn't do this, because he felt that many things had changed, and there was no need to make an identical weapon according to the previous attributes.

Because of his hand injury, and playing online games after retiring, he doesn't need such a domineering attribute, so a moderate one is more conducive to the environment of online games.

Sun Zheping made a change,

But there's one thing he hasn't changed, and that's—crazy!

Crazy operation! !
(End of this chapter)

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