Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 105 Tyranny's captain Han Wenqing, the rookie's tactics of the wrath hammer! !

Chapter 105 Tyranny's captain Han Wenqing, the rookie's tactics of the wrath hammer! !
The team of [-] Degrees, in terms of strength, is at the level of the middle and upper reaches of the league. If you are lucky, you can enter the playoffs, but there is only one round...

So overall, their character strength and player strength are still a lot worse than Baihua's.
In the second and third single match, including the group arena match later, Baihua won,

It's already 5:0 before the team match,
Baihuatianhu starts!

The Baihuafen in the auditorium was so excited that they had already started shouting:
"10:0!! 10:0!!"

The atmosphere of the fans of the home team is getting higher and higher, but the fans of the visiting team are completely different. Some fans of [-] degrees even left the field early,

"Labor and capital came all the way to K City to watch this kind of game? They were crushed by their opponents in every aspect!"

"Leave early, and you will lose even worse later. I can't bear to look directly..."

This is what two [-] degrees fans who left the venue early said in an interview with reporters.

Having said that, I followed my team all the way to watch the game, which shows that they are true love, but they left early... It's not safe, but it's understandable,

Some irritable fans may indeed do this kind of thing. What they think in their hearts should be: I would rather waste a ticket and air ticket money than see my team beaten like this!
However, if these two [-] degree fans knew the results of the subsequent team competition, I'm afraid they would regret it...


Let us temporarily focus on another field,

Tyranny, ranked third in the league, faced off against the He Wu team in the middle and lower reaches of the league.

It stands to reason that in such a field with a relatively large difference in strength and weakness, the on-site effect should be average, because usually the strong team crushes the weak team,
But something is different about this game...!
Because Tyranny's ring guard Han Wenqing... didn't appear in the group arena today!

Instead, he took the position of the first singles!
This made Tyranny fans think, isn't today a special day?

Hiss...it doesn't matter what day he is, as long as it's the Korean team, it's something to watch!
In addition, this is Tyranny's home stadium and there are many fans, so the game scene can be described as a sea of ​​joy for Tyranny fans. They chanted to their heart's content:
"Korean team! Korean team! Korean team!"

"Tyranny! Tyranny! Tyranny!"

This is the treatment of wealthy families and top players. As long as Han Wenqing plays, there will never be a lack of cheers dedicated to him on the sidelines.

There are spectators discussing in low voices on the sidelines,

"How long do you think the Korean team will be able to resolve the battle?"

"Within 7 minutes!"

"Six and a half!"


However, both answers are wrong, neither 7 minutes nor six and a half minutes,

But... 3 minutes!Solve the battle at the speed of light!
Eyes shifted to the field,

Tyranny: Han Wenqing, professional boxer, id Desert Dust,

He Wu: Huang Chao, a professional battle mage, id kills with one knife.

Boxer VS Battle Mage, with the flash of the screen, the match officially begins,
Tyranny had the advantage of choosing home maps, but Han Wenqing chose a simple and basic map - Arena.

As soon as the character entered the game, Desert Guy rushed straight towards the opponent,

Han Wenqing's opponent, Huang Chao, is almost a rookie in the professional arena. He made his debut in the seventh season, and his strength is average.
Average strength and average experience are required.
Such a rookie player, the moment Da Mo Gu Yan rushed over, his heart began to panic,

how to spell?
do not know……

Huang Chao's mind went blank. This was his first time facing a god-level character, but he didn't know that it would also be a painful memory for him.

The map of the arena is really not big, Huang Chao's first thought was to avoid fighting, but Han Wenqing's experience is so vicious, he can restrict the opponent's position with every step forward,

Desert Dust soon rushed to the front of Zhanfa,

Reinforced iron bones!Overlord Fist!Knee!Double tiger palms! ...

As soon as he came up to the desert, Guyan attacked with all his strength, which made Xiao Zhanfa even more flustered. How could he cope with it? Facing such a fierce offensive, he had to retreat steadily...

Da Mo Guyan's offensive was wave after wave, and the suppression was very strong, and the opponent was pressed in the corner by him and beat up!Han Wenqing's hand speed also soared, reaching 350+ even faster!

So fierce... What happened to the Korean team today...?
At that moment, Tyranny fans thought they were watching Han Wenqing's youthful game...

Ferocious, decisive, tough fist style, forcibly suppressing opponents,
This is Han Wenqing's style of play when he was young, but as he grows older, his ability to suppress opponents is also gradually decreasing.

But today, this terrifying oppressive power appeared on Da Mo Gu Yan again, which even made all the Tyranny members sigh with emotion: The Korean team played really fiercely today...

However, there was one person in Tyranny's bench who knew something about why Han Wenqing was so aggressive today.
Zhang Xinjie pushed the glasses frame, put his hands on his knees, and watched the game silently.

"Deputy Zhang, why did the Korean team play so fiercely today...?" Bai Yanfei turned his head and asked, he felt that Zhang Xinjie should know something,

Upon hearing this, other team members around turned their heads to the side one after another, wanting to hear Zhang Xinjie explain the situation.

Zhang Xinjie said blankly: "You will find out later."

Zhang Xinjie is known as the King of Efficiency, and Tyranny's team members are very aware of this. They pursue efficiency in everything, and at the same time, they are very, very rigorous. He does everything from eating, sleeping, and resting to the right time. , which shows its rigor.

Hearing this, Tyranny's players had no choice but to give up, they could only turn their eyes back to the field,

Although he couldn't know the answer right away, since Vice Captain Zhang said he would know later, it must be 100% yes.

On the field,

Just two and a half minutes into the game, Desert Guyan still has 83% of his HP left, while his combat style only has 13% left, a difference of 70% between the two!

In the past two and a half minutes, Tactical has been in a passive state of being beaten, while Da Mo Gu Yan has been attacking, playing very fiercely.

boom! !

Da Mo Guyan punched his opponent, Zhan Fa turned his body sideways to dodge, this punch naturally hit the ground, forcibly smashing the ground into a deep hole.

But then, an unexpected scene happened to the audience!

Han Wenqing, who never talked trash, actually did it for the first time today!

public channel,

Damo Guyan: "Why, do you just hide?"

"Because of the predicament, did you choose to escape? Have you forgotten to persist!"

"In this case, what's the point of fighting?!"


Such a scene made everyone in the audience look stupid,
Let's just say, Han Wenqing's words are reasonable, the opponent has indeed been dodging hastily throughout the round,

But after thinking about it, it seems that his words are not just for his opponent...

Looks like someone else...

(End of this chapter)

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