Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 101 Little Moon Moon~

Chapter 101 Little Moon Moon~
"Are you MM or GG? If it's MM, you can do cp, if it's GG, I don't mind~"


"Is there anyone going to do the task together? I'm a newcomer."

"I'm a cute little girl, please help me ~"


Chi-chi, chi-chi, there was a lot of noise in the Newcomer Square.

"It's really lively."

The mechanism waved the sword in his hand, and every character can choose a main class when he first enters the game. Yi Tianming chose the swordsman class.

There are a total of swordsmen in the department: Berserker, Swordsman, Ghost Swordsman, Demon Swordsman,

Of course, what Yi Tianming wants to play is not Berserker, but another profession——Ghost Swordsman. However, he can only become a Ghost Swordsman after level 20. To be precise, his current role is a casual person.
After choosing the main class, he can receive a weapon from the system. He chose a Taidao, but the system gave him everything he knew, and the quality was not very good.

"What a cute newcomer~" Standing beside the trap, there is a female character whose id has exhausted the trap.

As for the real body of this female character, everyone must have guessed that it is Chu Yunxiu.

Exhausted organs, exhausted organs,
This pair of ids was discussed by Yi Tianming and Chu Yunxiu before. Because of the turmoil in online games before, the word "flower" in the name will always remind people of Baihua.
In order to avoid unnecessary trouble,

This time Yi Tianming learned how to be good, hey, without flowers, it happens to be able to use the couple name with Miss Chu,
one stone two bird.

"Let's go, let's go to the task." The agency waved its hands as far as possible, and the two walked towards the river.

Currently, the two characters are both at level 9. They are going to do experience tasks to upgrade to level 10, and then go to the dungeon to gain experience, so that they can level up faster.

The two came to the shore,

In front of you is a relatively spacious river. There are 5 big rocks in the middle of the river. If you want to cross the river, you have to jump over these 5 rocks. The game company is still very silver. In order to take care of new players, the river water The flow rate is quite slow,

But even so, there are still many players standing on the shore. Judging from their wet clothes, they should have just climbed out of the water.

In terms of numbers, there are quite a few players who can't cross the river. They all surround the bank tightly, and it's not easy to squeeze through.

"Sigh... this river is so sad. I heard from a friend to play this game called Glory, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

"It's just...too difficult..."

Two drowned chickens are on the shore, you are complaining about each other...

"Let's go, follow my footsteps." The organ counted several rhythmic jumps, and jumped from the crowded bank to the first stone in the river in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, I have successfully crossed 5 stones and reached the opposite bank.

Such a scene caused an uproar among the new players on the shore,
"Suspect~ what flew over?"

"I'll go, I just drank my saliva, why did this person rush to the opposite side?"

"Flow batch, big brother please take me!!"

"Big Brother, Big Brother~"

da da... da da...

Before the group of new players finished speaking, another figure soared into the sky, passed through the crowd, and arrived at the opposite bank in the blink of an eye.
A bunch of new players with dazed faces were left standing in place.

"I'm going! Why did another one pass by?"

"Two big guys..."

Since they were too far away to see clearly, they had no choice but to memorize the ids of the two of them, counting and exhausting their traps.

Not long after the two walked away, another figure soared into the sky. Compared with the previous two, the difference between this new figure was the strange weapon in his hand,
The first is its appearance, like an umbrella, but if you think about it, is there any profession in Glory whose weapon is an umbrella?

Maybe not.

With a bang, the figure crossed the river three times and twice, which made the new player have to remember another ID: Lord Grim.


Level 10 copy port,

There are already many players who have reached level 10 standing here, and they are different from the group of players who can't even cross the river. As the so-called new area land reclamation fish and dragons are mixed, who knows if there are veterans behind the characters?
Among this group of players, some even have the names of guilds on their heads,
"Someone created a guild so soon." The agency glanced at the crowd and sighed with emotion.

"Hmm, why don't you just find a team to join? If you talk about it earlier, you might be able to meet a hidden boss, get a first kill record or something." Exhausted mechanism said,
Naturally it was Chu Yunxiu's voice, but unlike the big Fengcheng Misty Rain, she played female characters in the new district, and finally no longer a "shemale".

"It's a good suggestion." The agency nodded and began to look for a suitable team.

Suddenly, four large characters caught his eyes——

Lunar Guild.

"Hiss...the Luna Guild? Interesting." The agency said hello, and then walked diagonally forward.

A level 10 player was looking for teammates at the entrance of the dungeon, with the name of the Lunar Guild hanging above his head, and this player's id—Sleep in the Moon.

Sleeping Moon has already recruited 2 players, one with a cross and one with an automatic pistol. Both of them are novices.

"Hey, don't miss it when you pass by, is there anyone who brushes the book together!" Sleeping Moon shouted desperately, but those players didn't like to talk to him,

Because there are still many big guild teams recruiting people, such as Lanxi Pavilion, Baqixiongtu, Zhongcaotang, Baihuagu...

Compared to the unknown Lunar Guild, these new players are still more willing to choose a well-known guild.

"Brother, do you want to brush the book together? You can pass the level!" Sleeping Moon greeted a "new" player passing by. He put his shoulders on his shoulders with a friendly expression.

"No need." Unexpectedly, this person was not interested at all, so he pushed Sleeping Moon's hand away and walked towards another group of people.

"Cut! What are you pretending to be like? I'm not a stranger to taking you with me!" Sleeping Moon rolled his eyes at this person's back, but if he knew the person's true identity, it might be too late to flatter him.

Because this person's id: Blue River.


When Sleeping Moon was worrying about the lack of people, a voice that made him dazed sounded,

"Xiao Yueyue? Is there a shortage of people? I happen to have two people here."

There was a hint of a smile in his tone, but it was hidden so deeply that he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully.

Sleeping Moon looked up, and saw that the trap holding the sword had been exhausted,
"You...you call me Xiao Yueyue? Shit! What do you mean!?" Sleeping Moon finally came to her senses, and roared at the person in front of her,
It's hard not to get angry when a big man is called "Xiao Yueyue" by others.

"Well, it's not interesting, I mean, do you want to play the book together?" Yi Tianming forcibly held back his smile and said this sentence.

"Hey, Xiao Yueyue, did you give him a nickname?" Chu Yunxiu's voice came from the earphones, she covered her mouth and asked in a low voice, afraid that she might not be able to hold back her laughter.

"Uh huh...that's right~" The agency shrugged and showed a very natural expression, making it seem like he and Xiao Yueyue are very familiar.

He pouted at Sleeping Moon with all his organs: "You two knew each other before?"

"I don't know..." Yi Tianming admitted honestly.

"Then you still give people nicknames like this?"

"What's wrong, what a nice nickname."


Exhausting the organ is a whisper whispered on the shoulder of the organ. Fortunately, the conversation between the two of them was not overheard by Sleeping Moon, otherwise people would definitely not take these two people with them.

"Hmph! You two come here quickly, start the dungeon!" Yue Zhongmian still held a grudge against "Xiao Yueyue" just now, and his tone was not very friendly.
"Well, here we come." After a few high jumps after running out of tricks and running out of tricks, they came to the entrance of the dungeon, and the two accepted the team invitation sent by Sleeping Moon. Accidental injury of skills.

"You guys go in first, I'll turn down the settings." Sleeping Moon waved to the four of them, signaling them to go in first,
As the four stepped into the copy,

Sleeping Moon showed a smug smile, he regarded these four as pure newcomers, and at the same time he still had his own little thoughts,
"Hehe, I asked you to give me a nickname. In the dungeon, you will feel better!"

(End of this chapter)

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